ss (01/06/83)
A while back there was some mis-information going around about us. I'd like to take this opportunity to set the record straight. Appended to this fact sheet is the schedule for our Winter Distinguished Lecturer Series. WANG INSTITUTE OF GRADUATE STUDIES SCHOOL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FACT SHEET Founded in l979 by Dr. An Wang, the Wang Institute of Graduate Studies is an independent, non-profit educational institution dedicated to academic excellence and innovation. It is not affiliated with Wang Laboratories, Inc. The Institute's first school, the School of Information Technology, was established to fulfill a dual mission: to provide the professional graduate education which software engineers require to meet the demands of industrial software development and management, and to help alleviate the acute nationwide shortage of highly skilled software specialists. One of only a few such programs in the world, the School's Master of Software Engineering (M.S.E.) program combines the study of formal academic methods with industrial software development and management practices. In addition, the program provides software engineers with an opportunity to master state-of-the-art tools and techniques which can be applied immediately in the workplace. Software engineers who have worked for at least two years in industry, academia or research laboratories are eligible for admission to the M.S.E. program. Students may attend classes on either a full-time or half-time basis, a schedule which permits practicing professionals to continue working for companies which include Hewlett-Packard, Raytheon, Digital Equipment, Prime, Wang and Data General. The first M.S.E. degrees awarded in Massachusetts were conferred in August, l982 on the first five graduates of the Institute's M.S.E. program. Currently, thirty six full- and half-time students are enrolled in the program. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WANG INSTITUTE OF GRADUATE STUDIES SCHOOL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DISTINGUISHED LECTURER SERIES Feb. 14 Dr. Harold Stone; DataBase Applications of the FETCH-AND-ADD Instruction Mar. 7 Mr. Laszlo Belady; Software Parts: Small and Large Mar. 14 Prof. W. Turski; Static vs. Dynamic Issues in Programming Apr. 11 Dr. Brian Kernighan; Document Preparation Systems This lecture series is sponsored by the Warner and Swasey Company. All lectures are free and open to the public. A wine and cheese reception will follow each lecture. Reservations are required. For reservations, call the Institute at (617) 649-9731 Sid Shapiro -- decvax!wivax!ss -- Wang Institute -- (617)649-9731 ss.Wang-Inst@UDel-Relay