[net.micro.mac] Delphi Mac Digest V2 #32

shulman@topaz.RUTGERS.EDU (Jeff Shulman) (08/01/86)

Delphi Mac Digest          Friday, 1 August 1986      Volume 2 : Issue 32

Today's Topics:
     RE: Stock programs
     RE: Interrupt switch (new roms) and Apple Modem?
     RE: Cooling fan (Re: Msg 10757)
     RE: new hard disk (Re: Msg 10820)
     RE: Manx's Mac 1.06H.1 C and assembler bugs
     RE: Interrupt switch (new roms) and Apple Modem?
     RE: Modems with Mac+'s (Re: Msg 10857)
     RE: Modems with Mac+'s (Re: Msg 10864)
     section 18 of IM Vol. 4
     RE: Lightspeed C Editor (Re: Msg 385)
     RE: Lightspeed C Editor (Re: Msg 401)
     RE: File menu and DA's (Re: Msg 383)
     RE: File menu and DA's (Re: Msg 402)
     RE: INFO-MAC Digest V4 #91 (Re: Msg 10927)
     RE: Idle DA Bombs & QUED
     RE: Masstech (Re: Msg 10934)
     RE: MaxPlus from MacMemory Inc. (Re: Msg 10910)
     RE: Strange System/Finder Behavior: Folder Sizes
     Menu Manager bug?
     RE: Menu Manager bug? (Re: Msg 415)
     RE: Menu Manager bug? (Re: Msg 417)
     RE: Menu Manager bug? (Re: Msg 420)
     RE: Menu Manager bug? (Re: Msg 420)
     RE: Menu Manager bug? (Re: Msg 436)
     RE: SCSD hd recommendations
     Internal Drive Chokes and Dies
     RE: Internal Drive Chokes and Dies (Re: Msg 10971)
     RE: Internal Drive Chokes and Dies (Re: Msg 10972)
     3780 BiSync Protocol
     RE: TOPS by Centram Systems West
     RE: RE: System 3.2 Bugs
     voice recognition
     RE: _Debugger trap failure
     RE: RE: System 3.2 Bugs
     RE: MacroMind
     DataFrame Price Cut
     RE: Usenet Mac Digest V2 #60 (Re: Msg 11008)
     800K Drives
     RE: INFO-MAC Digest V4 #93 (Re: Msg 10973)
     PostScript and the new fonts in the Lase
     zoom box zooming
     Printer reset crash

From: MACINTOUCH (10850)
Subject: RE: Stock programs
Date: 26-JUL 11:28 Network Digests
To: Scott Menter <escott@bonnie.UCI.EDU>
(unfortunately, I cannot reply directly)
Pro Plus Software has a product for the Macintosh called Market Pro,
at $395, which looks like a powerful application for dealing with stocks.
We have not seen it, however; and our information comes only from news
Pro Plus Software, 2830 E. Brown, Rd., Suite C-12, Mesa, AZ  85203;
Ric Ford
"MacInTouch" newsletter

From: MACINTOUCH (10852)
Subject: RE: Interrupt switch (new roms) and Apple Modem?
Date: 26-JUL 11:38 Network Digests
From: John T Kohl <jtkohl@ATHENA.MIT.EDU> 
Subject: Interrupt switch (new roms) and Apple Modem?
I haven't done it, but you should be able to hack a cable to avoid
passing signals except RD and TD between the modem and the Mac.  I
think this will solve the problem.  It's a known bug/feature.
Ric Ford

From: RMORRIS (10855)
Subject: RE: Cooling fan (Re: Msg 10757)
Date: 26-JUL 13:01 Hardware & Peripherals
I have 2 Macs and both have Fanny Mac attached. I'm very pleased with the
results especially has I have to run on 50Hz, and the machines heat up a lot

From: MACINTOUCH (10846)
Subject: RE: new hard disk (Re: Msg 10820)
Date: 26-JUL 11:10 Hardware & Peripherals
The only thing I know of regarding 1) is the Consulair Path manager.  I'm
not sure it will do what you need, though.
There's some stuff to answer 2) floating around in the databases here, but
I've forgotten exactly what.  Maybe someone else can answer.
There is a version 5.4 of Copy II Mac, but I'm not sure whether it can
handle Sargon III.  Have you checked FWB Software to see if they have
a Hard Disk Util patch for it?

From: PEABO (10858)
Subject: RE: Manx's Mac 1.06H.1 C and assembler bugs
Date: 26-JUL 14:54 Network Digests
> From: vantreeck@logic.dec.com
> Subject: Manx's Mac 1.06H.1 C and assembler bugs
> Date: 21 Jul 86 16:52:58 GMT
> Organization: Digital Equipment Corporation
> I still haven't figured out why the Manx assembler and compiler
> will not give any success, informational, nor error messages when
> I use the 3.1.1 system file (181KB) instead of the 71KB system
> file that came with distribution disks. All that comes to the
> screen is a new prompt when I use my system file.
I would have expected the Shell to malfunction even before you get to any
of the MANX compilers or utilities, but is the problem due to lack of the
special screen driver (DRVR resource named .con)?

From: PEABO (10860)
Subject: RE: Interrupt switch (new roms) and Apple Modem?
Date: 26-JUL 15:13 Network Digests
> From: John T Kohl <jtkohl@ATHENA.MIT.EDU>
> Date: Thu, 24 Jul 86 00:12:07 EDT
> Subject: Interrupt switch (new roms) and Apple Modem?
> I just found some weird interactions between an Apple Modem 1200 and the
> New roms on a 512k logic board.
> If the modem is asserting DCD, the interrupt switch gives the normal
> debug window and things work fine.
> Has anyone else had this problem/know how to fix it?
This is a feature, not a bug!
The nano-debugger in the new ROMs appears to be set up to function as a nub
if a connection is made to the serial port.  I haven't heard of anyone using
it with MacDB on a second Mac to see if that works, but it would be worth
a try.

From: PDNNOG (10864)
Subject: RE: Modems with Mac+'s (Re: Msg 10857)
Date: 26-JUL 19:11 Hardware & Peripherals
According to IM#4, the new serial driver will pull DTR high when the
serial port is accessed, and low when it closes. There is also a
software call to enable the DTR high alla time. Or set your modem to
ignore such.

From: JEFFS (10878)
Subject: RE: Modems with Mac+'s (Re: Msg 10864)
Date: 27-JUL 00:08 Hardware & Peripherals
Yeah, that was the problem.  The real problem was that my modem manual had the
DIP switches reversed so I kept setting the wrong one.  Trial and error figured
it out.  Thanks.


From: PEABO (393)
Subject: section 18 of IM Vol. 4
Date:  26-JUL 15:29 Inside Mac
I also received the paper copy today, and it looks like the mysterious section
18 is indeed a compilation and final edit of various other chapters of volume 4
previously released in alpha form (such as the file manager chapter).  It does
not have an equivalent electronic edition.  :-(

From: BIV (398)
Subject: RE: Lightspeed C Editor (Re: Msg 385)
Date:  27-JUL 20:33 Tools for Developers
All I can say is I've just converted Performer (800K of source) from
Consulair to Lightspeed, and even with Lightspeeds imperfections, I'll
take it over anything else out there.  My development effeciency has
at least doubled or tripled due to the compile and link speed.
I've also sent THINK many pages of suggestions... no word yet as to if
they will be updating the system.  But if they do, I wouldn't use
anything else!
-Roy Groth (Mark of the Unicorn).

From: VINDICATOR (403)
Subject: RE: Lightspeed C Editor (Re: Msg 401)
Date:  27-JUL 21:45 Tools for Developers
I have been converting a small to medium size application to Lightspeed (from
Megamax) which is a real pain. I'm sure the time taken will be shaved off my
time in purgatory.
Aside from that, I have to agree that even with it's mediocre (not a bad one-
just not up to the standards of the rest of the package) editor, Lightspeed is
the way to go if you're using C.

From: JIMH (402)
Subject: RE: File menu and DA's (Re: Msg 383)
Date:  27-JUL 21:20 Programming Techniques
Dave, i have been looking at miniwriter for the last week both for
home and the office computers and i have a problem with the fact that
it changes the creator to that of macwrite regardless of the original
creator. this makes it a pain when i want to quickly edit some code
while still in the compiler as it changes my creator from qued to
macwrite. any chance you will change it in the future to let the user
chose the creator like RR does, or leave existing files alone?  all in
all its a great program which i plan to recommend for work where they
dont do programming on the mac, however for myself i plan to go back
to mockwrite even though in all other areas your program is far
supperior.  jim

From: DDUNHAM (409)
Subject: RE: File menu and DA's (Re: Msg 402)
Date:  28-JUL 21:30 Programming Techniques
Yes, choice of creator will be part of future releases.  I'm currently
changing it because you could be doing a "Save as" and changing an old
document's type (a very bad thing to do in the Finder, BTW).  I never
double-click QUED docs (#1 I think it's an ugly quill, not nearly as
attractive as JEFFS's banana, and I'm currently using LightspeedC's
document icon; #2 I use the Aztec C shell).
Rather than give up Undo, why not Fedit miniWRITER and change MACA to QUED?  (I
think it's in 2 places.)
I just made the changes, but I don't really want to have umpteen versions
floating around.  Now if someone would tell me how to use the low-level drivers
to print more than one laser page, it might be worth a release...

From: DDUNHAM (10945)
Subject: RE: INFO-MAC Digest V4 #91 (Re: Msg 10927)
Date: 29-JUL 04:50 Network Digests
to: Kathleen Huddleston <gregory@ICSE.UCI.EDU>
>I have upgraded my Mac with the new ROMs and new system (3.2). I also
>am using a HD20 in addition to the 800K drive. Do I need the HD20
>driver in my system folder on the Hard disk, or is this already
>bundled in the ROMs or System 3.2?  Also, I have heard that AppleTalk
>is in the new System and new ROMs. Therefore, do I need the separate
>Apple Talk driver as well? While I'm at it, do I need the software
>version of the Chicago font in my System Font file?
You definitely don't need the HD20 file.  Exactly what you can take out of your
System file is a matter between you and your environment.  Frex, you can remove
MDEF 0, but not if you run Switcher (unless Andy fixed this in 5.0). The
resources you can definitely remove are PTCH 105 and PTCH 28927, which are
patches for 64K ROM and MacWorks, respectively.  FONT 12 and WDEF 0 also safe.
Others, such as .Print, are not.  I tried removing the AppleTalk stuff and
Chatter didn't work.  If you have 20 megs, there's really no reason to worry
about size (unless you're trying to make a small resource map to shrink system
heap) -- use HFS Backup if your System (like mine) is over 800K.
re: Help with Font Changer Improvments
I'd like to see a way to change sizes:  change Times 12 to Times 10, and
Helvetica 10 to Helvetica 9, at the same time (this particular change I make
fairly often).

From: DDUNHAM (10946)
Subject: RE: Idle DA Bombs & QUED
Date: 29-JUL 04:51 Network Digests
to: dubois@uwmacc.UUCP (Paul DuBois)
re: Idle DA Bombs & QUED
I think QUED deletes a menu so it can change its title.  The three idles I
referred to are Idle (Schuster's original), ZoomIdle, and Stars.

From: JLG (10934)
Subject: Masstech
Date: 29-JUL 00:51 Hardware & Peripherals
I have a friend who has the Masstech 2 meg upgrade. Has anyone heard
from or of themrecently? Does anyone know if the 128K roms are
compatible with it? Any help appreciated. Thanks.  Joe Gagnon

From: PEABO (10941)
Subject: RE: Masstech (Re: Msg 10934)
Date: 29-JUL 02:58 Hardware & Peripherals
The word here in the Boston area is that Masstech went out of business.  It
might still be worth a try calling them up though.

From: UJL0012 (10948)
Subject: RE: MaxPlus from MacMemory Inc. (Re: Msg 10910)
Date: 29-JUL 10:08 Hardware & Peripherals
What Steve has told you is correct. Let me just add some of my
personal comments. First of all, KanjiTalk is excellent in terms of
function. The speed of conversion into Kanji from the text entered in
alphabet is faster than EgWord by ErgoSoft Co , the conventional
Japanese word processing program. It has a sufficient dictionary.
Moreover, it is easy to use. A further merit is that it is compatible
with a considerable number of software. However, it is a pity that
there are several problems i n order to use software by MicroSoft. For
instance, you cannot use Word and the macro function does not operate
in Excel. In order to overcome this problem,the Japanese subsidiary of
MicroSoft modified Excel. Of the three disks mentioned by Steve, on e
disk has this modified Excel.
KanjiTalk consists of the Japanese version of System 3.1 and Finder 5.1 as the
basis and the 280k dictionary and the 350k fonts. The font for the display is
18-point. This is one of the largest shortcomings of the KanjiTalk. The
excessibly large font can hardly be said to be attractive. It almost looks like
a child's picture book. This is due to the fact that complicated Kanji
characters may not be displayed in small fonts due to the low resolution of
Mac's CRT.
Swaps from 128kROM to 256kROM(with fonts etched to it) are done free of charge
until August 4th. I'm planning to swap the ROMs of my two Macs(512 and Plus) in
two or three days time.
In order to run Excel on KanjiTalk, you need a MacPlus. It is quite a tough job
even on MacPlus to run Excel and MacWrite with Switcher since KnajiTalk uses up
the greater part of the memory just on its own.

From: PEABO (10953)
Subject: RE: Strange System/Finder Behavior: Folder Sizes
Date: 29-JUL 20:18 Network Digests
> Date: Mon 28 Jul 86 14:15:55-PDT
> From: Tony Siegman  <SIEGMAN@Sierra.Stanford.EDU>
> Subject: Strange System/Finder Behavior: Folder Sizes
> Following occurs on 512K Extended Mac (128K ROM, 800K internal drive,
> 400K external drive) using System 3.2, Finder 5.3:
> Start from 800K startup disk with usual System folder, various other
> applications and folders.  Use View menu to display disk contents by
> Name, Size, or anything but Icon.  No sizes are shown for any of the
> folders -- they all have just " -- " in the size column.  If you view by
> size, the folders are all at the bottom of the list
This is not a bug.  The Finder avoids looking into HFS folders that are not
open on the desktop, in order to save substantial amounts of time.  Therefore
it does not know how much information is in the closed folders.  When you
copy such a folder to another disk, it finds out how big it is, so it begins
displaying the size information.  Solution:  use GetInfo on the folder to
find out how much stuff is contained in a closed folder.

From: JEFFS (415)
Subject: Menu Manager bug?
Date:  29-JUL 22:26 Developers' Corner
Now that I have TMON I attempted to track down a POM bug occasionally
seen in FontDisplay (Aside: I *still* couldn't reproduce it! :-( )
Anyway, while I had heap scramble on I noticed that some menus were
themselves getting "scrambled" so to speak!  The menus that were
screwed up were the menus to the right of the two menus I delete and
reinsert into the menu bar (Font and Size).  I tried calling
DrawMenuBar and/or CalcMenuSize at the appropriate times and these
menus were still no good.  The only solution that works is just to
lock down the handles to these menus.  My dilemma is this:
A) IM says to call MoveHHi before you lock down a handle.  Megamax C does NOT
include this in their library and I have not been able to locate sources for it
anywhere.  Does somebody out there have it?
B) Leave the HLock's in and forget about MoveHHi.
C) Since I have NEVER seen this problem before, just remove the HLocks and
forget about it.  Assume those menu handles just don't move under "normal"
conditions (the Menu Manager seems to think so or this bug would never have

From: PEABO (417)
Subject: RE: Menu Manager bug? (Re: Msg 415)
Date:  29-JUL 23:53 Developers' Corner
Are you really tight for storage in a 128K environment?  MoveHHi is recommended
in order to avoid fragmentation of the heap, but it is not necessary if you can
tolerate the fragmentation.

From: JEFFS (420)
Subject: RE: Menu Manager bug? (Re: Msg 417)
Date:  30-JUL 18:51 Developers' Corner
I suppose not but I would still like to get MoveHHi.  It is Not In ROM routines
like this that make MPW more attractive than any of the other development
systems.  You can be pretty sure they WILL be in MPW if they are documented in

From: DWB (432)
Subject: RE: Menu Manager bug? (Re: Msg 420)
Date:  31-JUL 03:22 Developers' Corner
Or Lightspeed, which also supports the Pascal Only routines.  In fact,
according to them, they use the same library as gets used with Lisa

From: DDUNHAM (436)
Subject: RE: Menu Manager bug? (Re: Msg 420)
Date:  31-JUL 21:42 Developers' Corner
Aztec supports [Not in ROM], too.  Isn't that in ROM 128K?

From: JEFFS (442)
Subject: RE: Menu Manager bug? (Re: Msg 436)
Date:  31-JUL 22:48 Developers' Corner
Hmmmm, you're right!  Wonder if I should just disassemble it and put it in my
code?  Or should I just use it under 128K ROM's?  Or as Peter suggested, just
forget about it and see what happens?

From: MACINTOUCH (10969)
Subject: RE: SCSD hd recommendations
Date: 30-JUL 16:14 Network Digests
to: jww@sdcsvax.UUCP (Joel West) Subject: SCSD hd recommendations
We have used a Peak 20MB disk for a short time.  It is not very quiet, but
appears to be reasonably well built.  It comes with a small set of SCSI
utilities, and a decent manual.  It looks like an MDIdeas disk.  The people who
build it apparently came from the defunct MicroDesign company and one fellow is
from/in CA.  The disk will go under the Mac, with a slightly larger footprint.
It's suprisingly light in weight.  The hard disk seems to be a MiniScribe, with
an Adaptec controller.
Ric Ford

From: MACINTOUCH (10971)
Subject: Internal Drive Chokes and Dies
Date: 30-JUL 16:50 Bugs & Features
I'm not too happy.  A few months after paying list price to get my Mac
512 upgraded with internal 800K drive and 128K ROMs, I was restoring
some files to a re-initialized hard disk when a nice double-sided Sony floppy
came half-way out of the internal drive, hung up, tried again, and finally
came out.
Since then, the internal drive is useless.  It won't read or write, although
disks can be inserted and ejected.  It won't format or initialize.
I didn't jam anything;  there was only one, well-adhered label on
the disk;  the disk wasn't warped, and nothing else was strange except the
results.  I had just read a number of disks successfully.
Wishing I had an external floppy drive ...
Ric Ford

From: PEABO (10972)
Subject: RE: Internal Drive Chokes and Dies (Re: Msg 10971)
Date: 30-JUL 17:00 Bugs & Features
My Mac Plus swallowed a disk yesterday, and I had to open up the Mac
and pull the floppy disk out in order to remove the disk.  Once the
floppy drive was removed from the frame, the disk popped out as nice
as you please, so it must be the plastic bezel that is causing the
problem.  I did not fool with the mounting frame to see if the disk
drive could be adjusted in its vertical position.
While I had everything disassembled, I took a close look at the Mac
Plus digital board (you have to remove that in order to get at the
screws that hold the floppy diskette mounting bracket into the frame).
Boy, do those memory chips look nice!
The update to the hardware manual mentions by the way that there is a 2.5 meg
Mac Plus congfiguration:  512K in 256K SIMMs and the other 2 megs in 1 meg

From: MACINTOUCH (10974)
Subject: RE: Internal Drive Chokes and Dies (Re: Msg 10972)
Date: 30-JUL 18:36 Bugs & Features
_You_ don't have a HyperDrive!  I opened the sucker up, and thought
"no, you'll get it apart and then something won't fit right and it'll
_break_" I decided not to hack on it myself.  There's a lot to be said
for Apple's elegant hardware design, and a lot to be said for not
adding weird stuff to the guts of the Mac, if you have any interest in
do-it-yourself repair.

From: ASJ (416)
Subject: 3780 BiSync Protocol
Date:  29-JUL 22:37 Programming Techniques
If anyone has experimented with changing the SCC from the async parameters to
the BiSync parameters,would you please let me know how it turned out.  The chip
will support BiSync, but will the Mac allow the chips parameters to be changed,
used in that mode to communicate with a device that only understands 3780
BiSync, and then changed back to async.  Any experiences in this area would be
appreciated.  The 3780 protocol and EBCDIC conversions present no problems, but
the BiSync may be beyond my abilities.  Thanks, Arvid Jedlicka

From: MACINTOUCH (10975)
Subject: RE: TOPS by Centram Systems West
Date: 30-JUL 18:49 Network Digests
to: Thomas D. Schardt  <K3TDS%SCFVM.BITNET@WISCVM.ARPA> 
Subject: TOPS by Centram Systems West
We have used beta-test versions of TOPS and found them remarkably
useful and friendly.  The architecture is that of a fully-distributed
file-server, with IBM PC support (on AppleTalk, with a supplied IBM PC
card in the PC version of the package).  Beta test versions crash
under some circumstances, but we are scheduled to receive final
versions this week.  BMUG (the Berkeley Mac Users Group) is also quite
familiar with TOPS.  Micah has announced a version of TOPS for their
hard disk, called MicahTOPS, in obvious response to GCC's HyperNet.
From what we've seen, TOPS looks like a clear winner in networking software for
AppleTalk, but the reliability is still unknown.
TOPS is supposed to support Omnis3 MultiUser.  Support for Unix and other
systems is planned (I think VMS is included).
Ric Ford
"MacInTouch" newsletter

From: DDUNHAM (10983)
Subject: RE: RE: System 3.2 Bugs
Date: 30-JUL 22:25 Network Digests
From: Paul Christensen <PCHRISTENSEN%rca.com@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA>
Subject: RE: System 3.2 Bugs
> One of these bugs I assume is the Finder's difficulty with addition, for
> example showing that a file is 300192 bytes long, and only occupies 297K on
> disk.  (Ignore the K figure, the byte figure is accurate.)
1K = 1024 bytes (NOT 1000 like before).  300192 = 294K (rounding up). Something
certainly appears wrong, but remember files are allocated in clumps, whose size
depends on the disk you're using (my pre-HFS Corvus used 10K allocation!), and
that the resource and data fork each are a separate file in effect.
Why did Apple change Finder?  Well, consider that they don't sell 524K Macs...

From: CNOSY (10988)
Subject: voice recognition
Date: 30-JUL 23:44 Creative Pursuits
I think I might have a way for Macintosh to be voice comanded and to be spoken
to to verbaly .how can I get in touch with someone who is very interested in
this ? I am trying to get some knolagble fokes to make Mac the first larg
vocabulary verbaly spokev spoken to commanded computer!!!!! I know it can be
done and I have woeked out all of a block diagram and most all excpt codes !!I
am ready for the building of the system of the systemWho do I get in touch with
This could be finished in perhaps 2 months months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: MACLAIRD (10996)
Subject: RE: _Debugger trap failure
Date: 31-JUL 06:37 Network Digests
>From: brian@ut-sally.UUCP (Brian H. Powell)
>Subject: _Debugger trap failure
Use ILLEGAL instead.  The instruction word $4AFC, according to the blue book,
will always be unimplemented, and it's always worked for me with MacDB and the
Now what _doesn't_ work is MacDB A on a MacXL running AppleTalk, although it
does work on the 512K Mac:  this is a little bit of a pain, as the XL screen is
larger and the default display from MacDB is more detailed.

From: MACLAIRD (10997)
Subject: RE: RE: System 3.2 Bugs
Date: 31-JUL 06:38 Network Digests
>From: Paul Christensen <PCHRISTENSEN%rca.com@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA>
>Subject: RE: System 3.2 Bugs
>System 3.2 was finally released late in June, and Apple admitted that there
>were some bugs that were so fundamental that they could not be corrected
>without a total rewrite of the software.  One of these bugs I assume is the
>Finder's difficulty with addition, for example showing that a file is 300192
>bytes long, and only occupies 297K on disk.  (Ignore the K figure, the byte
>figure is accurate.)
Let's see, 1K=2^10=1024, so 300192/1024 = 293.1K.  Given the fact that
disk allocation is blocked, say to 1K, and the data and resource forks
might each run just over the 1K boundary, maybe the file only occupies
296K on disk.  Of course, the logical EOF and physical EOF may be
The _original_ Finders had the division bug, related to Apple's
earlier penchant for overstating disk size (remember the (almost) 5
Megabyte Profiles?)  They reported 400K in empty disks by ignoring the
boot and directory blocks.  Current Finders, dividing by 1024 instead
of 1000, report 391K available in an empty single-sided disk.

From: MACINTOUCH (11000)
Subject: RE: MacroMind
Date: 31-JUL 09:23 Network Digests
MacroMind had distributed through Hayden Software.  Hayden Software
had problems and was bought out by Spinnaker Software (I don't think
MacroMind got much of their royalities).  MacroMind is now
distributing through MindScape.
The best bet is probably to contact MacroMind directly at:
1028 West Wolfram
Chicago, IL  60657
Besides VideoWorks, MusicWorks, the MUD (MacroMind Utilities Disk), MM has
VideoWorks-type packages for developers to include in their programs, some
advanced music software under development, and generally, an incredible
collection of projects and products.
Ric Ford

From: MACINTOUCH (11001)
Subject: DataFrame Price Cut
Date: 31-JUL 09:29 Hardware & Peripherals
Just heard from a friend who got a new ComputerWare catalog.  He says that the
DataFrame 20 hard disk has been cut to $830 for a one-month special.
Ric Ford

From: MACINTOUCH (11009)
Subject: RE: Usenet Mac Digest V2 #60 (Re: Msg 11008)
Date: 31-JUL 19:12 Network Digests
to: bmac1@ssc-bee.UUCP (Keith Pratt)
Subject: Question on LaserWriter Resources
This probably isn't much help, but Aldus supplies a special file with
PageMaker called Aldus Prep, and PageMaker can print to pages larger
than standard size by a process called "tiling" where you manually
break up the large page into 8 1/2 x 11" tiles.  You can lay an 11x17"
page out and probably print a reduced-size version of it (I'm not
sure about that last one.)
To:  abulloch@violet.berkeley.edu
Subject: Problems editing non-Apple fonts with ResEd 1.0D12
I had a number of problems with version 1.0D12, including the inability to
edit menu resources in Word.  I noticed that the 1.0A1 version released in
the latest Software Supplement says 1.0D11 in the About box.  It might be
worth trying this version.
Ric Ford
"MacInTouch" newsletter

From: MOUSEKETEER (11012)
Subject: 800K Drives
Date: 31-JUL 20:26 Hardware & Peripherals
While visiting my friendly local Apple dealer today, I spent some time in the
service department poking my mousish nose into places it can get shocked.  A
cute little box of munch-happy DS drives is building quickly in one corner.
The problem was said to be more widespread than I thought.  One service guy
finished up an upgrade with a pat on the top and "See you again in a week or
"This little arm here that's get bent easily" was considered to be the culprit,
and after opening a few of the upgrade kits, I tend to think the packing Apple
is using for the upgrade drives is part of the problem.  What appears to be
well-thought-out packaging on paper (or a larger screen than *I* have..grin),
results in a mess after the joys of a trucking service.
I'd go into the scenario of the 8 little Macs in a row, all from the same well-
known oil company, all with Hyper ills, but it's too sad.  My understanding was
that said oil company was about ready to find another use for one of it's
low-return wells.....

From: DDUNHAM (11024)
Subject: RE: INFO-MAC Digest V4 #93 (Re: Msg 10973)
Date: 31-JUL 21:41 Network Digests
to: uwvax!husc6!endor!mazur@ucbvax.berkeley.edu  (Eric Mazur)
> I have a related question concerning PACK 0. David Dunham (how can I reach
> him from Usenet?) told me my problems with MiniWriter were due to the
> presence of the PACK 0 resource in the System file.
You can't reach me direct from Usenet; I'm but a solitary developer and don't
have hardware besides Macs.  I'm on Delphi (DDUNHAM), MCI Mail (DDUNHAM), and
Compu$erve (76074,762) for those with access.  Luckily the digests are posted
on Delphi (I don't know what the delay is).
On to the question:  Did I _really_ say that?  I meant to say that problems
with the miniWRITER Typestyle dialog could be explained by the presence of
PACK 0 in the _DeskTop_ file.  miniWRITER expects to find PACK 0 in the System
file; it's the list manager, which it uses to display a scrolling list of
fonts.  PACK 0 is new with System 3.x; it is _not_ duplicated in ROM!  Do not
throw it out!  (I can't imagine why PACK 0 affected printing; the list manager
does things like the scrolling file list, and the entire user interface of
As to the ROM resources, I'd experiment one by one.  Dan Cochran doesn't always
give the most accurate answers (probably explained partially by his lead time).

From: MADMACS (11026)
Subject: PostScript and the new fonts in the Lase
Date: 31-JUL 21:45 Programming
I am looking for a little help in accessing the LaserWriter Plus ROM
fonts using PostScript.  I use /Times-Bold etc. to look up the old
fonts, but what do you use for the new fonts that have two parts to
their names?  /Avant_Garde ?  /ITC_Avante_Garde?  Is there a way to
get PostScript to return a directory of the available fonts? Thanks
for any info you can provide. - Doug Wood (Madison Macintosh Users

From: LOGICHACK (440)
Subject: zoom box zooming
Date:  31-JUL 22:15 Programming Techniques
To Mac Purists:
With all this talk about zooming windows and zoom boxes, I haven't noticed
anyone blasting Finder for not drawing zoomrects when a window is zoomed. I
don't think anyone else does it either (except myself, of course).  What's the
story?  It isn't exactly tough to do.
Paul :)

From: ASMCOR (441)
Subject: Printer reset crash
Date:  31-JUL 22:29 Inside Mac
Anybody have any idea why this line of code (in LightspeedC) would crash when
the Laserwriter is active?
Any ideas would certainly be appreciated.

End of Delphi Mac Digest