hamachi@ERNIE.BERKELEY.EDU (Gordon Hamachi) (04/16/86)
Here's a reposting of information I got from the MacQ BBS: PATCHING OF RAMSTART VERSIONS 1.21 AND 1.22 TO OPERATE WITH MAC 128K ROM'S: This file contains information on patching of the freeware program RamStart, to operate correctly with the new Mac ROM's referred to above. Par- ticularly, these patches allow the ramdisk to be used automatically at startup to create a new startup ramdisk containing System and Finder files. It is this function which RamStart (and other ramdisks) lost with the advent of the new ROM's. Information on patching both versions of the program is given, since while many BBS's here and there carry version 1.22, the most current version available on MAUG is version 1.21. I was going to upload a patched version of the program, but am not sure that's proper without the author's OK. (I'm simply a frustrated ramdisk user driven crazy by the inability of all current (4/8/86) ramdisks to work automatically on startup with the new ROM's.) The information contained here--and all credit for getting it to MAUG-- belongs to Gary Boudreaux, CIS PPN 76344,2426, who had access to the RamStart source and came up with these patches. The patching can be undertaken with MacTools, Fedit, MacZap or similar utilities which are capable of searching for text strings and then writing changed ones to disk. ************************************* To patch version 1.21: In sector $0C, offset $B4, replace 4EBA 0682 with 4E71 4E71 In sector $0D, offset $17A, replace 6700 0012 006E 8000 with 6000 0012 006E 8000 If you're using a hard disk, you may need to apply the following patch (Gary had to use it for both the Corvus and the Warp Nine): In sector $06, offset $190, replace 41FA 0388 with 6000 000C The symptom for this last problem is a message "can't find our drive #". ************************************* To patch version 1.22: In sector $0C, offset $36, replace 4EBA 0678 with 4E71 4E71 In sector $0D, offset $F8, replace 6700 0012 006E 8000 with 6000 0012 006E 8000 If you're using a hard disk, you may need to apply the following patch (Gary had to use it for both the Corvus and the Warp Nine): In sector $06, offset $132, replace 41FA 0384 with 6000 000A The symptom for this last problem is a message "can't find our drive #". *********************************** To his original work, Gary added the following note: " RamStart uses a DRVR 10, which is a problem if you're using AppleTalk. To get around this, pick a driver number which isn't being used in your system file, and use ResEdit to change the DRVR number in RamStart (I used 11 on my system)." I can personally verify from a week of heavy use the flawless operation of the patches on v.1.21, but if you get into trouble with these patches, you're on your own. If any of you are not familiar with this excellent free ramdisk, it is in DL1 here as RAMSTA.BIN. Information on its use is obtained by clicking the "Help" button while running the program. PLEASE read that info.,and particularly note that you SHOULD NOT try to copy to another disk the System File which you've created on this ramdisk. (This is different from Assimilation's disk, and important if--for example--you're thinking about updating all 200 of your old System disks with the System file from the ramdisk.)