[net.micro.mac] Disk Librarian

hammen@puff.UUCP (Zaphod Beeblebrox) (04/18/86)

In article <7187@tektronix.UUCP>, gregl@tektronix.UUCP (Greg Lacefield) writes:
> >I downloaded Disk Librarian posted in net.sources.mac, but it crashes every
> >time I boot it. Is it normal ? Can anybody repost it or E-mail it to me ?
> >Thanks in advance.
> The same thing happens to me.  When I run it, DL throws up the menu and the
> disk windows (no contents), then **BOOM**.  I've seen quite a few complaints
> about the file that is currently posted up here, although one of the moderators
> in net.mod.mac said that his version was A-OK.  Does anybody care to explain?
> And, re-iterating what Julien said, could anybody repost it for those of us
> who have been so deprived?
> Thanks...
> Greg Lacefield  :->

Interesting.  I downloaded the program and it worked just fine.  I was able
to create a very large library file with it.  I then gave a copy to someone
else, and theirs crashed.  Now, every time I start up mine, it crashes just
as described above.  I downloaded it again, this time ftp'ing to sumex, and
sure enough, it still crashes.  I've tried this on various versions of
systems/finders, on a Lisa and a Mac, without Keeper installed, etc.  Still
crashes.  Has anyone else had success with it?

Robert J. Hammen     {seismo,allegra,ihnp4,harvard,topaz}!uwvax!puff!hammen
UW-Madison CS Dept.   hammen@puff.wisc.edu{
UW-Madison Plasma Physics Dept.     plasma%wiscpsl.bitnet {@wiscvm.wisc.edu}

akk2@ur-tut.UUCP (04/20/86)

In article <822@puff.UUCP> hammen@puff.UUCP (Zaphod Beeblebrox) writes:
>In article <7187@tektronix.UUCP>, gregl@tektronix.UUCP (Greg Lacefield) writes:
>> >I downloaded Disk Librarian posted in net.sources.mac, but it crashes every
>> >time I boot it. Is it normal ? Can anybody repost it or E-mail it to me ?
>> >Thanks in advance.
>> The same thing happens to me.  When I run it, DL throws up the menu and the
>> disk windows (no contents), then **BOOM**.  I've seen quite a few complaints
>> about the file that is currently posted up here, although one of the moderators
>> in net.mod.mac said that his version was A-OK.  Does anybody care to explain?
>> And, re-iterating what Julien said, could anybody repost it for those of us
>> who have been so deprived?
>> Thanks...
>> Greg Lacefield  :->
>Interesting.  I downloaded the program and it worked just fine.  I was able
>to create a very large library file with it.  I then gave a copy to someone
>else, and theirs crashed.  Now, every time I start up mine, it crashes just
>as described above.  I downloaded it again, this time ftp'ing to sumex, and
>sure enough, it still crashes.  I've tried this on various versions of
>systems/finders, on a Lisa and a Mac, without Keeper installed, etc.  Still
>crashes.  Has anyone else had success with it?
>Robert J. Hammen     {seismo,allegra,ihnp4,harvard,topaz}!uwvax!puff!hammen
>UW-Madison CS Dept.   hammen@puff.wisc.edu{
>UW-Madison Plasma Physics Dept.     plasma%wiscpsl.bitnet {@wiscvm.wisc.edu}

I have used DiskLibrarian without any problems after I found out the
secret to using it without it crashing. The secret is that it has to be on the
startup disk to work. Try it out and if you still have problems, I could
mail you a working copy.

UUCP    : {allegra|seismo|decvax}!rochester!ur-tut!akk2

sylv@sdchem.UUCP (Sylvia Richman) (04/20/86)

There has been a couple of requests on the net for disk librarian and
"why it does not work". The binhexed article I have downloaded to 
net.sources.mac is the same one that was posted Mar. 18. When I
downloaded it to my Mac then converted it with the bin-hex 4.0 converter
the application did not seem to work. It would open, give a set of menus,
then start to draw out the form then crashed.  Now what? Well,
then I moved the application to a disk containing only a system file 
and Macwrite 4.5, when I opened the application it worked fine. I don't
recall any documentation that lead me to this method just call it lucky.

Hope this answers the questions.

jeffp@phred.UUCP (Jeff Parke) (04/21/86)

In article <822@puff.UUCP> hammen@puff.UUCP (Zaphod Beeblebrox) writes:
>In article <7187@tektronix.UUCP>, gregl@tektronix.UUCP (Greg Lacefield) writes:
>> >I downloaded Disk Librarian posted in net.sources.mac, but it crashes every
>> >time I boot it. Is it normal ? Can anybody repost it or E-mail it to me ?
>> >Thanks in advance.
>> The same thing happens to me.  When I run it, DL throws up the menu and the
>> Greg Lacefield  :->
>Interesting.  I downloaded the program and it worked just fine.  I was able
>to create a very large library file with it.  I then gave a copy to someone
>else, and theirs crashed.  Now, every time I start up mine, it crashes just
>as described above.  I downloaded it again, this time ftp'ing to sumex, and
>sure enough, it still crashes.  I've tried this on various versions of
>systems/finders, on a Lisa and a Mac, without Keeper installed, etc.  Still
>crashes.  Has anyone else had success with it?

I've used it a couple of times.  It seemed sensitive to being on the startup
disk.  Now I've got it on a separate startup disk and all is okay when I
boot that disk.  But I had plenty of problems with it before that.

bono@dartvax.UUCP (Christopher North) (08/01/86)

did my last posting get through?  I didn't see it so I wasn't sure.
does anyone have Disk Librarian that was posted here many moons ago?
I seemed to have misplaced one of the three parts and now I can't get
back to it.