[net.micro.mac] Damn Dealers!

gwe@cbdkc1.UUCP ( George Erhart x4021 CB 3D288 RNB ) (03/24/86)


First, for those of you with 128K machines wishing to get the new ROMs and
disk ... forget it! A friend locally tried the new upgrade and it wouldn't

My friend took his machine back and had the upgrade reversed and his money
refunded. He then asked what it would cost to get the 512k upgrade so he could
use the ROM/Disk upgrade ... Answer $450! My friend decides that that is too 
much and asks if they will upgrade his machine after he gets a 3rd party
512k upgrade. The store answers No!

I seem to recall Apple stating clearly that the ROM/disk upgrade would be 
available to *all*, regardless of any 3rd party upgrades. This is an 
important question to me, as I have a 2 meg Levco upgraded Mac. There
is a large potential for dealers to jerk us 3rd party people around on
this question. Does Apple have a number to call to complain about one
of their dealer's shafting a customer?

PS. The dealer was MicroCenter in Columbus, Ohio. Has anyone else had problems?

George Erhart at AT&T Bell Laboratories Columbus, Ohio 
614-860-4021 {ihnp4,cbosgd}!cbdkc1!gwe

dafa@ihwpt.UUCP (David Fay) (03/27/86)

> I seem to recall Apple stating clearly that the ROM/disk upgrade would be 
> available to *all*, regardless of any 3rd party upgrades

Many dealers seem to be confused about this. I had to have my local
dealer contact the Chicago Apple office to confirm Apple's policy
(which you state correctly). Have your dealer call Apple if he doesn't
believe you. Otherwise find another dealer. You should also look for
some discount through your local Mac club. We got the upgrade for
$240 in quantity 30. I heard that NYMUG got it for $210.

What your friend should do is to find someone upgrading from a 512K
to a Mac+. Just before they go in for the upgrade, have your friend
give them his 128K board and $200. In return, he gets the 512K
board. The $200 covers the added cost of upgrading to Mac+ from
128K instead of 512K. Then he should have no trouble running the
new ROM and disk drive. Our local dealer is even doing the board
swaps for our club members with 128Ks. Whenever he gets a 512K in
on a Mac+ upgrade, he holds it and uses it to upgrade a 128K (he charges
$200 for this and makes ~$70 profit on the deal). You might suggest
to your local dealer that he do likewise. It's not a bad profit for
about ten minutes work.
David Fay
AT&T Bell Laboratories
Naperville, IL 60566