[net.micro.mac] Assimilation MIDI problem

gossc@acf2.UUCP (Clint Goss) (09/11/86)

I recently bought an Assimilation MIDI conductor and it does not
seem to work with Macterminal or Versaterm. I plug the connector in the
modem port, then the modem in the side, I didnt hook up the synth but
why should that matter. Both programs hang whirring the disk with frozen
cursor. They say in the book that If there is no power on the synth it will
default to RS232. I dont think this thing works!. Any luck, Anybody?


em@ihlpf.UUCP (Moskowitz) (09/12/86)

> I recently bought an Assimilation MIDI conductor and it does not
> seem to work with Macterminal or Versaterm. I plug the connector in the
> modem port, then the modem in the side, I didnt hook up the synth but
> why should that matter. Both programs hang whirring the disk with frozen
> cursor. They say in the book that If there is no power on the synth it will
> default to RS232. I dont think this thing works!. Any luck, Anybody?
> {ihnp4|allegra}!cmcl2!acf2!gossc

I've had the same problem with the OPCODE Midi interface.  Attaching
it may set up the port in such a way as to invalidate RS-232.

Another problem is there is a bug in the old 64K ROMs such that mouse
tracking is a problem with the OPCODE Midi interface .... it may be
similar in Midi Conductor.  Opcode sent a fix for this.  This is not
a problem with the new ROMs

Ed Moskowitz

phil@sivax.UUCP (Phil Hunt) (09/15/86)

Assimilation is out of business.

I think that connector (I know the people who designed/built it  for
Assimilation) was set up so that if there is POWER on the device connected to
the RS 232 port, it would default to RS232, ie, an Imagewriter connecter, turned
on works ok, turn it off, you have MIDI

The frozen system is a common symptom (I am writitng a CDROM driver, running at
1 meg baud rate).  It usually happens when you get I/O interrupts at high speed
(MIDI is 31.25K baud).  High speed usage should have interrupts turned off.

I assume the little box is sending nulls at 31.25k baud which the system is 
tryining to process.

Need any more help, please let me know

Phil Hunt