(Rich Seigel c/o Etoyoc) (11/09/86)
[ EAT ME RAW!!! Line Eater!!! ] [ I am posting this for a friend who is unable to post to the ] [ evolving net at this time. All replies should be routed to ] [ him or the net. He still can read. Enjoy... ] Some words in defense of Apple... While there are many things that we would like to see in the next generation of the Macintosh (or in any computer, for that matter), and while they do lots of things that we can't understand, and that piss us off, and that make us all think that they couldn't care less, a few points still stand out. Apple, with the introduction of the Macintosh, has proved that they can think. The Macintosh, in my opinion, is the neatest thing to come down the pike since the transistor. I still cannot imagine myself owning, or programming, or using any other brand of computer. Except maybe a Sun 3. 8-) But even then it's not quite the same as a Macintosh.... I also think that the people at Apple are simply too busy to respond to every question, gripe, or request that they see.... I personally hope that Apple keeps introducing machines that continue the trend from Macintosh 128K to Fat Mac to Mac Plus to whatever may come along. No matter WHAT it is. --Rich (A happy owner of a 512K Macintosh with two 400K disk-drives, a physics major, and a Certified Developer) (Uh, I don't own the physics major and the developer... I am the physics major and the developer. 8-)