[net.misc] You, Tom Blenko

lew (12/10/82)

I reacted with glee to Tom Blenko's appeal for divine revelation
in understanding mind:

" ... mind (whatever, dear heaven, that is) ... "

Of course, I don't take this as a serious espousal of religious
conviction. But I do take it as an expression of his exasperation
(whatever, dear heaven, that is) with the stubborn thick-headedness
of mystics, humanists, dualists and all the rest of the rabble, for
their failure to grasp the cool logic of positivism.

I think Whitehead once remarked on the irony of the passion with which
materialists pursue their goal of eliminating emotion from the lexicon
of philosophical discourse.

I also liked his threat to sic the turing test on Searle's dog.
That dog better watch out! That turing test has sharp, even if
metaphorical, teeth.

It is an amazing spectacle to see an idea, a pure
abstraction, placed as a supreme judge over reality by the same
person who sneers at the very concept of mind.

Lew Mammel, Jr. ihuxr!lew