[net.micro.mac] Manx: Bug in HD20 driver / Incompat. with Paradise 10

jer@peora.UUCP (J. Eric Roskos) (06/20/86)

Jim Goodnow, via Bix, writes:

> Actually, the problem is in the ram-based HD20 driver. We were using an
> alpha version that hasn't been released yet that fixes the problem. We are
> looking into some way to work around the bug in the old 1.0 driver. The
> alpha was 1.1a, but we didn't know that the a was for alpha and assumed
> that was what everybody else was using. Oh well ....

Well, last night I got my 1.06H.1 update disk, and tried using it, only to
find the problem still existed.  Needless to say, I was somewhat
irritated. (I hadn't yet found out about the above HD20 bug.) So I called
up Manx's BBS in Tinton Falls, and read through the messages until I found
a very brief posting by "Betsy" (apparently their tech support person)
saying that there's a program called harddisk.c which patches the HD20
software to work with their shell in the upload area.

Unfortunately, it wasn't there, but the good news is that they apparently
have found a fix.   Hopefully it will be forthcoming soon.

Turning now to a problem with a competing disk drive... Manx still hasn't
answered my question about "how can you set a search path that works with
a Paradise 10 hard disk?".

Is there anybody out there who is using the Paradise 10 with the Manx shell?
I have been unable to set my search path to work with that disk drive.  The
problem is that the Paradise 10 uses "**" at the start of the volume name
to identify the system disk, and "*" to identify a disk that is to be
mounted at startup (useful if you are doing a lot of programming and have
to reboot a lot), but having a "*" in the pathname seems to cause problems.
What I would like to do is have the following search path:

	<the current directory>

However, I have not been able to find any permutation of asterisks, semi-
colons, slashes, and backslashes that works.  Surely there must be some
way.  I found a way to get everything but the current directory (first) in
there, but if I can't launch programs out of the current directory,
it makes it kind of hard to test my newly-written programs.  Does anybody
know how to do it?  Manx has been completely silent on the question.

So at the moment I can't get it to work with the HD20, and I can't get it
to work with the Paradise 10... gosh...
"They leave for the sake of leaving,
 And without knowing why, they say,
 `We must go.'"
		-- C. Baudelaire