[mod.sources] another uucp status program: uucpanz

brad@bradley.UUCP (11/02/84)

The uuque program as posted doesn't work on the rti version of uucp, i.e.
all the files in one directory.

But for your enjoyment here is a program I wrote to monitor uucp useage.
Included is just a sample of my LOGFILE & SYSLOG, to show how mine is set up.

Bradley Smith			UUCP: {cepu,ihnp4,noao,uiucdcs}!bradley!brad
Text Processing			ARPA: cepu!bradley!brad@UCLA-LOCUS
Bradley University		PH: (309) 676-7611 Ext. 446
Peoria, IL 61625

======cut here======
: The rest of this file is a shell script which will extract:
: uucpanz.c LOGFILE SYSLOG
echo x - uucpanz.c
cat >uucpanz.c <<'!End!Of!Stuff!'
* uucpanz.c
*	program to print out stats about uucp usage.
*  Permission is given by me for the use,
* modification, and distribution of this program
* exception:  It may not be sold for profit individually nor as part of any
* software package, regardless of modifications.
*	Bradley Smith
*	Bradley University
*	{ihnp4,cepu,uiucdcs,noao}!bradley!brad
#include	<stdio.h>
#include	<ctype.h>

char *getfield();

#define	SYSLOG	"/usr/spool/uucp/SYSLOG"
#define	LOGFILE	"/usr/spool/uucp/LOGFILE"
#define	MAXSYS	5

struct	dayrec {
    int used;	/* used */
    long recv;	/* bytes recv */
    long sent;	/* bytes sent */
    long trecv;	/* seconds spent rec */
    long tsent;	/* seconds spent sending */

struct	sys1 {
    char sname[9];	/* system name */
    long bbsent;	/* bytes sent */
    long brec;	/* bytes rec. */
    long btsent;	/* time spen sending */
    long btrec;	/* time spent rec */
    int suc;	/* succesfull calls */
    int fail;	/* calls fail */
    int ugot;	/* number of files we got */
    int lock;	/* times of locked */
    int usent;	/* number of files we sent */
    int okstr;	/* number of conversations started */
    int okstop;	/* number of conversations stop */

struct	users {
    char *name;	/* login name */
    long bsent;	/* bytes sent */
    long utim;	/* time spent */
    long nsent;	/* number sent */
    struct	users	*nuser;

struct	call {
    int times;
    char *cname;
    struct call *ncall;

struct	dayrec	dayacc[13] [32];
struct	sys1	sysacc[MAXSYS];
struct	call	*cmd, *tcall();
struct	users	*usage;
struct	users	*tree();
char	*malloc(), *strsave();

long	byt, tim, atol();
int	cmdcount;
long	hour, min,second, hourtmp;
FILE *fpin;

    char line[512], field[128], date[10], cx[128],*cp, *c;
    char sysname[9], username[9];
    register int i,j,k;
    int d, m;

/* intialize */
    usage = NULL;
    cmdcount = 0;
    cmd = NULL;
    for(i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
	    for(j = 1; j <= 31; j++) {
		    dayacc[i][j].recv= 0L;
		    dayacc[i][j].used= 0;
		    dayacc[i][j].trecv= 0L;
		    dayacc[i][j].sent= 0L;
		    dayacc[i][j].tsent =0L;
/* lets do SYSLOG first */

    if((fpin = fopen(SYSLOG,"r")) == NULL)
	    error("Can't open SYSLOG");

    while(fgets(line,512,fpin) != NULL) {
	    strcpy(cx,getfield(2,line,' '));
	    cp = cx;
	    cp++;	/* puts at first number */
	    c = cp;
	    *cp = '\0';
	    m = atoi(c);
	    c = cp;
	    *cp = '\0';
	    d = atoi(c);
	    strcpy(sysname, getfield(1,line,' '));
	    byt = atol(getfield(6,line,' '));
	    tim = atol(getfield(8,line,' '));
	    strcpy(username, getfield(0,line,' '));
	    strcpy(field,getfield(4,line,' '));

	    if(tindex(field,"sent") != -1) {
		    for(i = 0;i < MAXSYS;i ++) {
		      if(strlen(sysacc[i].sname) <= 0) {
			    strcpy(sysacc[i].sname, sysname);
			    sysacc[i].bbsent = byt;
			    sysacc[i].btsent = tim;
		      else if(strcmp(sysacc[i].sname, sysname) == 0) {
			    sysacc[i].bbsent += byt;
			    sysacc[i].btsent += tim;
		    usage = tree(usage, username);
		    dayacc[m][d].sent += byt;
		    dayacc[m][d].tsent += tim;
		    dayacc[m][d].used = 1;
	    else {
		    dayacc[m][d].recv += byt;
		    dayacc[m][d].trecv += tim;
		    dayacc[m][d].used = 1;
		    for(i=0;i< MAXSYS; i++) {
		      if(strlen(sysacc[i].sname) <= 0) {
			    strcpy(sysacc[i].sname, sysname);
			    sysacc[i].brec = byt;
			    sysacc[i].btrec = tim;
		      else if(strcmp(sysacc[i].sname, sysname) == 0) {
			    sysacc[i].brec += byt;
			    sysacc[i].btrec += tim;

    if((fpin = fopen(LOGFILE,"r")) == NULL )
	    error("Can't open LOGFILE");

    while(fgets(line,512,fpin) != NULL) {
	    c = getfield(4,line,' ');
	    if(strcmp(c,"XQT") == 0) {
		    field[strlen(field)-4] = '\0';
		    cmd = tcall(cmd,field);
	    else if(tindex(c,"call") != -1) {
		    cp = getfield(3,line,' ');
		    if(strcmp(cp,"SUCCEEDED") == 0) {
			    for(i=0;i< MAXSYS;i++)
			      if(strcmp(sysacc[i].sname,getfield(1,line,' ')) == 0)
		    else if(strcmp(cp,"FAILED") == 0) {
			    for(i=0;i< MAXSYS;i++)
			      if(strcmp(sysacc[i].sname,getfield(1,line,' ')) == 0)
		    else if(strcmp(cp,"LOCKED") == 0) {
			    for(i=0;i< MAXSYS;i++)
			      if(strcmp(sysacc[i].sname,getfield(1,line,' ')) == 0)
	    cp = getfield(3,line,' ');
	    if(strcmp(cp,"REQUEST") == 0) {
		    for(i=0;i< MAXSYS;i++)
		      if(strcmp(sysacc[i].sname,getfield(1,line,' ')) == 0)
	    else if(strcmp(cp,"COPY") == 0) {
		    for(i=0;i< MAXSYS;i++) {
		      if(strcmp(sysacc[i].sname,getfield(1,line,' ')) == 0)
	    else if(strcmp(cp,"OK") == 0) {
		    if(tindex(getfield(4,line,' '),"startup") != -1 ) {
			    for(i=0;i<MAXSYS;i++) {
					    getfield(1,line,' ')) == 0)
		    else {
			    for(i=0;i < MAXSYS;i++) {
					    getfield(1,line,' ')) == 0)
    printf("UUCP ANALYZER:\n");
    printf("%5sBy system:\n","");
    for(i=0;i < MAXSYS;i++) {
	if(strlen(sysacc[i].sname) > 0) {
	    printf("%10s%s\n", "", sysacc[i].sname);
	    hourtmp = sysacc[i].btsent / 60;	/* gives interger min */
	    second = sysacc[i].btsent - ( hourtmp * 60); /* seconds */
	    hour =  hourtmp / 60;	/* gives integer hour */
	    min = hourtmp - ( hour * 60);
	    printf("%15ssent       %10ld bytes %5stime ", "", sysacc[i].bbsent,"");
	    printf("%02ld:%02ld:%02ld\n", hour, min, second);
	    printf("%15srecieved   %10ld bytes %5stime ","",sysacc[i].brec,"");
	    hourtmp = sysacc[i].btrec / 60;	/* gives interger min */
	    second = sysacc[i].btrec - ( hourtmp * 60); /* seconds */
	    hour =  hourtmp / 60;	/* gives integer hour */
	    min = hourtmp - ( hour * 60);
	    printf("%02ld:%02ld:%02ld\n", hour, min, second);
	    printf("%15s# of files %10d sent   %5s %5d recieved\n",
		    "",sysacc[i].usent, "",sysacc[i].ugot);
	    printf("%15s# of calls %10d suc     %10d fail   %10d lock\n",
		    "", sysacc[i].suc, sysacc[i].fail, sysacc[i].lock);
	    printf("%15sConversations OK  %5d (startup)   %5d (completed)\n",
		    "", sysacc[i].okstr, sysacc[i].okstop);
	    /* next do total */
	    hour = sysacc[i].bbsent - sysacc[i].brec;
	    if(hour < 0) {	/* means we rec more */
		    hour *= -1;
		    printf("%15srecieved %ld bytes more than sent\n",
			    "", hour);
	    else if(hour > 0)	/* means we sent more */
		    printf("%15ssent %ld bytes more that recieved\n",
			    "", hour);
		    printf("%15ssent the same amount as recieved\n","");
	    hourtmp = (sysacc[i].btrec + sysacc[i].btsent)  / 60;
	    second = (sysacc[i].btrec + sysacc[i].btsent) 
			    - ( hourtmp * 60); /* seconds */
	    hour =  hourtmp / 60;	/* gives integer hour */
	    min = hourtmp - ( hour * 60);
	    printf("%15stotal connect time %02ld:%02ld:%02ld\n",
		    "", hour, min, second);
    printf("\n%5sBy user:\n", "");
    printf("\n%5sBy commands:\n", "");
    printf("\n%5sBy day:\n","");
    for(i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
	    for(j = 1; j <= 31; j++) {
		    if(dayacc[i][j].used) {
			    hourtmp = dayacc[i][j].trecv / 60;
			    second = dayacc[i][j].trecv - ( hourtmp * 60);
			    hour =  hourtmp / 60;	/* gives integer hour */
			    min = hourtmp - ( hour * 60);
			    printf("%5s%2d/%02d ", "", i,j);
			    printf("recieved %8ld bytes in ", dayacc[i][j].recv);
			    printf("%02ld:%02ld:%02ld/sent %8ld bytes in ",
				    hour,min,second, dayacc[i][j].sent);
			    hourtmp = dayacc[i][j].tsent / 60;
			    second = dayacc[i][j].tsent - ( hourtmp * 60);
			    hour =  hourtmp / 60;	/* gives integer hour */
			    min = hourtmp - ( hour * 60);
			    printf("%02ld:%02ld:%02ld\n", hour,min,second);
char *s;
    fprintf(stderr,"%s\n", s);
char s[], t[];
    register int j,k,i;
    for(i=0;s[i] != '\0'; i++) {
	    for(j=i,k=0;t[k] != '\0' && s[j]== t[k]; j++, k++)
	    if(t[k] == '\0')
char *strsave(s)	/* save string s somewhere */
char *s;
    char *p;

    if((p = malloc(strlen(s)+1)) != NULL)
    else {
	    error("strsave: out of mem");
struct users *tree(p,w)
struct users *p;
char *w;
    if(p == NULL) { /* new word */
	    p = (struct users *) malloc (sizeof(struct users));
	    p->name = strsave(w);
	    p->bsent = byt;
	    p->utim = tim;
	    p->nsent = 1;
	    p->nuser = NULL;
    else if(strcmp(w,p->name) == 0) {
	    p->bsent += byt;
	    p->utim += tim;
    else {
	    p->nuser = tree(p->nuser,w);
struct call *tcall(p,w)
struct call *p;
char *w;
    if(p == NULL) { /* new cmd */
	    p = (struct call *) malloc (sizeof(struct call));
	    if(p == NULL)
		    error("tcall out of Mem");
	    p->ncall = NULL;
	    p->cname = strsave(w);
	    p->times = 1;
    else if(strcmp(w,p->cname) == 0) {
    else {
	    p->ncall = tcall(p->ncall,w);
struct users *p;
    if(p != NULL) {
	    printf("%10s%10s ", "", p->name);
	    printf("sent %4ld files & %10ld bytes ", p->nsent, p->bsent);
	    hourtmp = p->utim /60;
	    second = p->utim - ( hourtmp * 60 );
	    hour = hourtmp / 60;
	    min = hourtmp - (hour * 60);
	    printf("%02ld:%02ld:%02ld\n", hour,min,second);
struct call *p;
    if(p != NULL ) {
	    printf("%10d %s\n", p->times, p->cname);
    struct call *q;
    struct call *p;
    register int i, sw, n,m;
    char *c;
    char *d;

    p = cmd;
    sw = 0;
    for(i=0;i< cmdcount-1; i++) {
	    q = p->ncall;
	    if(p->times < q->times) { /* switch */
		    c = p->cname;
		    n = p->times;
		    d = q->cname;
		    m = q->times;
		    p->cname = d;
		    p->times = m;
		    q->cname = c;
		    q->times = n;
		    sw = 1;
	    p = p->ncall;
	    goto loop;
#define NULLP ""
char *
char separator;
char buffer[];
int field;
    register int i;
    char *bp, *p, buff[512];
    int sht;
    sht = 0;
    p = &buff[0];
    i = 0;
    if((*p == separator) && (field != 0)) {
	    field -= 1;
	    sht = 1;
    while( i != field) {
	    for(++p; *p != separator; p++) {
		    if (*p == '\0') {
	    field += 1;
    if(field != 0) p++;
    bp =p;
    for (; *p != separator; p++)
	    if(*p == '\0')
    *p = '\0';
echo x - LOGFILE
cat >LOGFILE <<'!End!Of!Stuff!'
root uiucdcs (11/1-7:01-28696) notes XQT (PATH=/usr/ucb:/bin:/usr/bin:/etc;nfrcv net.news.group uiucdcs ) 
root uiucdcs (11/1-7:01-28696) notes XQT (PATH=/usr/ucb:/bin:/usr/bin:/etc;nfrcv net.rec.photo uiucdcs ) 
uucp cepu (11/1-7:07-28717) OK (startup) 
uucp cepu (11/1-7:07-28717) OK (conversation complete) 
brad ihnp4 (11/1-8:013-29001) WRONG TIME TO CALL (ihnp4) 
brad ihnp4 (11/1-8:013-29001) FAILED (call to ihnp4 ) 
brad ihnp4 (11/1-8:020-29043) WRONG TIME TO CALL (ihnp4) 
brad ihnp4 (11/1-8:020-29043) FAILED (call to ihnp4 ) 
brad uiucdcs (11/1-8:025-29072) WRONG TIME TO CALL (uiucdcs) 
brad uiucdcs (11/1-8:025-29072) FAILED (call to uiucdcs ) 
brad ihnp4 (11/1-8:042-29152) WRONG TIME TO CALL (ihnp4) 
brad ihnp4 (11/1-8:042-29152) FAILED (call to ihnp4 ) 
root ihnp4 (11/1-8:054-29298) SUCCEEDED (call to ihnp4 ) 
root ihnp4 (11/1-8:054-29298) OK (startup) 
brad ihnp4 (11/1-8:054-29298) REQUEST (S D.ihnp4B23lu D.ihnp4B23lu brad) 
brad ihnp4 (11/1-8:055-29298) REQUESTED (CY) 
brad ihnp4 (11/1-8:055-29298) REQUEST (S D.bradleyX23ls X.bradleyX23ls brad) 
brad ihnp4 (11/1-8:055-29298) REQUESTED (CY) 
echo x - SYSLOG
cat >SYSLOG <<'!End!Of!Stuff!'
brad ihnp4 (11/1-8:055) (468168935) sent data 433 bytes 4 secs
brad ihnp4 (11/1-8:055) (468168943) sent data 75 bytes 1 secs
uucp ihnp4 (11/1-8:055) (468168959) received data 771 bytes 10 secs
uucp ihnp4 (11/1-8:056) (468168964) received data 166 bytes 3 secs
euucp ihnp4 (11/1-8:056) (468168994) received data 2629 bytes 26 secs
euucp ihnp4 (11/1-8:056) (468169001) received data 160 bytes 3 secs
uucp ihnp4 (11/1-8:056) (468169019) received data 1312 bytes 15 secs
uucp ihnp4 (11/1-8:057) (468169025) received data 141 bytes 4 secs
brad uiucdcs (11/1-8:058) (468169104) sent data 183 bytes 1 secs
brad uiucdcs (11/1-8:058) (468169110) sent data 73 bytes 0 secs