[net.misc] More Terminal Mumps

knudsen (12/09/82)

Since my gradschool days, I'be referred to '!' as "cuss-mark" or just "cuss."
I always call '#' "sharp" and have never figured out where the "pound" notion
came from, except some civil engineers do use # for lb.  It may be what
users of American terminals use for British money, since HP international
terminals put the 'L' symbol where the # would go.

I also call a single quote an "irk" (Victor Borge, plus they are very irksome
when left out of programs).  So a double quote iss a "dirk" and a reverse
quote a "birk."  I guess UNIX users call '|' a pipe; some of us call
< and > "suck" and "blow" (as in "blow the output into foo.lst").

The best one tho, is what my best friend & I came up with for LISP
back at CMU.  When reading LISP aloud, always pronounce '(' as "SO"
and ')' as ALREADY.  So CONS A and B, already!
	mike k

mark (12/09/82)

I am enclosing my complete list.  Additions are invited.

!	ball-bat, bang, shriek, excl, exclamation point, smash, cuss
"	Quote, double quote, dirk
#	sharp, pound, Number sign, tictactoe, scratchmark, Octothorp
	(the official Bell System name for the # on your Touch-Tone dial)
$	Currency symbol, Buck, Dollar, Dollar Sign,String (from BASIC),
	escape (from TOPS-10 where the real escape echos as $).
%	Percent
&	Ampersand, and, amper
'	Apostrophe, prime, tick, quote, single quote, irk
()	open/close, parenthesis, paren/thesis, ears, so/already
*	star, asterisk, splat, gear. (what does TPC call this on your phone?)
+	Plus
,	Comma
-	Dash, Hyphen, Minus
.	Dot, Period, Point, Decimal, Radix point.
/	Virgule, Slash, Stroke, Slant, Diagonal
:	Colon
;	Semicolon, Semi
<>	angle brackets, brokets, less than/greater than, crunch/zap, /angle,
=	Equal sign, equals
?	Question mark, Ques
@	At sign, At, Each, At each
[]	brackets, square brackets, bra/ket
\	Backslash, Backslant, Reversed virgules, escape (from Unix systems
	where things are quoted ("escaped") with \.
^	Circumflex, Hat, Up arrow (from old ASCII)
_	Underscore, underline, underbar, under, score, backarrow (old ASCII)
`	Grave accent, backquote, backprime, blugle, birk
{}	brace, curly, curly brace, curly bracket
|	Vertical bar, pipe, or
~	squiggle, tilde, wiggle, Swung dash (that's what your friendly
	lexicographer calls it)

lepreau (12/10/82)

Ahh, don't forget that ~ is also known as "twiddle"
(at least in the Utah hinterlands).

smk (12/10/82)

	Around here, ~ is known as wiggly.

russell (12/10/82)

Try hash for the # symbol. This is the term used by English speaking French
Software engineers.

The () are (albeit confusingly) known in Britain as brackets.

Russell Cairns

mjb (12/10/82)

How about "pop" for ' and "double pops" for " (although I've never heard
of ` referred to as "backpop").

meyerson (12/11/82)

Lately, around BTL-IH(IX), ~ has been popularly known
as squiggle.

heliotis (12/13/82)

I had a friend at Xerox who called '~' a "man(y)ana".

dwl (12/15/82)

At most Data General sites, 

	? is called hook (probably because it looks like one)
and 	! is called pling (probably because it looks like one).

-Dave Levenson
-BTL Holmdel

steveb (12/17/82)

Left out 	^	caret