[net.misc] Legal issues of advice on the net

avsdS:avsdT:wcl (12/15/82)

I am no legal buff, nor lawyer, but here's a thought:

If the net is merely an open-air conduit for information (ala Citizen's
Band), and this is made clear, and no implication is given that there
is, in any way, an "official" net source of information, then by rights
we should be free and clear.  To be otherwise would create "sacred"
branches of discourse, much as we had in Medieval times, where those
not blessed by the hierarchy are specifically forbidden from speaking
on the sacred subject.  I, for one, greatly fear the day this comes
to pass (and there are many indicators it *IS* coming).

Any attempts to route this material through a screening source, or
"competent" expert, create the very trouble they seek to avoid.
The MD who does the screening then becomes the victim of choice for
lawsuits; he would have to be crazy to take on the responsibility.
Simililarly for any other "network administrator", at least if
his function relates to the information content of messages (as
opposed to the creation of newsgroups).

Is there a way to deal with these constant fears on the part of netreaders?
Could we (dare I suggest) have a newsgroup for would-be net administrators,
lawyers, etc. to work out these issues?  If there are any serious
infractions being committed on the net, 99% of us aren't going to know
anyway if they are or aren't.  Let's get some people who are both
seriously interested, and qualified, and let them discuss it in

			Bill Lindemann
			AMPEX Corporation
			Redwood City, CA