[net.micro.mac] HFS / MacPlus incompatible with ...

benn@sphinx.UChicago.UUCP (T Cox) (02/11/86)

>From "View From The Mac", put out by VFTM Pblications Co., Inc. of
Chicago, reprinted without permission, from Vol. 2, #2 [February 1986]:

Initial Software Preclusions ...

   Apple Computer, Inc. had warned that software developed without 
regard to the Macintosh Interface Standard would have operating
difficulties on the new Hierarchial [sic] Filing System and perhaps the
new Finder 5.1 as well.  It is a practical impossibility to test all the 
existing software to see what works [...] but here's an initial report
which we fear may be the "tip of an iceberg". [...]

COPY II MAC(tm) TOOLS  are inoperative and operation of program itself
	is intermittant.  The only tools we could reliably use where
	ResEdit and REdit.

MAC-SPELL-RIGHT(tm)  hangs up completely on the Mac-Plus which appears to be
	an addressing problem not an HFS related difficulty.

SWITCHER from Apple itself has difficulty finding applications to open from a
	predetermined "set" due to the HFS technique not looking into

MICROSOFT BASIC  encounters HFS problems when seeking to open a file from 
	within a non-opened folder.  This is typical of the HFS.

RED RYDER(tm) will not open from the new System/Finder but is "under
	revision" with Scott Watson pointing his finger at an alleged "bug"
	in MacPlus ROM.

PAGEMAKER(tm)  cannot open MacDraw documents created under the new Finder
	which is a severe limitation leading to this problems [sic] in 
	creating this issue.

The above comments from "View From The Mac" are Copyright c 1986 by
VFTM Publication Co., Inc.  

I don't know if they are right or not.  I am waiting on my MacPlus upgrade
until I hear about RedRyder.  The HFS sounds like a Large-Scale Insect to 
me.  [Read that "big bug".]  Comments to the net; questions to /dev/null.
I don't even own most of the above programs.

Fixes to the publishers and to the net, by all means!

T Cox
...ihnp4!gargoyle!sphinx!benn   benn%sphinx@uchicago.bitnet

hrt@ut-sally.UUCP (Henry Tirri) (02/13/86)

In article <1622@sphinx.UChicago.UUCP> benn@sphinx.UChicago.UUCP (T Cox) writes:
>>From "View From The Mac", put out by VFTM Pblications Co., Inc. of
>Chicago, reprinted without permission, from Vol. 2, #2 [February 1986]:
>Initial Software Preclusions ...
>   Apple Computer, Inc. had warned that software developed without 
>regard to the Macintosh Interface Standard would have operating
>difficulties on the new Hierarchial [sic] Filing System and perhaps the
>new Finder 5.1 as well.  It is a practical impossibility to test all the 
>existing software to see what works [...] but here's an initial report
>which we fear may be the "tip of an iceberg". [...]
>COPY II MAC(tm) TOOLS  are inoperative and operation of program itself

I can confirm all those (as I have had my Mac+ more than a week) except
Pagemaker which I have not tested. Switcher 4.6 works properly
(but is unbearably slow in  booting). Unfortunately I could add to the
list at least a dozen other software products: Megamax C,
Conculair C (both work at least partially if all the files are at the 
top level) and
PD RAMStart... Many of the copy protected games I have tried (and
Overvue 2.0) suffer from an annoying problem: I can run them on Mac+
but there is no way of getting the advantage of 800K drive since I 
don't seem to be able (for one reason or another) to get them work
on double-sided disks. For example the authorization scheme used in
Overvue2.0 only produces a "Demo-copy" whatever I do.

It seems to be, that for a (hopefully) short period I have returned
to time whn there wasn't too much software for my Mac. However,
I think most of the major developers are aware of the problems and
should have Mac+ compatible products soon. Having a Mac128 and
Mac+ side by side I must admit that some progress has been made ....

Henry Tirri
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Texas at Austin

spector@acf4.UUCP (David HM Spector) (02/14/86)

Correction:  Consulair Corp.'s MacC version 4.5 and greater work fine
with HFS.  I have been using my Macintosh 512K with HFS  with no 
problems.  In fact, its a bit faster because it doesn't have to cache all 
those filenames, et al...

					David HM Spector
					NYU/acf Systems Group

hargus@sigma.UUCP (Brian Hargus) (02/24/86)

> In article <1622@sphinx.UChicago.UUCP> benn@sphinx.UChicago.UUCP (T Cox) writes:
> >[]
> >>From "View From The Mac", put out by VFTM Pblications Co., Inc. of
> >Chicago, reprinted without permission, from Vol. 2, #2 [February 1986]:
> >
> >Initial Software Preclusions ...
> >
> >   Apple Computer, Inc. had warned that software developed without 
> >regard to the Macintosh Interface Standard would have operating
> >difficulties on the new Hierarchial [sic] Filing System and perhaps the
> >new Finder 5.1 as well.  It is a practical impossibility to test all the 
> >existing software to see what works [...] but here's an initial report
> >which we fear may be the "tip of an iceberg". [...]
> >
> >COPY II MAC(tm) TOOLS  are inoperative and operation of program itself
> .......
> ......
> ......
> I can confirm all those (as I have had my Mac+ more than a week) except
> Pagemaker which I have not tested...

I can confirm that Pagemaker 1.1 does run with the Mac+ as well as on the
new ROMS under HFS. However, with the new Chooser, the laserwriter must be
named 'LaserWriter' or Pagemaker may not be able to find it. Also, under
HFS, it occasionally cannot find Aldus Prep and the Help Folder. However, I
understand that PageMaker 1.2 (due out in March at no charge to 1.1 owners)
has fixed these minor problems. I've been running Pagemaker on my new Mac+
and it works great - with the expanded memory environment and with either
the Switcher or the RAM cache program, it runs very swiftly.


lsr@apple.UUCP (Larry Rosenstein) (02/28/86)

In article <625@sigma.UUCP> hargus@sigma.UUCP (Brian Hargus) writes:
>I can confirm that Pagemaker 1.1 does run with the Mac+ as well as on the
>new ROMS under HFS.
>                                                             Also, under
>HFS, it occasionally cannot find Aldus Prep and the Help Folder.

I used PageMaker 1.0 (or maybe 1.1) on a machine with HFS with no problems.
Even if Pagemaker doesn't find the files it very nicely asks you to insert
the disk containing them and proceeds from there.  

You should also be able to put the Aldus Prep and Help files in the system
folder (and maybethe folder containing Pagemaker) and run with no problems.
There is a feature of HFS, which is mentioned in a Technical Note (#24),
where calls that open files search both the default directory and the System

Larry Rosenstein

Object Specialist
Apple Computer

UUCP:  {voder, nsc, ios, mtxinu, dual}!apple!lsr
CSNET: lsr@Apple.CSNET