[net.misc] Title: Read news with a Friend

mleech (12/19/82)

It has come to my attention that many valuable resources (CPU, terminals, etc.)
  are being wasted reading news. So I have come up with the following proposal:

        R E A D  N E W S  W I T H  A  F R I E N D
Think of it!! like-thinking people brought together with one common aim;
  to consume information, flames, recipes,.... Imagine sharing this
  wonderful experience with a friend! Terminals need no longer be tied up
  for hours because ONE person is reading news! Site administartors could
  initiate the concept of Daily, communal news reading sessions--somewhat
  similar to "prayer meetings". The possibilities of enlightened social
  interaction are limitless.
So, get together with a friend, or two, maybe even three, and read news! It's
  fun, it's friendly, it's a religious experience you won't want to miss!
[They're coming to take me away now, I have to go--those men in white coats
 don't look like they belong here...]

:-) :-] :-} :-}
