[net.micro.mac] Delphi Mac Digest V2 #22

shulman@topaz.RUTGERS.EDU (Jeff Shulman) (06/08/86)

Delphi Mac Digest          Sunday, 8 June 1986      Volume 2 : Issue 22

Today's Topics:
     Omnis bbs
     HyperDrive 2000 delayed
     RE: HyperDrive 2000 delayed (Re: Msg 8703)
     RE: Usenet Mac Digest V2 #43 (Re: Msg 8609)
     New System/Finder
     Aldus Recommendation
     RE: Aldus Recommendation (Re: Msg 8666)
     Re: Stella address
     Aldus Prep 1.2 bug
     LaserWriter Plus ROM workaround
     Mac Plus / printer problems
     RE: Usenet Mac Digest V2 #44 (Re: Msg 8684)
     Re:  ResEdit is too *** slow for menus
     RE: Networking with Mac Plus (Re: Msg 8694)
     dust problems
     RE: dust problems (Re: Msg 8790)
     System 3.2/Finder 5.3
     RE: Usenet Mac Digest V2 #44 (Re: Msg 8684)
     Easy 3D
     generating keydown event with modifiers

From: MACINTOUCH (8643)
Subject: Omnis bbs
Date: 2-JUN-01:52: Business Mac
Here's something I received I thought people might be interested in:
>Announcing the Grand Opening of OMNIS BBS. Located on AMAC's BBS in Mpls,Mn.
>Full featured Board with Public/Private Message section. 4 Download areas.
>Special Tech Assistance Section. Stop by and PREVIEW this BBS. Call
>(612) 894-2609, 24 hours. Select Command <P>review for access. Read the READ
>ME File for complete access information.We're new and growing fast.
>Look forward to seeing you there.
                 Jim Garvey,Sysop


From: MACINTOUCH (8645)
Subject: HyperDrive 2000 delayed
Date: 2-JUN-13:45: Hardware & Peripherals
ComputerWorld reported today that the GCC HyperDrive 2000 has been
delayed until the end of the summer.  "Synchronizing the coprocessor
turned out to be harder than we had expected" was the quote from John
Ison.  They apparently found a serious bug during beta testing.  No
price changes were announced.
Ric Ford


From: DWB (8783)
Subject: RE: HyperDrive 2000 delayed (Re: Msg 8703)
Date: 7-JUN-01:47: Hardware & Peripherals
Yup.  GCC may be having problems synching the 68881 with a 68000.  Levco just
has to worry about using it with a 68020.  The '020 may have some coprocessor
bugs ironed out that the 68K still has.  (Just surmising... :-)


From: DDUNHAM (8659)
Subject: RE: Usenet Mac Digest V2 #43 (Re: Msg 8609)
Date: 3-JUN-00:38: Network Digests
to: borton@sdcc3.UUCP Umm, I just tried Tempo with MacDraw, and it worked just
fine. Remember, Tempo is NOT a desk accessory (it just has an entry under the
Apple menu).


From: BMUG (8664)
Subject: New System/Finder
Date: 3-JUN-04:06: Bugs & Features
The new System/Finder (3.3/5.3) was supposed to be frozen this last
weekend. Was it?  No, and the latest word is: maybe not until
Wednesday, or later...
-- Raines/BMUG


From: NETMAN (8666)
Subject: Aldus Recommendation
Date: 3-JUN-14:56: Bugs & Features
Aldus is recommending that all Macintosh users using System 3.0 or
3.1.1 take special precautions as "Documants from pageMaker and other
software applications can be corrupted by the 3.x versions of the
Macintosh system software.  This is a problem Apple has acknowledged
and is working rapidly to solve, with assistance from Aldus.  The
problem affects users of the Macintosh Plus and the Enhanced
Aldus recommends that you make frequent back-ups of your documents using the
Save as.. option and that you change the filename often.  Those of you who have
purchased Pagemaker should have received some correspondence from them on this
item.  I got mine today June 3rd.


From: BMUG (8679)
Subject: RE: Aldus Recommendation (Re: Msg 8666)
Date: 4-JUN-04:22: Bugs & Features
WHO ARE THEY trying to kid. PageMaker is just buggy and has little to
do with current systems 3.2b10/finder 5.3b5 dated5/31. Or so says
someone I know working on the system. Apple is trying to help though
and is slightly adjusting the system to fit Pagemaker a little better.
Steve Costa


From: MOUSEKETEER (8688)
Subject: Re: Stella address
Date: 4-JUN-20:44: Network Digests
To: Andy Ihlenfeldt, 3M Company
According to MacBriefs, Vol. 1, #3, the address and phone for HPS (Stella) is:
13 Dartmouth College Hwy, Lyme, NH, 03768  Ph 603-795-4122.
Alf Qwerty


From: MACINTOUCH (8712)
Subject: Aldus Prep 1.2 bug
Date: 5-JUN-15:43: Bugs & Features
NETMAN reports that Aldus Prep 1.2 has a bug that messes up the alignment of
letters in text pasted into PageMaker from MacDraw.  We encountered a similar
problem with MacDraw text pasted into a Word document and printed on the
Ric Ford


From: MACINTOUCH (8713)
Subject: LaserWriter Plus ROM workaround
Date: 5-JUN-17:42: Bugs & Features
A possible workaround for problems with the LaserWriter Plus ROMs involves heat
and expansion.  Try warming up the LaserWriter Plus for 15 minutes, then power
it off and on quickly.  By warming the ROMs this way, they may work where they
didn't before.


From: MACINTOUCH (8714)
Subject: Mac Plus / printer problems
Date: 5-JUN-17:44: Bugs & Features
We have just heard from a subscriber who has been trying to use an Apple daisy
wheel printer with a Mac Plus and M.S. Word.  There's apparently a bug in the
new System (or ROMs) that causes Word to crash when trying to use its foreign
printer drivers.  No one had a workaround and Apple is supposed to provide the
fix in a new System.
Ric Ford


From: DDUNHAM (8743)
Subject: RE: Usenet Mac Digest V2 #44 (Re: Msg 8684)
Date: 6-JUN-02:33: Network Digests
What's the workaround for the DA/Finder menu bug?  I've always used STR
resources for menus, mainly because ResEdit is too *** slow on MENUs.
to:  ephraim@wang.UUCP
1.  ClickArt Effects installs a stub DRVR into the System (not that I ever kept
it there...) so such conflicts can be avoided.
2.  I was only suggesting that users can install their own DAs in
reserved slots (DA Installer+ gives you definite warnings).  I know
how many SCSI devices I have (1), and have left some dynamic slots
open (using the high slots 40-47 instead).  So far, so good.
to:  lloeb@spock.UUCP
Thanks for giving Dave Winer equal net time.
In regard to his 4, Acta is supposed to ship tomorrow (6 June) -- but I'm only
the program author, so I have nothing to do with that (the software is dated 9
April...I never realized printers were so slow).
And if you can relay this back to him, I'd sure like to know about the bug.  If
Apple's bug, it sounded like a horrible one that could be affecting my MacWrite
use, too.


From: PEABO (8757)
Subject: Re:  ResEdit is too *** slow for menus
Date: 6-JUN-18:53: Network Digests
Re: ResEdit is too *** slow for menus ... I was talking with a friend
the other day about that and he suggested "use REdit for menus".  I
haven't had to do any menus since then (last Wednesday) but it's
definitely on my list of things to try.  I've always dismissed REdit
as just being for localizing (it certainly doesn't do as many kinds of
editing as ResEdit), so that's probably why it didn't occur to me.


From: OPPENHEIM (8767)
Subject: RE: Networking with Mac Plus (Re: Msg 8694)
Date: 6-JUN-22:01: Network Digests
Got the latest version of MacServe the other day and evaluated it with the
following configuration: 4 128K Macs upgraded to 1M (Bech Tech) 1 Mac Plus 1
LoDown 20M SCSI drive 1 Laserwriter The installation is much easier than the
manual would lead one to believe, but some aspects of it were annoying (having
to opt-cmd-click the Installer program, for example). It needs lots of space on
the user disks as well as the server. You wil almost certainly have to back up
your disk and reformat it to make efficient use of its space (due to
fragmentation). HFS volumes won't work unless everyone on the network has the
new ROMS (using 3.1.1/5.2 doesn't work)
Performance is good: launching four applications simultaneously does
not seem to slow things down much -- in any case, it's much faster
than floppies. As noted by someone else, applications aren't allowed
to write to shared volumes -- some, like MacWrite, MacPaint and Word
won't run off the network because they have to open a working file on
their volume; they don't have brains to look elsewhere.  One can
easily move recalcitrant applications to a ram disk and run them from
there. The server needs to have a large cache (>= 256K), so don't plan
on using switcher or anything memory-intensive on it.  It won't spool
to the Laserwriter (groan)... I'd rate it A- or B+; documentation B-
I might add that the LoDown drive had no trouble with MacServe, even though it
is not listed by InfoSphere as being compatable


From: STOSH (8790)
Subject: dust problems
Date: 7-JUN-08:58: Hardware & Peripherals
If y'all are have problems of any sort with your keyboard or even
mouse, open them up w/ s screwdriver and take a look.  I opened my
keyboard last night after living in dusty Boston and there were MAJOR
clumps of dust balls.  We're talking mess o' dust!  Also, when I
upgraded my 512k to make it an 'e', the old drive was dustier than
Hoffman. (really!)
Two possible preventions/solutions:
1> Get dust covers.  I was beginning to get drive errors and upgrade not a
   minute too soon.
2> Get some of that canned air sold in a photo store and go to work with it.
   (make sure you keep the can upright.)
3> Don't live in Boston.


From: MACINTOUCH (8795)
Subject: RE: dust problems (Re: Msg 8790)
Date: 7-JUN-11:16: Hardware & Peripherals
After a year and a half, I found the inside of my Mac surprisingly clean.  I
think a little compressed air in the disk drive slot should keep things running
pretty well.  I wonder about putting covers on a hot Mac and trapping the heat


From: DWB (8815)
Subject: System 3.2/Finder 5.3
Date: 7-JUN-23:15: Bugs & Features
I just got word from a source at Apple that System 3.2 and Finder 5.3 will be
officially released to dealers on Monday.

[ Note from moderator ]
As soon as Delphi receives it AND Apple has given permission that it can be
distributed on Usenet/INFO-MAC, I will do so.  Apple has restricted electronic
distribution in their license for their software.  I *strongly* suggest
that NOBODY else post these to the net until this is worked out.  You may
jeopardize all future Apple software postings if you do. - Jeff
[ End moderators note ]


From: INTECO (8822)
Subject: RE: Usenet Mac Digest V2 #44 (Re: Msg 8684)
Date: 8-JUN-07:35: Network Digests
To: Bob Lantz 

An excellent article about a Midi on the Mac appeared in Oct 85
(hardware)/Nov85 (software) MacTutor (back issues $3 each from):
MacTutor P.O.Box 846 Placentia, CA. 92670,
or Call (714) 993-9939
To: Ragiv Arora 

If you need some exotic speeds you have reprogram the one SCC chip
(which has to channels) in assembler. You need then the ZILOG
technical manual (found in the ZILOG data books). Do not use the x1
clock because this not stable enough for normal use. So you can
program baud rates up to 57600 and the AppleTalk baud rate of 230600
which bypasses the baud rate generator.If you are using the slower
baudrates (up to 9600 / 19200(?)) you can use just the IM Serial
Driver information and program it from a high level language. The
appeared an addition to IM from Apple called THE MACINTOSH HARDWARE
which describes the use of the SCC quite well (dated 13/2/85). There
appeared several articles in MacTutor covering the SCC.


From: FRIED (8819)
Subject: Easy 3D
Date: 8-JUN-05:04: Creative Pursuits
I bought Easy 3D the other day and have been having a ball with with it. These
guys (Enabling Technologies) know how to implement useful, interesting, and
fun-to-use software for the Mac.
If you're looking for a 3-D drawing package, this is probably the one you want,
but you'll need a little patience while it does serious number crunching.
For those who care (I'm one), you'll be happy to know that it's not copy


From: MARSHG (134)
Subject: generating keydown event with modifiers
Date:  8-JUN-08:15: Programming Techniques
I want to generate a single keydown event with the command key down.  postevent
will let me generate the keydown event but will take the current state of the
command key.  Does anybody know an easy way to do this?  I'd rather not have to
generate my own event and add it with enqueue.  Thanks.


End of Delphi Mac Digest

korn@pavepaws.berkeley.edu (Peter "Arrgh" Korn) (06/08/86)

In article <5120@topaz.RUTGERS.EDU> shulman@topaz.RUTGERS.EDU (Jeff Shulman) writes:
>From: BMUG (8679)
>Subject: RE: Aldus Recommendation (Re: Msg 8666)
>Date: 4-JUN-04:22: Bugs & Features
>WHO ARE THEY trying to kid. PageMaker is just buggy and has little to
>do with current systems 3.2b10/finder 5.3b5 dated5/31. Or so says
>someone I know working on the system. Apple is trying to help though
>and is slightly adjusting the system to fit Pagemaker a little better.
>Steve Costa

Wierd.  I've never had ANY problems w/Aldus Pagemaker.  I've been using 
several different versions for the last year, and NOT ONCE have I had
a problem.  My usual configuration on an unenhanced 512K mac:  256K
partition to Pagemaker, 128K to MS-Word, and the rest of memory just
hanging out.

Steve, what sort of bugs have you found/heard about?

Peter Korn				"Fred Astair?  Ginger Rogers did
korn@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU		 everything he did, backwards
{dual,decvax,sdcsvax}!ucbvax!korn	 and in high heels!"