[net.misc] re-NO SMOKING HERE

frank (12/17/82)

I don't think the companies are that worried about your health when
it enforces a no smoking rule.  It probally has more to do with getting
more work out of you.  Studies show a smoking employee takes more breaks
to light up a cig. So don't fool your self into thinking they are
doing it for your health.

				Frank Ayala
				General Instr. Corp.
				Silicon Desert
				Chandler, Arizona

dwl (12/21/82)

If I were an employer, I would ask my employees not to smoke on
company premises out of concern for my own health and comfort, as
well as that of other non-smokers among them.  Productivity is not a
consideration in this.  I probably spend the same amount of time
consuming coffee as others spend smoking.

-Dave Levenson
-BTL Holmdel