[net.misc] More obscure words -- a definitive source for them

rcj (12/21/82)

I was put onto the book "Mrs. Byrne's Dictionary of Obscure, Unusual,
and Preposterous Words" by several people on the net.  For those inter-
ested in the subject, it is an absolute gem!  I have ordered my own
copy from a local bookstore after checking it out from the library.
I never would have suspected that there were words for things like
"a government by prostitutes" (pornocracy), or "fear of virgins"
(parthenophobia).  I recommend this book highly.  And, speaking of
phobias, I had been collecting them for quite some time, and had about
3/4 of what follows; Mrs. Byrne is due thanks for the rest:

acarophobia -------- fear of itching or of those insects that cause it
acousticophobia ---- fear of noise
acrophobia --------- fear of heights
aelurophobia ------- fear of cats
agoraphobia -------- fear of public and/or open places
agyiophobia -------- fear of crossing busy streets
aibohphobia -------- fear of palindromes :-) *
algophobia --------- fear of pain
amathophobia ------- fear of dust
amaxophobia -------- fear of riding in a car
ambulophobia ------- fear of walking
anthropophobia ----- fear of meeting people -- fear of society
anuptaphobia ------- fear of staying single
atychiphobia ------- fear of failure
automysophobia ----- fear of being dirty
autophobia --------- fear of oneself or of being alone
ballistophobia ----- fear of missiles or of being shot
basophobia --------- inability to stand due to fear of falling
batophobia --------- fear of heights or of being close to tall buildings
belonephobia ------- fear of pins and needles
bolshephobia ------- fear of Bolshevism (slang)
bromidrosiphobia --- fear of body smells
brontophobia ------- fear of thunderstorms
catagelophobia ----- fear of being ridiculed
cathisophobia ------ fear of sitting
cenophobia --------- fear of empty spaces
cherophobia -------- fear of gaiety
chrematophobia ----- fear of money
cibophobia --------- fear of food
claustrophobia ----- fear of closed spaces
climacophobia ------ fear of falling down stairs
cynophobia --------- fear of dogs
dikephobia --------- fear of justice
domatophobia ------- fear of being house-bound
dystychiphobia ----- fear of accidents
ecophobia ---------- fear of home
enissophobia ------- fear of being reproached
enosiophobia ------- fear of having committed an unpardonable sin
eosophobia --------- fear of dawn
eremophobia -------- fear of loneliness
ergasiophobia ------ fear of work or a surgeon's fear of operating
		     in spite of demonstrable need
erotophobia -------- fear of sexual love
erythrophobia ------ fear of red lights or of blushing
flamophobia -------- fear of posting tongue twisters to net.general :-)
gamophobia --------- fear of marriage
gephyrophobia ------ fear of crossing bridges
gerascophobia ------ fear of growing old
gymnophobia -------- fear of nudity
hamartophobia ------ fear of sin or sinning
harpaxophobia ------ fear of robbers or of being robbed
helminthophobia ---- fear of being, or becoming, infested with worms
hodophobia --------- fear of road travel
homichlophobia ----- fear of fog
homophobia --------- fear of sameness or monotony
hydrophobophobia --- fear of hydrophobia
hygrophobia -------- fear of liquids (fear of water, usually)
hypengyophobia ----- fear of responsibility
hypophobia --------- fear of nothing -- lack of fear
iophobia ----------- fear of being poisoned
kakorrhaphiophobia - fear of failure
kenophobia --------- fear of empty or open spaces
keraunophobia ------ fear of thunder and lightning
kinesophobia ------- fear of movement
kopophobia --------- fear of physical or mental exhaustion
laliophobia -------- fear of speaking
ligyrophobia ------- fear of loud noises
lilapsophobia ------ fear of tornadoes
linonophobia ------- fear of string
lygophobia --------- fear of the dark
lyssophobia -------- fear of becoming insane
macrophobia -------- fear of long waits
maieusiophobia ----- fear of childbirth
maniaphobia -------- fear of insanity
mastigophobia ------ fear of punishment
mechanophobia ------ fear of machines
megalophobia ------- fear of large things
melissophobia ------ fear of bees
melophobia --------- fear of (hatred of) music
metrophobia -------- fear of (hatred of) poetry
molysmophobia ------ fear of dirt or contamination
monophobia --------- fear of being alone
muriphobia --------- fear of mice
mysophobia --------- fear of dirt or contamination; compulsive hand-washing
nebulaphobia ------- fear of fog
nosophobia --------- fear of becoming ill
novercaphobia ------ fear of a step-mother
ochlophobia -------- fear of crowds
odynophobia -------- fear of pain
ombrophobia -------- fear of rain or of being rained upon
onomatophobia ------ fear of hearing a certain word
ophidiophobia ------ fear of snakes
opthalmophobia ----- fear of being stared at
orthophobia -------- fear of propriety
osmophobia --------- fear of smells
panthophobia ------- fear of suffering and disease
pantophobia -------- fear of everything -- utter cowardice
papaphobia --------- fear of the pope
paralipophobia ----- fear of responsibility
parthenophobia ----- fear of virgins
peccatophobia ------ fear of having committed an imaginary crime
pediculophobia ----- fear of lice
peniaphobia -------- fear of poverty
pentheraphobia ----- fear of one's mother-in-law
philophobia -------- fear of falling in love or of being loved
phobophobia -------- fear of phobias -- fear of fear itself
phonophobia -------- fear of noise, voices, or speaking aloud
phthiriophobia ----- fear of lice
placophobia -------- fear of tombstones
pluviophobia ------- fear of rain or of being rained upon
pnigophobia -------- fear of choking in one's sleep
ponophobia --------- fear of overworking
prosophobia -------- fear of progress
psellismophobia ---- fear of stuttering
pteronophobia ------ fear of being tickled with a feather
rhabdophobia ------- fear of being punished or severely criticized
scopophobia -------- fear of being seen
scotophobia -------- fear of the dark
septophobia -------- fear of decaying matter
siderodromophobia -- fear of train travel
sitophobia --------- fear of eating
soceraphobia ------- fear of one's parent's-in-law
sociophobia -------- fear of friendship or society in general
sophophobia -------- fear of learning
spectrophobia ------ fear of looking into a mirror
stasibasiphobia ---- fear of standing and/or walking
staurophobia ------- fear of the crucifix
stenophobia -------- fear of narrow things or places
stygiophobia ------- fear of hell
syngenesophobia ---- fear of relatives
taphephobia -------- fear of being buried alive or of cemeteries
tapinophobia ------- fear of being contagious
technophobia ------- fear of arts and crafts
teleophobia -------- fear of definite plans or of religious ceremonies
teratophobia ------- fear of bearing a deformed child
teutophobia -------- fear of Germans or of anything German
thalassophobia ----- fear of the sea
thanatophobia ------ fear of death or of dying
theologicophobia --- fear of theology
theophobia --------- fear of gods and/or religions
tocophobia --------- fear of pregnancy and/or childbirth
tonitrophobia ------ fear of thunder
topophobia --------- fear of a/certain place(s)
traumatophobia ----- fear of injury
triskadekaphobia --- fear of the number 13
tropophobia -------- fear of making changes or of change itself
uranophobia -------- fear of heaven
verbophobia -------- fear of words
vitricophobia ------ fear of one's stepfather
xenophobia --------- fear of strangers and/or foreigners
xerophobia --------- fear of drought
xylophobia --------- fear of wood, wooden objects, and/or forests
zoophobia ---------- fear of animals

You may, of course, substitute "extreme dislike of" for "fear of" in
almost every definition.  If anyone has any that are not in this list
I would greatly appreciate you dropping me a line via electronic mail.

Thanx in advance and happy reading,

Curtis Jackson	(...!floyd!burl!rcj)