dgc@ucla-cs.UUCP (02/18/86)
Using macwrite or microsoft word, how can you create second level subscripts or superscripts when the printer is the laserwriter? To do this using the imagewriter was easy. Special fonts were created which had the desired characters in the superscript or subscript position (i.e. raised or lowered); this could be done easily, using any of a number of available font editors. Then for a subscript on a subscript, two steps were required: (1) Put the wordprocessor in the subscript mode and then (2) Select the special font. Mactracks made this easy. Of course, you could do this using the laserwriter, but you would get smooothed mac fonts, rather than the much nicer laserwriter fonts. More generally, how does you create new characters? Both the laser- writer and the mac permit this seperately, but how do you combine them for use in a standard word processor? dgc David G. Cantor ARPA: dgc@LOCUS.UCLA.EDU UUCP: ...!{ihnp4, randvax, sdcrdcf, ucbvax}!ucla-cs!dgc