[net.micro.mac] Lightspeed patchs in error?

t-jacobs@utah-cs.UUCP (Tony Jacobs) (06/25/86)

The last batch of patches that were relayed from Think seem to conflict with
an earlier set of patches that covered the first three patches of recient post.

the patch: 197C 0004 0001 196D
       to: 197C 0004 FFE5 196D

was prieviously posted as:296D    for the last four numbers.  These are 
findable, but '196D' isn't.

Is it a mistype on the latest post?

weber@brand.UUCP (Allan G. Weber) (07/01/86)

> The last batch of patches that were relayed from Think seem to conflict with
> an earlier set of patches that covered the first three patches of recient post.
> the patch: 197C 0004 0001 196D
>        to: 197C 0004 FFE5 196D
> was prieviously posted as:296D    for the last four numbers.  These are 
> findable, but '196D' isn't.
> Is it a mistype on the latest post?

You're right, the patch was typed incorrectly.  It should be:

   Change:  197C 0004 0001 296D
       to:  197C 0004 FFE5 296D

Sorry about that.

				Allan Weber