[net.micro.mac] Mac-Pc

brucer@pwcs.UUCP (Bruce Alan Riebe) (07/24/86)

I have a interesting problem that I thought you people in
Net-land might be able to help me with.

I am the Mac-Trainer here and I am trying to get some Mac's into
a IBMpc Deptartment here at Public Works.  What I need is some info
on a database program (semi-sophisticated) that can be used over
a network with Mac's and IBM AT's using each others hard disks, and a decent Network to link up all the above.

Thanx in advance,

Please send email to brucer@pwcs
Disclaimers: What I do has no real bearing on the Real World as you   /------\
             Know it.  (At least that's what my boss says)           / *   *  \
"The World is a vain collection of private pursuits,"                |   ^    |
From "Wings of Omen" by Lynn Abbey & Robert Asprin 1984              \__( )___/