[net.misc] who to vote against

sms (11/02/82)

Fondness for money is as much a disqualification for the spiritual government
of Humanity, as political ambition.  It is a clear proof of moral incompetence,
which is generally connected in one way or other with intellectual feebleness.

	Auguste Comte

gary (11/03/82)

Some people believe that ANY government is better than no government at all:
your vote only encourages them.

                            one who voted anyway,
                                gary cottrell

gary (11/03/82)

Some people believe ANY goverment is better than no government at all:
your vote only encourages them. (paraphrase of Dan O'Neill of Odds Bodkins)

                                one who voted anyway,
                                  gary cottrell

roderick (11/04/82)

Re article mhtsa.233:

I generally follow the Prime Directive as regards the net (NO interference)
but ....

Either you've got religion real BAD, or one of the network nodes is dropping
bits midstream.