[net.micro.mac] Mac to MacPlus upgrades by 3rd party?

mdw@wucec2.UUCP (02/19/86)

I had my Mac upgraded from 128K to 512K by a third party.  I have heard
that the upgrades to the Mac+ that Apple announced are not available
for people who have done this.  Does anyone know of any companies planning
to come out with upgrade packages with the new rom and internal disk drive?
If not, how about what price is Apple planning on charging for the 1000's of
us who went the 3rd party route to avoid ridiculous prices on Apples part?

                 Mike Watson

jimb@amdcad.UUCP (Jim Budler) (02/21/86)

In article <1368@wucec2.UUCP> mdw@wucec2.UUCP writes:
>I had my Mac upgraded from 128K to 512K by a third party.  I have heard
>that the upgrades to the Mac+ that Apple announced are not available
>for people who have done this.  Does anyone know of any companies planning

The word I got was that they were available for the same price as
the upgrade for a 128K Mac, i.e.:

	Upgrade Official 512 -> Mac+		$599 + $299(rom&disk)
	Upgrade 128 -> Mac+			$799 + $299
	Upgrade 3rd pty. 512 -> Mac+		$799 + $299

I assume that there may be some qualifications on the later, i.e. a real
butcher job doesn't qualify. But that's my opinion.
 Jim Budler
 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
 (408) 749-5806
 Usenet: {ucbvax,decwrl,ihnp4,allegra,intelca}!amdcad!jimb
 Compuserve:	72415,1200

hammen@puff.UUCP (Zaphod Beeblebrox) (02/21/86)

In article <1368@wucec2.UUCP>, mdw@wucec2.UUCP writes:
> I had my Mac upgraded from 128K to 512K by a third party.  I have heard
> that the upgrades to the Mac+ that Apple announced are not available
> for people who have done this.  Does anyone know of any companies planning
> to come out with upgrade packages with the new rom and internal disk drive?
> If not, how about what price is Apple planning on charging for the 1000's of
> us who went the 3rd party route to avoid ridiculous prices on Apples part?
>                  thanks,
>                  Mike Watson

Once again this rumor rears its head in Usenet.  The Mac + upgrades are
available to those who have upgraded/hacked/destroyed their motherboards. If
you have a modified board, you can do the motherboard swap for the price of a
128K --> Mac + upgrade (~$799--$200 more than the 512K --> Mac + upgrade).
You can get the ROM/drive for the same price as someone with an unmodified main
board (assuming that the modifications done haven't messed around w/the ROM
sockets or drive).
				Robert J. Hammen
				U of Wisc. CS Dept.
				U of Wisc. Plasma Physics Dept.
				Manta Software Corp.
				{ihnp4, seismo, allegra}!uwvax!puff!hammen

	Life.....don't talk to me about life......

mlr0@bunny.UUCP (Martin Resnick) (02/22/86)

> I had my Mac upgraded from 128K to 512K by a third party.  I have heard
> that the upgrades to the Mac+ that Apple announced are not available
> for people who have done this.  Does anyone know of any companies planning
> to come out with upgrade packages with the new rom and internal disk drive?
> If not, how about what price is Apple planning on charging for the 1000's of
> us who went the 3rd party route to avoid ridiculous prices on Apples part?
>                  thanks,
>                  Mike Watson

The upgrade policy allows for 3rd party modified boards.  The pricing is
as follows:

1) 800K internal drive and new ROMS	$299

2) New logic board  -- requires upgrade #1
	512K Standard Mac		$599
	128K Standard Mac		$799
	Modified Mac			$799

In your specific case, you can get the new ROM and internal 800K disk drive
for $299 from your dealer when available.

If you want the additional upgrade of the new logic board, it will cost you
an additional $200.

tdn@spice.cs.cmu.edu (Thomas Newton) (02/22/86)

The Mac+ upgrades are available to people who have third-party upgrades, but
for the purposes of upgrading the logic board, Apple is treating all modified
Macs as if they were 128K Macs.

                                        -- Thomas Newton

tim@ism780c.UUCP (Tim Smith) (02/24/86)

You can get the ROM/disk upgrade for the same price as anyone else.
The board swap to the full Mac+ is the same price as it would be if
you had a 128k Mac, i.e., $200 more than for a 512k.  So if you got
your third party upgrade for a reasonable price ( ~$200 ) you are
comming out ahead of the people who had Apple memory upgrades.
Tim Smith       sdcrdcf!ism780c!tim || ima!ism780!tim || ihnp4!cithep!tim