mjbo@orstcs.UUCP (mjbo) (10/11/86)
Subject: Supra-Drive --------------------------- I purchased a Supra-Drive 20 meg disk from the manufacturer (through a friend who wrote their driver software) Ihave had it in operation for about 30 days now. It has performed without errors or problems during that time. Transfer speed appears about 20% slower than an internal hyperdrive--or comparable to other SCSI drives I have tested. The unit is 6" wide, 3" high and 11" deep. It comes with a cable for connection to a Mac Plus. There is an internal connector for 50-pin cable to other scsi devices (a set of pins for standarrd ribbon cable connectors) The drive has a moderate amount of motor noise, but no fan. My drive came formatted and with a bootable system. The only utility is an application called SCSIUtil which allows formatting and installing the driver on the disk. Since I use it for development with the macintosh programmer's workbench, I use the facilities of that system to do backups. MPW will apparently handle humungous transfers that make the finder choke. I copied all of my development software to the Supra drive from the TEK scsi drive I had been using with about 5 lines of commands ( i had daisy-chained the two drives together.) All-in-all, I am very satisfied with the drive so far. Mark Borgerson mjbo@orstcs Oregon State University, Department of Computer Science Disclaimer: I don't work for Supra. The person who wrote their Driver is a friend of mine. I got a discount on the drive by knowing him. (He also wrote a driver that I used on a TEK drive and with a Xebec S1410).