[net.micro.mac] Mac Development Tools

csfred@violet.berkeley.edu.UUCP (04/30/86)

Here are a few development tools I would recommend to people interested
in Macintosh software development.  Besides compilers, I've listed books,
magazines, and other sources of information.  After each product, I've 
tried to list the manufacturer or author.  I'm doing this from 
memory, so if I get anything wrong, please correct the list and don't be


	Mac C - Consulair
		A very good development system. The only development
		system that fully supports HFS and the new ROMs.
		I coauthored a book on Macintosh C development, and this
		was the compiler we used for the code examples.

	Aztec C - Manx
		Also a very good development system.  Uses a
		Unix-like shell for development

	LightSpeed C - Think Technologies
		Reasonably priced, VERY fast development system.
		It's new so more experience with its reliability
		is needed.  Also, there is no inline assembly
		language, but it is still a good development 

There are other C compilers:

none of which I know much about.

People are naturally going to ask, "Which do you use?". From 1984
until two months ago, I used Consulair.  Its great.  If you need
a C development system now, Consulair as well as Aztec and LightSpeed
will do the job.  I own all three and they are all good development

As of February I've been using a devlopment system that unfortunately
won't be commercially available for at least 5 to 7 months.  It is far
more powerful than any Mac development system I know of.  I love it.  I
really wish I could talk about it or review it, but I can't.


	MacLanguage Series Pascal - TML Systems
		The only Pascal Compiler for the Mac.
		From everyone I've talked to, a very
		good and reasonably priced system.

	MacPascal 2.0 - Apple
		An good interpreter from Apple.  Now not
		copy protected and also has a runtime
		module so that people can run your MacPascal
		programs without MacPascal.  Debatable as to 
		whether it would be called a development 
		system or not.

Other Languages:

There are other languages out on the market but I can speak with
no authority on any of them.  I'll leave that to others.  There are 
at least:

3 - Lisp Compilers/Interpreters
1 - SmallTalk environment
3 - BASIC Compilers/Interpreters
1 - FORTRAN Compiler
2 - Modula 2 Compilers
3 - 68000 Assemblers
3 - Forths
1 - APL
1 - Prolog
1 - Neon


MacsBug - Apple
	Apple's debugger. Not bad, and best of all is free with
	lots of different development systems, or comes with
	the software supplement

TMON - ICOM Simulations
	A much more powerful, user modifiable debugger.  Very
	good.  Be sure to get the latest extended user area.

Other Applications/Tools:

QUED - Paragon Courseware
	A very nice editor, many more features than MDS Edit, the
	editor that comes with MDS, Consulair, TML and others.

ResEdit - Apple
	A very powerful application.  Lets you create, delete, or 
	modify resource files.  Latest version, by the way, really is
	1.0 D11 (and its even about 6 weeks old).  One of my all-time
	favorite applications.

REdit - Apple
	The European Resource Editor.  Allows you to modify or delete
	certain types of resources.  For some resource types (menus
	for example), it has a much nicer user interface than ResEdit.
	Not nearly as powerful as ResEdit however.

RMaker - Apple
	Apple's resource compiler.  The ancestor to both ResEdit and
	REdit.  For creating resources.  For creating certain types
	of resources (big STR# resources for example), it is better
	to use than the previous two.


Inside Macintosh - Apple Computer/Addison Wesley
	A definite must.

Macintosh Revealed (two volumes) - Stephen Chernikoff
	A good book(s) if you are programming in Pascal.

Using the Macintosh Toolbox with C - Jim Takatsuka, Fred Huxham, Dave Burnard
	The greatest book ever written about anything. Period.
	(Whoops) I mean a good book if you are programming in C.
	(I'm one of the authors)

Get a good general reference and/or tutorial book on the
language you plan to use for example:
	C - K & R
	Oh! Pascal - Cooper & Clancy


	A GREAT magazine no matter what language you program in.
	Packed full of example code in all languages for the Mac.
	Another definite must.

	They have a monthly programming column

	Rarely have any development articles

	Articles on development semi-regularly.

Nibble Mac
	I think they have BASIC source code, maybe more?

Other Stuff:

Inside LaserWriter - Apple   
	Needed if you're doing any development for the Laserwriter

Inside AppleTalk - Apple
	Needed if you're doing any development for AppleTalk

Software Supplements - Apple
	These are published every couple of months, and cost about
	$25.00.  Apple distributes the latest development software
	and documentation this way.
	Another definite must.

Technical Notes - Apple
	Programming tips, file formats, etc.  Put out every month or so.
	$25.00 per year I think.
	Another definite must.  

Apply to become a Certified Software Developer - Apple
	It can't hurt to try, and if you're accepted you can
	get e-mail and/or phone technical support from 
	Apple and great prices on Apple products.

Get some sample Source code !!!!!
	This is another one of those definite musts.  I think
	the reason people had such a hard time doing Mac development
	2 or 3 years ago was that there wasn't much source code to
	look at for guidance/examples.  You can get source code
	from any of the various nets, local bbs's, books, MacTutor,
	software supplement, the various compiler companies, user
	groups, etc.

Have patience
	There is a big learning curve to get over in order to program
	the Mac.  But once you're over, its a really fun machine to

Don't be afraid to ask questions
	On this net are a lot of people that have been programming the
	Mac for quite a while.  

Join your local users group
	There will probably be some developers there, better yet, they 
	may even have a developers SIG.

Well, that's all I can think of off the top of my head, although
I'm sure others could easily add to this list.  

I'd like to hear about other things people use that I haven't
mentioned or talked about.

Fred A. Huxham