[net.micro.mac] Delphi Mac Digest V2 #20

shulman@topaz.RUTGERS.EDU (Jeff Shulman) (05/26/86)

Delphi Mac Digest          Sunday, 25 May 1986      Volume 2 : Issue 20

Today's Topics:
     Re: MIDI, SIGs, et al.
     RE: Usenet Mac Digest V2 #39 (Re: Msg 8301)
     Apple SCSI
     RE: getting screen dumps with menus (Re: Msg 8258)
     128K ROM/keypad bug
     RE: Large screen display (Re: Msg 8292)
     Note to Apple Developers
     Jonathon report
     RE: MacDraw 1.9 patches (Re: Msg 8198)
     Re: HELP!  with HyperMac+
     re: Interrupt switch problems on the Mac
     RE: re: Interrupt switch problems on the (Re: Msg 8389)
     Re: How does one make PICT resources?
     Re: How does one make PICT resources?
     List Manager
     PCB Layout Software
     Hayden Software bought
     Maybe this was asked on Usenet or Info-Mac
     Purging HFS Desktop
     RE: Purging HFS Desktop (Re: Msg 8460)

From: BMUG (8301)
Subject: Re: MIDI, SIGs, et al.
Date: 18-MAY 17:07 MUGS Online
To: Mike Wirth <mcw@lll-crg.ARPA>

Mike -
Thanks for the plug!  I'm not sure which article you mean, one of the cables
notes articles?  That type of thing appeared in both the Fall '85 and ZSpring
'85 BMUG Newsletters.  For people interested, BMUG sells back issues of its
NL's for $18 each, including a disk.
BMUG now has a MIDI SIG, "Computer Music Users Group" (CMUG), that
meets occasional Saturdays.  For moe information, contact Tony King,
who runs the SIG, (415) 524-8032, or BMUG, (415) 849-HELP
-- Raines Cohen
BMUG Operations Mgr


From: MACINTOUCH (8302)
Subject: RE: Usenet Mac Digest V2 #39 (Re: Msg 8301)
Date: 18-MAY 17:27 MUGS Online
to: dad@mit-vax.UUCP (David Duff)
I have had similar experiences with Boston-area computer dealers.  The old joke
is "What's the difference between a used car salesman and a computer salesman?
The used car guy _knows_ when he's lying to ya'"  Anyway, there are a few
reasonable salesmen in the area.  You can't find them by going to a specific
dealer, as most dealers I've encountered have both bad and good salesmen.  I'm
currently dealing with Neil Greco at Sherman Howe in Newton, who has been
relative open-minded and helpful.  I think it's useful to get a bunch of
knowledgable Mac people going to the same reasonable salesman, as he/she can
then get a better feeling for what our particular type of customer needs and
wants -- and can offer.  Good luck.  - Ric Ford
to:  n9fik@pur-ee.UUCP (Mike Rosenberg)
I suggest calling Lou Rosenblum at 617-484-9005.  He's interested in and very
knowledgable about the problems of typesetting and editing European and Asian
languages on the Mac.
Ric Ford


From: MACINTOUCH (8297)
Subject: Apple SCSI
Date: 18-MAY 15:25 Hardware & Peripherals
Rumors are flying that an SCSI hard disk from Apple is not far off.
It's supposed to be larger than the HD20, but we still haven't heard
anything about backup software or tape...  Anyone else got good info
on it?


From: BMUG (8298)
Subject: RE: getting screen dumps with menus (Re: Msg 8258)
Date: 18-MAY 16:44 Bugs & Features
Also, keep in mind that the Camera DA stops the mac, WHATEVER it's doing,
INCLUDING a DISK WRITE!  Even in the MIDDLE of a disk write.  Risky business.
-- Raines/BMUG


From: MACINTOUCH (8307)
Subject: 128K ROM/keypad bug
Date: 18-MAY 21:31 Mousing Around
I just ran across a Usenet message that corresponded to a bug I'm experiencing.
To  ron@aicchi.UUCP (Ron Spizzirri):
I experienced the same bug with the keypad/keyboard on my Mac 512K
after upgrading to the 128K ROMs.  Now, after booting, the first
character I type is ignored if it's typed on the keyboard.  If I type
the first character from the optional keypad instead, it goes into
auto-repeat mode.  Looks like a bug in the new ROMs in combination
with the old keyboard/keypad.
Ric Ford


From: INKMAN (8357)
Subject: RE: Large screen display (Re: Msg 8292)
Date: 20-MAY 14:14 Hardware & Peripherals
OK the company is Micro graphic Images 20954 Osborn ST. Canoga Park,
CA 91304 phone (818) 407-0571. Ok lets clear the screen the
modification comes with a 20" custom display it gives a full 1000x1000
resolution at the same pixil size as the regular mac scre screen. it
also has the ability to output to a projector at that ratio or a
standard vidio (VHS standard VHS..BATA home TV monitor ratio .. this
is a software modifiaction so there is a screen enlargement in the
final result.. This company gives a co-processor (6881) and hard
drive(20 meg) and memory upgrade .. the Hyperdrive of the west coast
with more on the board.. hope this helps open to more...


From: PEABO (8361)
Subject: Note to Apple Developers
Date: 20-MAY 19:59 Programming
According to a recent letter from Apple, the Software Supplements are being
renamed to avoid confusion.  Instead of naming them "Month Year Software
Supplement", the new terminology will be "Volume N Issue M".  The following
table shows the corresponding names:
May 1985                             Volume I Issue 1
December 1985 (two shipments)        Volume I Issue 2
March 1986 (not released yet)        Volume I Issue 3
Developer Tech Support also has issued the following warnings about the files
that were part of Volume I Issue 2:
System 3.1.1 was issued with an Installer set up for 3.1, so the Installer
doesn't work (this has been widely known for some time).
Font/DA Mover 3.1 is not compatible with the combination of 128K ROM
and a System of release level less than 3.1; it can cause damage to
the System file if used in that configuration, so be sure to use 3.1
or higher System release.


From: MUSICWORKS (8372)
Subject: MacServe...
Date: 21-MAY 20:34 Macintosh In Fact
I have received and tried Macserve at our store and I would like to give my
opinion about this product and some reviews about it
Macserve comes serialized (more on this later) You can use just about
on any Hardisk including apple HD20 some hardisk that I've tried are
Lodown , Aplle HD 20, and HyperDrive 20 You can as ussual hook up ,
upto 32 devices on the network (Appletalk limitation) one or more
Host/Server can be configured ! but each one server (not the node
user) has to have their own Master ( because they are serialized) they
will not work if two server with the same serial # are online.
Installing it it's pretty easy just run the Mac serve Install program
from the master and select the destination valume, once you do that.
the server can create partition from the Hardisk, and only this way
that you can share the partition with other users, (Hyperdrive Drawers
can not be shared, unlike Tops) The first time you create the
partition with the Manager , it will be a MFS Volume, but you can
change them to HFS by Erasing the volume on the finder !  Note that
you have to create a boot disk for every Netuser that's going to be
sharing the Network, you probably will find a little difficulty in the
400K Drives, if you are going to use them with laserwriter, because
the system can be really BIG, (with all the laserwriter fonts,Driver,
etc...) it might not be enough... 800 K Disks are OK, so 512K's that
isn't upgraded, has to have a really a squeezed out system.
Once everything is setup, the Host Server can released the partitions
to be used by other users, once a user grab(Make private) a volume the
other user can not have access to it, untill that user released it. if
a partition is shared everybody can have Read Access but the Parttion
is Locked (write Protected) this is a problem for some application
like MacPaint (MacPaint will not work on a locked disk)
Speed: on a Apple HD20 the speed is very slow (we all know) when it get to more
than 2/3 users than it became unbearably slow. on a Hyperdrive is reasonable 3
users can use them together with a little delay in accessing the drive. on the
LoDown is better.
I like MacServe although I'd like to see some improvements, like you can share
the Non Partition Volume (Like TOPS) etc.. Probably the most limitation is
appletalk's speed, but for the price, and if speed is not a problem the program
is useful !


From: MOUSEKETEER (8373)
Subject: Jonathon report
Date: 21-MAY 20:37 Hardware & Peripherals
Information from May 19, 1986 issue Computer+Software News:
(headline like) Apple Begins Manufacturing Johnathon
Actually the article goes more in depth concerning the possibility of
Apple selling the IIe and IIc through mass-market merchandisers (read
Toys R Us, etc.) Still, it give some basic information about the
Johnathan (while leaving out some of the best items....
According to the article, Apple has just started production on the new Mac,
which features 68020 and a 68881 co-processor, up to 4 meg RAM, DS internal
drive, black & white screen (no size mentioned!).  Also, folks "close to Apple"
said the unit would probably come out in several models with other features
included with some (hot news, eh?).  The only real surprise in the story, to
me anyway, was a list price of $2495, with the unit's introduction and first
availability as "late fall".  One source indicated that the new Mac would be
a real challenge to the IBM RT .


From: RICKBOB (8375)
Subject: RE: MacDraw 1.9 patches (Re: Msg 8198)
Date: 21-MAY 21:59 Bugs & Features
Since this font bug has been known for quite some time, has anyone heard if a
new version of MacDraw (1.91?) is coming out.  Can the fix be all that hard?
Richard Bailey

From: PEABO (8386)
Subject: Re: HELP!  with HyperMac+
Date: 22-MAY 00:36 MUGS Online
Reply to: seth@ucla-cs.ARPA (Seth Goldman) I don't see any obvious
reasons why DA's would fail, but the fact that the problem got worse
when you tried to use the Control Panel suggests that your Parameter
RAM is messed up.  It might be worth a try pulling out the battery for
5 minutes with the Mac switched off to reset the PRAM.


From: BRECHER (8389)
Subject: re: Interrupt switch problems on the Mac
Date: 22-MAY 02:56 MUGS Online
To: mazur@harvard.HARVARD.EDU (Eric Mazur)
Subject: Interrupt switch problems on the MacPlus
The freeze upon pressing the Interrupt button will most likely occur when ANY
powered-on modem is connected; I'd guess the more precise condition is any
device asserting the CTS signal (HSKi pin).  The cause is a ROM bug.


Subject: RE: re: Interrupt switch problems on the (Re: Msg 8389)
Date: 22-MAY 06:43 MUGS Online
        But only "most likely". I just hit interrupt after reading your
message, got the debugger, pressed G, and was back on -- with full
mouse control. Using a USRobotics Password modem.
                - Lofty


From: BRECHER (8390)
Subject: Re: How does one make PICT resources?
Date: 22-MAY 02:56 MUGS Online
Subject: How does one make PICT resources?
Cut from MacDraw, quit and run ResEdit, make a new PICT, and paste.


From: DSACHS (8397)
Subject: Re: How does one make PICT resources?
Date: 22-MAY 21:04 MUGS Online
The easiest way to make a PICT resource from a MacDraw Document is to
select the objects you want to include, copy to the clipboard, and
paste into the Scrapbook.  The resource can then be copied from the
Scrapbook file.


From: DIHEDRAL (8396)
Subject: List Manager
Date: 22-MAY 21:03 Programming
Can someone explain to  me the "simplest" use of the list manager? That is
displaying a list of character strings. Specifically, where does on store the
array of strings to be displayed and how do the list manager calls access these
strings? IM talks about "theProc" as the LDEF resource ID, yet
an examination of the LDEF=0 shows no way to get a string in there (except in
hex) a'la a DITL in a dialog. ANY assistance would be greatly appreciated


From: INTECO (8425)
Subject: PCB Layout Software
Date: 23-MAY 17:49 Business Mac
I am very interested to hear some experiences about PCB software on
the Mac. I know the MacCad of Vamp Inc. form an earlier release. DOes
someone is really using such software. What is the real use
experience? What other packages are on the market?
I have heard of several new simulation packages (analog or dig)
Any names or expereZences ?


From: MACINTOUCH (8446)
Subject: Hayden Software bought
Date: 24-MAY 14:43 Mousing Around
"Mass High Tech" reports in the June 8 issue that Hayden Software has
been aquired by Spinnaker Software in a one-for-one stock trade.  The
chairman of Spinnaker claimed that Hayden was profitable last year
with sales of $7 million. Mass High Tech gave an estimate of $20
million for Spinnaker revenues.
Ric Ford


From: PEABO (8462)
Subject: Maybe this was asked on Usenet or Info-Mac
Date: 25-MAY 16:00 MUGS Online
I seem to recall someone asking about optical disk mastering or interactive
training material preparation using a Mac, but I don't see it in the subject
line of any of the messages which originated here.  The person asking said he
read it in a magazine and couldn't remember which one.  Well, the May 86
MACazine has a short review of MacVideo and Mentor which would be of interest
I'm sure.
(Maybe I dreamed it ... can you imagine dreaming about people asking questions
in the ICONtact Forum?  :-)  )


From: BRECHER (8460)
Subject: Purging HFS Desktop
Date: 25-MAY 05:46 Bugs & Features
PurgeIcons wasn't really designed for HFS, but you can fool it into purging an
HFS desktop.  It's using a standard file selection box to select the Desktop
file, but the list of files is hidden from view.  Therefore, it's rather like
you're trying to select the Desktop file in the root directory while wearing a
(1) Make sure the current directory that would be displayed (if it
were visible) is the root directory -- not a folder.  You can either
click the drive button to select another mounted volume (e.g., floppy)
and then click again until you get back to the HFS volume you want to
purge; or, on a Plus, press clover-uparrow several times to get back
up the folder chain to the root.
(2) Now the invisible file list contains the folders in the root
directory, and the Desktop file.  Of these, the one that is
automatically selected by default -- whose name would be white on
black if you could see the list -- is the one which comes first
alphabetically.  Usually, this is not Desktop.  So select the Desktop
file by typing "Desktop" fairly rapidly -- no long pauses between
letters.  Or just type as many letters as necessary to select Desktop
from among the folders in the root directory whose names may begin
with the same letter(s).
(3) Click the Purge button.  If you get a watch cursor for awhile, you know you

From: PEABO (8461)
Subject: RE: Purging HFS Desktop (Re: Msg 8460)
Date: 25-MAY 15:53 Bugs & Features
How come you have to select the Desktop file explicitly?  Isn't it
sufficient just to get to the root directory in the HFS hierarchy (I
haven't tried this).  After all, you don't have to go through any
mumbo-jumbo when you run it in a MFS volume, even though there may be
files alphabetically prior to the Desktop.
If the problem is (on the other hand) that the WDRefNum is not in the
SFReply record if a folder is selected instead of a file, then this is
only a problem if there is a folder that appears first alphabetically,
rather than a file (any file will do, not necessarily DeskTop).  I had
some difficulty in extracting the WDRefNum when I needed it recently,
and the solution was posted by Marsh Gosnell in a recent Usenet post
(involving SFSaveDisk and CurDirStore and the use of PBGetWDInfo).


End of Delphi Mac Digest

jer@peora.UUCP (J. Eric Roskos) (05/29/86)

> To: mazur@harvard.HARVARD.EDU (Eric Mazur)
> Subject: Interrupt switch problems on the MacPlus
> The freeze upon pressing the Interrupt button will most likely occur when
> ANY powered-on modem is connected; I'd guess the more precise condition is
> any device asserting the CTS signal (HSKi pin).  The cause is a ROM bug.
> ------------------------------
> From: LOFTUSBECKER (8391)
> Subject: RE: re: Interrupt switch problems on the (Re: Msg 8389)
> Date: 22-MAY 06:43 MUGS Online
>         But only "most likely".  I just hit interrupt after reading your
> message, got the debugger, pressed G, and was back on -- with full mouse
> control.  Using a USRobotics Password modem.

This is *not* a feature of the USR Password... it's because the modem was
still online when you pressed the interrupt switch.  If carrier is
present, there should be no problem... it's only if a modem is on and
*negating* the CTS signal (not asserting it).  When no modem is connected,
or when it's off, the pin "floats" to CTS.  When a modem is on but no
carrier is present, it is driven to /CTS, causing the "hardware flow
control" in the serial driver to wait for CTS (which it is supposed to do;
it is not a "ROM bug" at all).

The exact same situation happens if you open the serial port on a plain
512K Mac with the old ROMs and then try to write to it, without disabling
hardware flow control.  Maybe the debugger should have assumed no flow
control for its initial state.

[As a side note, actually the CTS pin on the external connector has to be
driven negative before any change occurs on the output of the line
receiver... back when I was designing my MIDI interface for use with DMCS
(described a month ago in net.music.synth) it took me a good while to
figure that out.  Of course, that follows when you think about all the
above, but when you are using the pin to clock the UART (its other
function) it's easy to forget... so if you use the pin for clocking, the
clock pulses have to go negative with respect to the ground pin for them
to do anything.]
E. Roskos

"The ugliest tag we've ever put on a car"... "not only was the Governor em-
barassed, he was flabbergasted"... "I don't want to put something that looks
this ugly on my car." -- Florida legislators commenting on the first sample
of the license tag they selected after four months of debate.