[net.micro.mac] rs422 on Lisa/XL ?

broome@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU (Jonathan C. Broome) (03/08/86)


I'd like to use my Lisa 2/10 to control devices (theatrical lighting 
dimmers) equipped with an rs422 port.  Does anyone know if either of
the Lisa ports actually support rs422, or are they just weird rs232 ports
(based on the pinouts)?  My local dealer doesn't know, and others I've 
spoken to think that it may be capable (usually mentioning the AppleTalk
stuff at the same time), but noone seems to really be sure.  If it can't
do 422, are there any converter boxes available?  (What exactly is the
difference between rs232 and 422 besides the number of wires, anyway?)

Also, I need to be able to service the serial line very quickly, and
it seems that doing it directly with low-level hardware control would
be better than through the serial manager - pre-emptive interrupt-driven 
as opposed to having to poll the manager, for instance - and would appreciate
any advice or code samples anyone might have for this as well.

Thanks much,
 --- Jonathan Broome

          UUCP    ...!ucbvax!broome
          ARPA    broome@ucbvax.berkeley.edu