[net.micro.mac] I want a bridge program for a macintosh

equitz@SU-ISL.STANFORD.EDU (William Equitz) (08/07/86)

Does anyone have or know of a program to play bridge (the card game) that
runs on a macintosh?  I would prefer free programs, but am also interested
in recommendations for commercial products (include price please).  Thank

-Will Equitz (equitz@SU-ISL.ARPA)

werner@ut-ngp.UUCP (Werner Uhrig) (08/07/86)

A store here had one, and it seemed to play a fair enough game to while away
the hours.  I think, there was a problem with making back-ups though,
as COPY-II-Mac-5.3 wouldn't make a usable copy.

david@randvax.UUCP (08/11/86)

    Artworx makes a program called Bridge 4.0 which is a pretty decent
    little game.  It's a direct conversion of an IBM-PC game, so it's not
    terrifically "Mac-like," but it is fun.  It's available from
    MacConnection for about $21.00.

				--- das