[net.micro.mac] Draw to Paint conversion

ching@amd.UUCP (Mike Ching) (04/12/86)

I have a MacDraw document that I would like to post but feel that it
would be preferable to post a MacPaint equivalent since MacPaint is
universal while there may be interested parties who do not have
MacDraw.  Unfortunately I can not figure out how to convert the
document.  I can clip the page but can only paste a portion into the
Paint window, and clipping portions of the document is hampered by
the need to include all of an object in the clipping region.  This
makes it difficult to use rectangular clipping regions for easy
reassembly in MacPaint.  Anybody have any suggestions?  I suppose I
could paste it into MacWrite...

Thanks for any help.
Mike Ching

sac@well.UUCP (Steve Cisler) (04/13/86)

user groups would have it.  If not, send me email or call Pinole
Library, 415 758 2741.

darin@ut-dillo.UUCP (Darin Adler) (04/15/86)

In article <2389@amd.UUCP>, ching@amd.UUCP (Mike Ching) writes:
> I have a MacDraw document that I would like to post but feel that it
> would be preferable to post a MacPaint equivalent since MacPaint is
> universal while there may be interested parties who do not have
> MacDraw. ... I suppose I could paste it into MacWrite...

If you want to post a MacDraw document in a "universal" fashion, please
paste it into MacWrite rather than MacPaint.  A picture in a MacWrite
document can be moved back into MacDraw and edited as a collection of
drawing objects.  But, if you past a picture into MacPaint, the resulting
picture is a collection of bits, and you cannot re-construct the original
MacDraw document without a lot of work.

Darin Adler	...!ut-sally!ut-ngp!ut-dillo!darin

ngg@bridge2.UUCP (04/18/86)

> I have a MacDraw document that I would like to post but feel that it
> would be preferable to post a MacPaint equivalent since MacPaint is
> universal while there may be interested parties who do not have
> MacDraw.  Unfortunately I can not figure out how to convert the
> document.  I can clip the page but can only paste a portion into the
> Paint window, and clipping portions of the document is hampered by
> the need to include all of an object in the clipping region.  This
> makes it difficult to use rectangular clipping regions for easy
> reassembly in MacPaint.  Anybody have any suggestions?  I suppose I
> could paste it into MacWrite...
> Thanks for any help.
> Mike Ching
> ...!decwrl!amd!ching

There is a utility I've seen on Compuserve that Converts Draw Documents
to Paint. In liu of finding this Utility, another option would be Paint
Cutter from Silicon Beach Software. this should allow you to select and copy
the entire Draw document and paste it into Paint Cutter. Last but not least
is soon from Ann Arbor Softworks is FullPaint and soon from Silicon Beach is
SuperPaint, both of these MacPaint replacements will allow full page cut &

				Norm Goodger
				Bridge Comm.

dad@mit-vax.UUCP (David Duff) (04/24/86)

In article <163@bridge2.UUCP> ngg@bridge2.UUCP writes:
>> I have a MacDraw document that I would like to post but feel that it
>> would be preferable to post a MacPaint equivalent since MacPaint is
>> universal while there may be interested parties who do not have
>> MacDraw.  Unfortunately I can not figure out how to convert the
>> document.....
>There is a utility I've seen on Compuserve that Converts Draw Documents
>to Paint. .....

My sugestion would be to post it in some way which would preserve the
"abstract" graphic objects that the drawing is composed of.  This
makes your posting much more useful for several reasons:

	- It is more "device independent" in some sense.  That is, it
can be printed out on higher resolution device (like the laserwriter)
with better results.
	- The size of the posting will most likely be much smaller.
MacPaint stores images as compressed bitmaps, while MacDraw stores
them as lines, polygons, etc.  MacDraw docs. tend to be much smaller.
	- Macpaint is not an effective way of dealing with anything
bigger than the size of the screen.
	- Macpaint is not really a standard anymore.  It is no longer
given away with new mac's and there are  some much more powerful
graphics editors available for the same price.

I guess you were reluctant to post the macdraw doc because you thought
that not many people have draw.  That may be the case, so if you want
to post something in a form that will be most useful to most people,
post a clipboard or scrapbook file containing the picture.  That way
everyone can use it.  (Even people who only have macWrite but not Draw
or Paint).