[net.micro.mac] Big screen for the Mac?

dan@ttds.UUCP (02/02/86)

Is there any supplier of kits that make the screen bigger?
The size of a Lisa would perhaps be ok, but I understand they are
no longer sold.
I have also heard that you can emulate Mac on a Cadmus. How good is that,
and how does it work?
Is there an emulator of the Mac on a SUN too?

Many questions waiting for an answers from

	Dan Sahlin              ..!mcvax!enea!ttds!dan

mazlack@ernie.berkeley.edu.BERKELEY.EDU (Lawrence J. &) (02/12/86)

>Is there any supplier of kits that make the screen bigger?
>The size of a Lisa would perhaps be ok, but I understand they are
>no longer sold.

This is a real Mac need that rumor at one time said that is was going
to be solved by "Modular Mac".

I would suggest trying to get a Lisa 2. Make sure to get one with a hard
disk (either an internal 10 meg, or an external 5-10 meg Profile).

Apple is still selling them directly to developers.