[net.micro.mac] Want info on SCSI hard disks

siritzky@acf2.UUCP (Brian Siritzky) (06/17/86)

I need advice on SCSI hard disks!

Now that I finally got my upgrade I can look for a good hard disk.
Can people please let me know of their experiences with the various
SCSI hard disks available. If you send me mail I will summarize on
the net. If this has already been done can someone send me a copy.


feifer@ucla-cs.ARPA (Richard Feifer) (06/19/86)

In article <6030001@acf2.UUCP> siritzky@acf2.UUCP (Brian Siritzky) writes:
>I need advice on SCSI hard disks!
>Now that I finally got my upgrade I can look for a good hard disk.
>Can people please let me know of their experiences with the various

I just got a Lo Down-20.  It is fast and easy to set up.  The only
problem I had heard is that it was ugly.  I couldn't imagine how
it could possibly be that bad.  Believe me, it is ugly as

But I have had no problems, and it sure makes using the Mac
more fun (& $850 was not bad)


phil@sivax.UUCP (06/23/86)

> In article <6030001@acf2.UUCP> siritzky@acf2.UUCP (Brian Siritzky) writes:
> >I need advice on SCSI hard disks!
> >
> >Now that I finally got my upgrade I can look for a good hard disk.
> >Can people please let me know of their experiences with the various
> I just got a Lo Down-20.  It is fast and easy to set up.  The only
> problem I had heard is that it was ugly.  I couldn't imagine how
> it could possibly be that bad.  Believe me, it is ugly as
> sin.
> But I have had no problems, and it sure makes using the Mac
> more fun (& $850 was not bad)
> -Richard

I just got a Micah AT-20 internal hard disk, it is great.....VERY FAST, quiet
and the fan they put in keeps the mac very cool for nothing extra.

I got mine for $1400

Phil Hunt

rb@ccird1.UUCP (06/24/86)

In article <6030001@acf2.UUCP> siritzky@acf2.UUCP (Brian Siritzky) writes:
>I need advice on SCSI hard disks!
>Now that I finally got my upgrade I can look for a good hard disk.
>Can people please let me know of their experiences with the various
>SCSI hard disks available. If you send me mail I will summarize on
>the net. If this has already been done can someone send me a copy.

I would be interested in hearing what sorts of results people have
been having with "generic SCSI" hard disks.  From what I have
read and heard so far, Apple's driver seems to be able to support
the protocol pretty well.  Has anyone tried something not specifically
designed for the Mac?

Has anyone heard of an SCSI to IPI or ESDI interface?
Has anyone tried the SCSI to ST-506 adapters?

It might be worthwhile to post answers to the net and save some
time/money for a few who can't wait for the "summary".

dwb@well.UUCP (06/28/86)

I'm currently using a Solo Systems 8/50.  This is probably about as non-mac
SCSI as you can get.  It is a combination fixed/removable SASI controller
that was made many moons ago.  Until recently I was using it with a driver
of my own construction.  I am currently using it with a prerelease driver
I got from Levco.  I am in the process of writing yet another of my own
drivers from it.  The only real snag I've hit on so far is that the boot
roms reset the SCSI interface try, to do a read from it and start over again
with a reset if they don't get a response back in a "reasonable" amount
of time.  Problem is that "reasonable" isn't, thus you wind up with some
of the older/slower drives being reset in the middle of reading.  Unfortunately
mine of one of the slower drives.  Net result is that I can't get it to

	David W. Berry
	dwb@well.uucp			dwb.Delphi
	dwb.GEnie			293-0544.408.MaBell


cjn@calmasd.CALMA.UUCP (Cheryl Nemeth) (07/03/86)

How inexpensive do "generic" SCSI drives get?