[net.micro.mac] Summary of Macintosh Techical Documentation

ahi@duvan.UUCP (Anders Hillbo) (05/10/86)

This message contains a (long) index of what I've got of the Mac Tec Documents.
I have waited two years for it to be organised by Apple... I finally 
decided that I had to do it myself.

It contains all the tech doc I've got from apple including Dec 85 supplement
and some other stuff that I don't know if everyone gets. There are also some
articles from magazines (MacTutor, MacDeveloper).

** FLAME ON **
		Apple should organize all the documentation into ring
		binders divided inte different subjects (as below)
		Issue peridocal updates with indication of what to replace
		or where to put new stuff. That way you could always
		know when you miss something and you could look into someone
		elses docs without getting totally lost.
		(I *HATE* 1-page undated papers giving a small hint)

		I would imagine 1 (one) person doing this job so I don't think
		it would be to expensive to a multi-billion-company like apple.

To say something positive the technotes is a step in the right direction. But
they should be divided into groups of different areas, not just linear.


Macintosh Technical Doc index.	 			9 May 86
Anders Hillbo NADA, KTH  Stockholm, Sweden

<things in <> are my comments. **Xnn is when the doc. arrived eg
**D85 is December 85 suppl, see summary of updates in the end>	
MacTecDoc vol 1: Inside Mac-1	

Road Map (RD)		3: sep84	
User Ifc Gde (UI)	4: nov84	 
Mem Intro (MI)		1: aug84
Prog Ass Lang (AL)	3: jan85
Res Mgr	(RM)		4: nov84
QuickDraw (QD)		mar83
Font Mgr (FM)		3: may84
Event Mgr (EM)		2: nov84
Win Mgr (WM)		5: apr84
Control Mgr (CM)	3: apr84
Menu Mgr (MN)		5: sep84
Textedit (TE)		2: jan85
Dialog Mgr (DL)		4: jul84
Desk Mgr (DS)		4: aug84
Scrap Mgr (SM)		2: jan85
Toolbox Util (TU)	3: nov84
Package (PK)		2: apr84
Mem Mgr (MM)		2: oct84


MacTecDoc vol 2: Inside Mac-2

Seg Loader (SL)			2:aug 84
OS Event Mgr (OE)		1:nov84
File Mgr (FL)			alpha: dec85 (rambased) **D85
Printing Mgr (PR)		2: mar85 		**
Device Driver (DV)		1:jun84
Disk Driver	(DD)		1:sep84
Sound Driver (SN)		2: nov84
Serial Driver (SR)		1:sep84
AppleTalk (AM)			1: jan85
Vertical Rtrc (VR) 		1: jun84
Sys Err (EH)			1: sep84
Os Util (OU)			2:jan85
Struct of an Appl (ST)		1:feb84
Apple Numericcs			<<<missing>>>
Index				:feb85
Put tgthr an Appl 		6:may85			**
Mac Hardware			2:feb85			**
SCSI Mgr			alpha:feb86		**D85
List Mgr			alpha:feb86		**D85
  List Mgr rel notes		feb85			**D85
Alpha Drafts for InsMac IV, 	Mar 86:			**M86x
  <Updates (Delta documents)...>
  Res Mgr, Finder Ifc, SF pkg, Using Asm, Mem Mgr, Seg Ldr, Os util, 
  QD, Menu Mgr, TextEdit, Dialog Mgr, Window Mgr, Cntl Mgr, Tlbx Util,
  Pack Mgr, BCD conv Pkg, Sys err, Time Mgr (new!),
  User Ifc Gdelines

**) Newer compared w "Ins Mac Promotional Edition" (Telephone book)

<the InsideMac IV seems to consist of File, SCSI, List and Time mgrs and
the Delta Docs. Otherwise the (undated) Addison&Wesley Books seems to 
be valid>


MacTecDoc vol 3: Macinosh Tech Notes & such
-)  = missing at NADA  	r#) Exists later vers from month #?

Number	Subject							Written 
1r5	Desk Accessories and System Resources			feb/85 	
3r10	List of Command-Shift-Number Keys			apr/85 	
4r5	Error Returns from GetNewDialog				apr/85 	
5r5	Using Modeless Dialogs from Desk Accessories		apr/85 
10	Pinouts							jul/85 	
11r5	Memory Based MacWrite File Format			apr/85 	
12r5	Disk Based MacWrite Format				apr/85 	
13r5	MacWrite Clipboard Format				apr/85
15r5	Finder Update						apr/85 	
16	MacWorks XL						maj/85
18r5	Text Edit Conversion Utility				apr/85 
19r10	How to Produce Continuous Sound Without "Clicking"	apr/85 
20r5	Data Servers on AppleTalk				apr/85
21r5	QuickDraw's Internal Picture Definition			apr/85
23r7	Font/Desk Accessory Mover and your Desk Accessories	apr/85 
24	Available Volumes and Files				oct/85
26r7	Text Measuring Anomalies in QuickDraw			apr/85
28r10	Finders and Foreign Drives				may/85 	
29r12	Resources Contained in the Desktop File			oct/85 
32	Reserved Resource Types					jul/85
34r7	UserItems in Dialog Boxes				apr/85 	
36r7	Drive Queue Elements					may/85 	
41r12	Drawing Into an Offscreen Bitmap			sep/85 	
42	Pascal Routines Passed by Pointer			jul/85 	
43-	Calling LoadSeg						oct/85 	
44	HFS Compatibility Issues				dec/85 	
45-	Inside Macintosh Quick Reference			oct/85 
46	Separate Your Resource Files During Development		oct/85
47r12	Customizing SFGetFile					oct 85
48r12	Bundles							nov 85
50r12	ResLoad							oct/85
51r12	Debugging using PurgeMem and CompactMem			oct/85
52r12	Calling _Launch From a High-Level Language		nov/85
53r12	MoreMasters Revisited					oct/85
54r12	Limit to Size of Resources				oct/85
55r12	Drawing Icons						oct/85
56	Break/CTS Device Driver Event Structure			dec/85
57	Macintosh Plus Overview					jan/86
 57a	Mac Plus Overview Updt					feb 86
58	Intl Util pack bugs					jan 86
59	Picts and Clip Regions					jan 86
60	Drawing chars in a narrow GrafPort			jan 86
61	GetItemStyle Bug					jan 86
62	Don't use resource header Application bytes		jan 86
63	WriteResource bug Patch					mar 86
64	IAZNotify Pointer					jan 86
65	Macintosh Plus Pinouts					mar/86
66	Determining which file sys is active 			dec 85
67	Finding the "blessed fldr"				jan 86
68	Searching all Dirs on an HFS vol			dec 85
69	Setting ioFDirIndex in PBGetCatInfo Calls		feb 86
70 	Forcing Sony Disk to be either 400K or 800k		feb 86
71	Finding Drivers in the Unit Table 			feb 86
72	Optimizing for the LW - Techniques			feb 86
73	Color Printing						feb 86
74	Don't use the Res Fork for Data				mar 86
75	The Installer and Scripts				mar 86
76	The Mac Plus Update Installation Script			feb 86

Future Mac Architectures 					jun85
Standard PICTure Fmt	<MacDraw's PICT fmt, TN#27 ?>	ver2:	dec84
MacPaint Fmt							?????
Mac Sony Disk Driver						may84
Mini-DIN Connector Scheme <Mac+ serial>				Jan85
New Font Mgr for 128K ROM <Andy Hertzfeld>			jul85
Making new fonts for the Apple LW				?????
HFS important facts (1p)					oct85
SCSI Boot procedures						sep85
Mac+ Kbd key codes (1p)						sep85
The New Improved STD file				**D85	jan86
Pwr up user summary <summary of cmd-option-commands>	**D85	feb86
MacTablet ifc						**D85	feb86


MacTecDoc vol 4: Inside LaserWriter & misc about printing

Appendix D Adv usr suppl
 Apple LW Advanced User's Supp			First Ed.	Jan85
 Update for the Apple Lw Adv User's Suppl.	Rev2	***	Dec85
Appendix E PAP
 AppleTalk Printer Access Protocol (PAP)			Feb85
 PSDump Example							Feb85
Appendix F Pgming & dbg aids
 Instructions for spooling, editing and downloading
 a PS file from a Mac App					?????
Appendix G Example output
Appendix H Mac Print Manager
 Printing Overview						?????
 Using the Printing Manager					?????
 Optimizing for the LW		<TN#72 ?>			?????
 Using the Printer Driver					?????
 An example...
Appendix I Using MacTerm to talk PS to the LW

Examples of Printing manager use (2p)			***	apr85
Some Words of wisdom about using QD while printing.	***	?????
How to Print  (Harry Chesley, MacDeveloper #3)		***
LaserPrint DA <using PAP> (MacTutor)			***	feb86 
Floating in the Heap: LaserPrinter Info			***	nov84
The March 1985 ImageWriter: prog notes			***	apr85
The ImageWr and ATalk IW v2.1 prog notes		**D85	jan86

***) = Not in org. Inside LW


MacTecDoc vol5: Inside AppleTalk & misc networking

ATalk Release for MacPlus ver 40/41		**D85	feb86
AppleBus an Intro					?????
Abus Transformer Spec					?????
Abus Protocol Architechture				may84
Abus Link Access Protocol Spec (LAP)	vers 1.0	may84
Datagram Delivery Protocol (DDP)			jul84
DDP & RMTP extensions				***	sep85
Routing Table Maintenance Protocol (RTMP)		jul84
Name Binding Protocol (NBP)				jul84
Abus Transaction Protocol (ATP)				jul84
Data Stream Protocol (DSP)				?????
AppleTalk Zone Information Protocol (ZIP)	***	sep85
ATalk Session Protocol (ASP) (Pv1.0-Dv1.0/2 )	***  	nov85
ATalk Filing Protocol (AFP) (Pv1.0-Dv1.0/2)	***	nov85
AppleTalk Peek 	v2.0				***	feb85
AppleTalk Poke	v3.1				***	feb85
Abus overheads....					jul84
Programmers Guide to Networking (MacTutor)	***	oct85
"Dial a fortune AppleTalk Server" (Mactutor)	***	sep85
"Dial a fortune AppleTalk Client" (Mactutor)	***	sep85
Direct Serial Port Access (SCC)	 (MacTutor)	***	jan86

***) Not in org. Inside ATalk


MacTecDoc vol 6: Misc: pgmdoc, articles, debug, summaries, examples

Fedit - a File and Disk Editor				85
ResEdit - a Mac Resource Editor	 1.0D7		**D85	jun85
Switcher (Beta Draft)					jun85
Inside Switcher (first Draft)				summer 85
Dialog Creator						apr85
Dialog Creator Update				**D85	nov85
MacinTalk 1.1						jun85
MacinTalk 1.1 Toolkit				**D85	jan86
AppleTalk PC Card Prel Notes				sep85
FreTerm 1.8 Updt				**D85	jan86
What every appl should know (H. Chesley, MacDeveloper #2)
The Amazing Pic-to-Clip-utility	(MacTutor)		oct85
Commented Call List					may85
Trap List 						jun 14
Low Mem in Alpha order					apr85
Low Mem in Numeric order				apr85
Mac Sys errs						may84
The MacDB debugger (MDS chap 6)
The MacsBug Debuggers (MDS chap 7)		
Inside MacsBug					**D85	feb86
Walking Trough the heap <about 20p w dbg tips>		?????

MacTecDoc vol 7: Index to updates & (Lisa) workshop

-Mac Supplement "Dec 85" summary & about		feb86
-Mac Supplement "May 85" summary			aug85
-About the software supplement 2-15-85		
-About the software supplement 10/10/84
... diverse annat, dubletter?
  SmallTalk 80 Info				**D85
  Object Oriented langs on Mac - status		**D85	
  Ordering forms for tech doc			**D85
MacWorks XL driver Bug
MacWorks XL usr gde, preprint
Mac Plus interrnal diskdrive (user man)		**D85
Revisions to (Lisa) Workshop user's guide
  Chap 2 The file manager
  Chap 4 The Editor.


Updates that has arrived here at NADA:

>>>>>>Extra: update.  ~8603           **M86x
Alpha Drafts for Inside Mac volume IV, Mar 86:	
<Updates (Delta Documents)...>	
  Res Mgr, Finder ifc, SF pkg, Using Asm, Mem Mgr, Seg ldr, Os util, 
  QD, Menu Mgr, TextEdit, Dialog Mgr, Window Mgr, Cntl Mgr, Tlbx Util,
  Pack Mgr, BCD conv Pkg, Sys err, Time Mgr (new!),
  User Ifc Guidelines
Inside Switcher 			mar86 <not copied at NADA>
ATalk PC card & driver prel notes.	mar86 <not copied at NADA>

>>>>>December 85 Supplement  ~8603      **D85 
SCSI Mgr		alpha:feb86
List Mgr		alpha:feb86
File Mgr		alpha: dec85
Inside MacsBug

>>>>>Extra: HFS Programmers Package ~8602 (USENET)
<all of which later was included in Dec85 suppl...>

>>>>>Extra: Macintosh Technical Update ~860120 **J86x
File Mananger 				Oct 8/85(HFS)
AppleTalk Filing Protocol (AFP)		Nov 12/85  v1.0 (doc v1.0/2)
SCSI boot procedures. 			Sep 13/85
Atalk PC card prel notes		Sep 23/85
DDP and RTMP extensions			Sep 16/85
Atalk Zone Info proto (ZIP)		Sep 12/85
Atalk Session proto	(ASP)		Nov 12/85 v1.0 (doc v1.0/2)
Intro letter to AFP/ASP <1 pag> 	Nov 18 85
HFS facts <1 pag>			Oct 17 85
Tech note #44,  HFS compat		Oct 9 85
Serial Port connectors	 (mini8)	Jan 25 85
Making new fonts for LW			??
New font Manager for 128KROM		Jul 1 85
Mac+ Keyboard layout			??

>>>>>>"Final" (may...) software supplement July 85 
About the "may 85" softw suppl		May 3F 85
Tech note #0, about tech notes		may 14 85
          #16 macworks xl		may 14
	  # rsrvd res types		may 13
Trap List				Jun 14 85
ResEdit					jun 10 85
Atalk Peek v.20				Feb 18 85
Atalk poke v3.1				feb 15 85
Macintalk 1.1				Jun 13 85
Low mem in Alpha & Numeric		apr 12 85
Examples ofPrinting manager usag	apr 17 85
Words of wisdom on QD while print	???
March ImageWriter 15 Prog notes		apr 19 85
Opt code for LW				???
Future Mac archs			jun 6 85
Life after Font/DA mover 		may 85
SANElib v1.2				May 21 85
Dialog Creator Instructions		apr 26 85
MacsBugs debuggers