[net.micro.mac] Masscopy

comt-ps@infsc1.hatfield.ac.uk (Paul Skuce) (10/09/86)

Does anyone have a copy of Masscopy that works on DS disk's. In a few weeks
I shall have to make 300 copies of some unprotected software on a 512/800
and would like to use Masscopy or somthing like it. Please mail me at the
address below if you can help.

P.S. could someone pass my name on to be added to Usenet digest. I can't 
mail direct as we have just gone onto JANET and ukc does not know who we are.

		Thanks very much
			Paul Skuce
		Hatfield Polytechnic, School Information Science, P.O. box109
		College Lane, Hatfield, England, AL10 9AB
			comt-ps%hatfield.ac.uk%mcvax%seismo%.. from States
			comt-ps%hatfield.ac.uk%mcvax%..		From Eur
               He is coming back.