[net.micro.mac] Downloading with MacTerminal 2.0

jeff@mit-eddie.UUCP (Jeff Mattson) (02/14/86)

I'm trying to download files with the new version of MacTerminal (2.0) using
the barest system possible (a 128K Mac with one disk drive).  When
downloading a file with the "macput" command (using the MacTerminal 1.1
protocol), I have to put my MacTerminal document on the disk I want to save
to, just like I did with MacTerminal 1.1.  Here's where the problem starts.
When I try to start up MacTerminal with the document and application on
different disks, I switch disks a couple of times and eventually the program
bombs with ID=28 (which translates into "Stack has moved into application
heap").  If I start out with the document and application both on the same
disk and try to save the document to another disk with the "Save As..."
option, I switch disks a couple of times and eventually the program bombs
with ID=28.  This problem never happened with the old version.

Also, when I try to download using the other XModem protocols to a disk
other than the one that the MacTerminal document is on, I'll get a window
telling me that there is not enogh space on the disk that I'm downloading
to, even though I know there is.  My guess is that it's checking the disk
the document is on, not the disk I'm downloading to.

Anybody know what I could do about these problems?  These really make it
impossible for me to download from a Unix host.  Sigh!

			   Don't dream it; BE IT!
			     	Jeff Mattson
			      497-3980  (work)
			      424-7226  (home)
			    24 Westland Ave. #10
			      Boston, MA 02115