[net.micro.mac] Microsoft Fortran & HFS

burnard@lll-lcc.UUCP (David Burnard) (09/12/86)

Fortran lovers take heart!

   My lab ordered yet another copy of Microsoft Fortran, which arrived
   on Wednesday. Well I thought, might as well open it up to see if the
   HFS version is shiping yet... Lo and Behold, version 2.2 with the
   long awaited HFS compatibility.  Since they are shipping v2.2, we
   ought to be able to get our older v2.1 copies upgraded at last.

   Note: The HFS compatibility consists of accepting pathnames, and
   a few default search paths. Not great, but it works. There are
   some additional features, but nothing too exciting. Sure does fly
   on my DataFrame though.

   I don't use it enough to comment further, just thought people would
   like to know that it EXISTS.

						Dave Burnard

mcnabb@uiucdcsb.CS.UIUC.EDU (09/15/86)

Yes, it exists and is currently being used in a Fortran 77 programming
class (600++ students) here at uiucdcs.  I would appreciate exchanging
notes from time to time with anyone using 2.2; shall we start an
informal mailing list?  If interested, please send me email:

        David McNabb
        Department of Computer Science
        University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
        USENET:	...!{cmcl2,seismo,ihnp4}!uiucdcs!mcnabb
        ARPA:	mcnabb@a.cs.uiuc.edu
        CSNET:	mcnabb@uiuc