[net.micro.mac] Remote-initiated file xfers with Red Ryder

s255@sol1.UUCP (alcmist) (01/25/86)

I've seen the claim made that Red Ryder does not support unattended file 
transfers initiated by a remote computer.  This is not correct.

Red Ryder can be set in a passive mode in which it will receive *or send* 
a file (using Kermit, Xmodem, or straight ASCII) in response to commands
coming in over the modem line.  This is a documented feature of all 
versions since 4.0 (at least).

Fred Wamsley   ihnp4!sol1!s255

dafa@ihwpt.UUCP (David Fay) (01/29/86)

> I've seen the claim made that Red Ryder does not support unattended file 
> transfers initiated by a remote computer.  This is not correct.

It's true that in Host Mode Red Ryder can receive files passively. However,
this is done in an idiosyncratic way. In particular it is not done as
Dennis Brothers suggested in his MacBinary proposal. Instead, to do
a sender-initiated XMODEM transfer to Red Ryder, the sender must
first send it the command "RECX filename". RR responds with
"Ready to Receive...", which the sender must ignore. Finally it starts
sending out NAKs until the transfer begins.

Now I'm sure this way of doing things works fine when you only have
to send files to Red Ryder. But it sure makes life difficult for the
sender, if it doesn't know what kind of terminal program is on the
other end. I would strongly urge anyone writing a terminal program
in the future to avoid such idiosyncrasies and to accomodate Brothers' 
proposal to let "ESC b" initiate a MacBinary transfer (and for
backward compatibility, to let "ESC a" initiate a MacTerminal

David Fay
AT&T Bell Laboratories
Naperville, IL 60566