[net.micro.mac] Bitsmoothing on the Apple Laserwriter

km@emory.UUCP (Ken Mandelberg) (04/06/86)

I know this a topic that has been discussed before, but I don't think I
have heard a definitive answer.

I would like to take the postscript output generated by a Mac including
output with bitmaps (say from macpaint) and print them on an Apple
Laserwriter not attached to Appletalk.  I currently have a postscript
header that can be prepended to Mac-generated postscript output, and
provides the necessary quickdraw definitions. It works on everything
except the bitmaps.

Apparently the reason for this is that Apple considers its bit
smoothing algorithm for printing bitmaps on the laserwriter
proprietary, and on Appletalk the Mac actualy downloads some 68000
machine code to do the work.

What seems to be needed is a header with this code that can be
downloaded from the RS-232, with the other quickdraw definitions.
Failing this, I guess a substitute postscript routine to approximate it
would probably do.

Has anyone worked this out?
Ken Mandelberg
Emory University
Dept of Math and CS
Atlanta, Ga 30322

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