[mod.sources] TRC - expert system building tool

sources-request@panda.UUCP (02/07/86)

Mod.sources:  Volume 3, Issue 108
Submitted by: ihnp4!dicomed!ndsuvax!nckary (Daniel D. Kary)

Fellow NetLandians -

This is the introduction to the nine part posting of the source code and
documentation for the TRC compiler.  TRC is an acronym for Translate Rules
to C.  TRC is useful for building expert systems.  The source code is 
C language with a YACC parser.  The posting consists of the following:

Part 0 - This file.
Part 1 - Overview document
Part 2 - Tutorial document
Part 3 - Reference Manual (Part 1)
Part 4 - Reference Manual (Part 2)
Part 5 - Reference Manual (Part 3)
Part 6 - Source Code SHAR containing: Makefile
Part 7 - Source Code NOT A SHAR:      output.c
Part 8 - Source Code SHAR containing: p_out.c

Send bug reports to the author.  Minor corrections will be posted to
net.sources.bugs (unless a better group is suggested).  An update will
be sent to the mod.sources moderator when it seems reasonable to do so.

Daniel D. Kary
North Dakota State University
Department of Computer Science
300 Minard Hall, P.O. Box 5075
Fargo, ND   58105
(701) 237-8171

sources-request@panda.UUCP (02/08/86)

Mod.sources:  Volume 3, Issue 109
Submitted by: ihnp4!dicomed!ndsuvax!nckary (Daniel D. Kary)

This is NOT a shell archive.  Simply delete everything up to and including
the cut mark and save the result as overview.doc.

Dan Kary

-------------- cut here ---------------

                        CHAPTER  1

                    COMPILER OVERVIEW

     TRC is a useful tool for building expert systems, but

it  is  not  intended  as the only tool that the knowledge

engineer will use.  TRC augments  the  editing,  compiling

and  debugging  tools  already present on the system being

used for development.   Figure  1  illustrates  the  steps

involved in developing an expert system with TRC.

     The knowledge engineer first creates the  TRC  source

code  file  using  whatever  text  file  editing tools are

available.  This text file is then passed to the TRC  com-

piler  which produces a set of C language files.  In addi-

tion  to  the  C  language  files  produced  by  TRC,  the

knowledge  engineer  must  provide  auxiliary  C  language

file(s).  At a minimum the auxiliary file(s) must  contain

a  main procedure which will initialize STM and invoke the

inference engine produced by TRC.  The size of the auxili-

ary  code is limited only by the C compiler itself and the

address space of target  machine.   The  inference  engine

might be a small part of a larger system.

     The input and output facilities provided by  TRC  are

limited.  Any interaction with the user or the file system

on the  target  machine  will  usually  be  coded  in  the



auxiliary  code files.  C language code can be embedded in

either the situation or the action part of a rule.  It may

be convenient to place any procedures that are called from

within a rule in an auxiliary code file.

          |               |
          |      TRC      |
          | Specification |
            |          |
            |   TRC    |
            | Compiler |
                 |              _____________
            _____V______        |           |
            |          |        | Auxiliary |
            |    C     |        |     C     |
            |  Files   |        |   Files   |
            |__________|        |___________|
                     |         |
                     |   CC    |
                    |            |
                    | Executable |
                    |    Code    |

              Figure 1: Development Sequence

     The C code produced by TRC and the auxiliary  C  code

provided  by the knowledge engineer are then passed to the

C compiler.  CC is the traditional  name  of  the  command

that   invokes  the  sequence  of  processes  required  to


translate the C language file(s)  to  an  executable  code

file.   This sequence of processes will often include mul-

tiple compiler passes, an assembler process and  a  linker

process. In the context of figure 1, CC refers to whatever

sequence is required to translate the C language files  to

executable code.

     Building an expert system is much like  building  any

other software system.  The system is specified, designed,

coded, tested and finally released.  Each  of  the  steps,

particularly   coding  and  testing,  will  frequently  go

through several iterations.  TRC provides debugging  tools

which  will  profile and trace the execution of the infer-

ence engine.  The TRC debugging tools along with  whatever

debugging  tools  are  provided with the C language system

can be used in the coding and testing  phase  to  simplify




                        CHAPTER  2

                    DESIGN OBJECTIVES

     An expert system for configuring a packet switch pro-

vided  the  initial stimulus for this project.  The expert

system was implemented using PROS,  a  LISP  based  expert

system  building  tool.  PROS provided a convenient way to

represent the  knowledge  needed  to  configure  a  packet

switch.  The representation was easy to read and expressed

_w_h_a_t the machine was to do more than  _h_o_w  it  was  to  be

done.   There  was an aesthetic quality to the representa-

tion that a seasoned programmer can appreciate.  Execution

turned  out  to  be  a major disappointment.  A relatively

simple problem required over two hours of CPU  time  on  a

VAX  11/780.   A  human expert could easily solve the same

problem in fifteen minutes.

     Artificial  Intelligence  programs  are  not   always

expected  to  solve problems faster than humans.  For some

problems, being able to solve the problem on a computer at

all  is a major accomplishment.  Being able to configure a

packet switch with a computer program did not seem like  a

major  accomplishment  and it seemed that a program should

be able to solve the problem  much  faster  than  a  human

expert.  It also seemed that a program could be written in



a procedural language that would do the same thing in  the

same way as the expert system, only much faster.

     The result of  the  initial  attempt  to  produce  an

expert  system  using a procedural language was a compiler

called 't' (translator).  The 't'  compiler  was  suitable

for the packet switch problem and similar simple problems.

The packet switch problem which required two hours of  cpu

time  in  the  LISP based implementation, executed in less

than one second when compiled  with  't'.   The  execution

time  of  the code produced by 't' was more reasonable for

the complexity of the problem.  This  seemed  to  indicate

that  it  might  be  possible to speed up the execution of

more complex problems.

     The first step in designing  TRC  was  to  study  the

operation  of  PROS  and  PASVII.   The most objectionable

aspect of both these tools is the amount of time  required

for execution.  The expectation was that understanding the

operation of these tools would suggest ways in which  fas-

ter  executing expert systems could be produced.  PROS and

PASVII operate in similar manners and are not unlike other

LISP based implementation tools.

     In PROS and PASVII, both STM and LTM are  represented

by  LISP  lists.   The STM list contains all the data that

the rules will operate on and the LTM  list  contains  all


the  rules.   Each  system has a general purpose inference

engine that searches through the LTM list for a rule whose

situation  part  is  satisfied.   To test if the situation

part is satisfied, the STM list is searched  for  whatever

pattern was specified in the situation part.  Both systems

use the trivial conflict resolution  strategy  of  testing

the  rules sequentially and selecting the first rule whose

situation part is satisfied.

     A LISP list can be used to  represent  any  structure

that  can  be imagined.  A single list is certainly suffi-

cient to represent STM.  Searching the list for a  pattern

match  involves  decomposing the list.  This operation can

be time consuming when the list  is  large  and/or  deeply

nested.   The  list must be decomposed each time a rule is

tested.  In both PROS and PASVII the list is  also  decom-

posed  in  the action part, if something has to be removed

from STM.  Reducing the time required to searching STM  is

an obvious way to speed up execution.

     Since the LTM is also represented by a  single  list,

it  too is continuously decomposed in the execution of the

program.  Consider an expert system composed of a  hundred

rules.   If  each rule is equally likely to be selected by

the resolution strategy, then on the average  fifty  rules

will  have  to  be  tested  before  the rule that is to be

applied is found.  This means that fifty rules have to  be


extracted  from  the  LTM  list and the STM list has to be

decomposed fifty times before one rule can be applied.  It

is  not  uncommon  for this type of system to spend 90% of

it's execution time testing rules and  only  10%  of  it's

time applying actions[12].  Eliminating the need to decom-

pose the LTM and reducing the time spent testing rules are

other obvious ways to improve execution speed.

     Both PROS and PASVII  are  acceptable  languages  for

expressing  rules.   The  TRC language is quite similar to

both PROS and PASVII.  Differences  between  TRC  and  the

LISP  based  languages  are  due  primarily to differences

between C and  LISP.   TRC  also  contains  some  language

features  not  found  in  either  PROS or PASVII.  The TRC

language is described in detail in Appendix C.

     Finally,  why  translate  to  the  C  language?   The

machine  of interest (VAX 11/780) runs an operating system

(4.2BSD) that is written largely in C.  The 4.2BSD C  com-

piler  is  intended  as a production compiler.  Other com-

pilers supplied with the system  (e.g.  PASCAL)  are  pri-

marily  instructional tools[18].  The C language is widely

used and compilers are available for small computers.  The

availability  of  C compilers for small computers makes it

feasible to develop expert systems with TRC that are  tar-

geted to small computers.



                        CHAPTER  3

                   TRANSLATION STRATEGY

     The first design objective is to reduce the amount of

time spent searching STM.  The way STM is represented will

affect the way a search is conducted.  Since speed is  the

objective,  a  representation that can be searched quickly

is desirable.  The representation must also be  sufficient

for  the  problem.        LISP based implementations use a

LISP list to represent STM.  The LISP list  representation

for  STM  has been sufficient for many complex problems[8,

13, 14, 15, 16].

     There is little possibility  that  any  program  will

exhaust  human  imagination  by using a LISP list in every

way it can possibly be used.  This implies that  the  full

capability  of a LISP list may not be required.  The ques-

tion, then, is how much or how little is enough.   A  LISP

list  can contain atoms or other LISP lists.  Atoms can be

strings or numbers, and numbers can be integers or  reals.

A  variable in a procedural language can be a string or an

integer or a real, so atoms are  simple  to  represent  in

procedural   languages.    The  question  now  is  how  to

represent or replace a list?

_D_a_t_a _R_e_p_r_e_s_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n



     It was decided  that  STM  would  be  represented  by

linked  lists  of  structures  that could contain whatever

variables (atoms) that were needed.  This is the subset of

a LISP list that is easy to build and manipulate in a pro-

cedural language.  The structures that are used  to  build

the linked list will be referred to as objects.  The vari-

ables that the object structures contain will be  referred

to  as elements.  Element values distinguish the otherwise

identical objects from one another.

     The number and type of elements that are required  to

distinguish  an object will vary between applications.  An

expert system will often refer to  objects  that  bear  no

similarity to one another.  One object may be described by

two strings, while  another  object  may  require  a  real

number  and  an  integer  to  distinguish  it  from  other

objects.  It would be wasteful to require every object  to

contain  the  same number and type of elements.  Therefore

the description of STM is extended  to  a  set  of  lists,

rather  than  a single list.  Each list is a collection of

related objects.

     One side effect of representing STM as a set of lists

is  that  STM  is  in effect partially sorted.  In the TRC

language every reference to an object or element  includes

an  implicit  reference  to  the list where the object may

exist.  Stated another way, it is not possible to refer to


an  object or an element without implicitly mentioning the

list where the object or element  might  be  found.   This

means  that when STM is to be searched for an object there

is only one list where it can  possibly  exist,  therefore

only one of the set of lists has to be searched.

_R_u_l_e _R_e_p_r_e_s_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n

     A situation-action rule  is  essentially  an  if-then

statement;  "if  this  situation  exists,  then  take this

action".  LTM is translated to a  single  procedure  which

contains an if statement for each rule.  The if statements

(rules) are tested successively  until  one  evaluates  to

true.   The action part of that statement is then executed

(the rule fires).  Control then branches back to the first

if  statement  (rule) and testing continues at that point.

This sequence of events continues until  no  if  statement

(rule)  evaluates to true (fires), at which point the pro-

cedure terminates.

     Up to this point the overall action of an expert sys-

tem  has been described as "searching LTM for a rule whose

situation part is true".  On each iteration only one  rule

is  applied.   If  next  rule to be applied could be found

without searching LTM, the search time would be reduced to

zero.   Reducing  search time is a primary goal of the TRC

rule representation.   From  this  point  on  the  overall


action  of an expert system will be to "reject at the ear-

liest possible moment rules that cannot be applied until a

rule that can be applied is found".  There are some conse-

quences of this new attitude worth noting.

     One side effect of the representation for STM is that

it  is  possible  to have some knowledge of what is in STM

without searching STM.  Suppose there is an expert  system

where  two  types of objects can exist in STM, there would

then be two lists; call them list A  and  list  B.   Since

each list can contain only objects and not other lists, it

is possible to keep a count of how  many  objects  are  in

each  list.   The  count  of the number of objects in each

list can be used to reject a rule without  searching  STM.

Suppose the situation part of a rule specified two objects

from list A and one from list B.  If either list is  empty

or  if  list  A  contains only one object, the rule can be

rejected without searching  either  list.   TRC  places  a

precondition  on  every  rule  that  causes the rule to be

rejected if STM does not contain enough of  each  type  of

object to make the situation part possible.


     The default strategy for searching STM is called  the

LINEAR  strategy.   A  search is conducted for each object

listed in the situation part, in the order the objects are


listed.   If  any  single  search fails, the rule is aban-

doned.  This is consistent with the "reject at the  earli-

est  possible  moment"  attitude  adopted for LTM.  Unfor-

tunately this simple strategy may not  be  a  sufficiently

powerful  pattern  matching  tool  for  some expert system

implementation requirements.

     An alternate search strategy available in TRC, called

the  RECURSIVE strategy, is designed to perform a combina-

toric search on STM.  When the RECURSIVE strategy is used,

the  failure  of  an  individual search causes the rule to

fail only when there is no previous  search  that  can  be

redone.  Speed of execution can be dramatically reduced by

using the RECURSIVE strategy. Time loss is largely  depen-

dent on the size of the lists being searched.

     Allowing the search strategy to be  selected  by  the

knowledge  engineer  on  a  per-rule basis is a compromise

designed to give the best of both  worlds;  fast  searches

when  combinatoric possibilities do not exist and powerful

pattern matching when they do.  The search  strategy  used

by PROS and PASVII is similar to the RECURSIVE strategy.

     Both search strategies are detailed  in  Appendix  B.

Of particular interest will be section 6.3.3 of Appendix B

where a small example system illustrates  the  differences

between the two strategies.



     The action part consists primarily  of  additions  to

stm  and deletions from stm.  On the surface it seems that

adding and deleting objects should be trivial.  There are,

however, performance issues to be considered.

     Deletions usually refer to objects that were found in

the  situation  part.   This is a matter of practical con-

cern, since only those objects found in the situation part

are  guaranteed  to  exist  in STM.  There are two general

strategies for deleting the objects, either remember where

in  STM the objects were found or search STM in the action

part for the objects to  delete.   Both  PROS  and  PASVII

search STM in both the situation and the action part.  The

objects that are found in the situation part are moved  to

the  front of STM to minimize the time spent searching STM

in the action part.

     There are some objectionable aspects to the  strategy

of  searching  STM in both the situation and action parts.

Every rule that fires can reorder STM.  It can  be  argued

that  reordering STM is a good idea, but it may not always

be what the knowledge engineer wants.  If STM is reordered

in  the  situation  part it is possible that the search in

the action part  will  find  different  objects  than  the

search  in  the  situation part found.  The possibility of


finding something different in the action  part  than  was

found  in the situation part is at least counter intuitive

and possibly incorrect.  Finally, searching STM twice  for

the exact same object(s) is objectionable in and of itself

because it consumes time redoing work.

     PASVII has an interesting way of  adding  objects  to

STM.   The list that represents STM is initialized to con-

tain some number of objects which may be atoms  or  lists.

An  atom  or  a  list  can  replace an atom or a list that

exists in STM.  If an atom or a list is  inserted  at  the

head  of  the  list, the last object (atom or list) in the

list falls off.  This action is called a metaphor for  the

action  of  short  term memory in humans.  As knowledge is

gathered old unused knowledge fades to the back of  memory

and eventually is forgotten.  Quite frankly, this metaphor

sounds more  like  a  clever  explanation  for  a  program

'feature' than a useful tool.

     The actions of adding and deleting objects in TRC are

not  quite  as clever as the previous example.  Objects to

be added to STM are simply inserted at  the  head  of  the

list,  nothing ever falls off the end of the list.  STM is

searched only in the situation part.  Objects that are  to

be  deleted in the action part must have been found in the

situation part.  This rule is enforced  by  the  compiler.

When  an  object  is  found  in  the situation part, it is


identified with an indexed pointer.  The object can now be

referred to or deleted without searching STM.



                        CHAPTER  4


     Most of the improvements in execution speed  provided

by  TRC are side effects of the translation strategy.  STM

is partially sorted by virtue of being  represented  as  a

set  of  lists  rather  than  as a single list.  For every

object that can exist, there is only  one  list  that  can

contain that object.  The TRC lists themselves are simpler

than LISP lists.  A single linear pass through a TRC  list

will reveal every object.  A LISP list can be more complex

to search because it can be arbitrarily nested.  Precondi-

tions placed on every rule eliminate testing rules when it

is known that the rule's situation part can  not  possibly

be met.  Selectable search strategies allow quick searches

of STM when combinatoric possibilities do not exist.

     The optimizer does not produce code that  is  optimum

in any sense.  What it does is to perform a single, useful

code modification that can have a positive impact on  exe-

cution time.

     The goal of the optimizer is to reduce the amount  of

time  spent searching. Each time a rule fires a great deal

of  implicit  knowledge  about  the  content  of  STM   is

obtained.   It  is  known  that  no  rule  previous to the



current rule is true and no rule previous to  the  current

rule  can  be true after the execution of the current rule

unless the current rule modifies STM in such a way  as  to

make  some previous rule true.  These simple facts are the

entire basis of the optimizer.  Three tests must  be  per-

formed  to determine if it is possible for a rule to fire.

These tests will be called the NOT test, the ADD test  and

the MARK test.

     The tests are named after  the  TRC  statements  that

figure  prominently  in  the  test.   The  details of each

statement are presented in Appendix B.  For the purpose of

this  discussion  it  should  suffice to know that the NOT

statement is an explicit test for an empty list,  the  ADD

statement  is  a  request  to add something to STM and the

MARK statement is a request to remove something from STM.

     The first case to be considered is the case of a rule

which  contains  a  NOT  statement  in the situation part.

When a rule that fires contains an ADD statement  it  will

not be possible for any previous rule with a NOT statement

referring to that list to be the next rule to fire.  If  a

rule  that  fires  contains  a  MARK  statement and no ADD

statement referring to that same list, it is possible that

the list will become empty making it possible for the rule

with the NOT statement that previously  failed  to  become

true.   If it is determined that it is possible for a rule


to fire after the NOT test, that rule becomes  the  candi-

date rule and no further testing is done.

     The ADD test finds recursive rules that can not  fire

on the next pass.  Consider the case of a rule with no NOT

statements that recursively searches STM for a  situation.

If  this  rule fails, it will continue to fail until some-

thing is added to STM to  make  it  true.   If  all  rules

searched  STM  recursively  it  would be known when a rule

fires that of the rules that  precede  the  current  rule,

only those rules that search for something added to STM by

the current rule can possibly fire in the next pass.

     If the current rule adds an object  to  STM,  control

could  continue with the first rule that searches for that

object rather than the first rule  in  LTM.   If  no  rule

prior  to the current rule searches for those things added

to STM by the current rule or if  the  current  rule  adds

nothing  to  STM  then no prior rule can execute.  Control

could continue with the current rule rather  than  at  the

beginning of LTM.

     The MARK test applies to rules that perform a  linear

search  on STM.  The previous conclusion about items being

added to STM is still true; a rule that adds something  to

STM  can  cause a linear search rule to become true.  With

linear search it is also possible that a rule will  become


true  if  something is removed from STM.  If a linear rule

searches for several similar items which are  present  but

not  correctly  ordered  it  is  possible  for this linear

search to fail where a recursive  search  would  not  have

failed.  If there were excess items,  removing one or more

may cause a different linear assignment which could make a

linear rule true.

     The TRC optimizer selects a  continuation  point  for

each  rule  based on what the rule adds to or deletes from

STM rather than testing from the beginning  of  LTM  after

any  rule  fires. The continuation point is the first rule

that could fire based on the NOT and  ADD  tests  for  all

rules, and the MARK test for linear rules.  The TRC optim-

izer is somewhat naive in that  it  considers  only  items

added or deleted with the ADD and MARK statements.



                        CHAPTER  5

                     FURTHER RESEARCH

     A hierarchical arrangement  for  expert  systems  has

been  suggested[19].  The divide and conquer strategy is a

technique used by  experts  in  almost  every  field.   By

decomposing  a  set of rules into several subsets arranged

in a hierarchy, only the rules that apply to  the  current

part  of  the problem need to be considered.  Reducing the

number of rules that have to be tested at  any  one  point

will  generally reduce the average amount of time it takes

to select a rule.

     Since hand optimization in TRC  allows  an  arbitrary

control  structure to be imposed on the rule based system,

it is not impossible to build a hierarchical expert system

with  TRC.  However, it might not be convenient to build a

hierarchical system with the current TRC compiler.

     The input language to TRC  should  be  redesigned  to

include the convenient expression of hierarchical systems.

Many programming languages support  multiple  module  pro-

grams.   Each  module in a multiple module program usually

contains a group of related procedures.  It might be  rea-

sonable  to  place  each system of rules in a hierarchy of

rule based systems in a separate module.



     In languages that support multiple  module  programs,

some  means  of  binding the modules together is provided.

In the C language the '#include' facility  permits  common

definitions  to  be loaded by each module.  In Ada[20] the

package specification is used to make type,  variable  and

procedure  declarations  visible to other modules.  Either

of these facilities could serve as a model for designing a

hierarchical language.

     Experts are frequently  asked  to  explain  how  they

arrived  at  a  conclusion.  It is reasonable to expect an

expert program to do the same  thing.   TRC  provides  lip

service  to  this  requirement  of expert systems with the

TRACE facility.  The  ordered  list  of  rules  that  were

applied  can  explain how or why a given answer was found,

but inferring an explanation from a trace may not be  sim-

ple.   A  more convenient facility for generating explana-

tions should be designed.

     With the current TRC grammar it is possible to search

for  the  absence  of object/element combinations by using

two rules.  TRC should be extended to  include  a  way  to

specify  a search for the absence of object/element combi-

nations in a single rule.  This could be  accomplished  by

extending the NOT statement and will have an impact on the

optimizer and search code generation.




     Some expert systems allow  certainty  factors  to  be

associated  with rules.  A confidence factor is the proba-

bility that it is appropriate to  apply  this  rule  given

that  the  situation part is true.  Confidence factors can

also be used to suggest the probability  that  the  answer

generated  by  the expert system is correct.  A convenient

facility for representing  confidence  factors  should  be

included in TRC.

     TRC uses the trivial conflict resolution strategy  of

applying the first rule whose situation part is satisfied.

Alternate conflict resolution strategies  should  be  con-

sidered.   If confidence factors are implemented, one con-

flict resolution strategy may be to  test  all  rules,  if

more  than  one rule is satisfied then select one based on

confidence factors.

     The C language is not the only language that could be

generated  by  a  compiler  like  TRC.  In a separate pro-

ject[21] TRC was modified to generate  TURBO  PASCAL.   It

has  been  suggested[22]  that  TRC  could generate INGRES

code.  STM can be viewed as a database, the situation part

of a rule can be viewed as a database query and the action

part of a rule can be viewed as  a  database  transaction.

For  problems  that  deal with a large amount of data, the

file handling capabilities of a DBMS could be put to  good

use.  Relational calculus is a powerful tool for searching


a data base that could be put to good use  on  some  prob-


     The current optimizer is very weak.   By  looking  at

the  elements  that are being searched for in STM in addi-

tion to the objects, additional implicit knowledge of  the

state  of  STM is gained.  It may be possible to skip over

some rules based on this knowledge, thus  reducing  search

time.   Consider this sketch where object A has an integer

element B:

     R1:     (A.B == 7)
             MARK A
     R2:     A
             MARK A
     R3:     =>
             ADD A(B => 6)

     When rule R3 is optimized by the  current  optimizer,

it will decide that it is possible for R1 to fire after R3

has fired because R3 adds an  object  of  type  A  and  R3

searches for an object of type A.  Clearly R1 can not fire

after R3 fires because the object of type A  added  by  R3

has  element  B equal to 6 while R1 searches for element B

equal to 7.  The current optimizer finds  the  first  rule

that  can possibly fire.  This does not mean the rule will

fire.  There can be any number of rules  between  the  the

last  rule  that fired and the first one that can possibly


fire next.  Preconditions could be placed on  these  rules

to  eliminate  testing  intermediate  rules  where  possi-

ble[23].  Consider this example:

     R1:     B C
             MARK B
     R2:     A B
             MARK A
     R3:     A C
             MARK A
     R4:     A
             MARK A
     R5:     =>
             ADD C

     The optimizer will correctly deduce that it is possi-

ble  for  R1  to fire after R5 fires.  It is also possible

that R1 will not fire.  If R5 fires and R1 does not  fire,

it is not possible for R2, R3 or R4 to fire either.  Since

R5 fired it is known that no  previous  rule  could  fire.

Since  R4  could not fire, it is not possible for R2 or R3

to fire.  When R5 fires, preconditions could be placed  on

R2,  R3 and R4 that would prevent even testing those rules

since it is known that they cannot fire.



                        CHAPTER  6


     A compiler has been described and built.   This  com-

piler  translates  a  rule  based language to a procedural

language and is a useful tool for building expert systems.

The  translation  to a procedural language may be advanta-

geous for reasons of speed,  portability  or  convenience.

Translation  to a procedural language is particularly con-

venient when integration of procedural code and an  expert

system is desirable.

     Some observations about building expert systems  have

been  made.  These observations are not necessarily unique

to the compiler  that  is  described,  i.e.  they  may  be

applied to other expert system tools.

     If the data objects that the rules will refer to  are

defined, it is possible to represent STM as a set of lists

rather than as a single list.  For many search  algorithms

reducing  the  size of the list to be searched will reduce

search time.  Defining data objects also  makes  automatic

generation  of  preconditions  that can eliminate the need

for searching a possibility.


9                                                        25


     Many expert system tools are  conceptually  interpre-

tive.   A  single general purpose inference engine is used

for whatever problem is being addressed.   The  notion  of

generating a custom inference engine for each set of input

rules is novel.

     The optimizer is probably the most  significant  out-

come,  and it too is made possible by defining the objects

to be manipulated.  Optimization  of  interpretive  expert

system  tools has centered on developing efficient search-

ing and matching strategies.  The  notion  of  a  separate

optimizer  that  changes  the  operation  of the inference

engine without affecting the  order  in  which  rules  are

fired  is  novel and can be applied to other expert system

building tools.




1.  Aho  and  Ullman,  _P_r_i_n_c_i_p_l_e_s  _o_f   _C_o_m_p_i_l_e_r   _D_e_s_i_g_n.

Addison-Wesley, 1977.

2. Pyster,  _C_o_m_p_i_l_e_r  _D_e_s_i_g_n  _a_n_d  _C_o_n_s_t_r_u_c_t_i_o_n,  Prindle,

Weber and Schmidt, 1980.

3. Johnson, _Y_a_c_c: _Y_e_t _A_n_o_t_h_e_r _C_o_m_p_i_l_e_r _C_o_m_p_i_l_e_r.  Computer

Science Technical Report No. 32, Bell Laboratories, Murray

Hill, NJ   1975.

4. Juell, _A_n _I_n_t_r_o_d_u_c_t_i_o_n _t_o _t_h_e _P_R_O_S  _P_r_o_d_u_c_t_i_o_n  _S_y_s_t_e_m.

Computer  Science  Department,  North Dakota State Univer-

sity, 1983.

5. Mittal, _P_A_S-_I_I _U_s_e_r _M_a_n_u_a_l.  Department of Computer and

Information Science, Ohio State University, 1977.

6. Forgy, _O_P_S_5 _U_s_e_r'_s _M_a_n_u_a_l.   Technical  Report  CMU-CS-

81-135, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, 1981.

7. Kernighan and  Ritchie,  _T_h_e  _C  _P_r_o_g_r_a_m_m_i_n_g  _L_a_n_g_u_a_g_e.

Prentice-Hall, NJ, 1978.

8. Hayes-Roth, Waterman and Lenat,  _B_u_i_l_d_i_n_g  _E_x_p_e_r_t  _S_y_s_-

_t_e_m_s.  Addison-Wesley, 1983.

9.  Winston,  _A_r_t_i_f_i_c_i_a_l  _I_n_t_e_l_l_i_g_e_n_c_e.    Addison-Wesley,




10. Ritchie and Thompson, _T_h_e  _U_N_I_X  _T_i_m_e-_S_h_a_r_i_n_g  _S_y_s_t_e_m.

The Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 57, No. 6, Part 2,


11. Winston and Horn, _L_i_s_p.  Addison-Wesley, 1984.

12. Gupta, _P_a_r_a_l_l_e_l_i_s_m _i_n _P_r_o_d_u_c_t_i_o_n _S_y_s_t_e_m_s: _T_h_e  _S_o_u_r_c_e_s

_a_n_d  _t_h_e  _E_x_p_e_c_t_e_d  _S_p_e_e_d-_u_p.  Department of Computer Sci-

ence, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1984.

13. Lindsay, Buchanan, Feigenbaum and Lederberg,  _A_p_p_l_i_c_a_-

_t_i_o_n_s  _o_f  _A_I  _f_o_r _O_r_g_a_n_i_c _C_h_e_m_i_s_t_r_y: _T_h_e _D_E_N_D_R_A_L _P_r_o_j_e_c_t.

McGraw-Hill, 1981.

14.  Shortliffe,  _C_o_m_p_u_t_e_r-_B_a_s_e_d  _M_e_d_i_c_a_l   _C_o_n_s_u_l_t_a_t_i_o_n_s:

_M_Y_C_I_N.  American Elsevier, New York, 1976.

15. Davis, Buchanan and Shortliffe, _P_r_o_d_u_c_t_i_o_n _R_u_l_e_s _a_s  _a

_R_e_p_r_e_s_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n _f_o_r _a _K_n_o_w_l_e_d_g_e-_B_a_s_e_d _C_o_n_s_u_l_t_a_t_i_o_n _P_r_o_g_r_a_m.

Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1977.

16. Erman, et. al,  _T_h_e  _H_e_a_r_s_a_y-_I_I  _S_p_e_e_c_h  _U_n_d_e_r_s_t_a_n_d_i_n_g

_S_y_s_t_e_m:  _I_n_t_e_g_r_a_t_i_n_g  _K_n_o_w_l_e_d_g_e  _t_o  _R_e_s_o_l_v_e  _U_n_c_e_r_t_a_i_n_t_y.

Computing Surveys, June 1980.

17. Davis, _E_x_p_e_r_t _S_y_s_t_e_m_s: _W_h_e_r_e _A_r_e _W_e? _A_n_d _W_h_e_r_e  _D_o  _W_e

_G_o  _F_r_o_m  _H_e_r_e?.   Massachusetts  Institute of Technology,

A.I. Memo 665, 1982.


18. Joy, et. al, _B_e_r_k_e_l_e_y _P_a_s_c_a_l _U_s_e_r'_s _M_a_n_u_a_l.   Computer

Science  Division,  University  of  California,  Berkeley,


19. Mizoguchi and Kakusho, _H_i_e_r_a_r_c_h_i_c_a_l _P_r_o_d_u_c_t_i_o_n _S_y_s_t_e_m,

IJCAI-79, p586, 1979.

20. _A_m_e_r_i_c_a_n _N_a_t_i_o_n_a_l _S_t_a_n_d_a_r_d _R_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e  _M_a_n_u_a_l  _f_o_r  _t_h_e

_A_d_a  _P_r_o_g_r_a_m_m_i_n_g  _L_a_n_g_u_a_g_e.   American  National Standards

Institute, Inc., 1983.

21. Nygard, personal communication, 1985.

22. Shapiro, personal communication, 1985.

23. Rebel, personal communication, 1985.



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Dan Kary

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                   An Introduction to TRC

                       Daniel D. Kary

               North Dakota State University
                Computer Science Department
                      300 Minard Hall
                     Fargo, ND   58102


          TRC is a compiler that is useful in  building
     expert  systems.  The input is a rule based system
     whose input is syntactically similar to the  input
     to  YACC[1].   The  output  is a set of C language

          While not all features of TRC are  discussed,
     the  major features of the language are presented.
     Example code is used to  illustrate  the  features
     and  references to more detailed documentation are
     included.  This may be the best starting point for
     first time users.

_1.  _I_N_T_R_O_D_U_C_T_I_O_N

     The fundamental notion that virtually the entire  field
of expert systems is built upon is the situation/action rule
paradigm for problem solving.  This paradigm is on  the  one
hand  the  embodyment  of simplicity and on the other hand a
tool that is stunningly powerful.

     The situation/action rule paradigm is a way of  embody-
ing  both information about a problem and the way the infor-
mation is applied to solving the problem in a single  struc-
ture.   Consider  this  trivial  problem, you have a pile of
coins and wish to reduce it to the smallest number of  coins
of  equal value.  One of the rules in a system to solve this
problem could be:

     IF: there are five pennys in the pile

     THEN: substitute a nickel for the five pennys.

     A situation/action rule has the form of an IF...THEN...
statement,  common  to  virtually every progamming language.

                           - 2 -

The IF part is the situation, the rule checks to see if this
situation exists, if it does the THEN or action part is exe-
cuted.  In addition to the rules there is a pattern matcher,
which  is  invoked in the situation part to determine if the
situation exists.  This pattern matcher  is  typically  more
powerful that what is available in an IF statement in a pro-
gramming language.  The  pattern  matcher  searches  a  data
base.   The  data  base contains all the information that is
specific to this instance of the problem, and in some  cases
information  that is germain to all or many instances of the
problem.  In the trivial example given here, the  data  base
would  contain  the pile of coins.  Finally there is a stra-
tegy for deciding which rule  to  test  next.   Usually  the
rules  are  tested  in  a  pre-specified order.  When a rule
whose situation part is found to be true, its action part is
executed.   The strategy for testing rules usually continues
with the first rule each time any rule fires.

     This simple paradigm has been  used  to  build  systems
with  expert  levels  of problem solving ability in areas as
diverse as elucidating the structure of  hydrocarbons[2]  to
diagnosing   blood   diseases[3]   or   pulmonary   function
disorder[4].  In each case a system of rules  is  built  up,
each  rule embodying a 'rule of thumb' or a piece of 'common
wisdom' or  'accepted  practice'  specific  to  the  problem
domain  and  used  by a human expert in solving the problem.
The system of rules is referred to as a 'rule based  system'
or  an 'expert system'.  The expert system attempts to solve
a problem by emulating the problem  solving  behavior  of  a
human  expert.   Expert  systems are often easy to modify or
extend.  Just as  a  human  expert  gains  expertise,  rules
representing new knowledge can be added to an expert system.

     Since  the  situation/action  rule  is   basically   an
IF...THEN...  construct,  why  is a special language needed?
Writing these rules in a  traditional  programming  language
can be tedious, a single situation part may require multiple
conditional tests.  In a  system  with  a  large  number  of
rules,  the  structure of the system may be difficult to see
and difficult to modify because the many details of the pro-
gramming  language  tend to hide the structure.  Writing the
code that maintains and  searches  the  data  base  that  is
referred  to  in  the  situation part is tedious and repiti-
tious, making it an ideal subject for automation.

     The rest of this tutorial is devoted to describing TRC,
a  tool for building expert systems.  The next section, sec-
tion 2, describes the overall format of the  input  to  TRC.
Section  3 presents a sample set of rules to give an initial
overview of how TRC works.  The remaining  sections  present
semi-formal descriptions of the syntax of TRC.

     This document does  not  contain  all  the  information
needed  by  advanced  users.   _T_h_e  _T_R_C  _L_a_n_g_u_a_g_e  _R_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e

                           - 3 -

_M_a_n_u_a_l[_5] contains a  complete  formal  description  of  the
features of TRC.

_2.  _B_A_S_I_C _S_P_E_C_I_F_I_C_A_T_I_O_N_S

     Every  TRC  program  consists  of  five  sections,  the
header,  definitions,  short  term  memory (data base), long
term memory (rules) and the  trailer.   These  sections  are
separated by double percent "%%" marks as in YACC specifica-
tions.  The form of a full specification is  illustrated  in
figure  1.   The  header,  short term memory and trailer are
optional so the minimum specification would contain only the
definitions  and long term memory.  All of the %% marks must
be present in each specification file.

               short term memory
               long term memory

                Figure 1: TRC Specification

     The purpose of the header and trailer  sections  is  to
permit the inclusion of C language code in the program, much
as in YACC.  One of the common  features  of  compiled  pro-
cedural  languages  is that data objects and data types used
in the program must be declared or defined before  they  are
used.  This  is  also true for TRC.  While TRC is not a pro-
cedural language, declaring objects before using  them  sim-
plifys the process of translating to C which is a procedural

     The remaining components of the TRC grammar are  tradi-
tional  components of expert systems.  The short term memory
section, herinafter abbreviated STM, is sometimes called the
data  base.   It  contains  the data that is searched in the
situation part  of  a  rule.   Expert  systems  are  usually
modeled  after  the  problem  solving  behavior  of a single
expert or a group of experts in solving a single problem  or
class  of problems.  The information specific to the current
instance of the problem is usually gathered by  the  expert,
manipulated  in  the solving of the problem and then forgot-
ten.  The way this information is remembered and  then  for-
gotten  in  the  human brain and the area of the human brain
where it is stored is called short term memory by  psycholo-
gists.   Using  that same name here refers to the similarity
of purpose.

                           - 4 -

     The long term memory, herinafter referred  to  as  LTM,
contains  the  rules and again is a reference to human brain
processes.  This name is a reference  to  the  part  of  the
human  brain  that  remembers  things  for a long time.  The
expert usually has a set of formal procedures  and  informal
rules  of  thumb  that are used in solving the problem.  The
data changes with each instance  of  the  problem,  but  the
rules  for  solving  it remain the same.  Human experts have
the ability to gather more expertise, to  learn  more  about
the  problem.   The experts learning behavior is imitated by
adding new rules or modifying existing rules in LTM.

_3.  _W_R_I_T_I_N_G _R_U_L_E_S

     The coin problem mentioned in the introduction will  be
used  to  illustrate  the  syntax  of  writing a rule.  This
presentation is made only as an  illustration.   A  complete
description of the syntax of a rule will be given in section
[?].  A set of four rules that will reduce the pile of coins
will  be  given.   The  rule  mentioned  in the introduction
searched the data base for five  pennys  and  replaced  them
with a nickel.  To express this as a TRC rule, write:

          5 PENNY
          MARK 5 PENNY
          ADD NICKEL

     All rules begin with a label, in this  case  'R1:'.   A
label  is  a  token  followed  by  a colon, and a token is a
string of characters (upper  case  or  lower  case),  digits
and/or  the  underscore character.  The first character of a
token must be a character.  Labels are used to refer to  the
rule  by  name  in  optimizing  and  user specified control.
These issues are discussed in section 6.

     The label is followed  by  the  situation  part,  which
specifies  what  to  search  for in the data base (STM).  In
this case we are specifying a search for five items of  type
PENNY.   The arrow symbol ( => ) marks the end of the situa-
tion part and the beginning of  the  action  part.   If  the
situation  part  evaluates  to  true (there are 5 pennies in
STM) the action part will be executed.  There are two state-
ments in the action part of this rule. The statement 'MARK 5
PENNY' specifys that the 5 pennies that were  found  in  STM
should  now be removed.  The statement 'ADD NICKEL' specifys
that one more nickel should be added to  STM  (the  pile  of
coins).   So this rule solves a small part of the problem by
performing a simple transaction.

     The remaining three rules needed to reduce the pile  of

                           - 5 -

coins  to  the  minimum number of equal value (assuming only
pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters are used) are listed in
figure 2.

             2 NICKEL
             MARK 2 NICKEL
             ADD DIME

             2 DIME
             MARK 2 DIME
             ADD QUARTER

             3 DIME
             MARK 3 DIME
             ADD QUARTER

                    Figure 2: Coin Rules

     This simple set of rules illustrates both the  indepen-
dence  of  each rule and the interaction of the rules.  Each
rule describes a transaction that will reduce the number  of
coins  in  the  pile without changing the total value of all
the coins in the pile.  Suppose the pile of  coins  consists
of  three  dimes  and  one nickel.  Initially R4 is the only
rule whose situation part is true.  After the action part of
R4  is  executed, R2 becomes true by virtue of the fact that
R4 added a nickel.  After R2 is executed the pile is reduced
to a quarter and a dime, the minimum number of coins to make
thirty-five cents.

     As was mentioned earlier, each of these rules is  basi-
cally an IF...THEN..  construct.  The meaning and purpose of
each of these transactions is quite evident  when  expressed
as  a situation/action rule.  The same may not be true of an
equivalent program written in  a  procedural  language  that
included IF...THEN.. statements, procedure calls for search-
ing the data base (STM) and procedure calls to remove  coins
from the data base or add coins to the data base.

     If we want to include other coins,  a  half  dollar  or

                           - 6 -

dollar coin, we can easily add another rule or two.  Unusual
coins, perhaps a twenty cent piece and  a  thirty-five  cent
piece,  may  force  us to rewrite a previous rule or reorder
the rules.  These changes are easily acomplished in  a  rule
based  language  like  TRC, they may not be so easily accom-
plished in a procedural language.

     All upper case letters were used for all the tokens, or
words,  in this set of rules.  All reserved words in TRC are
all upper case.  MARK and ADD are reserved words that can be
used  in  the action part.  The rule labels and the names of
the things that are being searched for in STM  (PENNY,  DIME
etc.)  were  also  expressed  in upper case.  This is a sug-
gested convention.  Either upper or lower  or  both  may  be
used.  Later we will see how C language code can be embedded
in both the situation and  action  parts.   Most  of  the  C
language is written in lower case, writing TRC in upper case
will make it easier to distinguish the two.

_4.  _D_A_T_A _D_E_F_I_N_I_T_I_O_N

     Now that the basic idea of a rule based system has been
presented  a  more  formal  look  at the syntax of TRC is in
order.  TRC rules will request that a data base be searched,
or  that  things  be added to or removed from the data base.
The code for searching the data base or adding new things to
the  data base or removing things from the data base is gen-
erated by TRC.  In order for TRC to generate  this  code  it
must  know  what kinds of things are going to be in the data
base (STM).

     Suppose an expert system that dealt with the real value
of  coins,  rather  than  just  their face value was needed.
Information about each coin might include not only it's dom-
ination,  but  also  the year and site of it's minting, it's
condition and it's numismatic value.  The  types  of  things
that are referred to in the rules (coins, in this case) will
be called objects.  The attributes or values that are  asso-
ciated  with  each object will be referred to as 'elements'.
All objects (and their elements) that will be referred to in
the rules must first be defined in the definition section of
the code.

     The definition section of the code consists of a  list-
ing  of the definitions of each of the object types.  A YACC
grammar for a  single  definition  is  given  in  figure  3.
Strong  type  checking is enforced by the compiler, the type
(INT, FLOAT or STRING) of  items  to  be  compared  must  be
identical.   Each  definition  which  contains  an item_list
results in the declaration of  a  structure  in  the  output
code.   STM consists of lists for each of the types declared
and a count of the  number  of  items  in  each  list.   For
objects which contain no elements, TRC generates no list and
no searching code, checking only the count.

                           - 7 -

          definition      : TOKEN
                          | TOKEN '(' item_list ')'

          item_list       : item_list item

          item            : TOKEN ':' type

          type            : INT
                          | FLOAT
                          | STRING
                          | POINTER

          Figure 3: YACC Grammar for a Definition

     The purpose of  the  POINTER  type  is  to  generate  a
pointer  to  a structure of the type of the list.  This is a
'hook' that permits building arbitrary  structures  in  user
code.  There is no direct support for this type.

     Though it is not necessary in any  sense, it may  be  a
good  idea  to  use  all upper case character for object and
element definitions.  This will make these items  much  more
visible in the code output by TRC should it become necessary
to review that code.  Some correct definitions include:

       A (A1 : STRING
          A2 : INT)
       B (B1 : FLOAT  B2 : INT)

     These definitions  create  three  classes  of  objects.
Objects in class A contain a string and an integer, those in
B contain a double precision floating  point  value  and  an
integer and those in object class C contain no elements.

_5.  _S_H_O_R_T _T_E_R_M _M_E_M_O_R_Y

     The purpose of the STM section of the code is to permit
the  initial contents of STM to be specified.  TRC will pro-
duce a single procedure, _i_n_i_t, which adds the listed objects
to  STM.   Objects are added to STM by insertion at the head
of the list.  The objects listed in the STM section  of  the
code are inserted in the opposite order that they are listed
so the final result is  that  STM  is  initialized  just  as

     This section of the code is intended to serve two  pur-
poses.  When an expert system is being developed it provides

                           - 8 -

a way to place data in STM without  having  to  write  input
routines.   After  the  rules are written and debugged and a
separate input routine has been written, this section can be
used  to specify an initial condition that may be needed for
every instance of the problem.  Figure 5 gives a YACC  gram-
mar for a single entry in STM.

     entry           : count TOKEN
                     | count TOKEN '(' init_list ')'

     count           : /* empty */
                     | INTEGER

     init_list       : /* empty */
                     | init_list init_item

     init_item       : TOKEN ARROW INTEGER
                     | TOKEN ARROW DOUBLE
                     | TOKEN ARROW STR

             Figure 5: YACC Grammar for a STM Entry

     The objects to be added are just listed, along with the
initial  value  of any elements the object may have.  String
elements that are not explicitly initialized are  set  equal
to the null string, numeric elements that are not explicitly
initialized are set equal to zero.   Suppose  the  following
objects were declared in a definition part:

       A (A1 : STRING  A2 : INT)
       B (B1 : FLOAT   B2 : INT)

     Some correct entries would include:

       10 A (A2 => 9)
       B (B1 => 1.1)
       2 B (B1 => 2.2
            B2 => 6)

     Some incorrect entries are:

       10 (A2 => 9) /* the object name is missing */
       B (B1 => 9)  /* FLOAT literals MUST contain
                  a decimal point */
       C (C2 => 1)  /* object C does not include

                           - 9 -

                  element C2 */

_6.  _L_O_N_G _T_E_R_M _M_E_M_O_R_Y

     LTM is the section where the rules are enumerated.  TRC
generates a loop which tests the situation part of each rule
in the order they are listed.  When a rule  is  found  who's
situation part is true, that rule's action part is executed.
Testing will normally resume at the beginning of the list of
rules.   The  grammar, or syntax, for a single rule will now
be presented.  Code examples will illustrate the syntax.

     LTM may begin with optional switches to turn  on  trac-
ing,  profiling  or  backtracking.  These options, which may
also be turned on with command line options,  are  discussed
in section 8.  Following the option part is a listing of the
rules.  Figure 5 gives a YACC grammar for a single rule.

     Each rule begins with a label.  This  label  is  copied
unmodified  to the output source code and is used as a label
in the main loop.  It will aid the readability of the output
if labels are all upper case and as descriptive as possible.
Following the label is the left hand side or situation  part
of  the  rule.   This  part  of the rule is where the search
strategy is specified  and  the  items  to  search  for  are

     There are two search strategies, linear and  recursive.
The  linear  strategy  is the default.  In the linear search
strategy each match causes a linear search from  the  begin-
ning  of  STM.   The  first  object that matches the test is
marked as in use.  Subsequent searches will ignore the  pre-
viously  marked item.  As soon as any single match fails the
entire rule fails. Consider the following example:

       A  (A.A1 == "TEST")

     This  specification  requests  that  two   objects   be
searched  for,  one  where  the elements of the object A can
have any value and one where element A1 of object A  is  the
string "TEST".  The code generated by TRC for this rule will
first check that the list of A  objects  has  at  least  two
objects,  little  sense in searching a list when it is known
that the search will fail.  If the list  has  at  least  two
objects,  the  first object will match the first A, since no
values were specified  for  the  elements  any  object  will
match.   The  list  of A objects is then searched for one in
which element A1 is equal to the string "TEST".  The success
or  failure of the rule depends on the success or failure of
this search.

     Clearly is is possible that only one object in  list  A
had element A1 equal to "TEST". It is also possible that the
object whose element A1 was equal to "TEST"  was  the  first

                           - 10 -

     production      : label lhs '=>' rhs ';'
     label           : TOKEN ':'
     lhs             : /* empty */
                     | lhs match
     match           : RECURS
                     | count TOKEN
                     | NOT TOKEN
                     | count '(' free_variable match_list ')'
     free_variable   : /* empty */
                     | HAT TOKEN TOKEN
     match_list      : /* empty */
                     | match_list match_element
     match_element   : TOKEN '.' TOKEN relop INTEGER
                     | TOKEN '.' TOKEN relop DOUBLE
                     | TOKEN '.' TOKEN relop STR
                     | TOKEN '.' TOKEN relop TOKEN '.' TOKEN
     rhs             : optional_part pass_part
     optional_part   : /* empty */
                     | optional_part option
     option          : MARK mark_list
                     | ADD add_list
                     | OPTIMIZE TOKEN
     mark_list       : mark_item
                     | mark_list mark_item
     mark_item       : count TOKEN
     add_list        : entry
                     | add_list entry
     pass_part       : /* empty */
                     | C_COCE
     relop           : "=="
                     | "!="
                     | "<="
                     | '<'
                     | ">="
                     | '>'

               Figure 5: YACC Grammar for a Rule

                           - 11 -

object in the list.  If that were in fact the case then  the
rule  would  fail even though it could have been true with a
different search strategy.  In this simple case the  problem
could  be avoided by simply reordering the situation part so
that the object with an  element  A1  equal  to  "TEST"  was
searched for first.

     Not all examples are this simple, and that is the  rea-
son  for  the  recursive  search strategy.  In the recursive
strategy if a given test fails, the previous test is  undone
and  redone  from  the  point  where the selection was made.
This process continues until a match is found or it is found
that  a  match  is  not possible.  The recursive search is a
more powerful pattern matching tool, but  it  is  much  more
expensive in execution time.  The search time for the linear
search is order N while for the  recursive  strategy  it  is
order  N  squared.   For  large N this is a very substantial

     To select a recursive search, the reserved word  RECURS
is  included  in the situation part.  The clearest code will
result if RECURS immediately follows the rule's label.  If a
rule  is declared RECURS, the recursive search will apply to
all objects in the situation  part.   There  is  no  way  to
search  recursively for some objects and linearly for others
in a single rule.  The scope of the  RECURS  declaration  is
one rule.  Many expert system development tools use only the
powerful but  time  consuming  recursive  search  technique.
Making  this  facility optional enables the user to exercise
some control on the search time.  It is also  possible  that
the  order  that the objects occur in the list is important,
in this case the  linear  search  would  be  required.   TRC
always  inserts  new  objects  at  the front of the list and
never reorders a list or  drops  an  element  from  a  list,
unless specifically directed to.

     It is sometimes necessary to compare an element of  one
object  with  an  element  of  some previously found object,
rather than to some literal value.  To do this  a  name  for
the  previously  found  object  is  needed.   A name that is
assigned to an object is referred  to  as  a  free_variable.
The scope of a free_variable is the current rule.  Using the
previous definitions some examples are:

       (^A FOO)
       (A.A1 == FOO.A1)
       (^A BAR
         A.A1 != "TEST")
       (B.B2 != BAR.A2)

     The first line in this example picks the  first  object
of  the  A  list  and  assigns the free_variable FOO to that
object.  In the second line the A list is  searched  for  an
object  whose element A1 is equal to the element A1 found in

                           - 12 -

the first line.  The third line searches the A list  for  an
object  whose  element A1 is not equal to "TEST" and assigns
the free_variable  BAR  to  this  object.   The  final  line
searches  the  B  list  for an object with an element B2 not
equal to the  element  A2  found  in  the  previous  search.
Notice what is happening here, elements from different lists
are being compared.  This comparison  is  permitted  because
both  elements  are  integers,  so the types of the elements
match.  In complex matches like this it is frequently neces-
sary to use the recursive search.

     A new definition is  needed  to  consider  yet  another

       C (C1 : INT  C2 : INT)

     The final case to be considered is the case  where  two
elements  of  the  same  object are compared.  There are two
equivalent ways to specify this:

       (^C FOO
         C.C1 == FOO.C2)
       (C.C1 == C.C2)

     TRC will generate identical code for  either  of  these
statements.  In each line a specification is made that the C
list be searched for an object where elements C1 and C2  are
equal.   There  is a subtle but important difference between
these similar examples and all previous  examples.   In  all
previous cases the right hand side of the relational expres-
sion evaluated to an absolute value before the search began.
In this example the absolute value of the right hand side of
the relation changes  with  every  object  that  is  tested.
There  is  a  small  code overhead for this type of testing,
which is noticeable only if used on many different  elements
of many different types of objects.

     Finally the form NOT TOKEN, where TOKEN is some  object
is  an explicit test for an empty list.  The case of search-
ing a list for the absence  of  some  element  is  discussed

     The situation and action parts  are  separated  by  the
ARROW  symbol,  "=>".  The action part can contain MARK, ADD
and OPTIMIZE  statements.   The  MARK  statement  lists  the
number  and  type  of  objects to remove from STM.  The only
items that may be removed from STM by a MARK  statement  are
objects  that  were  enumerated in the situation part.  This
restriction is necessary because those objects are the  only
ones that definitely are in STM.

     The ADD statement lists objects that are to be added to
STM.   Objects  are inserted at the head of their respective
lists in the order they  are  listed  in  the  action  part.

                           - 13 -

Objects  are always ADDed to STM before objects are removed,
regardless of the order of ADD and MARK statements.  This is
necessary  because ADD statements can refer to elements that
are about to be removed.  Assume the previous definitions of
A and B for this example rule:

     (A.A1 == "BAR")
     (^A FOO
       A.A1 == "FOO")
     MARK  2 A
     ADD B (B1 => 3.14159
            B2 => FOO.A2)
               printf("RULE is firing\n");

     TRC will generate code that  will  search  the  A  list
first  for an object with element A1 equal to "BAR" and then
for an object with element A1 equal to "FOO".   If  both  of
these  searches  succeed  the action part will execute.  The
MARK statement specifies that  both  A  objects  are  to  be
removed from STM.  This could also have been specified:

       MARK A A
       MARK A
       MARK A

     The MARK statement causes objects to be removed in  the
order  they  were  found.  It is possible for a situation to
exist where it is not desirable to remove the objects in the
order  they  were  found.   In  the  example above it may be
desirable to remove the second type A object,  but  not  the
first.   Objects  may be MARKed based on their free_variable
name.  The following statement will cause  only  the  second
type A object from the sample rule to be MARKed:


     The example ADD statement adds an object of type  B  to
list B copying a value out of list A.  The code generated by
TRC will do the ADD first then the MARK since the ADD state-
ment refers to a MARKed element.

     The code section is executed after  the  ADD  and  MARK
code  and  simply  prints a message.  It is included here to
demonstrate what a code section looks like.  Information  on
techniques  used  to refer to objects in the code section is
presented in _T_h_e  _T_R_C  _L_a_n_g_u_a_g_e  _R_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e  _M_a_n_u_a_l[_5].   The
final  semicolon  is  included in the TRC syntax to give the
parser a point to sync on in case of syntax  errors  in  the

                           - 14 -


     The OPTIMIZE statement is used to tell TRC  that  after
the  current rule executes it is not necessary to search the
list of rules from the very beginning  of  LTM,  rather  the
search  can  begin  with  the named rule.  The naming of the
OPTIMIZE  statement refers to its primary,  but  not  neces-
sarily  only purpose.  The OPTIMIZE statement can be used to
impose a control structure  on  LTM.   For  convenience  the
label  "Start"  alway  precedes the first rule and the label
"End" always follows the last rule.

     The TRC grammar does not include a  way  to  specify  a
search  for the absence of some element.  This can be accom-
plished using the OPTIMIZE statement and a  side  effect  of
the  search  strategy.   The  LTM section in Figure 7 demon-
strates this possibility.

             (A.A1 == "FOO")
             OPTIMIZE RULE3
             /* do your thing here */
             /* system continues here */

         Figure 7: Testing for the Absence of a Pattern

     Figure 7 illustrates a technique for  testing  for  the
absence  of  some  element.  RULE1 tests for the presence of
the element and uses the OPTIMIZE statement to branch around
RULE2 if it is found.  The situation part of RULE2 is empty.
An empty situation part always  evaluates  to  true.   RULE2
will  always  fire when RULE1 fails and never be tested when
RULE1 fires.  The combination of RULE1 and RULE2 is  a  rule
that tests for the absence of an element.

_7.  _H_E_A_D_E_R _a_n_d _T_R_A_I_L_E_R

     The header and  trailer  are  lexically  identical  and
serve  similar purposes; the inclusion of C code that is not
related to a specific rule but is of a more  global  nature.
The  syntax  is  identical  for the header, trailer and code
section of long term memory.  The code  section  must  begin
with  an  open brace '{' and end with a closed brace '}'.  A
code section is recognized by the input scanner using a very

                           - 15 -

trivial  algorithm; when an open brace is encountered a code
section begins.  The 'brace count' is set to  one  and  each
time  an  open  brace  is  encountered  the 'brace count' is
incremented.  Each time a closed brace  is  encountered  the
'brace  count'  is  decremented.   When the 'brace count' is
zero the code section is presumed to have ended.   All  text
in the code section, except the initial open brace and final
closed brace, is passed through untouched.

     This simple algorithm avoids the potential  problem  of
having  to  parse  the C language within TRC, but it is very
easy to defeat.  If the number of braces in a  code  section
is  not  balanced, the end of the section will not be deter-
mined correctly - this includes braces embedded in comments.
A  single  missing brace may cause the entire compilation to
be aborted.  Worse yet would be  two  complimentary  missing
braces  in  separate  sections  of  the specification.  Very
large pieces of the  specification  may  be  passed.   These
problems  are common in programming languages and not diffi-
cult to avoid.  Sample valid headers and trailers are illus-
trated in figure 6.

          /* this is a sample valid header section */

          struct mystruct{
                          int a, b, c;
                          struct mystruct *next;
          short term memory
          long term memory
          /* this is a sample valid trailer section */
                  /* do my thing in here */

            Figure 6: Sample Header and Trailer

     On the somewhat related subject of  comments,  C  style
comments  may be included anywhere in the specification that
a space may occur.  Comments that are not  part  of  a  code
section  are  recognized  by  the scanner and are discarded.
Nested  comments  outside  of  the  code  section  are   not

                           - 16 -

supported,  comments  occuring  in a code section are passed

     The code in the header section is written on the output
file  _h_e_a_d_e_r._h.   This file is included in all output files.
The header section should be used to declare structures  and
variables  which  may  be used in the action part of a rule.
Since this code will be included in several files it  should
not  contain  initialized  data  or  procedures, which would
cause duplicate definition errors at compile time.

     The code in the trailer section is written on the  out-
put  file  _l_o_o_p._c.  This is the code file which contains the
main loop, and includes the definitions of  all  the  struc-
tures  and  global  variables  manipulated  by the inference
engine.  Including procedures in the trailer is a convenient
way of gaining visibility of those objects.

_8.  _O_P_T_I_O_N_S

     The option section occurs at the beginning of LTM.  The
option  section  may  be empty, but any options must precede
the first rule.  Options may also be specified with  command
line  flags.   There  are  several  options; TRACE, PROFILE,

     The TRACE option causes a runtime trace to be  created.
The  primary purpose of this trace is to facilitate generat-
ing explanations.  People  seldom  take  the  advice  of  an
expert  without a satisfactory explanation of why the advice
should be followed.  It may not be reasonable to expect peo-
ple  to take advice of an expert system that can not explain
itself.  The trace is a list of rules that  were  fired,  or
inferences  that  were  drawn.  Having the trace facilitates
explanations of the type, "I found that a, b and c were true
and therefore concluded that d should be pursued".  The gen-
eration of explanations is left to user code, only the trace
is provided.

     Turning  the  TRACE   option   causes   the   procedure
_a_p_p_e_n_d__t_r_a_c_e  and the structure _t_r_a_c_e to be generated.  Each
time a rule is fired the procedure  append_trace  is  called
with  the  number  of  the  rule that fired.  This number is
appended to the  list  of  rules.   The  list  structure  is

       struct trace{
          int rule;
          struct trace *next;
       } *trace_front, *trace_back;

     The pointer _t_r_a_c_e__f_r_o_n_t points to the head of the  list
and  _t_r_a_c_e__b_a_c_k  points to the last item in the list.  Rules

                           - 17 -

are numbered beginning with 1 from the start of LTM.  if the
label  of  the  rule  would  be  more  convenient  it can be
obtained from the rule_names array, e.g. the label  of  rule
one is:


     The PROFILE option generates two arrays in which counts
of the number of times each rule executed and each match was
searched are stored.  The procedure _p_r_i_n_t__p_r_o_f_i_l_e will print
a summary of the execution of the inference engine.

     The BACKTRACK option generates  a  structure  and  pro-
cedures  needed to implement backtracking.  These structures
and procedures are detailed in _T_h_e _T_R_C _R_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e  _M_a_n_u_a_l[_5].
Backtracking  is  a technique for searching a problem space.
When a dead end is reached, the last decision is undone  and
the  search continues.  In the inference engine generated by
TRC one backtracking step is taken each time all  the  rules
in  LTM  fail.  When backtracking is enabled, objects marked
for deletion from STM are saved in a  back  track  structure
along with their former position.  The number of items added
by the rule is saved in the same structure.  To undo a  rule
the  formerly  added  objects  are  deleted and the formerly
deleted objects are restored to their original  position  in
the STM.

     The backtrack procedures assume that the ADD  and  MARK
statements  are  the only way that STM is modified.  If user
code modifies STM the backtrack save and restore  procedures
will  have  to  be  modified  to  be  cognizant of user code
changes to STM.

     In a system with backtracking it is essential that some
rule  recognizes  when  the problem is solved and returns to
the calling procedure.  If no rule  does  this,  the  system
will  perform every manipulation on STM that it can in every
order that it can and finally will  return  with  STM  fully
restored to it's original state.  Thus vast resources can be
consumed to to obtain the same results that not calling  the
inference engine at all would produce.

     The DUMP option causes code to print  the  contents  of
STM  on  the standard output to be generated.  The procedure
_d_u_m_p__s_t_m will print out the contents of each list of objects
in  STM  on  the standard output.  There is also a procedure
_d_u_m_p_%_s__s_t_r_u_c_t generated for each object defined, where "%s"
is  replaced by the object name.  Calls to generate dumps of
the entire STM or specific lists  may  be  embedded  in  the
C_Code  part.   TRC itself never generates calls to the dump

     The RECURS option is the only option that may be placed
in  the  option  part  of  LTM or in the situation part of a

                           - 18 -

rule.  If RECURS is used in the option part all  rules  will
default  to  the recursive search strategy.  This option can
be turned off for a given rule by including NORECURS in  the
situation part of the rule.

     The ZERO option will generate a single procedure, _z_e_r_o.
This procedure will free all the structures that are dynami-
cally allocated by the TRC generated code.   The  structures
that are allocated dynamically include STM, the backtracking
stack (if backtracking is enabled), the profiling arrays (if
profiling  is  enabled)  and  the  trace list (if tracing is
enabled).  TRC will generate code  for  any  combination  of
options.  This is useful in situations where the expert sys-
tem is called more than once.  The zero procedure will clean
up anything left by a previous invocation.

     The SAVE option will generate procedures to  write  all
dynamically allocated structures to a file and procedures to
restore those structures from  a  previously  written  file.
This  option  makes  it  easy  to write expert systems which
checkpoint their own execution.  It is then possible to res-
tart execution in the case of a crash without having to redo
all the work that has already been done.  It is necessary to
save all dynamically allocated structures including STM, the
backtracking stack, profiling arrays  and  the  trace  list.
Separate  procedures  are generated for saving and reloading
each of these structures.

_9.  _E_N_V_I_R_O_N_M_E_N_T

     TRC is a compiler that translates a rule  based  system
to a set of C language procedures.  It is useful in develop-
ing expert systems.  TRC produces only an  inference  engine
and  supporting structures, input and output processing must
be added with additional code, presumably in C.  The minimum
external  code  is a main procedure that will initialize STM
and call the inference engine.  Figure 8 is a  minimal  main
procedure  that  includes examples of calls to procedures to
dump STM, print the trace list and print the execution  pro-
file.  This assumes that the DUMP, TRACE and PROFILE options
were turned on.

     The output of TRC is written on several  files  in  the
current  directory.   The  file  names generated are; add.c,
dump.c,  free.c,   loop.c,   misc.c,   search.c,   relink.c,
backtrack.c,   profile.c,   zero.c  and  save.c.   A  sample
Makefile is given in Figure  8.   The  reference  to  main.c
refers to user supplied code.

                           - 19 -

     #include <stdio.h>
     #include "loop.h"
     extern char *rule_names[];

             struct trace *temp;

             /* initialize STM */

             printf("Initial STM");

             /* call the inference engine */

             printf("Final STM");

             /* dump the contents of the trace structure */
             temp = trace_front;
                     temp = temp->next;


              Figure 7: Sample Main Procedure

     # Makefile for expert systems generated by TRC

     PROG =    loop
     OBJS =    add.o backtrack.o dump.o free.o loop.o \
               misc.o profile.o relink.o save.o \
               search.o zero.o main.o
     INCS =    loop.h
     CC   =    cc

     all:      $(PROG)
               $(CC) -c -O $<

     $(OBJS):  $(INCS)

     $(PROG):  $(OBJS)
               $(CC) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LIBS)

                 Figure 8: Sample Makefile

                           - 20 -


1. Johnson, S. C. (1975), "YACC: Yet Another  Compiler  Com-
piler",  Computer  Science  Technical  Report  No.  32, Bell
Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ.

2. Lindsay, Robert, et.al (1980), _A_p_p_l_i_c_a_t_i_o_n_s _o_f _A_r_t_i_f_i_c_i_a_l
_I_n_t_e_l_l_i_g_e_n_c_e  _f_o_r  _C_h_e_m_i_c_a_l  _I_n_f_e_r_e_n_c_e: _T_h_e _D_E_N_D_R_A_L _P_r_o_j_e_c_t,
McGraw Hill, New York.

3. Davis, R., B.G.  Buchanan  and  E.H.  Shortliffe  (1977),
"Production  Rules as a Representation for a Knowledge-Based
Consultation Program", Artificial  Intelligence,  Volume  8,
Issue 1, February 1977.

4. Feigenbaum, E.A., (1978), "The Art of Artificial Intelli-
gence:  Themes  and  case studies of knowledge engineering",

5. Kary, Daniel D. (1985), "The TRC Reference Manual", North
Dakota  State University, Division of Mathematical Sciences,
Fargo, ND.

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Dan Kary

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                  The TRC Reference Manual

                       Daniel D. Kary

               North Dakota State University
                Computer Science Department
                      300 Minard Hall
                     Fargo, ND   58102


          The syntax of TRC is formally  defined.   The
     output of TRC is elucidated.


           1. INTRODUCTION
           2. OVERVIEW
           3. LEXICAL ELEMENTS
           4. DEFINITIONS
           5. SHORT TERM MEMORY
           6. LONG TERM MEMORY
           7. OPTIMIZER

           8. OVERVIEW
          10. DATA OBJECTS
          13. OPTIONS

           A. TRC GRAMMAR
           B. ERROR MESSAGES
           C. STYLE NOTES
           D. SAMPLE PROGRAM

_1.  _I_N_T_R_O_D_U_C_T_I_O_N

     TRC is a programming language that is useful for build-
ing expert systems.  It is presumed that the reader is fami-
liar with expert systems in general and has  used  at  least
one expert system building tool.  Some terms that are widely

                           - 2 -

used in describing expert  systems  have  specific  meanings
when used to describe TRC and will be defined now.

     The set  of  situation-action  rules  that  embody  the
knowledge  an expert uses to solve a problem are referred to
as Long Term Memory (LTM).  The information  that  may  vary
with  each  instance  of the problem is referred to as Short
Term Memory (STM).  The code which determines if the  situa-
tion part of a rule is true will be called a pattern matcher
or a matcher.  The  code  which  determines  which  rule  to
activate  will  be  called  an inference engine and includes
both the matcher and the LTM.  The input to the TRC compiler
is called a specification.

     The input to the TRC compiler is a rule based language.
The  output is a set of C language files.  The procedures in
the C language files output by the TRC compiler collectively
implement  the  inference engine.  An inference engine is to
an expert system as a parser is to a compiler: it is of cen-
tral  importance  but it does not comprise a complete imple-
mentation.  TRC does not provide code for  interaction  with
the  user, but does permit the programmer to easily add this

     This document is divided into two parts and  a  set  of
appendices.  The  first part presents a formal definition of
the input language with examples of each  language  feature.
The second part describes the output of the TRC compiler and
includes some important insight on integrating TRC generated
code with other C language code.  The appendices include the
complete TRC grammar, a listing and explanation of  all  the
error  messages that TRC might produce and a sample specifi-

                      PART ONE - INPUT

_2.  _O_V_E_R_V_I_E_W

     Every specification file consists of five sections, the
header,  definitions,  short  term  memory (data base), long
term memory (rules) and the  trailer.   These  sections  are
separated  by double percent characters.  The form of a full
specification is illustrated below.   The  header,  STM  and
trailer are optional so the minimum specification would con-
tain only the definitions and LTM.  All of  the  "%%"  marks
must be present in each specification file.


                           - 3 -


     The purpose of the header and trailer  sections  is  to
permit  the  inclusion  of C language code in the specifica-
tion.  The header and trailer are each composed of a  single
lexical  element called a c-code which is defined in section
3.  Separate sections are devoted to each of  the  remaining
parts of a TRC specification.

_3.  _L_E_X_I_C_A_L _E_L_E_M_E_N_T_S

     A program consists of a  single  file.   A  file  is  a
sequence  of lexical elements composed of characters.  Char-
acters may be one of these classes; (1)  upper-case-letters,
(2)  lower-case-letters,  (3) digits, (4) special characters
(5) separators (6) embedded characters and (7) other charac-

     (1) upper-case-letters
          A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

     (2) lower-case-letters
          a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

     (3) digits
          0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

     (4) special characters
          " ( ) : ; = < > ! ^ _ $ . { } / * %

     (5) separators
          space tab newline

     (6) embedded characters
          \n   embedded-newline
          \t   embedded-tab
          \b   embedded-backspace
          \r   embedded-carriage-return
          \f   embedded-form-feed
          \\   embedded-back-slash
          \"   embedded-quote

     (7) other characters
          @ # & + [ ] ` ~ ' | , ?

The following names are used when referring to special characters:

     Symbol    Name      Symbol    Name

                           - 4 -

     "    quote               :    colon
     ;    semicolon      =    equal
     !    exclamation         ^    hat
     _    underscore          $    dollar
     <    less-than      >    greater-than
     (    left-paren          )    right-paren
     {    left-bracket        }    right-bracket
     *    asterisk       %    percent
     -    minus

     A lexical element is a either a delimiter, an  identif-
ier,  an integer literal, a floating point literal, a string
literal, a comment or a c_code.  In some cases  a  separator
is  required  between  lexical  elements,  specifically when
adjacent lexical elements could be interpreted as  a  single
lexical  element.   A separator is any of space, tab or new-
line.  One or more separators are permitted between any  two
lexical  element, before the first lexical element and after
the last lexical element.

_3._1.  _D_E_L_I_M_I_T_E_R_S

     A delimiter may be one of the following special charac-

     : ; " . ^ - ( ) { } < >

     A delimiter may be one of the following compound delim-
iters.  Each  compound delimiter is composed of two adjacent
special characters.

     => %% != == >= <=

     The following names are used when referring to compound

     Delimiter Name

     =>        arrow
     %%        delim
     !=        not-equal
     ==        equality
     >=        greater-than-or-equal
     >=        less-than-or-equal

_3._2.  _I_D_E_N_T_I_F_I_E_R_S

     Identifiers are used as tokens and as  reserved  words.
Separators are not allowed in an identifier.  The underscore
character is the only special character that may be part  of
an identifier.

     identifier  ::=  letter { underscore | letter | digit}

                           - 5 -

     letter      ::=  upper-case-letter | lower-case-letter


     PENNY          Get_Stuff x1
     ThisOne        WrZ_123        etc_

The identifiers that are reserved words are:

     ADD            MARK      PROFILE
     DUMP      NOT            SAVE
     EMPTY          OPTIMIZE       STRING
     FLOAT          POINTER        TRACE
     INT            PREFIX         ZERO

_3._3.  _N_U_M_E_R_I_C _L_I_T_E_R_A_L_S

     There are two  classes  of  numeric  literals,  integer
literals  and  floating  point  literals.  The presence of a
decimal point distinguishes  floating  point  literals  from
integer literals.

     floating-point-literal  ::=  [ minus ] digits dot digits
     integer-literal             ::=  [ minus ] digits
     digits              ::=  digit { digit }

Example integer literals:

     1   -33   187

Example floating point literals:

     0.5   -3.14159    6.0

_3._4.  _S_T_R_I_N_G _L_I_T_E_R_A_L_S

     A string literal is formed by a sequence of  characters
(possibly  zero)  enclosed between quote characters.  Any of
the six classes of characters may be embedded in a string.

     string-literal  ::=  quote { [ character ] } quote

     "these characters can be in a string $, ! => etc_\n"

_3._5.  _C_O_M_M_E_N_T_S

     Comments may be included anywhere  in  the  input  file
that  separators  or  delimiters may occur.  Comments follow
the style of comments in the C language.  Comments  may  not
be  nested  within  comments.   Any  of  the  six classes of

                           - 6 -

characters may be embedded in a comment.

comment  ::= slash asterisk { [ character ] } asterisk slash

     /*  a simple comment */

       a multi-line

      * A Fancy Comment *

_3._6.  _C__C_O_D_E

     A c_code is a fragment  of  C  language  code  that  is
embedded  in  the input file.  A c_code is recognized by the
scanner as a single lexical item.  The C language itself  is
not  parsed by TRC.  A c-code may not contain a procedure or

c_code   ::=  left-bracket { [character] | [c_code] } right-bracket



_4.  _D_E_F_I_N_I_T_I_O_N_S

     Each entity that can be referred to by a TRC rule  must
be  defined  in the definition section.  Each entity that is
defined is called an _o_b_j_e_c_t.  Objects may  have  numeric  or
string values associated with them.  These associated values
are called _e_l_e_m_e_n_t_s of the object.  There are two  forms  of
definitions.   There is a simple form for objects which have
no elements and an extended form for objects that have asso-
ciated elements.

     definition  ::=  identifier
     definition  ::=  identifier left-paren item-list right-paren
     item-list   ::=  { [ item ] }
     item        ::=  identifier colon type
     type     ::=  INT | FLOAT | STRING | POINTER

     For each object there  will  be  an  associated  object
count  in  the  output  code, which represents the number of

                           - 7 -

objects of that type that exist at any point in  time.   For
each  object  with  at  least  one element, there will be an
associated structure and list of objects of that type in the
output  code.  The  set  of  object  counts and object lists
defined in the definition section represent the STM that the
system of rules may refer to.

     Each element that is defined for a  given  object  must
have  a  data  type  specified.   Strong  type  checking  is
enforced throughout TRC.   Comparisons  and  assignments  of
elements must involve elements or literals of the same type.
There is no coercion of types.  The INT, FLOAT,  STRING  and
POINTER types are described in section 10.  The POINTER type
is a pointer to a structure of the type of the  object  that
contains it.


     b_b (This : INT)
     CAST ( THAT      : INT
            The_Other : FLOAT)

_5.  _S_H_O_R_T _T_E_R_M _M_E_M_O_R_Y

     The short term memory (stm) section  of  the  input  is
where  the initial state of the working memory is specified.
The intention of this  section  is  to  permit  the  working
memory  to be initialized to some state that may be required
for each invocation  of  the  expert  system.   It  is  also
intended  to  serve as a way of entering test data while the
expert system is being developed,  before  data  entry  pro-
cedures are developed.

     stm        ::=  { [ entry ] }
     entry      ::=  [ integer-literal ] identifier
     entry      ::=  [ integer-literal ] identifier
               left-paren { [ init-item ] } right-paren
     init-item  ::=  identifier arrow value
     value      ::=  integer-literal
     value      ::=  floating-point-literal
     value      ::=  string-literal

     The short term memory section is a list of objects that
are to be entered into the working memory.  If an object has
one or more elements, those elements can be  initialized  to
user  specified  values.  Numeric values that are not speci-
fied are initialized to zero and string values that are  not
specified  are initialized to an empty string.  The integer-
literal that may precede the name (identifier) of the object
specifies  how  many objects of that type are to be added to
working memory with the given element values, e.g.:

                      /* definition part */

                           - 8 -

     A (A1 : STRING
        A2 : FLOAT)
     B (B1 : STRING
        B2 : FLOAT)
                      /* short term memory */
       A ( A1 => "string")  /* It is not necessary to
                            initialize all the elements
                      in an object.
     2 A ( A2 => 3.34
           A1 => "thing")   /* Nor is it necessary to
                      initialize elements in the
                      order they were declared.
     3 B              /* It is not necessary to
                      initialize the elements
                      at all.

_6.  _L_O_N_G _T_E_R_M _M_E_M_O_R_Y

     Long   term   memory   is   the   section   where   the
situation/action  rules  are  enumerated.   This section may
begin with a listing of options that are to  be  turned  on.
All options in this section can also be specified by command
line flags.  Since the syntax for the long term memory  sec-
tion is more complex than for the other sections, it will be
presented in several parts.

_6._1.  _O_P_T_I_O_N_S

     The long term memory is composed of two  sections,  the
options and the rules.

     ltm     ::=  { [option] } { rule }
     option  ::=  ZERO  |  PROFILE  |  BACKTRACK
            |  DUMP  |  RECURS  |  NORECURS
            |  SAVE  |  TRACE  |  PREFIX identifier

_6._1._1.  _Z_E_R_O

     The ZERO option directs the compiler to generate a pro-
cedure  that  will free all the dynamic structures allocated
by TRC generated code.  This feature is useful when develop-
ing  inference  engines that will be entered more than once.
It is often necessary to remove the 'leftovers' from a  pre-
vious execution before beginning a new execution.

                           - 9 -

_6._1._2.  _P_R_O_F_I_L_E

     The PROFILE option directs  the  compiler  to  generate
code  to profile the execution of the inference engine and a
procedure to print a summary of that profile.  The profiling
code counts the number of times that each rule searches some
part of STM and how many times each rule is fired.

_6._1._3.  _B_A_C_K_T_R_A_C_K

     The BACKTRACK option directs the compiler  to  generate
an  inference  engine  that  will  backtrack when no rule is
true.  Backtracking is accomplished by undoing  the  actions
of  the last rule that fired and continuing to test rules as
if the undone rule had never fired.

_6._1._4.  _D_U_M_P

     The DUMP option directs the compiler to  generate  pro-
cedures  that will print the contents of STM on the standard
output.  The intention of this option  is  to  simplify  the
process  of  developing  and debugging rules.  By having the
DUMP  procedures  generated  automatically,  the   knowledge
engineer  is freed of the mundane task of writing procedures
to display the current state of  the  STM.   The  DUMP  pro-
cedures are not intended to serve as the output of an expert
system.   Appropriate  output  routines  will  have  to   be
developed  by  the  knowledge  engineer after the rules have
been written.

_6._1._5.  _R_E_C_U_R_S

     TRC will generate code that uses one of two  strategies
for  searching  STM.   These strategies (detailed in section
6.3.3) are called LINEAR and RECURSIVE.  The LINEAR strategy
is  the  default.   The  RECURS directive in the option part
directs the compiler to use the RECURSIVE  strategy  as  the
default.   It  is  possible to override the default on a per
rule basis.  Overriding the default is discussed in  section

_6._1._6.  _N_O_R_E_C_U_R_S

     The NORECURS option directs the  compiler  to  use  the
LINEAR  search  strategy  in  all  rules,  unless  otherwise
directed.  Since this is the default condition,  it  is  not
necessary to use this option.

_6._1._7.  _S_A_V_E

     The SAVE option directs the compiler to  generate  pro-
cedures  to save all objects which are dynamically allocated
by TRC code on a file.  The compiler will also generate pro-
cedures   which   can   restore  the  dynamically  allocated

                           - 10 -

structures from the previously written files.  The intention
of this option is to simplify the development of expert sys-
tems with checkpointing and  restarting  capabilities.   The
procedures  generated  by  this  option and the use of those
procedures is described in section 13.6 and Appendix C.

_6._1._8.  _T_R_A_C_E

     The TRACE option directs the compiler to trace the exe-
cution  of the inference engine by maintaining a list of the
rules that have been fired in the  order  they  were  fired.
This  list  can  be  used  to produce an explaination of the
actions taken by the expert system.

_6._1._9.  _P_R_E_F_I_X

     The PREFIX option directs the compiler to use the iden-
tifier  that  follows the reserved word 'PREFIX' as a prefix
for all data objects and procedures generated by  TRC.   The
intention  of  this  option is to facilitate building expert
systems that have more than one inference engine.  Supplying
different  prefixes  for  each inference engine insures that
there will be no name conflicts between  separate  inference
engines, e.g.:

     PREFIX X_

_6._2.  _R_U_L_E_S

     The second section if LTM is the list of  rules.   Each
rule  has  a  label,  which can be supplied or automatically
generated by TRC.  The label is used whenever it  is  neces-
sary  or convenient to refer to the rule by name.  The label
is followed by the situation part  (described  in  the  next
section).   The  situation part is a list of statements fol-
lowed by the arrow delimiter.  The action part (described in
the section following the description of the situation part)
follows the arrow delimiter and is itself a list  of  state-
ments.   The  action  part  is followed by a semicolon which
terminates the rule.

     rule   ::=  label situation arrow action semicolon
     label  ::=  identifier colon  |  colon

_6._3.  _S_I_T_U_A_T_I_O_N

     The situation part specifies how STM is to be  searched
and what must be present in STM for the situation part to be

     situation   ::=  { [ s-option ] } { [ match ] }
     s-option    ::=  EMPTY identifier identifier

                           - 11 -

     s-option    ::=  RECURS  |  NORECURS
     match       ::=  [ integer-literal ] identifier
     match       ::=  NOT identifier
     match       ::=  [ integer-literal ] left-paren name
                match-list right-paren
     match       ::=  c-code
     name     ::=  hat identifier identifier
     match-list  ::=  { match-item }
     match-item  ::=  identifier dot identifier relop literal
     match-item  ::=  identifier dot identifier relop
                      identifier dot identifier
     relop       ::=  equality  |  not-equal  |  less-than
     relop       ::=  greater-than  |  greater-than-or-equal
     relop       ::=  less-than-or-equal

_6._3._1.  _M_A_T_C_H_I_N_G

     It is necessary to understand how matching is specified
before  the  s-option part can be explained.  A match, which
will also be referred to as a test, is a statement  of  what
the  inference  engine  is to search for in STM.  Assume the
following objects were defined in the definition section:

     A (A1 : INT
        A3 : INT
        A2 : STRING)
     B (B1 : INT
        B2 : STRING)

     The simplest match specifies only the object that  must
be  present.   A  search  for  one  object of type A and one
object of type B can be specified as follows:

     A  B

     A search for two objects of type A and two  objects  of
type  B  can be specified in many ways, including these four
equivalent ways:

          A A B B

          2A 2 B

          A B A B

          A A 2B

     The objects can be listed in any order and may be  pre-
ceded  by  an integer literal.  The integer literal specifys
how many objects of the named type are to be search for.  In
one  of  the examples there is a space between the count and
the object name and in other  examples  there  is  no  space

                           - 12 -

between  the count and the object.  Spaces are required only
when there would be a conflict without a space.   Since  the
string  "2A"  (for  example)  begins  with  a  digit,  it is
presumed to be a numeric literal.  Since "A" is not a digit,
the  numeric  literal ends at that point.  Since the numeric
literal contained  no  decimal  point,  it  is  an  integer-
literal.  The string is therefore lexically equivalent to "2

     The reserved word NOT is used to explicitly test for an
empty  list.   The following match statement will be true if
there are no objects of type A in STM:

     NOT A

     Any rule which contains a search for an  object  and  a
test  for that same list being empty can never be true.  TRC
generates an error message in this  situation  because  even
though  it  is syntactically correct, it is in fact meaning-
less, e.g.:

     NOT A

     Very often it is necessary to search STM based not only
on  the  type of object, but also based on the values of the
elements of the object.  This is specified by placing a list
of the element values after the element name.

     (A.A1 == 2)
     (B.B1 != 3
      B.B2 <= "THIS")
     (A.A2 == "HERE"  A.A1 > 6)

     These three statements can be  translated  as  follows:
First  search  the  A list for an object whose element A1 is
equal to two, then search the B list  for  an  object  whose
element  B1  is  not  equal to three and whose element B2 is
less than or equal to "THIS", finally search the A list  for
an object whose element A2 is equal to "HERE" and whose ele-
ment A1 is greater than six.  This situation part  would  be
true  if  all  three objects were found in STM, otherwise it
would be false.  In the first match only the value of A1  is
specified.  Only the elements that are specified are tested,
the values of any other elements that the object may contain
are  not  considered.  Association of parameters is by name,
so it is not necessary to list elements in  the  order  they
were  declared.   The  third  match statement in the example
above lists the value of element A2 first, even though  ele-
ment A1 was declared first.

     The final case that must  be  considered  is  the  case
where it is necessary to search STM for an object whose ele-
ments are to be tested against the result of  some  previous

                           - 13 -

search.  To do this it is first necessary to name the object
that is being searched for so that it may later be  referred
to, e.g.:

     (^A FIRST
       A.A1 == 2)
     (B.B1 == FIRST.A3)
     (A.A1 != A.A3)

     The first statement begins with a hat character.   This
indicates  that this object is to be named.  The hat charac-
ter is followed by the object type and it's name.  The  name
is followed by a list of the elements to search for, in this
case a search for element A1  equal  to  two  is  specified.
This  statement  can  be translated as follows: Search the A
list for an object whose element A1 is equal to two and name
that  object "FIRST". A name that is applied to an object is
called a free variable.  The scope of a free variable is the
current  rule.   Free variable names can be reused in subse-
quent rules.

     The second statement specifys that the B list is to  be
searched for an element B1 whose value is equal to the value
of the element A3 found in the previous statement.  The free
variable name makes it possible to refer to previously found

     The third statement, while looking innocent enough,  is
radically  different from all previous examples.  In all the
previous examples the exact value that  was  being  searched
for  was  known  before  the  search  began.  That value was
expressed as either a literal, or the value of some  element
that  was found in a previous test.  In the third statement,
the A list is being searched for an object whose elements A1
and  A3 are not equal to one another.  The values these ele-
ments are to have are not specified, only their relationship
to one another.  This can be further complicated:

     (^A Second
       A.A1 == 3)
     (A.A1 < Second.A3
      A.A3 < A.A1)

     In the second match statement of  this  example  A1  is
being  compared  to  the  value  of  A3  in the object named
"Second" and it is being compared to the value of  the  ele-
ment  A3  in  the  object  that contains it.  An element may
appear on the left hand side of the relational operator only
once in a given match statement.  It is now possible to con-
sider the effects of the options.

                           - 14 -

_6._3._2.  _O_P_T_I_O_N_S

     The situation part begins with a (possibly empty)  list
of  options.   The  reserved  words  RECURS  or NORECURS may
appear in the option part of the situation.  The  appearance
of  one  of these words causes the named strategy to be used
rather than the current default strategy. It is not an error
to  explicitly  specify  the  default  strategy,  but  it is
unnecessary.  The option part  of  the  situation  may  also
include  EMPTY  statements.   An EMPTY statement is a static
object declaration.  The intention of the EMPTY statement is
to  provide  a means of passing data from STM to embedded c-
code and from embedded c-code to STM.  Examples  in  section
12 will illustrate these actions.

_6._3._3.  _S_E_A_R_C_H _S_T_R_A_T_E_G_I_E_S

     A small example provides an easy way to illustrate  the
two  search  strategys.   This  example  is  a  complete TRC
specification, though not useful for anything other than  as
an example.

            DATE => 1964)
     PENNY (DATE => 1966)
          (^PENNY First)
          (PENNY.DATE <= First.DATE)
          MARK PENNY

     STM will be initialized to contain two objects of  type
PENNY, the first minted in Denver in 1964, the second minted
in an unspecified location in 1966.  Since the reserved word
RECURS does not appear in either option section, the default
LINEAR search strategy will be used.

     In the LINEAR strategy, STM is  searched  in  a  linear
fashion  for  each  object  specified in the situation part.
Objects are searched for in the order they are  listed.   In
this  example,  the  object named "First" will be associated
with the first object in the list.  Since the values of  the
elements  are  not  specified, any object of type PENNY will
match.  This object is then temporarily marked as being  "in
use" and can not be used to match any subsequent tests.  The
list will then be searched for an object of type PENNY whose
DATE  element  is  less than or equal to the DATE element of
the "First" object.  The only other object in the list has a

                           - 15 -

DATE  element  of  1966  which  is not less than or equal to
1964, so the rule fails.  In the LINEAR strategy,  when  any
test  in  the  situation  part  fails, the entire rule fails
immediately, no further tests are made.

     It should be obvious that this  rule  would  have  been
true  if  "First" had been associated with the second object
in the PENNY list.  This is precisely  the  purpose  of  the
RECURSIVE  search  strategy.   In the RECURSIVE search stra-
tegy, when a test fails, the previous test  is  redone.   To
redo  a  test,  the  object  that  was marked as "in use" is
unmarked, and the list is searched from that  point  for  an
object that will match the test.  The RECURSIVE search fails
when a single test fails and it is  no  longer  possible  to
undo  the previous test (this occurs when there is no previ-
ous test).  The RECURSIVE search strategy is a powerful pat-
tern matching tool, but it can be expensive in terms of exe-
cution time.

_6._3._4.  _E_M_B_E_D_D_E_D _C_O_D_E

     Arbitrary C language code may be embedded in the situa-
tion  part anywhere a match may occur.  Recall that embedded
code (c-code) is recognized as a single lexical  element  by
the  scanner,  the  C  language itself is not parsed by TRC.
Errors in embedded code will not be detected  by  TRC.   The
intention  of permitting embedded code in the situation part
is to make it possible to include tests that may not fit the
context of a match against STM.

     In order to integrate an embedded code  test  with  the
existing  match statements, it is necessary to have a way to
refer to objects in embedded code.  In  order  for  embedded
code to have the same functionality as a match statement, it
is necessary to have a way to cause a rule to  fail  in  the
embedded code.  Each of these facilities are provided.

_6._3._5.  _E_M_P_T_Y _O_B_J_E_C_T_S

     The purpose of the EMPTY statement is to create a named
object  that  can  be  referred  to  by match statements and
embedded code, without having to exist in STM.  One  of  the
capabilities  that  results  is  the  ability  to  have  STM
searched on the basis of the result of  some  external  pro-
cedure, e.g.:

     EMPTY PENNY SPARE   /* this creates an object of
                       type PENNY that is named
                       SPARE.  This object exists
                       separately from STM and it's
                       elements are not initialized. */
          /* this embedded C code precedes

                           - 16 -

             any search of STM
          if(($SPARE.DATE = external-procedure()) <= 1920){
         MARK PENNY

     Several things are happening in this example.  First an
object  of  type  PENNY is created and given the name SPARE.
This object exists separately from STM and will  exist  only
during  the  current  rule.   It is useful only as something
that can be referred to in other statements.  A  section  of
embedded  code  precedes  the  only  match statement in this
rule.  When the code produced by TRC is  compiled  and  run,
that  embedded code will be executed before STM is searched,
by virtue of the fact that it precedes the match statement.

     The embedded code contains an "if" statement which con-
tains  an  embedded  assignment and function call as part of
it's condition.  The left-hand-side of the embedded  assign-
ment,  "$SPARE.DATE" is not syntactically correct C language
code.  The dollar character is a flag to TRC that  indicates
a  reference to a named object.  The identifier that follows
the dollar character will be translated by  TRC  during  the
output  phase.  This translation is described in section 12.
The statement "$FAIL." is translated by  TRC  into  whatever
statements are required to make this rule fail.  The defini-
tion of failure depends on  the  search  strategy.   If  the
LINEAR  strategy is being used, "$FAIL." will cause the rule
to stop searching STM and continue with the next  rule.   If
the  RECURSIVE  strategy  is being used, "$FAIL." will cause
the rule to undo and then redo the previous match statement.

     An object name preceded by  the  dollar  character  may
occur  in  the  embedded  code  anywhere a variable name may
occur, since that is what it will actually be translated to.
Embedded  code  may  also refer to objects that exist in STM
using the same dollar character translation technique:

          (^PENNY NEW
            PENNY.MINT == "DENVER)
                $NEW.DATE = 0;
          (PENNY.DATE == 1921)

                           - 17 -

          MARK PENNY

     The "else" part of the  embedded  code  illustrates  an
assignment  to  an  element  of  the  object named NEW.  The
object that is being called  NEW  exists  in  STM  and  this
assignment  to  it's  DATE element is permanent.  Since this
rule is recursive, it is possible that  this  embedded  code
will  set the DATE element of every object in the PENNY list
to zero.  These modifications are made  before  it  is  even
known that the situation part is true.  Modifying STM in the
situation part of a rule would be  a  major  departure  from
traditional expert system implementation techniques.  Furth-
ermore, the BACKTRACKing option is unaware of  changes  made
in  STM by embedded code.  The BACKTRACKing option is unable
to correctly undo this rule.

_6._4.  _A_C_T_I_O_N

     The ACTION part specifies what is to  be  done  if  the
situation  part is true.  The actions that can be taken pri-
marily involve adding objects to  STM  or  deleting  objects
from  STM.  Recall that the non-terminal 'entry' was defined
in section 4.

     action      ::=  statements c-code
     statements  ::=  { [statement] }
     statement   ::=  MARK mark-list
     statement   ::=  ADD  add-list
     statement   ::=  OPTIMIZE identifier
     mark-list   ::=  { [ mark-item ] }
     mark-item   ::=  [ integer-literal ] identifier
     add-list    ::=  { [ entry ] }

_6._4._1.  _M_A_R_K

     The MARK statement is used to delete objects from  STM.
Only  objects  that  were found in the situation part may be
deleted.  The reason for this constraint is  that  only  the
objects  found in the situation part are definitely known to
exist in STM.  STM is searched only in the  situation  part,
there  is  no  searching in the action part.  Objects may be
deleted by name or in the order they were found, e.g. (using
the definitions from section 6.3.1):

          (A.A1 != A.A3)
          (^A FIRST
            A.A1 == 2)
          (B.B1 == FIRST.A3)
          MARK A

                           - 18 -

     This MARK statement will delete the  object  in  the  A
list that met the test (A.A1 != A.A3).  In some instances it
may be desirable to delete an object that was not the  first
object that was found, e.g.:

          (A.A1 != A.A3)
          (^A FIRST
            A.A1 == 2)
          (B.B1 == FIRST.A3)
          MARK FIRST

     The A list object named 'FIRST' is the second object of
type A to be found.  It is specified as the object to delete
by using it's free variable  name.   A  MARK  statement  can
specify  a  count of how many objects of a given type are to
be deleted.  A MARK statement may list any number of objects
to delete, and each object to be deleted can have a separate
MARK statement if desired.  In no case can more  objects  be
deleted  than were found in the situation part.  Each of the
following examples is equivalent:

          (A.A1 != A.A3)
          (^A FIRST
            A.A1 == 2)
          (B.B1 == FIRST.A3)
          MARK B FIRST A

          (A.A1 != A.A3)
          (^A FIRST
            A.A1 == 2)
          (B.B1 == FIRST.A3)
          MARK 2A
          MARK B

          (A.A1 != A.A3)
          (^A FIRST
            A.A1 == 2)
          (B.B1 == FIRST.A3)
          MARK FIRST
          MARK A
          MARK B

                           - 19 -

_6._4._2.  _A_D_D

     The ADD statement is used to add new  objects  to  STM.
As  in  the MARK statement, an ADD statement can specify one
or several objects to add to STM.  The value of each element
of each object can be specified as in the STM section of the
specification.  Each object is inserted at the head  of  the
appropriate  list.   The insertions are actually made in the
opposite order that they are listed, the net effect is  that
the objects appear at the head of the list in the order they
are specified.  ADD and MARK statements may be intermixed in
any order, e.g.:

          (A.A1 != A.A3)
          (^A FIRST
            A.A1 == 2)
          (B.B1 == FIRST.A3)
          MARK FIRST
          ADD A (A.A1 => 6
                 A.A3 => FIRST.A3)
          ADD B (B.B2 => FIRST.A2
                 B.B1 => 9)
          MARK B

     All the ADD statements will be executed before any MARK
statements  are  executed  regardless  of  the  order of the
statements in the action part.  The statements  are  ordered
by  the  compiler  to  insure that an ADD statement does not
refer to an object that has already  been  MARKed.   In  the
example  above, the first ADD statement refers to the object
named 'FIRST'.  The object named 'FIRST' is  MARKed  in  the
previous statement.  If the code were executed in the speci-
fied order, the element 'FIRST.A3' would not exist when  the
ADD statement was executed.

_6._4._3.  _O_P_T_I_M_I_Z_E

     The OPTIMIZE statement is named for it's primary  func-
tion,  hand  optimization  of LTM.  There is also a built in
optimizer that can be invoked.  Optimization is discussed in
detail  in section 7.  The OPTIMIZE statement can be thought
of as an unconditional GOTO statement.  In normal execution,
after  a  rule fires the rules are tested from the beginning
of LTM for the next  rule  that  will  fire.   The  OPTIMIZE
statement can specify a point other than the start of LTM to
begin testing rules.  In addition to optimization, it can be
used  to impose a customized control structure on the set of

     One example of the use of the OPTIMIZE statement is  to
implement a search for the absence of some object(s) in STM,

                           - 20 -

which is not otherwise supported by the  TRC  language.   To
search  for  the  absence  of some object(s), use two rules.
The first rule searches for the presence of the object(s) in
question,  if  the  rule  is true then the object(s) are not
absent.  If the rule fails, the object(s) are absent, e.g.:

          /* effectively search for the
             absence of an object A with
             element A1 == 2 */

          (A.A1 == 2)
          /* If this rule is true, branch
             around the next rule */
          OPTIMIZE R3

          /* If R1 fails, then there is
             no object A with element
             A1 == 2.  An empty situation
             part such as this always
             evaluates to true */
          /* whatever you wish to do in response
             to the absence of A1 == 2 */

          /* continue here if R1 is true */
          . . .

_6._4._4.  _C-_C_O_D_E

     A c-code may follow the MARK, ADD and  OPTIMIZE  state-
ments.  This is user code that is to be executed when a rule
fires.  C-code may not appear between MARK, ADD or  OPTIMIZE
statements.   If  it is necessary to refer to an object that
is being MARKed in c-code, it should be done in  the  situa-
tion  part.   A  c-code  may  precede  the arrow symbol that
separates the situation and action parts.   C-code  in  this
position  is  equivalent  to  c-code  in  the situation part
preceding the MARK, etc. statements, e.g.:

          (^A FIRST)
               /* this c-code follows all
                  situation tests.  It is
                  effectively in the action
                  part since it will execute
                  only if the situation is

                           - 21 -

                  true */

          MARK FIRST

_7.  _O_P_T_I_M_I_Z_E_R

     The optimizer does not produce code that is optimum  in
any sense.  What it does is to perform a single, very useful
code modification that can have a very  positive  impact  on
execution time.

     Consider the execution of an  inference  engine.   Each
rule  is  tested  until  one who's situation part is true is
found.  This rule's action  part  is  then  executed.   When
rules  are being tested the problem space is being searched.
When an action part is executed a step is taken in the solu-
tion of the problem.  Searching the problem space is clearly
part of the solution, but the action part is where  the  the
results occur.

     The goal, which is  not  attained,  is  to  reduce  the
search time to zero.  To attain this goal it would be neces-
sary to know each time a rule fires  which  rule  will  fire
next.   This is generally not known.  In particular when the
inference engine begins execution, the contents of  STM  are
not  known,  any rule can be the first rule to fire.  Once a
rule has fired and each time any rule fires a great deal  of
implicit  knowledge  about  the contents of STM is obtained.
It is known that no rule previous to  the  current  rule  is
true  and  no  rule previous to the current rule can be true
after the execution of the current rule unless  the  current
rule  modifies  STM  in  such a way as to make some previous
rule true.  This simple fact is  the  entire  basis  of  the
optimizer, which attempts to reduce the number of rules that
are tested by deducing which rules can not possibly fire.

     Three tests must be performed to determine a  candidate
next  rule, which is the first rule in LTM that can possibly
fire after the current rule  fires.   The  three  tests  are
called the NOT test, the ADD test and the MARK test.

     The first case to be considered is the case of  a  rule
which contains a NOT statement in the situation part.  A NOT
test is an explicit test for an empty  list.   When  a  rule
that fires contains an ADD statement it will not be possible
for any previous rule with a NOT statement referring to that
list  to be the next rule to fire.  Likewise, if a rule that
fires contains a MARK statement and no ADD statement  refer-
ring  to  that  same list, it is possible that the list will

                           - 22 -

become empty making it possible for the rule  with  the  NOT
statement  that  previously failed to become true.  If it is
determined that it is possible for a rule to fire after  the
NOT  test,  that  rule  becomes  the  candidate  rule and no
further testing is done.

     Consider the case of a rule with no NOT statements that
recursively  searches  STM  for  a  situation.  If this rule
fails, it will continue to fail until something is added  to
STM  to make it true.  If all rules searched STM recursively
it would be known when a rule fires that of the  rules  that
precede  the  current rule, only those rules that search for
something added to STM by the current rule can possibly fire
in the next pass.

     If the current rule  adds  something  to  STM,  control
could  continue  with  the first rule that searches for that
something rather than the first rule in  LTM.   If  no  rule
prior to the current rule searches for those things added to
STM by the current rule or if the current rule adds  nothing
to  STM  then no prior rule can execute.  Control could con-
tinue with the current rule rather than at the beginning  of
LTM.   By causing control to continue with a rule later than
the first rule the amount of searching is reduced.

     The case of a rule that performs only a  linear  search
on  STM  must  also  be considered.  The previous conclusion
about items being added to STM is still true;  a  rule  that
adds  something  to  STM  can  cause a linear search rule to
become true.  With linear search it is also possible that  a
rule  will become true if something is removed from STM.  If
a linear rule searches for several similar items  which  are
present  but  not  correctly ordered it is possible for this
linear search to fail where a  recursive  search  would  not
have  failed.   If there were excess items,  removing one or
more may cause a different  linear  assignment  which  could
make  a  linear rule true.  This is the MARK test.  Examples
of this situation are non-trivial, but where correctness  is
an issue these cases can not be overlooked.

     The TRC optimizer selects a continuation point for each
rule  based  on  what  the  rule adds to or deletes from STM
rather than testing each rule from  the  beginning  of  LTM.
The  continuation  point  is  the first rule that could fire
based on the NOT and ADD tests for all rules, and  the  MARK
test  for linear rules.  The TRC optimizer is somewhat naive
in that it considers only items added or  deleted  with  the
ADD  and  MARK  statements.  The optimizer is unaware of any
changes that may have been made to STM by  user  code.   The
caveat  is if STM is modified in user code the optimizer may
produce incorrect code. The optimizer, which can be  invoked
with  a  command line option (-O), tests each rule individu-
ally and ignores those rules that were hand optimized in the

sources-request@panda.UUCP (02/08/86)

Mod.sources:  Volume 3, Issue 112
Submitted by: ihnp4!dicomed!ndsuvax!nckary (Daniel D. Kary)

This is NOT a shell archive.  Simply delete everything up to and including
the cut mark and save the result as reference.2.doc.

Dan Kary

-------------- cut here ---------------

                           - 23 -

                     PART TWO - OUTPUT

_8.  _O_V_E_R_V_I_E_W

     The output of TRC consists of several procedures  writ-
ten  on  several  different  files.   The  files contain the
definitions and declarations of the data objects to be mani-
pulated by the TRC generated inference engine, procedures to
manipulate those data objects and a procedure which embodies
the rules.

     The output of TRC is written on several  files  in  the
current  directory.   The  file  names generated are; add.c,
dump.c,   free.c,   loop.c,   misc.c,   search.c   relink.c,
backtrack.c,  profile.c,  zero.c and save.c.  In addition to
these files, the user must provide at least a main procedure
which will invoke the inference engine, e.g.:

          /* 'loop' is the name of the
              procedure that embodies
              the rules and controls
              testing the rules */

     A sample Makefile is given here,  the  file  main.c  is
user supplied code.

     # Makefile for expert systems generated by TRC

     PROG =    loop
     OBJS =    add.o backtrack.o dump.o free.o loop.o \
               misc.o profile.o relink.o save.o \
               search.o zero.o main.o
     INCS =    loop.h
     CC   =    cc

     all:      $(PROG)
               $(CC) -c -O $<

     $(OBJS):  $(INCS)

     $(PROG):  $(OBJS)
               $(CC) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LIBS)

_9.  _C_O_M_M_O_N _P_R_O_C_E_D_U_R_E_S

     There are several utility procedures that are generated
for  each  input  file which are not dependent on the input.

                           - 24 -

These procedures, written on the file 'misc.c' perform rela-
tional testing.

     test_int (a,b)
     int  a, b;
          if(a < b) return(4);
          if(a == b) return(2);

     test_double (a,b)
     double  a, b;
          if(a < b) return(4);
          if(a == b) return(2);

     char *a, *b;
          int i;

          i = strcmp(a, b);
          if(i < 0) return(4);
          if(i == 0) return(2);

     The relational operators are bit encoded in an integer;
'less-than'  occupies  bit  two, 'equality' occupies bit one
and 'greater-than' occupies bit zero.  Each of these  'test'
procedures  returns  an integer which indicates the relation
between the operands.  Examples of calls to these procedures
are  included  in  section  X.X.X.  There are eight possible
values for a bit encoded relational operator; the  generated

     < = >
     0 0 0     /* never match */
     0 0 1   /* greater-than */
     0 1 0   /* equal */
     0 1 1   /* greater-than-or-equal */
     1 0 0   /* less-than */
     1 0 1   /* not-equal */
     1 1 0   /* less-than-or-equal */
     1 1 1   /* don't care */

     In addition to the testing procedures, a procedure  for
dynamically   allocating  memory  is  written  on  the  file
'misc.c'.  This procedure  checks  for  the  out  of  memory

                           - 25 -

condition.  Using this procedure to allocate memory obviates
the need to check for the out of memory condition  elsewhere
in the code.

     char *myalloc(n)
     int n;
         char *r;

         r = (char *) malloc(n);
         if(r == NULL){
          fprintf(stderr,"OUT OF MEMORY");
          fprintf(stderr,"TRC IS EXITING");

_1_0.  _D_A_T_A _O_B_J_E_C_T_S

     At several points in PART ONE, it was mentioned that  a
list  is  maintained  for  each object that has at least one
element.  Objects that do not contain elements  can  not  be
distinguished  from  one  another, so no list is maintained,
only a count of how many there are is  needed.   The  struc-
tures  those  lists  are  built from are defined in the file
'loop.h'.  The example below gives a sample  TRC  definition
part and the output that might be generated with that input:

     B (B1 : INT
        B2 : FLOAT
        B3 : STRING
        B4 : POINTER)

     #define A 0
     #define A_max 2
     #define B 1
     #define B_max 2

     struct B_struct {
               int B1;
               double B2;
               char *B3;
               struct B_struct *B4;
               int MARK;
               struct B_struct *prev;
               struct B_struct *next;
     } *B_list[B_max], B_empty[2], *B_temp[B_max];

                           - 26 -

     There are two '#define'  statements  for  each  object.
The  first  defines  the object name to be an integer.  This
name is used for indexing arrays.  The intention is to  make
code  more  readable by using the name of the object that is
being referred to rather than a literal  index  number.   At
the  points  in  the output code where these names are used,
their meaning will be explained.  The second '#define' asso-
ciated with each object is used for specifying the number of
pointers that are needed for each object.  Since  each  rule
is  completely  independent  of  each  other  rule, the same
pointers may be reused in each rule.  The maximum number  of
pointers needed is the maximum used by any single rule.

     Each object with at least one element has an associated
structure.  In this example the object A has no elements and
therefore no structure.  The object  B  contains  four  ele-
ments, one of each type.  The structure is named 'B_struct',
each  structure  will  be  similarly  named   by   appending
'_struct'  to  the  object  name.   A  data  object  will be
included in the structure for each element that was  defined
for  the object.  The element names defined in the input are
used in the output, again to keep the output  code  readable
and  meaningful.   The correspondence of input data types to
output data types is straight  forward;  INT  translates  to
int,  FLOAT  to  double,  STRING to char *, and POINTER to a
pointer to  a  structure  of  the  type  that  contains  the
POINTER.  The POINTER type is included for users who wish to
extend STM with user supplied code.  There is no support for
testing or searching POINTERs or anything they may point to.

     The 'B_list' and 'B_temp' pointers  are  used  as  free
variables  and  place  holders in the inference engine.  The
'B_list[0]' pointer points to the list of  B  objects.   STM
consists of the various '*_list[0]' pointers, the lists they
point to and the count of how  many  objects  of  each  type
exist at any given moment.

_1_1.  _M_A_N_I_P_U_L_A_T_I_N_G _T_H_E _D_A_T_A

     There are three basic manipulations that  can  be  per-
formed on the data in STM, an object can be added to STM, an
object can be deleted from STM and STM can be  searched  for
the  existence of an object with given elements.  Since each
of the object types is  defined  by  a  separate  structure,
separate  add,  delete and search procedures must be created
for each object type.  The following sections give an  exam-
ple and an explanation of how each procedure is generated.

_1_1._1.  _A_D_D _P_R_O_C_E_D_U_R_E_S

     For each object that is defined, a  procedure  is  gen-
erated  for  inserting  structures  into the list associated
with the object.  These procedures are written on  the  file
'add.c'.   The  parameters that are passed to this procedure

                           - 27 -

are the values that are to be assigned to  the  elements  of
the object.  The parameters are listed in the order that the
elements were declared, e.g.:

     B (B1 : INT
        B2 : FLOAT
        B3 : STRING
        B4 : POINTER)


     add_B_struct(B1, B2, B3)
     int B1;
     double B2;
     char *B3;
          struct B_struct *temp;

          temp = (struct B_struct *)
          myalloc(sizeof(struct B_struct));
          temp->B1 = B1;
          temp->B2 = B2;
          temp->B3 = (char *) myalloc((strlen(B3)) + 1);
          strcpy(temp->B3, B3);
          temp->MARK = 0;
          temp->next = B_list[0];
          temp->prev = NULL;
               B_list[0]->prev = temp;
          B_list[0] = temp;

     Since the A object contains no elements,  adding  an  A
object  is  trivial;  the  count is simply incremented.  The
variable 'token' is an  integer  array  sized  to  have  one
integer  for  each object type.  If there are N object types
token is an array of N integers, indexed 0 through N-1.   In
'add_A_struct'  the  array  'token' is indexed by A.  Recall
that A, the name of a type of object, was defined to  be  an
integer,  in  this  case  0.   The  integer  'token[0]'   or
'token[A]' is the count of how many objects of type A exist.

     The procedure 'add_B_struct' is  typical  of  add  pro-
cedures for objects with elements.  The parameters passed in
are the values that are to be assigned to  the  elements  of
the  new  object.   Even  though B_struct includes a POINTER

                           - 28 -

object, no value is assigned to that pointer.  As  has  been
mentioned  earler,  there is no support for the pointer type
in TRC generated code.  The code is very  straight  forward;
allocate  a  structure,  initialize it's elements (note that
space is allocated for strings in the add procedure), insert
it  at  the head of the doubly linked list and increment the
count (token[B]++).

     The file also contains the  procedure  'init()'.   This
procedure  is  based  on  the contents of the STM section of
code.  For each statement in STM,  a  statement  appears  in
init.   The  statements  are simply calls to the various add
procedures.  The calls are made in  an  order  opposite  the
order the STM statements are listed.  Since all additions to
lists are made as  insertions  at  the  head  of  the  list,
inverting  the  order  causes  the final list to contain the
objects in the order they were actually listed, e.g:

     B (B1 => 7
        B2 => 6.6
        B3 => "THIS")
     5 B (B1 = 2)

          int i;

          for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
               add_A_struct(2, 0.0, "");
          add_B_struct(7, 6.6, "THIS");
          for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
          add_B_struct(0, 0.0, "");

     As you can see, this facility  is  pretty  crude,  each
element that is listed in STM becomes a literal value in the
code.  These literal values are then copied into dynamically
allocated  memory,  so  there are actually two copies of all
the data in memory.  The intention is that the  STM  section
and  the  init  procedure  will  be  used  primarily  during
development and testing and  will  be  replaced  by  a  user
developed  front  end  that will collect the data and create
the dynamic structures for the TRC  code.   It  is  possible
that  there is some small amount of data that must always be

                           - 29 -

loaded into STM for a given set of problems, it may be  con-
venient to have the init procedure load this data into STM.

_1_1._2.  _M_A_R_K _P_R_O_C_E_D_U_R_E_S

     For each object that is defined, a  procedure  is  gen-
erated for deleting structures from the list associated with
the  object.  These  procedures  are  written  on  the  file
'free.c'.   The parameter passed to this procedure indicates
which object is to be deleted from the list, e.g.:

     B (B1 : INT
        B2 : FLOAT
        B3 : STRING
        B4 : POINTER)


     int start;
         int i;

         for(i = start; i < B_max; i++)
              if(B_list[i]->prev == NULL)
               B_list[0] = B_list[0]->next;
               B_list[i]->prev->next = B_list[i]->next;
               B_list[i]->next->prev = B_list[i]->prev;
              B_list[i] = NULL;
              i = B_max;

     As in the add procedures, the procedure  to  delete  an
object  with  no elements is trivial; decrement the count of
objects of that type.  The procedure 'free_B_struct' is typ-
ical of procedures for deleting an object from a list.

     Recall that 'B_list[0]' points to the list of B objects
in STM and that the other 'B_list' pointers are used as free
variables.  Each  match  statement  in  the  situation  part

                           - 30 -

causes  STM to be searched for an object.  If an object that
matches the test exists in STM, a pointer to that object  is
returned and assigned to one of the pointers in the 'B_list'
array.  Recall that only objects  that  were  found  in  the
situation  part  can  be  MARKed in the action part and that
objects may be MARKed by name or the order in which they are

     There are two cases, the case where a named  object  is
to be MARKed and the case where the first object found is to
be MARKed.  In the case  where  a  named  object  is  to  be
MARKed,  the  name  of the object is translated to the index
number of the pointer that  points  to  that  object.   This
index  number  is  passed  to  the free procedure.  In cases
where the object is being MARKed based on the order  it  was
found, the index 1 (the first free variable used) is passed.
Examples of calls to 'free_B_struct' are  given  in  section

     The array of pointers to  objects  of  the  given  type
(B_list  in  this  case)  is searched for the first one that
points to an object.  This object is unlinked from the list,
any  space allocated for strings in the object being deleted
is freed and finally the space  occupied  by  the  structure
itself is freed.  The count of objects in the list is decre-
mented and the 'for' loop counting variable is  set  to  the
exit condition.

_1_1._3.  _S_E_A_R_C_H _P_R_O_C_E_D_U_R_E_S

     For each object that is defined, a  procedure  is  gen-
erated  for  searching list associated with the object.  The
procedure simply performs a linear search  on  the  list  in
question.   The  RECURSIVE search strategy is implemented as
multiple calls to the LINEAR search procedure.   These  pro-
cedures  are  written on the file 'search.c'.  The parameter
passed to this procedure indicates  where  in  the  list  to
begin searching, e.g.: INPUT:
     B (B1 : INT
        B2 : FLOAT
        B3 : STRING
        B4 : POINTER)

     struct B_list *search_B_list(index,
                    B1, B1_relop,
                    B2, B2_relop,
                    B3, B3_relop)
     int index, B1_relop, B2_relop, B3_relop;
     int B1;
     double B2;
     char *B3;

                           - 31 -

         int flag
         struct B_struct *temp;

         temp = B_temp[index];
          if(temp->MARK == 0){
              flag = 7;
              if(flag & test_int(temp->B1, B1) & B1_relop);
               else flag = 0;
              if(flag & test_double(temp->B2, B2) & B2_relop);
               else flag = 0;
              if(flag & test_string(temp->B3, B3) & B3_relop);
               else flag = 0;
               temp->MARK = 1;
          temp = temp->next;

     Since the object A has no elements, there  is  no  list
and  no search procedure for A objects.  In the procedure to
search the B list the first parameter, 'index', is the index
of  the  pointer  that points to the point in the list where
the search is to begin.  The remaining  parameters  are  the
value  that  each  element is to be compared against and the
bit encoded relational operator for the comparison.

     The first test (temp->MARK==0) checks  to  see  if  the
object  is  already  'in use'.  Each object mentioned in the
situation part must match a unique object, the  same  object
can  not  match two situation part statements.  An object is
marked as 'in use' by setting  MARK  to  non-zero.   If  the
object  is  not 'in use', it's elements are tested, one at a
time, against the required values with  the  required  rela-
tional  operator.   The  procedures test_int, test_float and
test_string return the  bit  encoded  relation  of  the  two
values.  This relation is bitwise ANDed with the bit encoded
relational operator that was passed in.  If  the  result  of
the  bitwise AND is non-zero, the relation is true for those
two values.  The 'flag' variable ensures that  if  one  test
fails, all subsequent tests will fail.

     If an object is found  where  all  elements  match  the
desired  values, it's MARK integer is set to one to indicate
that it is 'in use' and a pointer to that object is returned
to  the  calling  procedure.   If one or more elements of an
object fail a test, the next object in the list  is  tested.
If  all objects are tested and none match, a NULL pointer is

                           - 32 -


     This search procedure will work only for searches where
the  value  that  is  being searched for is known before the
call.  In cases where an element is being compared  to  some
other  element of the same object, a slightly different ver-
sion of the search procedure is generated, e.g.:

     B (B1:INT
          (B.B1 == B.B2)
          (B.B3 < B.B1
           B.B1 > B.B2)
          (B.B3 < B.B2)
          MARK B B B

     struct B_struct *search_B_struct(index,
                    B1, B1_relop, B1_case,
                    B2, B2_relop,
                    B3, B3_relop, B3_case)
     int  index, B1_relop, B2_relop, B3_relop;
     int B1;
     int B2;
     int B3;
         int   flag;
         struct B_struct *temp;

         temp = B_temp[index];
           if(temp->MARK == 0){
          flag = 7;
              case 0:
               if(flag & test_int(temp->B1, B1)
                  & B1_relop);
               else flag = 0;
              case 1:
               if(flag & test_int(temp->B1, temp->B2)
                  & B1_relop);
               else flag = 0;
              default: flag = 0;

                           - 33 -

          if(flag & test_int(temp->B2, B2)
             & B2_relop);
               else flag = 0;
              case 0:
               if(flag & test_int(temp->B3, B3)
                  & B3_relop);
               else flag = 0;
              case 1:
               if(flag & test_int(temp->B3, temp->B1)
                  & B3_relop);
               else flag = 0;
              case 2:
               if(flag & test_int(temp->B3, temp->B2)
                  & B3_relop);
               else flag = 0;
              default: flag = 0;
               temp->MARK = 1;
           temp = temp->next;

     As can be seen in the example, the procedure  is  quite
similar.   A 'case' variable has been added to the parameter
list for each element which might  be  compared  to  another
element  of  the same object.  Case 0 is the situation where
an element is being compared to a value, all other cases are
comparisons  of  an  element  to another element of the same
object.  Only the cases that  are  actually  used  are  gen-
erated, not all possible cases.

     There is an obvious code overhead  for  comparing  ele-
ments  within  an object, but this overhead occurs only once
for each type of comparison.  Subsequent rules could include
similar  element  to  element comparisons without adding any
additional code overhead.

_1_2.  _T_R_A_N_S_L_A_T_I_N_G _R_U_L_E_S

     The LTM section is translated  to  a  single  procedure
named  'loop'  which  is  written  on the file 'loop.c'.  An
inference  engine  is  executed  by  calling  the  procedure
'init',  which  is written on the file 'add.c' followed by a

                           - 34 -

call to 'loop'.  The loop procedure will test rules  in  the
order  they  were  listed  until no rule's situation part is
true or until the user code executes a return  or  exit.   A
simple two rule system will be used to illustrate the trans-

     B (B1:INT
          (B.B1 == B.B2)
             $NAMED.B1 = some_procedure();
          (B.B1 != NAMED.B1)
          MARK B B
              printf("Rule R1 fired0);
          (B.B1 != 7)
          (^B FIRST
            B.B1 == 7)
          (B.B2 <= FIRST.B3)
          MARK FIRST
          ADD B (B1 => 0
                 B2 => FIRST.B3
                 B3 => FIRST.B2)

         int i;
             if((token[B] >= 2) &&
                 B_temp[1] = B_list[0];
                 if((B_list[1] = search_B_struct
              (1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 7, 0, 7)) == NULL){

                           - 35 -

                     goto R2;
                 B_empty[0].B1 = some_procedure();
                     goto R2;
                 B_temp[2] = B_list[0];
                 if((B_list[2] = search_B_struct
              (2, B_empty[0].B1, 5, 0, 0, 7, 0, 7)) == NULL){
                     goto R2;
              for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                 printf("Rule R1 fired0);
                 goto Start;
             if((token[B] >= 3) &&
                 B_temp[1] = B_list[0];
                     B_list[1]->MARK = 0;
                 if((B_list[1] = search_B_struct
              (1, 7, 5, 0, 0, 7, 0, 7)) == NULL){
                     goto End;
                 B_temp[1] = B_list[1]->next;
                 B_temp[2] = B_list[0];
                     B_list[2]->MARK = 0;
                 if((B_list[2] = search_B_struct
              (2, 7, 2, 0, 0, 7, 0, 7)) == NULL){
                     goto R2_B_1;
                 B_temp[2] = B_list[2]->next;
                 B_temp[3] = B_list[0];
                     B_list[3]->MARK = 0;
                 if((B_list[3] = search_B_struct
              (3, 0, 7, 0, B_list[2]->B3, 6, 0, 7)) == NULL){
                     goto R2_B_2;
                 B_temp[3] = B_list[3]->next;
                 add_B_struct(0, B_list[2]->B3, B_list[2]->B2);

                           - 36 -

                 goto Start;

     A rule is translated to  an  extended  'if'  statement.
Basically,  "if  situation  then  action".  Each rule begins
with a label that repeats the rule  label  from  the  input.
The  label  'Start' marks the beginning of the rules and the
label are included as a convenient way to exit  (goto  End;)
or restart (goto Start;).

     The code for rule 'R1' begins at  the  label  'R1'  and
ends  at the label 'R2'.  The first statement, "if((token[B]
>= 2))", is a pre-test.   The  array  'token[]'  contains  a
count of how many objects are in each list.  Token[B] is the
count of how many objects are in the  B  list.   Since  rule
'R1'  specifys two objects of type B in it's situation part,
it is pointless to search the B list if  it  contains  fewer
than 2 objects.  A statement similar to this is the first in
every rule.  STM is never searched unless there  are  enough
objects  that  it is possible for the rule to fire.  If this
initial test fails, testing will continue at label 'R2'.

     The next statement, 'B_temp[1] =  B_list[0];'  initial-
izes a pointer to point to the beginning of the B list.  The
index of this pointer is passed  to  the  search  procedure.
This use of indirection is not necessary in LINEAR rules but
it is convenient in RECURSIVE rules, the same calling  tech-
nique is used by both search strategies to simplify the code

     The call to the search procedure is embedded in an 'if'
statement  along  with  an  assignment  to the free variable
pointer that will point to the object if it exists  in  STM.
The  parameter  list in this call consists first of '1', the
index of the temp pointer that indicates the  start  of  the
search.   The  next  value  '0', is the value that the first
declared element, 'B1', is to be compared against.  The next
parameter,  '2',  is  the  bit  encoded relational operator,
equality. The next parameter, '1', is  the  'case'  of  this
test.   Since  it is not zero, 'B1' is not being compared to
the value but rather is being compared in this case  to  the
element  'B2'  of the same object.  Values for elements 'B2'
and 'B3' were not specified, so those parameters are  filled
in with the default value of '0' and relational operator '7'
which is the bit encoded 'don't care' operator.   If  'NULL'
is  returned,  the object does not exist in STM and the rule
fails.  A linear rule is made to fail by clearing  all  free
variables  (restore();)  and  continuing  with the next rule
(goto R2;).

                           - 37 -

     If the first test does not  fail,  execution  continues
with  the next statement, which is the translated version of
the embedded c-code from rule 'R1'.  The string '$NAMED'  is
translated  to  'B_empty[1]' which is the name of the struc-
ture that was named by  the  EMPTY  statement.   The  string
'$FAIL.'  is  translated  to the statements "restore(); goto
R2;", which cause the rule to fail in the standard manner.

     The next 'if' statement is identical  in  form  to  the
previous one, only the values of the elements are different.
In this case element 'B1' is being  compared  to  'NAMED.B1'
which,  again, is translated to B_empty[0].B1.  If this test
fails, the pointers will be cleared and execution will  con-
tinue at 'R2'.  If it does not fail, the action part is exe-

     The action part of rule 'R1' consists of a MARK  state-
ment  and  c-code  which contains a 'printf' call.  The MARK
statement is translated to a 'for' loop  which  deletes  the
first  object  that  was  found  in  each  of  it's calls to
'free_B_struct'.  The 'restore();' statement follows all ADD
and  MARK  statements in the action part to clear any active
free variables.  The c-code 'printf' comes next followed  by
'goto  Start;'  which  causes  the  rule list to be searched
again for the first rule whose situation part is true.

     The form of the second rule is  quite  similar  to  the
first  rule.   Since  rule  'R2'  is  RECURSIVE,  some minor
differences are evident.  The first difference is  that  the
start  of  each  test  for  the  existence  of  an object is
labelled.  This is to permit  backing  up  to  the  previous
test.   The  second  difference  is that only the first test
contains the 'restore' and  'goto'  statements.   All  other
tests  simply  back  up  one  position  if  they  fail.  The
'B_temp' variables now store the location where  the  search
is to be restarted if some test fails.

     In  the  action  part  of  rule  'R2',  the   call   to
'free_B_struct'  passes  the  value '2', indicating that the
second object that was found is the one to delete.  This was
specified  with the statement 'MARK FIRST', where the object
named 'FIRST' was the second object of type B  specified  in
the situation part.

_1_3.  _O_P_T_I_O_N_S

     Options may cause additional procedures to be generated
and  sometimes  cause  standard  procedures  to be modified.
This section will detail the effects each option has on  the

                           - 38 -

_1_3._1.  _P_R_O_F_I_L_E

     The intention of the profile option  is  to  provide  a
summary  of the execution of the inference engine.  The pro-
file option causes the procedure 'loop' to be  modified  and
an  additional procedure is written on the file 'profile.c',

     B (B1:INT
          (B.B1 == B.B2)
          (B.B1 != B.B2)
          MARK B B
          (B.B1 != 7)
          (^B FIRST
            B.B1 == 7)
          (B.B2 <= FIRST.B3)
          MARK FIRST

         int i;
             if((token[B] >= 2) &&
                 B_temp[1] = B_list[0];
                 if((B_list[1] = search_B_struct
              (1, B_list[1]->B2, 2, 0, 7, 0, 7)) == NULL){
                     goto R2;
                 B_temp[2] = B_list[0];
                 if((B_list[2] = search_B_struct

                           - 39 -

              (2, B_list[1]->B2, 5, 0, 7, 0, 7)) == NULL){
                     goto R2;
                 for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                 goto Start;
             if((token[B] >= 3) &&
                 B_temp[1] = B_list[0];
                 if((B_list[1] = search_B_struct
              (1, 7, 5, 0, 7, 0, 7)) == NULL){
                     goto End;
                 B_temp[2] = B_list[0];
                 if((B_list[2] = search_B_struct
              (2, 7, 2, 0, 7, 0, 7)) == NULL){
                     goto End;
                 B_temp[3] = B_list[0];
                 if((B_list[3] = search_B_struct
              (3, 0, 7, B_list[2]->B3, 6, 0, 7)) == NULL){
                     goto End;
                 goto Start;

     The 'loop' procedure that is generated with the PROFILE
option  turned  on is differs from the standard procedure in
several ways.  Each test in each rule is labeled whether  it
is  RECURSIVE or not.  Each label is followed by a statement

                           - 40 -

of form 'test_profile[N]++', causing the array  test_profile
to maintain a count of how many times the following code was
executed.  The action part of each rule begins with a state-
ment   of   form   'fire_profile[N]++',  causing  the  array
fire_profile to maintain a count of how many times each rule

     The PROFILE option causes the arrays  test_profile  and
fire_profile  to  be  defined  and  properly sized.  It also
defines two character arrays, label_names[] and  rules[]  to
be  defined.   These  character  arrays contain the names of
each  label  and  each  rule  respectively.   The  procedure
print_profile  is also generated.  This procedure will print
the names of each label and it's  associated  count  on  the
standard output, e.g.:

         int i, t;
         t = 0;
         printf("0ules Tested0);
         for(i = 0; i < 9; i++){
             printf("%d%s0,test_profile[i], label_names[i]);
             t += test_profile[i];
         printf("%d0, t);
         t = 0;
         printf("0ules Fired0);
         for(i = 1; i < 3; i++){
             printf("%d%s0,fire_profile[i], rules[i]);
             t += fire_profile[i];
         printf("%d0, t);

_1_3._2.  _T_R_A_C_E

     The TRACE option causes  the  'loop'  procedure  to  be
modified  and an additional procedure is written on the file
'misc.c'.  The modification to 'loop' is simply  the  inclu-
sion of a procedure call of form 'append_trace(N);' (where N
is an integer literal) in the action part of the rule.   The
parameter  is the index of the name of the rule in the char-
acter array 'rules' that is generated by the PROFILE option.
The PROFILE option only keeps a count of the number of times
a rule fires, the TRACE option records the  ORDER  that  the
rules were fired.

     struct trace {
               int rule;
               struct trace *next;
     } *trace_front, *trace_back;

                           - 41 -

     int i;
         struct trace *temp;

         temp = (struct trace *) myalloc (sizeof(struct trace));
         temp->rule = i;
         temp->next = NULL;
          trace_back->next = temp;
          trace_back = trace_back->next;
         else trace_front = trace_back = temp;

_1_3._3.  _D_U_M_P

     The DUMP option generates a set of  procedures  written
on    the    file    'dump.c'.     A   procedure   of   form
'dump_NAME_struct()' (where NAME is the name of the  object)
is generated for each object declared in the definition sec-
tion.  There is also a procedure 'dump_stm()'  which  simply
calls  the  other  dump  procedures  in  the  order that the
objects were defined.  Each procedure prints the  number  of
objects  in that list and the current values of the elements
of each object in tabular form on the standard output.

     B (B1:INT


         printf("0umping A list (%d)0,token[A]);

         int   i;
         struct B_struct *temp;

         i = 1;

                           - 42 -

         printf("0umping B list (%d)0,token[B]);
         temp = B_list[0];
          printf("%d.%d%d%d0, i
               , temp->B1
               , temp->B2
               , temp->B3);
          temp = temp->next;

_1_3._4.  _B_A_C_K_T_R_A_C_K

     The BACKTRACKing option is  easily  the  most  complex.
While  other options usually have a minor effect on the out-
put, BACKTRACKing will often double the  size  of  the  code
generated  by TRC.  BACKTRACK modifies the add and loop pro-
cedures and generates two new  procedures,  insert_backtrack
and backup, on the file 'backtrack.c'.

     The intent of backtracking is to make  it  possible  to
undo  the  action part of a rule and continue as if the rule
had never fired.  This facility is useful in  systems  where
the  first  possible  path through the problem space may not
lead to a solution or may not lead to  the  preferred  solu-
tion.   In the code produced by TRC, backtracking will occur
whenever no rule's situation part is true  and  there  is  a
rule which can be undone.

     A rule is undone by restoring STM to the state  it  was
in  before the rule fired and continuing testing at the rule
following the rule being undone.  There are two obvious ways
to restore STM.  The first is to save all of STM each time a
rule fires.  To undo a rule, simply  replace  STM  with  the
previously saved version.  This strategy can be expensive in
time and space if STM is large and/or many rules fire.   The
second strategy is to save only the modifications to STM, to
restore STM simply reverse the  modifications.   The  second
strategy is employed by TRC.

     The backtracking strategy is implemented by building  a
stack  in memory which contains all known modifications made
to STM by a rule which fires.  The only  modifications  that
the  backtracking  code  is aware of are those modifications
made by ADD and MARK statements in the  action  part  or  by
calls  to  add  and  relink  (discussed below) procedures in
embedded c-code in the action part.  Modifications  made  by
embedded c-code that do not use the add or relink procedures
will not be known to the TRC code.  It is the responsibility
of  the  knowledge engineer to insure that any modifications
that must be undone are known to TRC.

                           - 43 -

     The  backtracking  stack  is  built  in  the  following
manner;  whenever  a rule fires a new structure is placed on
the backtrack stack.  This structure contains a count of how
many  of each object are added by this rule.  Since all adds
are insertions to  the  front  of  the  list,  the  specific
objects  that  were  added  are  implicitly  known.   MARKed
objects are unlinked from their STM lists and relinked  into
the  backtrack  structure  along with an indication of where
they were in the STM list.   STM  can  now  be  restored  by
relinking  the  MARKed  objects into their previous position
and deleting objects that were added to the front of the STM
lists.  An example follows:

     B (B1:INT
          (B.B1 == B.B2)
          (B.B1 != B.B2)
          MARK B B
          (B.B1 != 7)
          (^B FIRST
            B.B1 == 7)
          (B.B2 <= FIRST.B3)
          MARK FIRST

     struct back_track_stack {
          int Add_A;
          int mark_A;
          int Add_B;
          struct B_struct *mark_B;
          int next_rule;
          struct back_track_stack *next;
     } *backtrack;

     int rule;
         struct back_track_stack *temp;

         temp = (struct back_track_stack *)

                           - 44 -

         myalloc(sizeof(struct back_track_stack));
         temp->next_rule = rule;
         temp->Add_A = 0;
         temp->mark_A = 0;
         temp->Add_B = 0;
         temp->mark_B = NULL;
         temp->next = backtrack;
         backtrack = temp;

     The struct back_track_stack, pointed to by 'backtrack',
is  where  the  backtracking data is maintained.  The struct
back_track_stack contains two variables for each object that
is  defined.   The  variables  are  of  form  'Add_NAME' and
'mark_NAME', where 'NAME' is the name of  the  object.   The
variable  of  form 'Add_name' is always an integer, it indi-
cates how many objects of the named type were added  to  STM
by  this  rule.   The  variable  of  form  'mark_NAME' is an
integer for objects that do not contain elements (and there-
fore have no associated list) and a pointer for objects that
do contain elements.  The procedure 'insert_backtrack' allo-
cates a structure, places it at the head of the list pointed
to by 'backtrack' and initializes it's variables.

         int i;
             if((token[B] >= 2) &&
                 B_temp[1] = B_list[0];
                 if((B_list[1] = search_B_struct
              (1, B_list[1]->B2, 2, 0, 7, 0, 7)) == NULL){
                     goto R2;
                 B_temp[2] = B_list[0];
                 if((B_list[2] = search_B_struct
              (2, B_list[1]->B2, 5, 0, 7, 0, 7)) == NULL){
                     goto R2;
                 for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                 goto Start;
             if((token[B] >= 3) &&
                 B_temp[1] = B_list[0];

                           - 45 -

                 if((B_list[1] = search_B_struct
              (1, 7, 5, 0, 7, 0, 7)) == NULL){
                     goto End;
                 B_temp[2] = B_list[0];
                 if((B_list[2] = search_B_struct
              (2, 7, 2, 0, 7, 0, 7)) == NULL){
                     goto End;
                 B_temp[3] = B_list[0];
                 if((B_list[3] = search_B_struct
              (3, 0, 7, B_list[2]->B3, 6, 0, 7)) == NULL){
                     goto End;
                 goto Start;
                 i = backtrack->next_rule;
                 case 1:
                     goto R2;
                 case 2:
                     goto End;
                     goto End;

     Minor changes are made in the action part of each rule.
The  action  part  begins with a call to 'insert_backtrack',
which places a structure on top of the backtrack stack.  The
integer  literal  that is passed by this procedure indicates
which rule is firing.  This information is used to determine
which rule to test next when this rule is undone.

     Objects that are to be deleted are deleted  with  calls
to  procedures  of form 'relink_NAME_struct' where 'NAME' is
the name of the affected object.  The relink procedures  are
similar  to the free procedures, except they link the object
to the backtrack stack instead of freeing  it.   The  relink
procedures  store  a  value in the object's variable MARK to
indicate the former position of the  object  in  it's  list.
Recall  that  the  MARK variable is usually used to indicate

sources-request@panda.UUCP (02/09/86)

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Submitted by: ihnp4!dicomed!ndsuvax!nckary (Daniel D. Kary)

This is NOT a shell archive.  Simply delete everything up to and including
the cut mark and save the result as reference.3.doc.

Dan Kary

-------------- cut here ---------------

                           - 46 -

that an object is 'in-use'.  The MARK variable is not needed
for it's original purpose when it is in the backtrack stack.

     int start;

     int start;
         int i, j;
         struct B_struct *temp;

         for(i = start; i < B_max; i++)
                 temp = B_list[0];
                 j = 0;
                 while(temp != B_list[i]){
                     temp = temp->next;
                 if(B_list[i]->prev == NULL)
                     B_list[0] = B_list[i]->next;
                     B_list[i]->prev->next = B_list[i]->next;
                     B_list[i]->next->prev = B_list[i]->prev;
                 B_list[i]->MARK = j;
                 B_list[i]->next = backtrack->mark_B;
                 backtrack->mark_B = B_list[i];
                 B_list[i] = NULL;
                 i = B_max;

     The backtracking action itself is initiated  after  the
label 'End:' in the procedure 'loop'.  If there is something
on the backtrack stack, the index  of  the  last  rule  that
fired is copied out and the procedure 'backup', which undoes
the actions of the last rule that fired, is called.   Execu-
tion continues with the rule that follows the last rule that
fired.  The procedure 'backup' first restores  objects  that
were  MARKed  by the last rule and then removes objects that
were ADDed.  The MARKed objects are restored to their origi-
nal positions in the list.


                           - 47 -

         int i;
         struct back_track_stack *temp;
         struct B_struct *B_temp, *B_temp2;

         if(backtrack == NULL)
         token[A] += backtrack->mark_A;
         token[A] -= backtrack->Add_A;
             B_temp2 = backtrack->mark_B;
             backtrack->mark_B = backtrack->mark_B->next;
             B_temp2->prev = NULL;
             B_temp2->next = NULL;
             B_temp = B_list[0];
                 for(i = 0; i < B_temp2->MARK; i++)
                         B_temp = B_temp->next;
                         i = B_temp2->MARK + 1;
             else i = -1;
             if(i == B_temp2->MARK){
                 B_temp2->next = B_temp;
                 B_temp2->prev = B_temp->prev;
                     B_temp->prev->next = B_temp2;
                     B_list[0] = B_temp2;
                 B_temp->prev = B_temp2;
                     B_temp->next = B_temp2;
                     B_temp2->prev = B_temp;
                     B_temp2->next = NULL;
                 else B_list[0] = B_temp2;
             B_temp2->MARK = 0;
         for(i = 0; i < backtrack->Add_B; i++){
             B_list[1] = B_list[0];
         temp = backtrack;
         backtrack = backtrack->next;

     The procedures generated by the BACKTRACKing option can

                           - 48 -

be  called from embedded c-code to implement user controlled
backtracking.  A rule may undo itself with the following two

     goto NEXT_RULE;

     The label 'NEXT_RULE' is replaced with the label of the
rule  that  follows  the  current  rule (this is done by the
knowledge engineer, not TRC).  To undo the current rule  and
the  rule  that  fired previous to the current rule, use the
following two statements:

     goto End;

     The label 'End' always refers to the point that follows
the  action  part  of  the last rule.  Appendix C contains a
small expert system that implements backtracking with  calls
in embedded c-code.

_1_3._5.  _Z_E_R_O

     The ZERO option  generates  code  that  will  free  all
dynamic  structures  allocated by TRC generated code.  It is
useful in systems where the loop procedure is  entered  more
than once.  It may be necessary to clean up the remains of a
previous execution before beginning a  new  one.   A  single
procedure,  'zero()',  is written on the file 'zero.c'.  The
zero procedure will  free  all  the  elements  and  all  the
objects  in  STM and zero the arrays that hold the counts of
objects in each list.  If BACKTRACKing is enabled, zero will
free  all  the  objects and elements in the backtrack stack.
If the TRACE option is  enabled,  zero  will  free  all  the
entries  in  the  trace  list.   If  the  PROFILE  option is
enabled, zero will set the value of all  the  integer  array
elements  to  zero.   The  actual code produced for the zero
procedure is uninteresting and is not reproduced here.

_1_3._6.  _S_A_V_E

     The SAVE option writes a set of procedures on the  file
'save.c'  that  simplify  building expert systems capable of
checkpointing their own execution.  Procedures are generated
for saving and reloading each type of dynamic structure that
might be generated.  In each case the procedures are  passed
a  file  pointer that points to an open file.  The code pro-
duced by the save procedures is uninteresting  so  only  the
names are listed here.  The purpose of each procedure should
be obvious from it's name:

     save_stm(fp)        load_stm(fp)

                           - 49 -

     save_backtrack(fp)  load_backtrack(fp)
     save_profile(fp)    load_profile(fp)
     save_trace(fp)      load_trace(fp)

     Appendix C presents a small expert system that uses the
SAVE option to generate code for checkpointing the execution
of the system.  The example includes  an  automatic  restart

                           - 50 -

                  APPENDIX A: TRC GRAMMAR

     The grammar for TRC which is presented throughout  PART
ONE of this document is presented in it's entirety here.

identifier       ::=  letter { underscore | letter | digit}
letter           ::=  upper-case-letter | lower-case-letter
f-p              ::=  [ minus ] digits dot digits
integer-literal  ::=  [ minus ] digits
digits           ::=  digit { digit }
string-literal   ::=  quote { [ character ] } quote
comment          ::= slash asterisk { [ character ] } asterisk slash
c_code           ::=  left-bracket { [character] | [c_code] } right-bracket
definition       ::=  identifier
definition       ::=  identifier left-paren item-list right-paren
item-list        ::=  { [ item ] }
item             ::=  identifier colon type
type             ::=  INT | FLOAT | STRING | POINTER
stm              ::=  { [ entry ] }
entry            ::=  [ integer-literal ] identifier
entry            ::=  [ integer-literal ] identifier
                      left-paren { [ init-item ] } right-paren
init-item        ::=  identifier arrow value
value            ::=  integer-literal
value            ::=  floating-point-literal
value            ::=  string-literal
ltm              ::=  { [option] } { rule }
option           ::=  ZERO  |  PROFILE  |  BACKTRACK
                   |  DUMP  |  RECURS  |  NORECURS
                   |  SAVE  |  TRACE  | PREFIX identifier
rule             ::=  label situation arrow action semicolon
label            ::=  identifier colon  |  colon
situation        ::=  { [ s-option ] } { [ match ] }
s-option         ::=  EMPTY identifier identifier
s-option         ::=  RECURS  |  NORECURS
match            ::=  [ integer-literal ] identifier
match            ::=  NOT identifier
match            ::=  [ integer-literal ] left-paren name
                      match-list right-paren
match            ::=  c-code
name             ::=  hat identifier identifier
match-list       ::=  { match-item }
match-item       ::=  identifier dot identifier relop literal
match-item       ::=  identifier dot identifier relop
                      identifier dot identifier
relop            ::=  equality  |  not-equal  |  less-than
relop            ::=  greater-than  |  greater-than-or-equal
relop            ::=  less-than-or-equal
action           ::=  statements c-code
statements       ::=  { [statement] }
statement        ::=  MARK mark-list
statement        ::=  ADD  add-list
statement        ::=  OPTIMIZE identifier

                           - 51 -

mark-list        ::=  { [ mark-item ] }
mark-item        ::=  [ integer-literal ] identifier
add-list         ::=  { [ entry ] }

                           - 52 -


     Error messages are listed and explained here in  alpha-
betical  order.  All  messages  that refer to the input file
begin with the line number of the input file where the error
was  noticed.   This line number is not necessarily the line
where the error occurred, the actual error could  be  on  an
earlier line.  The notations %s and %o mean that a string or
an octal  number,  respectively,  from  the  input  file  is
included in the error message.

%s is not an element of %s

          The named object does not include the  named  ele-

cannot translate %s in rule %s

          A c-code in rule %s contains an identifier %s that
          is preceded by a dollar character.  The identifier
          is not known to TRC.  This will occur if a  dollar
          character  occurs  at  some random point in the c-
          code.  This error will also occur if an identifier
          is misspelled.

can't have %s and NOT %s in the same rule

          NOT %s is a test that is true only when %s  is  an
          empty  list.   Obviously a list may not contain an
          object and be empty so the statement  is  meaning-
          less to TRC.

can't MARK an EMPTY object

          An EMPTY object is an object that  exists  outside
          of  STM.  The scope of an EMPTY object is the rule
          in which it is declared.  Since EMPTY objects  are
          not in STM, attempting to MARK one is meaningless.

can't mark more %s's than are found

          Unless STM is  searched  for  an  object  and  the
          object  is found it is not possible to remove that
          object from STM.  STM  is  searched  only  in  the
          situation  part,  anything  to  be  deleted in the
          action part must have been found in the  situation

                           - 53 -

count on free variables undefined

          The purpose of a free variable is to assign a name
          to a specific object.  Placing a count in front of
          a free variable definition is meaningless  because
          the name can be assigned to only one object.

degenerate case please rewrite

          A match in a rule compares an element  to  itself.
          The  result  of  comparing an element to itself is
          known without performing any test.  TRC refuses to
          generate  the  extra  code  that this useless test

duplicate declaration  -> %s

          Object names must be unique, %s is the name of the
          object  that  is mentioned twice in the definition

duplicate name in definition -> %s

          Each element in an object definition must  have  a
          unique name.

free variable already defined -> %s

          The scope of a free variable  is  a  single  rule.
          Free  variable  names may be reused in every rule,
          but only once per rule.

label repeats object declaration -> %s

          Rule labels and object names must be distinct from
          one  another to prevent name conflicts in the out-
          put source code.

negative count is undefined

          Be serious.  How can a list contain less than zero

newline embedded in string

          The scanner attempts to prevent errors  caused  by
          forgetting to terminate a string.  For that reason

                           - 54 -

          literal newlines are not permitted in strings.   A
          newline and other control characters can be embed-
          ded in a  string  using  the  normal  UNIX  and  C

no code produced due to errors in source

          TRC will generate code  only  when  there  are  no
          errors in the source.

object field must be a string
object field must be double
object field must be integer

          TRC enforces strong type checking  for  the  three
          data  types,  all assignments and relational tests
          must involve elements of the same type.

objects in a complex test must match

          Here is an example of this type of error:

               (A.A1 == 2
                B.B1 == 3)

          Because a single set of parens bracket  this  test
          it  is  presumed to be a test for a single object.
          A single object can not be in both list  A  (A.A1)
          and  list B (B.B1).  Either there is a typo in one
          of object names or some parens are missing.


          This message is not generated by TRC, rather it is
          generated  by the code that TRC produces.  It will
          occur when  the  TRC  generated  inference  engine
          attempts  to  dynamically  allocate a data object.
          If the allocate  fails,  the  TRC  generated  code
          prints this message and exits.

redefined label -> %s

          Every rule must have a distinct label.

semantic error: use a free variable

          This message suggests a solution to the  perceived

                           - 55 -

          problem.   It  is printed when the right hand side
          of a relational test mentions an object name  that
          is different from the object name mentioned on the
          right hand side.  This type of test can be  accom-
          plished,  but the item on the right hand side must
          be found first and must have a free variable  name
          assigned to it.

syntax error
syntax error in ADD statement
syntax error in MARK statement
syntax error in OPTIMIZE statement
syntax error in definitions
syntax error in header
syntax error in previous rule
syntax error in short term memory
syntax error in trailer

          A syntax error is generated by the parser when  it
          can  not  reduce the input tokens with any of it's
          rules.  The current input token will be  discarded
          and  the  parser  will  attempt  to reduce the new
          input.  At least three input tokens must be parsed
          before the parser will assume it is in sync.  Once
          the parser finds an error it will throw tokens out
          until  it  can sync.  This is the reason why semi-
          colons are used as a rule terminator, they provide
          an  absolute  point  where  the parser can sync no
          matter how  badly  the  input  is  botched.   This
          behavior is common to YACC generated parsers.  All
          syntax error messages indicate the line  that  was
          being  scanned when the error was noticed and most
          inform the user of what section of  the  code  was
          being parsed.

types of element (%s) and value (%s) do not match

          Strong type checking is enforced by TRC.  Literals
          must  be  of the same type as the element they are
          being assigned to.  Floating point  literals  MUST
          contain  a  decimal  point.  There can be no cross
          assignment between integer and floating point ele-

types of %s.%s and %s.%s do not match

          Strong type checking is  enforced  by  TRC.   Only
          elements of identical types may be compared.

unable to attach %s to the standard input

                           - 56 -

          The scanner actually  reads  the  standard  input.
          The  file  named  on the command line could not be
          opened for reading and attached  to  the  standard

unable to open %s

          Open failed on  one  of  the  output  files.   TRC

unable to recover from earlier errors

          The parser completely wigged  out,   this  usually
          happens  when  the  input  terminates  before  the
          parser can resync.

undefined element -> %s.%s

          The object %s does not have an element %s.

undefined flag (%c)

          A command line argument included a  compiler  flag
          that  is  not  defined.   Use  'man  trc' to get a
          manual page.

undefined free variable -> %s

          A reference was made to a  free  variable  on  the
          right  hand  side of a relational test.  That free
          variable was not attached  to  an  object  in  the
          current  rule.   Remember that the scope of a free
          variable is a single rule.

undefined object -> %s

          The name %s was used as an  object  name  but  not
          defined as such in the definition section.

undefined object field -> %s.%s

          The object %s was defined, but it did not  contain
          an element %s.

unexpected '!'
unexpected '%'

                           - 57 -

unexpected '='
unexpected or undefined character: %o

          These  messages  are  generated  by  the  scanner.
          These  characters, when not embedded in a comment,
          string or code section,  are  meaningful  only  as
          part  of  a  compound  symbol (e.g !=, ==, %%).  A
          single character is not  returned  to  the  parser
          since it will only propagate errors.

unterminated C code
unterminated comment

          These elements of the input are handled completely
          by the scanner.  These messages are printed if the
          end of the input file is reached before  the  ter-
          minating  character  is found.  Each of these mes-
          sages indicate the line of the input  where  scan-
          ning began.

usage: trc [options] filename

          Command line error.  Use 'man trc' to get a manual

zero count is undefined

          Nice try.  If you really want to  search  STM  for
          zero  occurrences  of something use the NOT state-
          ment described in Section 6.3.1 of this document.

                           - 58 -

                  APPENDIX C: STYLE NOTES

     TRC was designed to produce fast code, but  it  is  not
the  least bit difficult to produce very slow code with TRC.
The intent of this section is to suggest  some  things  that
can  be done that will lead to fast code and to suggest some
ways to avoid creating slow code.

     The central issue is reducing the amount of time  spent
searching  STM.   In  the  battle against long search times,
TRC's first line  of  defense  is  the  definition  section.
Think  of  STM as a data base.  When a data base is designed
two issues are central: first the data base must be  capable
of  representing  all  the  facts  that are to be stored and
retrieved and second the data base should be arranged  in  a
manner  that  will facilitate searching the data base.  In a
relational data base, the data base manager  will  designate
primary  keys  based,  in  part,  on  the way that users are
likely to specify searches.  Think of STM as  a  data  base,
the  rules  in LTM are the users that are searching the data
base, design the data base (STM) for searching.

     Suppose an expert system for routing cargo  on  commer-
cial  air  carriers  is  being built.  The objects that this
expert system will deal with include  airplanes  and  cargo.
It is certainly possible to define a single TRC object whose
elements can describe either  an  airplane  or  a  piece  of
cargo.  When a rule searches for an airplane in this system,
it has to wade thru cargo and airplanes to find the airplane
it  needs.   Why  not define two different objects, one that
describes airplanes and one that describes  cargo.   Then  a
rule  that  is searching for an airplane can search only the
airplane list without having to wade thru the cargo too.

     Carried to an extreme, this suggestion implies  a  dif-
ferent object definition for every combination of attributes
that can exist in STM.  This extreme will often not be feas-
able.   There  is  a  trade off to be made; by defining more
objects, the length of each list  should  be  reduced  which
should  reduce execution time.  The penalty is that for each
object there is a code  overhead  for  the  procedures  that
manipulate  those  objects.   Code  size is being traded for
execution speed.

     For object definitions that do not include any elements
there  is a very low code overhead.  Object definitions that
do not include elements are useful when the objects  do  not
differ  from  one another and only a count of how many there
are is needed.  Since objects of this type do not differ, no
list is maintained.  If STM can be represented entirely with
objects that contain no  elements,  all  searching  will  be
eliminated.   This  situation  usually  leads to the fastest
executing systems.

                           - 59 -

     The situation part of a rule  is  the  second  line  of
defense against slow expert systems.  On each pass thru LTM,
only one rule is selected for  firing.   This  implies  that
most  rules  fail  most  of the time and that is is somewhat
unusual for a rule to actually fire.  Since rules  generally
fail  far  more often than they fire, wouldn't it be reason-
able to design rules  to  be  good  at  failing,  i.e.  fail
quickly?   The  preconditions  automatically placed on every
rule by TRC are an initial attempt to cause a rule  to  fail
without doing any searching.

     If a rule searches for an object in list A, one in list
B  and  one  in list C, the order that the list are searched
may not be significant.  The order will  not  be  significan
unless one of the searches refers to something that was pre-
viously found.  If the order is  not  significant,  why  not
first  search  for the object that is least likely to exist?
If the objects are equally likely, why not first search  the
list  that  is likely to be shortest?  The search is carried
out in the order that the objects are listed in  the  situa-
tion part.  Remember that rules usually fail and design your
rules to fail quickly wherever possible.

     The optimizer is the third line of defense, use it.

                           - 60 -

                      A SAMPLE SYSTEM

     This sample expert  system  demonstrates  some  of  the
features  of  the  TRC  language.  The expert system finds a
path from one node to another node in a 'dungeon'.  Some  of
the  nodes  are  marked  as  'dangerous', and no path may go
through that node.  The main procedure prints a map  of  the
'dungeon'  and  asks  the  user for start and end nodes.  It
then initializes STM and calls loop.  On return from loop it
prints  out  the  path  (if one was found) and the execution
time and profile.  The path is not necessarily the  shortest
path, only the first path found.  Cycles are not permitted.

     This sample system uses backtracking that is  initiated
by  embedded  c-code.   It also uses the SAVE option to sim-
plify the checkpoint and  reloading  procedures.   The  pro-
cedure  'checkpoint'  saves  the state of all dynamic struc-
tures and 're_do' restores from a previous  checkpoint.   If
the  system  is  started  with no command line arguments, it
simply queries the user for start and end points.  If it  is
started  one or more command line arguments, it will restart
from a previously saved snapshot.

     Since it is possible for a system to  crash  while  the
checkpoint  files  are  being  written,  this  system writes
alternately on two sets of files.   A  flag  file  indicates
which set of files is complete.


NODE  ( N1 => "ANEMONIE" N2 => "DANGER" N3 => "QUAGGA")
NODE  ( N1 => "ANEMONIE" N2 => "DANGER" N3 => "YENTI")
NODE  ( N1 => "ANEMONIE" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "MEADOW")
NODE  ( N1 => "ANEMONIE" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "KESTREL")
NODE  ( N1 => "BANDIT" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "JABBERWOCK")
NODE  ( N1 => "BANDIT" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "PEGASUS")
NODE  ( N1 => "BANDIT" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "LAPIS LASULI")
NODE  ( N1 => "CAVERN" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "ICE ROOM")
NODE  ( N1 => "CAVERN" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "TREASURE")
NODE  ( N1 => "CAVERN" N2 => "DANGER" N3 => "HOBGOBLIN")
NODE  ( N1 => "DUBLOON" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "ICE ROOM")
NODE  ( N1 => "DUBLOON" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "SPRING")
NODE  ( N1 => "ELVES" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "NYMPH")
NODE  ( N1 => "ELVES" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "URCHIN")
NODE  ( N1 => "FOUNTAIN" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "RUBY")

                           - 61 -

NODE  ( N1 => "FOUNTAIN" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "NYMPH")
NODE  ( N1 => "FOUNTAIN" N2 => "DANGER" N3 => "XEROC")
NODE  ( N1 => "GROTTO" N2 => "DANGER" N3 => "WRAITH")
NODE  ( N1 => "GROTTO" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "OGRE")
NODE  ( N1 => "GROTTO" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "RUBY")
NODE  ( N1 => "HOBGOBLIN" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "TREASURE")
NODE  ( N1 => "HOBGOBLIN" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "CAVERN")
NODE  ( N1 => "HOBGOBLIN" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "ICE ROOM")
NODE  ( N1 => "HOBGOBLIN" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "DUBLOON")
NODE  ( N1 => "HOBGOBLIN" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "MEADOW")
NODE  ( N1 => "ICE ROOM" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "CAVERN")
NODE  ( N1 => "ICE ROOM" N2 => "DANGER" N3 => "HOBGOBLIN")
NODE  ( N1 => "ICE ROOM" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "DUBLOON")
NODE  ( N1 => "JABBERWOCK" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "MEADOW")
NODE  ( N1 => "JABBERWOCK" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "VERMIN")
NODE  ( N1 => "JABBERWOCK" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "PEGASUS")
NODE  ( N1 => "KESTREL" N2 => "DANGER" N3 => "YENTI")
NODE  ( N1 => "KESTREL" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "ANEMONIE")
NODE  ( N1 => "KESTREL" N2 => "DANGER" N3 => "QUAGGA")
NODE  ( N1 => "LAPIS LASULI" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "VERMIN")
NODE  ( N1 => "MEADOW" N2 => "DANGER" N3 => "HOBGOBLIN")
NODE  ( N1 => "MEADOW" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "ANEMONIE")
NODE  ( N1 => "MEADOW" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "JABBERWOCK")
NODE  ( N1 => "MEADOW" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "NYMPH")
NODE  ( N1 => "MEADOW" N2 => "DANGER" N3 => "WRAITH")
NODE  ( N1 => "NYMPH" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "MEADOW")
NODE  ( N1 => "NYMPH" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "ELVES")
NODE  ( N1 => "NYMPH" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "URCHIN")
NODE  ( N1 => "NYMPH" N2 => "DANGER" N3 => "XEROC")
NODE  ( N1 => "NYMPH" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "FOUNTAIN")
NODE  ( N1 => "NYMPH" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "RUBY")
NODE  ( N1 => "NYMPH" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "URCHIN")
NODE  ( N1 => "OGRE" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "SPRING")
NODE  ( N1 => "OGRE" N2 => "DANGER" N3 => "WRAITH")
NODE  ( N1 => "OGRE" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "GROTTO")
NODE  ( N1 => "PEGASUS" N2 => "DANGER" N3 => "BANDIT")
NODE  ( N1 => "PEGASUS" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "JABBERWOCK")
NODE  ( N1 => "PEGASUS" N2 => "DANGER" N3 => "ZOMBIE")
NODE  ( N1 => "QUAGGA" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "KESTREL")
NODE  ( N1 => "QUAGGA" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "ANEMONIE")
NODE  ( N1 => "QUAGGA" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "VERMIN")
NODE  ( N1 => "RUBY" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "GROTTO")
NODE  ( N1 => "RUBY" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "NYMPH")
NODE  ( N1 => "RUBY" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "FOUNTAIN")
NODE  ( N1 => "SPRING" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "DUBLOON")
NODE  ( N1 => "SPRING" N2 => "DANGER" N3 => "WRAITH")
NODE  ( N1 => "SPRING" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "OGRE")
NODE  ( N1 => "TREASURE" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "CAVERN")

                           - 62 -

NODE  ( N1 => "TREASURE" N2 => "DANGER" N3 => "YENTI")
NODE  ( N1 => "URCHIN" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "ELVES")
NODE  ( N1 => "URCHIN" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "NYMPH")
NODE  ( N1 => "URCHIN" N2 => "DANGER" N3 => "XEROC")
NODE  ( N1 => "VERMIN" N2 => "DANGER" N3 => "QUAGGA")
NODE  ( N1 => "VERMIN" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "LAPIS LASULI")
NODE  ( N1 => "VERMIN" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "JABBERWOCK")
NODE  ( N1 => "WRAITH" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "MEADOW")
NODE  ( N1 => "WRAITH" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "SPRING")
NODE  ( N1 => "WRAITH" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "OGRE")
NODE  ( N1 => "WRAITH" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "GROTTO")
NODE  ( N1 => "XEROC" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "URCHIN")
NODE  ( N1 => "XEROC" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "NYMPH")
NODE  ( N1 => "XEROC" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "FOUNTAIN")
NODE  ( N1 => "YENTI" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "KESTREL")
NODE  ( N1 => "YENTI" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "ANEMONIE")
NODE  ( N1 => "YENTI" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "TREASURE")
NODE  ( N1 => "ZOMBIE" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "JABBERWOCK")
NODE  ( N1 => "ZOMBIE" N2 => "SAFE" N3 => "PEGASUS")

R1:  /* See if we are at the end */
     (^START HERE)
     (END.E1 == HERE.S1)
               printf("Found a path");

R2:  /* See if the next node that would be selected
        is already in the path.  If it is, remove it
        from consideration
     (^START HERE)
     (^NODE  NEXT
       NODE.N2 != "DANGER"
       NODE.N1 == HERE.S1)
     (PATH.P1 == NEXT.N3)

R3:  /* Select the first non-dangerous node as the next node */

                           - 63 -

     (^START HERE)
     (^NODE  NEXT
       NODE.N2 != "DANGER"
       NODE.N1 == HERE.S1)
     ADD START(S1 => NEXT.N3)
         PATH (P1 => NEXT.N3)

R4:  /* A dead end has been reached.  Undo the last path taken
        and mark it as dangerous in R5 */
               /* undo this rule */
               /* check if there was a previous rule */
                   if(backtrack->next_rule == 5)
                    backtrack = backtrack->next;
                       backup();   /* undo it */
                       goto R5;    /* and mark it as dangerous */
               /* no solution */
               goto R6;

R5:  /* Grab the first available path and call it dangerous */

     (^START HERE)
     (^NODE  NEXT
       NODE.N2 != "DANGER"
       NODE.N1 == HERE.S1)
     ADD  NODE (N1 => NEXT.N1
             N2 => "DANGER"
             N3 => NEXT.N3)

R6:  /* No solution */
               printf("No Solution");

                           - 64 -



#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "X_loop.h"
extern char *rule_names[];

char *node_names[26] = {

int danger[26] = {
    0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1

extern int X_fire_profile[], X_test_profile[];
char *start, *xit;

main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
    int  i, fire, test;
    char c[512];
    double d1, d2, d3;
    struct timeval tp, old_tp;
    struct timezone tzp;

    setbuf(stdout, NULL);
    if(argc > 1){
            test = fire = 0;
            for(i = 0; i < 17; i++)
                test += X_test_profile[i];
            for(i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                fire += X_fire_profile[i];
            printf("%d rules tested",test);
            printf("%d rules fired",fire);
        printf("Continue [y or n] ");

                           - 65 -

            c[0] = tolower(c[0]);
        if(c[0] == 'n')
        start = xit = NULL;
        while(start == NULL){
            printf("Input start node ");
                start = node_names[c[0]-'a'];
        while(xit == NULL){
            printf("Input exit node ");
                xit = node_names[c[0]-'a'];
        X_backtrack = (struct X_back_track_stack *)
     malloc(sizeof(struct X_back_track_stack));
        X_backtrack = NULL;
        gettimeofday(&old_tp, &tzp);
        gettimeofday(&tp, &tzp);
        d1 = old_tp.tv_sec;
        d2 = old_tp.tv_usec;
        d1 += d2/1000000;
        d2 = tp.tv_sec;
        d3 = tp.tv_usec;
        d2 += d3/1000000;
        d3 = d2 - d1;
        test = fire = 0;
        for(i = 0; i < 17; i++)
            test += X_test_profile[i];
        for(i = 0; i < 7; i++)
            fire += X_fire_profile[i];
        d1 = test;
        d2 = fire;
        printf("Elapsed time =   %f seconds", d3);

                           - 66 -

        printf("%d rules tested (%f rules/sec)",test, d1/d3);
        printf("%d rules fired  (%f rules/sec)",fire, d2/d3);
        printf("Continue [y or n] ");
            c[0] = tolower(c[0]);
        if(c[0] == 'n')

   printf(" NODE NAMES  (* DANGEROUS NODES)               C - I ");
   printf(" -------------------------------              / \\ / \\ ");
   printf(" ANEMONIE            NYMPH                   T - H - D ");
   printf(" BANDIT*             OGRE                   /    |    \\ ");
   printf(" CAVERN              PEGASUS               Y     |     S ");
   printf(" DUBLOON             QUAGGA*             / |     |     | \\ ");
   printf(" ELVES               RUBY              K - A --- M --- W - O ");
   printf(" FOUNTAIN            SPRING             \\ /     / \\     \\ / ");
   printf(" GROTTO              TREASURE            Q     /   \\     G ");
   printf(" HOBGOBLIN*          URCHIN              |    /     \\    | ");
   printf(" ICE ROOM            VERMIN              V   /       \\   R ");
   printf(" JABBERWOCK          WRAITH*            / \\ /         \\ / \\ ");
   printf(" KESTREL             XEROC*            L - J - Z   E - N - F ");
   printf(" LAPIS LASULI        YENTI*             \\ / \\ /     \\ / \\ / ");
   printf(" MEADOW              ZOMBIE*             B - P       U - X ");

int state = 0;
char *lock = "lock.0";
char *stm = "stm.0";
char *back = "back.0";
char *pro = "pro.0";
char *trace = "trace.0";

/* save a snapshot of stm, back_track_stack, etc. */
    FILE *fp;

    lock[5] = '0' + state;
    stm[4] = '0' + state;
    back[5] = '0' + state;
    pro[4] = '0' + state;
    trace[6] = '0' + state;
        state = 0;
        state = 1;
    fp = fopen(stm, "w");

                           - 67 -

    fp = fopen(back, "w");
    fp = fopen(pro, "w");
    fp = fopen(trace, "w");
    fp = fopen(lock, "w");

/* remove all old snapshots */
    lock[5] = '0' + state;
    stm[4] = '0' + state;
    back[5] = '0' + state;
    pro[4] = '0' + state;
    trace[6] = '0' + state;

/* restore from a snapshot and continue execution */
    char c[512];
    FILE *fp;

    if((fp = fopen(lock, "r")) != NULL)
        fscanf(fp,"%s", c);
    if(strncmp(c, "good", 4)){
            state = 0;
            state = 1;
        lock[5] = '0' + state;
        stm[4] = '0' + state;
        back[5] = '0' + state;
        pro[4] = '0' + state;

                           - 68 -

        trace[6] = '0' + state;
        if((fp = fopen(lock, "r")) != NULL)
            fscanf(fp,"%s", c);
        if(strncmp(c, "good", 4)){
            printf("No checkpoint files");
    fp = fopen(stm, "r");
    fp = fopen(back, "r");
    fp = fopen(pro, "r");
    fp = fopen(trace, "r");

sources-request@panda.UUCP (02/09/86)

Mod.sources:  Volume 3, Issue 114
Submitted by: ihnp4!dicomed!ndsuvax!nckary (Daniel D. Kary)

: This is a shar archive.  Extract with sh, not csh.
: The rest of this file will extract:
: Makefile main.c main.h optimize.c
echo extracting - Makefile
sed 's/^X//' > Makefile << '!EOR!'
Xtrc : y.tab.o main.o output.o optimize.o p_out.o
X	cc y.tab.o main.o output.o optimize.o p_out.o -o trc
Xy.tab.o : y.tab.c   scanner.c main.h
X	cc -c y.tab.c
Xy.tab.c : parser
X	yacc parser
Xmain.o : main.c	main.h
X	cc -c main.c
Xoutput.o : output.c main.h
X	cc -c output.c
Xp_out.o : p_out.c main.h
X	cc -c p_out.c
Xoptimize.o : optimize.c main.h
X	cc -c optimize.c
echo extracting - main.c
sed 's/^X//' > main.c << '!EOR!'
X#include	<stdio.h>
X#include	<signal.h>
X#include 	"main.h"
X#define		total_files	12
XFILE *fp[total_files];
Xchar *file_name[total_files] = {
X		"loop.h",
X		"loop.c",
X		"free.c",
X		"misc.c",
X		"search.c",
X		"add.c",
X		"dump.c",
X		"relink.c",
X		"backtrack.c",
X		"profile.c",
X		"zero.c",
X		"save.c"
X	fprintf(stderr,"%d: unable to recover from earlier errors\n", lineno);
X	exit(0);
Xint next_label;
Xmain(argc, argv)
Xint argc;
Xchar *argv[];
X	int i, j;
X	char s[512];
X	setbuf(stdout, NULL);
X	errors = pnum = total_tokens = 0;
X	tracing = profiling = backtracking = 0;
X	dumping = optimizing = recursing = 0;
X	pascal = saving = zeroing = 0;
X	next_label = lineno = 1;  
X	prefix = "";
X	if(argc < 2){
X		fprintf(stderr,"usage: %s [options] file\n", argv[0]);
X		exit();
X	}
X	for(i = 1; i < (argc-1); i++){
X		j = 0;
X		while(argv[i][j]){
X		    switch(argv[i][j]){
X			case '-': break;
X		        case 'b': backtracking++;
X			          break;
X		        case 'd': dumping++;
X			          break;
X		        case 'p': profiling++;
X			          break;
X		        case 'r': recursing++;
X			          break;
X		        case 's': saving++;
X			          break;
X		        case 't': tracing++;
X			          break;
X		        case 'z': zeroing++;
X			          break;
X		        case 'O': optimizing++;
X			          break;
X		        case 'P': pascal++;
X			          break;
X		        default: fprintf(stderr,"undefined flag (%c)\n",argv[i][1]);
X			         break;
X		    }
X		    j++;
X		}
X	}
X	if((freopen(argv[argc-1], "r", stdin)) == NULL){
X	    fprintf(stderr,"unable to attach %s to the standard input\n", argv[argc-1]);
X	    exit(0);
X	}
X	insert_init();				/* initialize this list */
X	signal(SIGBUS, bus_error);
X	yyparse();				/* parse the input */
X	rule_list = rule_list->next;		/* the first entry is just a place holder */
X	rule_list->prev = NULL;
X	nice_token_stuff();
X	if(errors){
X	    fprintf(stderr,"no code produced due to errors in source\n");
X	    exit();
X	}
X	if(pascal){
X	    if(optimizing)
X		optimize();
X	    p_translate();
X	    exit();
X	}
X	for(i = 0; i < total_files; i++){
X	    strcpy(s, prefix);
X	    strcat(s, file_name[i]);
X	    if((fp[i] = fopen(s,"w")) == NULL){
X	        fprintf(stderr,"unable to open %s\n",s);
X	        exit(0);
X	    }
X	    if(i){
X		fprintf(fp[i],"#include\t\"%sloop.h\"\n\n",prefix);
X		if(i > 1){
X		    fprintf(fp[i],"extern int %stotal_tokens, %stoken[];\n", prefix, prefix);
X	 	    fprintf(fp[i],"extern char *%stoken_name[];\n", prefix);
X	 	    fprintf(fp[i],"extern int %srestoring;\n", prefix);
X	        }
X		else{
X	 	    fprintf(fp[i],"int %srestoring = 0;\n", prefix);
X		}
X	    }
X	}
X	header = fp[0];
X	loop = fp[1];
X	fre = fp[2];
X	misc = fp[3];
X	search = fp[4];
X	add = fp[5];
X	dump = fp[6];
X	relink = fp[7];
X	backtrack = fp[8];
X	profile = fp[9];
X	zero = fp[10];
X	save = fp[11];
X	if(optimizing)
X	    optimize();
X	translate();
Xyyerror(s) char *s;{
X	return;
X	return(1);
Xchar *gen_next_label()
X/* generate a unique rule label */
X	int i, j;
X	char *r, *s, t[8];
X	/* an unlikely prefix */
X	s = "ZqWr_";
X	i = 0;
X	j = next_label++;
X	while(j){
X	    t[i++] = '0' + (j % 10);
X	    j = j/10;
X	}
X	t[i] = '\0';
X	r = (char *) malloc (i + 6);
X	strcpy(r, s);
X	strcat(r, t);
X	return(r);
X/* remove superfluous stuff from the case list */
X	struct def_list *d_temp;
X	struct data_type *dt_temp;
X	struct case_list *c_temp;
X	d_temp = token_list;
X	while(d_temp){
X	    dt_temp = d_temp->data_types;
X	    while(dt_temp){
X		if(dt_temp->elts){
X		    while((dt_temp->elts) && (dt_temp->elts->used == 0))
X			dt_temp->elts= dt_temp->elts->next;
X		    c_temp = dt_temp->elts;
X		    while(c_temp){
X		        if((c_temp->next) && (c_temp->next->used == 0))
X			    c_temp->next = c_temp->next->next;
X		        c_temp = c_temp->next;
X		    }
X		}
X		dt_temp = dt_temp->next;
X	    }
X	    d_temp = d_temp->next;
X	}
X/* search the token_list for possible cross compare items */
X	int i;
X	struct def_list *d_temp, *d_temp2;
X	struct data_type *dt_temp, *dt_temp2;
X	struct case_list *c_temp, *c_temp2;
X	d_temp = token_list;
X	while(d_temp){
X	    dt_temp = d_temp->data_types;
X	    while(dt_temp){
X	        i = 1;
X	        dt_temp2 = d_temp->data_types;
X		while(dt_temp2){
X		    if((dt_temp != dt_temp2) && (dt_temp->type == dt_temp2->type)){
X		        if(dt_temp->elts){
X			    c_temp->next = (struct case_list *) malloc(sizeof(struct case_list));
X			    c_temp = c_temp->next;
X		        }
X		        else{
X			    dt_temp->elts = (struct case_list *) malloc(sizeof(struct case_list));
X			    c_temp = dt_temp->elts;
X		        }
X		        c_temp->next = NULL;
X		        c_temp->name = dt_temp2->name;
X		        c_temp->id   = i++;
X		        c_temp->used = 0;
X		    }
X		    dt_temp2 = dt_temp2->next;
X		}
X		dt_temp = dt_temp->next;
X	    }
X	    d_temp = d_temp->next;
X	}
Xcmp_type(object, elt1, elt2)
X/* compare the types of elt1 and elt2 to see if they match */
Xchar *object, *elt1, *elt2;
X	struct def_list *d_temp;
X	struct data_type *dt_temp;
X	struct case_list *c_temp;
X	d_temp = token_list;
X	while(d_temp){
X	    if(strcmp(object, d_temp->name) == 0){
X		dt_temp = d_temp->data_types;
X		while(dt_temp){
X		    if(strcmp(elt1, dt_temp->name) == 0){
X			c_temp = dt_temp->elts;
X			while(c_temp){
X			    if(strcmp(elt2, c_temp->name) == 0)
X				return(1);	/* the types are equal */
X			    else
X				c_temp = c_temp->next;
X			}
X			return(-1);		/* the types are different */
X		    }
X		    dt_temp = dt_temp->next;
X		}
X		return(-1);			/* the types were not found */
X	    }
X	    d_temp = d_temp->next;
X	}
X/* insert the label of a rule into the name_list */
Xchar *s;
X	struct list *temp;
X	if(! first_label)
X	    first_label = s;
X	temp = (struct list *) malloc(sizeof(struct list));
X	temp->name = s;
X	if(name_list)
X		temp->next = name_list;
X	else
X		temp->next = NULL;
X	name_list = temp;
X	rule_list->label = s;
X/* insert the name of an object into the token_list */
Xchar *s;
X	struct def_list *temp, *temp2;
X	if(token_list){			/* if the list is not nil */
X	    temp = token_list;
X	    while(temp){		/* search for duplicates */
X		if(strcmp(s, temp->name) == 0){
X		    fprintf(stderr,"%d: duplicate declaration  -> %s\n",lineno, s);
X		    errors++;
X		    return(0);
X		}
X		temp = temp->next;
X	    }
X	}
X	temp = (struct def_list *) malloc(sizeof(struct def_list));
X	temp->name = s;
X	temp->data_types = data_list;
X	temp->next = NULL;
X	total_tokens++;
X	data_list = NULL;
X	temp2 = token_list;
X	if(temp2){
X	    while(temp2->next)
X		temp2 = temp2->next;
X	    temp2->next = temp;
X	}
X	else
X	    token_list = temp;
Xinsert_fields(element, value, free_name, type, index)
X/* insert a fields structure into the current object in the init list */
Xchar *element, *value, *free_name;
Xint  type, index;
X	struct fields *temp;
X	struct match *temp2;
X	temp2 = rule_list->complex;
X	temp = (struct fields *) malloc(sizeof(struct fields));
X	temp->empty = 0;
X	temp->object = NULL;
X	if(free_name)
X	    while(temp2){
X	        if(strcmp(temp2->free_name, free_name) == 0){
X		    temp->empty  = temp2->empty;
X		    temp->object = temp2->object;
X		    temp2 = NULL;
X	        }
X	        else temp2 = temp2->next;
X	    }
X	temp->index     = index;
X	temp->element   = element;
X	temp->value     = value;
X	temp->type      = type;
X	temp->next      = init_list->items;
X	init_list->items = temp;
X/* insert an empty structure in the stm initialization list */
X	struct init *temp;
X	temp = (struct init *) malloc(sizeof(struct init));
X	temp->count  = 0;
X	temp->object = NULL;
X	temp->next   = NULL;
X	temp->items  = NULL;
X	if(init_list){
X	    temp->next = init_list;
X	    init_list = temp;
X	}
X	else init_list = temp;
X/* initialize count in init_list */
Xint n;
X	init_list->count = n;
X/* insert an empty structure in the list of rules */
X	struct rule *temp;
X	temp = (struct rule *) malloc(sizeof(struct rule));
X	temp->recurs = 0;
X	temp->prev   = NULL;
X	temp->opt    = NULL;
X	temp->label  = NULL;
X	temp->search = (int *) calloc(total_tokens , sizeof(int));
X	temp->mark   = (int *) calloc(total_tokens , sizeof(int));
X	if(rule_list){
X	    temp->next = rule_list;
X	    rule_list->prev = temp;
X	    rule_list = temp;
X	}
X	else{
X	    temp->next = NULL;
X	    rule_list = temp;
X	}
X/* test to see if a rule label has already been used */
Xchar *s;
X	struct list *temp;
X	temp = name_list;
X	while(temp){
X	    if(strcmp(s, temp->name) == 0){
X		return(-1);
X	    }
X	    temp = temp->next;
X	}
X	return(0);
X/* test to see if an object name has already been used */
Xchar *s;
X	int i;
X	struct def_list *temp;
X	i = 0;
X	temp = token_list;
X	while(temp){
X	    if(strcmp(s, temp->name) == 0){
X		return(i);
X	    }
X	    temp = temp->next;
X	    i++;
X	}
X	return(-1);
X/* add a structure to define an object to the data_list */
Xchar *s;
Xint i;
X	struct data_type *a, *b;
X	/* first check for duplicate definitions */
X	a = data_list;
X	while(a){
X	    if(strcmp(s, a->name) == 0)
X		return(-1);
X	    a = a->next;
X	}
X	/* add the new element to the list */
X	a = (struct data_type *) malloc(sizeof(struct data_type));
X	a->name = s;
X	a->type = i;
X	a->elts = NULL;
X	a->next = NULL;
X	if(data_list){
X	    b = data_list;
X	    while(b->next != NULL)
X		b = b->next;
X	    b->next = a;
X	}
X	else
X	    data_list = a;
X	return(2);
X/* append a line of C code to a temporary buffer */
Xchar *s;
X	struct list *a, *b;
X	a = (struct list *) malloc(sizeof(struct list));
X	a->name = s;
X	a->next = NULL;
X	if(temp_c_code){
X	    b = temp_c_code;
X	    while(b->next != NULL)
X		b = b->next;
X	    b->next = a;
X	}
X	else
X	    temp_c_code = a;
Xchar *s;
X	rule_list->opt = s;
X/* copy the temporary C code to the header */
X	header_code = temp_c_code;
X	temp_c_code = NULL;
X/* copy the temporary C code to the trailer */
X	trailer_code = temp_c_code;
X	temp_c_code = NULL;
X/* add an object to the list of objects to be initialized */
Xchar *s;
X	int found;
X	struct fields *temp;
X	struct def_list *d_temp;
X	struct data_type *dt_temp, *dt_temp2;
X	if(init_list->items){
X	    d_temp = token_list;
X	    while(strcmp(d_temp->name, s) != 0)
X		d_temp = d_temp->next;
X	    temp = init_list->items;
X	    while(temp){
X		found = 0;
X		dt_temp = d_temp->data_types;
X		while(dt_temp){
X		    if(strcmp(dt_temp->name, temp->element) == 0){
X			dt_temp2 = dt_temp;
X			dt_temp = NULL; found = 1;
X		    }
X		    if(dt_temp) dt_temp = dt_temp->next;
X		}
X		if(found == 0){
X		    fprintf(stderr,"%d: %s is not an element of %s\n",lineno,
X				  temp->element, s);
X		    errors++;
X		}
X		else if((temp->type >= 0) && (temp->type <= 2)){
X		    if(temp->type != dt_temp2->type){
X			fprintf(stderr,"%d: types of element (%s) and value (%s) do not match\n", lineno, temp->element, temp->value);
X			errors++;
X		    }
X		}
X		temp = temp->next;
X	    }
X	}
X	init_list->object = s;
X/* copy the temporary C code to the current rule's action part */
X	rule_list->c_code = temp_c_code;
X	temp_c_code = NULL;
X/* MARK an object */
Xchar *s;
X	int i;
X	i = find_token(s);
X	if(i < 0) {
X	    return(0);
X	}
X	rule_list->mark[i]++;
X	return(1);
X/* mark an object by name */
Xchar *free_name;
X	struct match *temp;
X	temp = rule_list->complex;
X	while(temp){
X	    if(strcmp(free_name, temp->free_name) == 0){
X		if(temp->empty){
X		    fprintf(stderr,"%d: can't MARK an EMPTY object\n", lineno);
X		    errors++;
X		}
X		else{
X		    temp->mark = 1;
X		}
X		return(1);
X	    }
X	    temp = temp->next;
X	}
X	return(0);
X/* determine if free_name is a declared free variable */
Xchar *free_name;
X	struct match *temp;
X	temp = rule_list->complex;
X	while(temp){
X	    if(strcmp(free_name, temp->free_name) == 0)
X		return(temp->index);
X	    temp = temp->next;
X	}
X	return(-1);
Xmatch_type(object, o_elt, free_name, f_elt)
X/* check to see if the types match */
Xchar *object, *o_elt, *free_name, *f_elt;
X	int type;
X	struct match *temp;
X	struct def_list *temp2, *temp4;
X	struct data_type *temp3, *temp5;
X	temp = rule_list->complex;
X	while(temp){
X	    if(strcmp(free_name, temp->free_name) == 0){
X		temp2 = token_list;
X		while(temp2){
X		    if(strcmp(temp->object, temp2->name) == 0){
X			temp3 = temp2->data_types;
X			while(temp3){
X			    if(strcmp(temp3->name, f_elt) == 0){
X				type = temp3->type;
X				temp4 = token_list;
X				while(temp4){
X				    if(strcmp(temp4->name, object) == 0){
X					temp5 = temp4->data_types;
X					while(temp5){
X					    if(strcmp(temp5->name, o_elt) == 0){
X						if(type == temp5->type){
X						    if(strcmp(temp->object, object))
X						        return(1);
X						    else
X							return(2);
X						    }
X						else
X						    return(0);
X					    }
X					    temp5 = temp5->next;
X					}
X					return(0);
X				    }
X				    temp4 = temp4->next;
X				}
X				return(0);
X			    }
X			    temp3 = temp3->next;
X			}
X			return(0);
X		    }
X		    temp2 = temp2->next;
X		}
X		return(0);
X	    }
X	    temp = temp->next;
X	}
X	return(0);
X/* add the count of how many objects to search 
X   to the rule's situation part */
Xint n;
X	struct match *temp;
X	if((rule_list->complex) && (n > 1)){
X	    temp = rule_list->complex;
X	    while(temp->next)
X		temp = temp->next;
X	    temp->count = n;
X	}
X/* insert C language code in the situation part */
X	struct match *temp;
X	    if(rule_list->complex){		/* not the first match in a rule */
X	        temp = rule_list->complex;
X	        while(temp->next)
X		    temp = temp->next;
X	        temp->next = (struct match *) malloc(sizeof(struct match));
X	        temp = temp->next;
X	    }
X	    else{				/* first match in a rule */
X	        rule_list->complex = (struct match *) malloc(sizeof(struct match));
X	        temp = rule_list->complex;
X	    }
X	    temp->tests = NULL;
X	    temp->next = NULL;
X	    temp->object = NULL;
X	    temp->free_name = NULL;
X	    temp->empty = 0;
X	    temp->mark  = 0;
X	    temp->index = 0;
X	    temp->count = 1;
X	    temp->c_code = temp_c_code;
X	    temp_c_code = NULL;
Xadd_test(object, element, relop, value, type, free_name, index, empty)
Xadd data needed for complex matching to rule structure
Xobject is the name of the object class this test applies to
Xelement is the name of the element of the object this test applies to
Xrelop is the relational operator used in the test
Xvalue is the value to test against
Xtype is the data type of the element
Xfree_name is the name of the free variable associated with this object (if any)
Xindex is the array index of the free variable this test will assign to
Xempty - boolean: is this an empty test?
Xchar *object, *element, *value, *free_name;
Xint relop, type, index;
X	struct match *temp;
X	struct test *temp2;
X	struct def_list *d_temp;
X	struct data_type *dt_temp;
X	struct case_list *c_temp;
X	if(current_match == NULL){		/* the first test in a match */
X	    if(rule_list->complex){		/* not the first match in a rule */
X	        temp = rule_list->complex;
X	        while(temp->next)
X		    temp = temp->next;
X	        temp->next = (struct match *) malloc(sizeof(struct match));
X	        temp = temp->next;
X	    }
X	    else{				/* first match in a rule */
X	        rule_list->complex = (struct match *) malloc(sizeof(struct match));
X	        temp = rule_list->complex;
X	    }
X	    temp->tests = NULL;
X	    temp->next = NULL;
X	    temp->object = object;
X	    temp->free_name = free_name;
X	    temp->index = index;
X	    temp->c_code = NULL;
X	    temp->count = 1;
X	    temp->mark  = 0;
X	    temp->empty = empty;
X	    current_match = temp;
X	}
X	temp = current_match;
X	if(strcmp(temp->object, object) != 0){
X	    fprintf(stderr,"%d: objects in a complex test must match\n",lineno);
X	    errors++;
X	    return(0);
X	}
X	if(temp->tests){
X	    temp2 = temp->tests;
X	    while(temp2->next)
X		temp2 = temp2->next;
X	    temp2->next = (struct test *) malloc(sizeof(struct test));
X	    temp2 = temp2->next;
X	}
X	else{
X	    temp->tests = (struct test *) malloc(sizeof(struct test));
X	    temp2 = temp->tests;
X	}
X	temp2->element = element;
X	temp2->relop = relop;
X	temp2->free_name = free_name;
X	temp2->value = value;
X	temp2->type = type;
X	temp2->next = NULL;
X	temp2->id = 0;
X	if(strcmp(object, free_name) == 0){
X	    d_temp = token_list;
X	    while(d_temp){
X		if(strcmp(object, d_temp->name) == 0){
X		    dt_temp = d_temp->data_types;
X		    while(dt_temp){
X			if(strcmp(element, dt_temp->name) == 0){
X			    c_temp = dt_temp->elts;
X			    while(c_temp){
X				if(strcmp(value, c_temp->name) == 0){
X				    c_temp->used = 1;
X				    temp2->id = c_temp->id;
X				    return;
X				}
X				c_temp = c_temp->next;
X			    }
X			}
X			dt_temp = dt_temp->next;
X		    }
X		}
X		d_temp = d_temp->next;
X	    }
X	}
Xsearch_structs(object, element)
Xsearch the list of structures for 'object', see if it has a field 'element'
Xreturn -1 if 'object' is not found, data type of 'element' if it is found.
Xchar *object, *element;
X	struct def_list *temp;
X	struct data_type *temp2;
X	temp = token_list;
X	while(temp){
X	    if((strcmp(temp->name, object)) == 0){
X		temp2 = temp->data_types;
X		while(temp2){
X		    if((strcmp(temp2->name,element)) == 0){
X	    		return(temp2->type);
X		    }
X		    temp2 = temp2->next;
X		}
X	    return(-1);
X	    }
X	    temp = temp->next;
X	}
X	return(-1);
echo extracting - main.h
sed 's/^X//' > main.h << '!EOR!'
X#include	<stdio.h>
Xstruct list{
X	    char *name;
X	    struct list *next;
X} *name_list, *temp_c_code, *header_code, *trailer_code, *label_list;
Xstruct case_list{
X		char *name;	/* name of the element */
X		int id;		/* case identifier */
X		int used;	/* is this case ever used? */
X		struct case_list *next;
Xstruct data_type{
X		int type;	/* -1 = free variable */	
X				/*  0 = integer */
X				/*  1 = floating */
X				/*  2 = string */
X				/*  3 = pointer */
X		char *name;	/*  name of the element */
X		struct case_list *elts;	/* elements that may be compared */
X		struct data_type *next;
X} *data_list;
Xstruct def_list{				/* list of defined objects */
X		char *name;			/* the name of the object */
X		struct data_type *data_types;	/* pointer to the element list */
X		struct def_list *next;		/* next object in the list */
X} *token_list;
Xstruct test{				/* one test in a complex match */
X		char *element;		/* the element of the object to test */
X		int  relop;		/* relational operators are bit encoded
X					   < = >
X					   0 0 0    0   No Match
X					   0 0 1    1   >
X					   0 1 0    2   =
X					   0 1 1    3   >=
X					   1 0 0    4   <
X					   1 0 1    5   !=
X					   1 1 0    6   <=
X					   1 1 1    7   Match Any
X					*/
X		char *free_name;	/* name of free var */
X		char *value;		/* the value to test for */
X		int  type;		/* the data type of the element */
X		int  id;		/* case id for self tests */
X		struct test *next;	/* pointer to the next one in the list */
X} *current_test;
Xstruct match{				/* description of a complex matching */
X		char *object;		/* the object to test */
X		char *free_name;	/* name of free var attached to the object */
X		int index;		/* initial array index of this free variable */
X		int count;		/* number of times to repeat this test */
X		int mark;		/* boolean: mark this object? */
X		int empty;		/* boolean: is this an empty test? */
X		struct list *c_code;	/* C code included in the situation */
X		struct test *tests;	/* the list of tests for this match */
X		struct match *next;	/* pointer to the next one in the list */
X} *current_match;
Xstruct rule {				/* facts needed to generate code */
X					/* one per rule */
X		char *label;		/* label of this rule */
X		char *opt;		/* optimization - goto this label */
X		int  recurs;		/* boolean indicates recursive search */
X		int *search;		/* items to search for in stm */
X		int *mark;		/* items to remove from stm */
X		struct init *add;	/* items to add to stm */
X		struct list *c_code;    /* code to execute if this rule fires */
X		struct match *complex;	/* complex matching list */
X		struct rule *next;
X		struct rule *prev;
X} *rule_list;
Xstruct fields {
X		char *object;		/* the name of the object to be init */
X		char *element;		/* the name of the element to be init */
X		char *value;		/* the value to be assigned to the element */
X		int index;		/* the array index of this free variable */
X		int type;		/* the type of the element */
X		int empty;		/* boolean: is this an empty test? */
X		struct fields *next;	/* the next element of this object to be initialized */
Xstruct init {				/* stm initialization */
X		char *object;		/* the name of the object to be initialized */
X		int count;		/* number of reps of this item */
X		struct fields *items;	/* list of fields to initialize */
X		struct init *next;	/* next object in list */
X} *init_list, *init_list2;
Xint total_tokens,			/* total number of objects declared */
X    pnum, 				/* current production */
X    *stm, 				/* array of number of each object type
X					   to MARK or ADD */
X    *current_free, 			/* index of the current free variable
X					   for each object type */
X    *max_free, 				/* maximum number of free variables
X					   needed for each object type */
X    *current_empty, 			/* index of the current empty variable
X					   for each object type */
X    *max_empty,				/* maximum number of empty variables
X					   needed for each object type */
X    errors, 				/* count of errors detected */
X    backtracking,			/* boolean to indicate if the user wants
X					   to generate backtracking code */
X    profiling,				/* boolean to indicate if the user wants
X					   to generate profiling code */
X    tracing,				/* boolean to indicate if the user wants
X					   to generate tracing code */
X    dumping,				/* boolean to indicate if the user wants
X					   to generate code to dump stm*/
X    optimizing,				/* boolean to indicate if the user wants
X					   to invoke the loop optimizer */
X    recursing,				/* boolean to indicate if the user wants
X					   recursive searches to be the default */
X    saving,				/* boolean to indicate if the user wants
X					   to generate code to save STM*/
X    zeroing,				/* boolean to indicate if the user wants
X					   to generate code to zero STM*/
X    pascal,				/* boolean to indicate if the user wants
X					   to generate pascal instead of C*/
X    lineno;				/* line number of input file */
Xchar *first_label,			/* label of the first rule in LTM */
X     *prefix;			        /* prefix for all objects */
XFILE  *header, *fre, *misc, *search,	/* output files */
X	*add, *dump, *loop, *relink,	/* purposes are obvious */
X	*backtrack, *profile, *zero, *save;
echo extracting - optimize.c
sed 's/^X//' > optimize.c << '!EOR!'
X#include	"main.h"
X/* optimize the goto statements that will be generated for loop.c */
X	struct rule *r_const, *r_temp, *r_temp2;
X	struct match *m_temp;
X	struct test *t_temp;
X	struct init *i_temp;
X	int i;
X	/* find the end of the rule list */
X	/* since rules are inserted, the first rule is at the end of the list */
X	r_const = rule_list;
X	while(r_const->next != NULL)
X		r_const = r_const->next;
X	/* scan the rule list from the end */
X	/* mark all rules with tests that do not check elements as recursive */
X	r_temp = r_const;
X	while(r_temp){
X	    if(r_temp->recurs == 0){
X		i = 1;
X		m_temp = r_temp->complex;
X		if(m_temp == NULL){
X		    r_temp->recurs = 111;
X		}
X		while(m_temp && i){
X		    if(m_temp->tests){
X			t_temp = m_temp->tests;
X			while(t_temp)
X			    if(t_temp->element){
X				i = 0;
X				t_temp = NULL;
X			    }	
X			    else
X				t_temp = t_temp->next;
X		    }
X		    if(i){
X			if(m_temp->next == NULL){
X			    r_temp->recurs = 111;
X			}
X		    }
X		    m_temp = m_temp->next;
X		}
X	    }
X	    r_temp = r_temp->prev;
X	}
X	/* scan the rule list for rules that have not been hand optimized */
X	/* optimize these rules by scanning for the first rule that could */
X	/* possibly fire after the given rule */
X	r_temp = r_const;
X	while(r_temp){
X	    if(r_temp->opt == NULL){
X		r_temp2 = r_const;
X		while(r_temp2){
X		    r_temp->opt = r_temp2->label;
X		    if(r_temp2->complex == NULL){
X			r_temp2 = NULL;
X		    }
X		    else if(strcmp(r_temp->label, r_temp2->label) == 0){
X			r_temp2 = NULL;
X		    }
X		    else{
X			    /* NOT tests first */
X			    for(i = 0; i < total_tokens; i++){
X				if(r_temp2->search[i] < 0){
X				    if(r_temp->mark[i] > 0){
X					r_temp2 = NULL;
X					goto next_rule;
X				    }
X				    i_temp = r_temp->add;
X				    while(i_temp){
X					if(find_token(i_temp->object) == i)
X					    goto next_rule;
X					i_temp = i_temp->next;
X				    }
X				}
X			    }
X			    m_temp = r_temp2->complex;
X			    while(m_temp){
X				i = find_token(m_temp->object);
X			        /* ADD test for all rules */
X				i_temp = r_temp->add;
X				while(i_temp){
X				    if(strcmp(i_temp->object, m_temp->object) == 0){
X					r_temp2 = NULL;
X					m_temp  = NULL;
X					i_temp  = NULL;
X				    }
X				    else
X					i_temp = i_temp->next;
X				}
X				/* MARK test for non recursive rules */
X				if((r_temp2)
X				&& (r_temp->recurs == 0)
X				&& (r_temp->mark[i])){
X				    r_temp2 = NULL;
X				    m_temp  = NULL;
X				}
X				else{
X				    if(m_temp) {
X					m_temp = m_temp->next;
X				    }
X				}
X			    }	
X		    }
X		    next_rule:
X		    if(r_temp2 != NULL){
X			r_temp2 = r_temp2->prev;
X		    }
X		}
X	    }
X	    r_temp = r_temp->prev;
X	}
X	/* unmark rules temporarily marked as recursive */
X	r_temp = r_const;
X	while(r_temp){
X	    if(r_temp->recurs == 111)
X		r_temp->recurs = 0;
X	    r_temp = r_temp->prev;
X	}	

sources-request@panda.UUCP (02/09/86)

Mod.sources:  Volume 3, Issue 115
Submitted by: ihnp4!dicomed!ndsuvax!nckary (Daniel D. Kary)

This is NOT a shell archive.  Simply delete everything up to and including
the cut mark and save the result as output.c.

Dan Kary

-------------- cut here ---------------
#include	<stdio.h>
#include 	"main.h"

char *type_names[4] = {
			"int ",
			"double ",
			"char *",
			"struct "

/* generate the myalloc procedure for allocating data structures */
/* generate procedures to test each data type and return a relop code */
	int i;
	FILE *fp;

	fp = misc;
	fprintf(fp,"\n\nchar* %smyalloc(n)\nint n;\n{\n", prefix);
	fprintf(fp,"\tchar *r;\n\n\tr = (char *) malloc(n);\n");
	fprintf(fp,"\tif(r == NULL){\n\t\tfprintf(stderr,\"OUT OF MEMORY\\n\");\n");
	fprintf(fp,"\t\tfprintf(stderr,\"TRC IS EXITING\\n\");\n");
	for(i = 0; i < 2; i++){
	    fprintf(fp,"\n\n%stest_%s(a,b)\n%s a, b;\n{\n", prefix,type_names[i], type_names[i]);
	    fprintf(fp,"\tif(a < b) return(4);\n");
	    fprintf(fp,"\tif(a == b) return(2);\n");
	fprintf(fp,"\n\n%stest_string(a,b)\nchar *a, *b;\n{\n",prefix);
	fprintf(fp,"\tint i;\n\n\ti = strcmp(a, b);\n");
	fprintf(fp,"\tif(i < 0) return(4);\n");
	fprintf(fp,"\tif(i == 0) return(2);\n");

/* generate procedures to search each structure for a compound match */
	int    i;
	struct def_list *temp;
	struct data_type *temp2;
	struct case_list *c_temp;
	FILE *fp;

	temp = token_list;
		fp = loop;
		fprintf(fp,"\nextern struct %s%s_struct *search_%s%s_struct();\n", prefix, temp->name, prefix, temp->name);
		fp = search;
		fprintf(fp,"\n\nstruct %s%s_struct *search_%s%s_struct(index", prefix, temp->name, prefix, temp->name);
		temp2 = temp->data_types;
		    if(temp2->type <= 2){
			    for(i = 0; i < strlen(temp2->name)-2; i++)
				fprintf(fp,"  ");
			    fprintf(fp," ");
		        fprintf(fp,"%s, %s_relop",temp2->name, temp2->name);
			    fprintf(fp,", %s_case",temp2->name);
		    temp2 = temp2->next;
		if(temp->data_types) fprintf(fp,"int  index");
		temp2 = temp->data_types;
		    if(temp2->type <= 2)
		        fprintf(fp,", %s_relop",temp2->name);
		    temp2 = temp2->next;
		if(temp->data_types) fprintf(fp,";\n");
		temp2 = temp->data_types;
		    if(temp2->type <= 2)
		        fprintf(fp,"%s%s;\n",type_names[temp2->type], temp2->name);
		    temp2 = temp2->next;
		    fprintf(fp,"\tstruct %s%s_struct *temp;\n\n", prefix,temp->name);
		    fprintf(fp,"\ttemp = %s%s_temp[index];\n\twhile(temp){", prefix,temp->name);
		    temp2 = temp->data_types;
		    fprintf(fp,"\n\t\tif(temp->MARK == 0){");
		    fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\tflag = 7;");
		      if(temp2->type <= 2){
			    fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\tcase 0:");
			if(temp2->elts) fprintf(fp,"\t");
		        fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tif(flag & %stest_", prefix);
		            case 0: fprintf(fp,"int");
		            case 1: fprintf(fp,"double");
		            case 2: fprintf(fp,"string");
			    default: break;
		        fprintf(fp,"(temp->%s, %s) & %s_relop);",
			    temp2->name, temp2->name, temp2->name);
			fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\t\telse flag = 0;");
			    c_temp = temp2->elts;
				fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\tcase %d:", c_temp->id);
		        	fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\t\tif(flag & test_");
		            	    case 0: fprintf(fp,"int");
		            	    case 1: fprintf(fp,"double");
		            	    case 2: fprintf(fp,"string");
			    	    default: break;
		        	fprintf(fp,"(temp->%s, temp->%s) & %s_relop);",
			    		temp2->name, c_temp->name, temp2->name);
				fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\t\telse flag = 0;");
				c_temp = c_temp->next;
			    fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\tdefault: flag = 0;\n\t\t\t}");
		      temp2 = temp2->next;
		    fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\tif(flag){\n\t\t\t\ttemp->MARK = 1;\n");
		    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\treturn(temp);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\ttemp = temp->next;\n");
	    temp = temp->next;

/* generate procedures to free a structure */
	int 	i;
	struct def_list *temp;
	struct data_type *temp2;
	FILE *fp;

	fp = fre;
	temp = token_list;
	    fprintf(fp,"\n\nfree_%s%s_struct(start)\nint start;\n{\n", prefix,temp->name);
	    fprintf(fp,"\tint i;\n\n");
	    fprintf(fp,"\tfor(i = start; i < %s%s_max; i++)\n", prefix,temp->name);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\tif(%s%s_list[i]){\n", prefix,temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tif(%s%s_list[i]->prev == NULL)\n", prefix,temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\t%s%s_list[0] = %s%s_list[i]->next;\n", prefix, temp->name, prefix, temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t%s%s_list[i]->prev->next = %s%s_list[i]->next;\n", prefix, temp->name, prefix, temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tif(%s%s_list[i]->next)\n\t\t\t\t%s%s_list[i]->next->prev = %s%s_list[i]->prev;\n",
		prefix, temp->name, prefix, temp->name, prefix, temp->name);
		temp2 = temp->data_types;
	    	   if(temp2->type == 2)
			fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tfree(%s%s_list[i]->%s);\n", prefix,temp->name, temp2->name);
	    	    temp2 = temp2->next;
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tfree(%s%s_list[i]);\n", prefix,temp->name);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%s%s_list[i] = NULL;\n", prefix,temp->name);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\ti = %s%s_max;\n", prefix,temp->name);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%stoken[%s%s]--;\n\t\t}", prefix, prefix,temp->name);
	  temp = temp->next;

/* generate procedures to relink a structure */
	int 	i;
	struct def_list *temp;
	struct data_type *temp2;
	FILE *fp;

	fp = relink;
	temp = token_list;
	    fprintf(fp,"\n\n%srelink_%s_struct(start)\nint start;\n{\n", prefix,temp->name);
	    fprintf(fp,"\tint i, j;\n");
	        fprintf(fp,"\tstruct %s%s_struct *temp;\n\n", prefix,temp->name);
	        fprintf(fp,"\tfor(i = start; i < %s%s_max; i++)\n", prefix,temp->name);
	        fprintf(fp,"\t\tif(%s%s_list[i]){\n", prefix,temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\ttemp = %s%s_list[0];\n", prefix,temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tj = 0;\n");
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\twhile(temp != %s%s_list[i]){\n", prefix,temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\ttemp = temp->next;\n");
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tif(%s%s_list[i]->prev == NULL)\n", prefix,temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\t%s%s_list[0] = %s%s_list[i]->next;\n", prefix, temp->name, prefix, temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t%s%s_list[i]->prev->next = %s%s_list[i]->next;\n", prefix, temp->name, prefix, temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tif(%s%s_list[i]->next)\n\t\t\t\t%s%s_list[i]->next->prev = %s%s_list[i]->prev;\n",
		prefix, temp->name, prefix, temp->name, prefix, temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%s%s_list[i]->MARK = j;\n", prefix, temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%s%s_list[i]->next = %sbacktrack->mark_%s;\n",prefix , temp->name, prefix, temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%sbacktrack->mark_%s = %s%s_list[i];\n", prefix, temp->name, prefix, temp->name);
	        fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%s%s_list[i] = NULL;\n", prefix,temp->name);
	        fprintf(fp,"\t\t\ti = %s%s_max;\n", prefix,temp->name);
	        fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%stoken[%s%s]--;\n\t\t}", prefix, prefix,temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%sbacktrack->mark_%s++;\n", prefix, temp->name);
	        fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%stoken[%s%s]--;\n", prefix, prefix,temp->name);
	    temp = temp->next;

/* generate procedure to restore structures */
	int 	i;
	struct def_list *temp;
	FILE *fp;

	fp = misc;
	temp = token_list;
	fprintf(fp,"\n\n%srestore()\n{\n\tint i;\n", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\n\tfor(i = 1; i < %s%s_max; i++)\n", prefix,temp->name);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\tif(%s%s_list[i]){\n", prefix,temp->name);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%s%s_list[i]->MARK = 0;\n", prefix, temp->name);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%s%s_list[i] = NULL;\n\t\t}\n", prefix,temp->name);
	  temp = temp->next;

/* generate procedures to add each structure to a list */
	int 	i;
	struct def_list *temp;
	struct data_type *temp2;
	FILE *fp;

	fp = add;
	temp = token_list;
	    fprintf(fp,"\n%sadd_%s_struct(", prefix,temp->name);
		temp2 = temp->data_types;
		i = 0;
		    if((temp2->type >= 0) && (temp2->type <= 2)){
			if(i) fprintf(fp,",");
		        fprintf(fp," %s",temp2->name);
		    i = 1;
		    temp2 = temp2->next;
		temp2 = temp->data_types;
			case 0: fprintf(fp,"int \t");
			case 1: fprintf(fp,"double\t");
			case 2: fprintf(fp,"char\t*");
			default: break;
		    if((temp2->type >= 0) && (temp2->type <= 2))
		    temp2 = temp2->next;
		fprintf(fp,"\n\tstruct %s%s_struct *temp;\n\n", prefix,temp->name);

	        fprintf(fp,"\ttemp = (struct %s%s_struct *) %smyalloc(sizeof(struct %s%s_struct));\n", prefix, temp->name, prefix, prefix, temp->name);
	        temp2 = temp->data_types;
		    if((temp2->type == 0) || (temp2->type == 1))
		        fprintf(fp,"\ttemp->%s = %s;\n",temp2->name, temp2->name);
			fprintf(fp,"\ttemp->%s = (char *) %smyalloc((strlen(%s)) + 1);\n",
				  temp2->name, prefix, temp2->name);
			fprintf(fp,"\tstrcpy(temp->%s, %s);\n",temp2->name, temp2->name);
	  	    temp2 = temp2->next;
		fprintf(fp,"\ttemp->MARK = 0;\n");
	        fprintf(fp,"\ttemp->next = %s%s_list[0];\n", prefix,temp->name);
	        fprintf(fp,"\ttemp->prev = NULL;\n");
	        fprintf(fp,"\tif(%s%s_list[0])\n", prefix, temp->name);
	        fprintf(fp,"\t\t%s%s_list[0]->prev = temp;\n", prefix,temp->name);
	        fprintf(fp,"\t%s%s_list[0] = temp;\n", prefix,temp->name);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t%stoken[%s%s]++;\n", prefix, prefix,temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\tif(%srestoring == 0)\n", prefix);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t%sbacktrack->Add_%s++;\n", prefix, temp->name);
	    temp = temp->next;

gen_save(test, fire)
int test, fire;
/* generate procedures to save the contents of 
   dynamically allocated structures on a file */
	int i, j;
	struct def_list *temp;
	struct data_type *temp2;
	FILE *fp;

	fp = save;
	/* profiling arrays */
	    fprintf(fp,"extern int %sfire_profile[], %stest_profile[];\n", prefix, prefix);
	/* boolean shared by scan and load procedures */
	fprintf(fp,"int %seof_flag;\n", prefix);
	/* procedure to read a line from a file */
	fprintf(fp,"\n\nchar *%sscan(fp)\nFILE *fp;\n{\n", prefix);
	fprintf(fp,"\tchar *s, c[512];\n\tint i;\n");
	fprintf(fp,"\n\ti = 0;\n\twhile(1){\n");
	fprintf(fp,"\t\tc[i] = getc(fp);\n");
	fprintf(fp,"\t\tif((c[i] == '\\n') || (c[i] == EOF)){\n");
	fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tif(c[i] == EOF)\n\t\t\t\t%seof_flag = 0;\n", prefix);
	fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tc[i] = '\\0';\n");
	fprintf(fp,"\t\t\ts = (char *) %smyalloc (i + 1);\n", prefix);
	fprintf(fp,"\t\t}\n\t\tif(i < 511)\n\t\t\ti++;\n");
	/* procedures to save stm on a file */
	fprintf(fp,"\n\n%ssave_stm(fp)\n", prefix);
	fprintf(fp,"FILE *fp;\n{\n");
	temp = token_list;
	    fprintf(fp,"\tsave_%s%s_struct(fp);\n", prefix,temp->name);
	    temp = temp->next;
	temp = token_list;
	    fprintf(fp,"\nsave_%s%s_struct(fp)\n", prefix,temp->name);
	    fprintf(fp,"FILE *fp;\n{\n");
		fprintf(fp,"\tstruct %s%s_struct *temp;\n\n", prefix,temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\ttemp = %s%s_list[0];\n", prefix,temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\twhile(temp->next != NULL)\n");
		fprintf(fp,"\t\ttemp = temp->next;\n");
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\tfprintf(fp,\"%s%s\\n\");\n", prefix, temp->name);
		temp2 = temp->data_types;
			if((temp2->type <= 2) && (temp2->type >= 0)){
			        case 0: fprintf(fp,"%cd", '%');
			        case 1: fprintf(fp,"%cf", '%');
			        case 2: fprintf(fp,"%cs", '%');
			        default: break;
		            fprintf(fp,"\\n\",temp->%s);\n", temp2->name);
			temp2 = temp2->next;
		fprintf(fp,"\t\ttemp = temp->prev;\n\t}\n");
		fprintf(fp,"\t\tfprintf(fp,\"%cd\\n\",%stoken[%s%s]);\n",'%', prefix, prefix,temp->name);
	    temp = temp->next;

	/* procedure to load stm from a file */
	fprintf(fp,"\n\n%sload_stm(fp)\nFILE *fp;\n{\n\tchar *s;\n", prefix);
	temp = token_list;
	    temp2 = temp->data_types;
		if((temp2->type <= 2) && (temp2->type >= 0))
		    fprintf(fp,"\t%s%s%s_%s;\n",type_names[temp2->type], prefix,
					      temp->name, temp2->name);
		temp2 = temp2->next;
	    temp = temp->next;
	temp = token_list;
	fprintf(fp,"\t%srestoring = 1;\n", prefix);
	fprintf(fp,"\n\n\t%seof_flag = 1;\n", prefix);
	fprintf(fp,"\twhile(%seof_flag){\n", prefix);
	fprintf(fp,"\t\ts = %sscan(fp);\n", prefix);
	i = 0;
		fprintf(fp,"else ");
	    fprintf(fp,"if(strcmp(s, \"%s%s\") == 0){\n", prefix,temp->name);
	        temp2 = temp->data_types;
			    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\ts = %sscan(fp);\n", prefix);
			        case 0: fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%s%s_%s = atoi(s);\n", prefix,temp->name, temp2->name);
			        case 1: fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%s%s_%s = atoi(s);\n", prefix,temp->name, temp2->name);
			        case 2: fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%s%s_%s = s;\n", prefix,temp->name, temp2->name);
			        default: break;
		    	    temp2 = temp2->next;
		/* generate the add statement here */
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%sadd_%s_struct(", prefix, temp->name);
		i = 0;
		temp2 = temp->data_types;
			fprintf(fp," ,");
		    i = 1;
		    fprintf(fp,"%s%s_%s", prefix,temp->name, temp2->name);
		    temp2 = temp2->next;
		temp2 = temp->data_types;
		    if(temp2->type == 2)
		        fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tfree(%s%s_%s);\n", prefix,temp->name, temp2->name);
		    temp2 = temp2->next;
	        /* read in the count and increment token[] */
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\ts = %sscan(fp);\n", prefix);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%stoken[%s%s] += atoi(s);\n", prefix, prefix, temp->name);
	    i = 1;
	    temp = temp->next;
	fprintf(fp,"\t%srestoring = 0;\n", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\n%ssave_backtrack(fp)\nFILE *fp;\n{\n", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\tstruct %sback_track_stack *temp;\n",prefix);
	    temp = token_list;
	    	    fprintf(fp,"\tstruct %s%s_struct *%s_tmp;\n",prefix, temp->name, temp->name);
		temp = temp->next;
	    fprintf(fp,"\n\ttemp = %sbacktrack;\n\twhile(temp){\n", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\tfprintf(fp,\"%sbacktrack\\n\");\n", prefix);
	    temp = token_list;
	    	    fprintf(fp,"\t\tfprintf(fp,\"%cd\\n\",temp->Add_%s);\n", '%', 
		    if(temp->data_types == NULL)
			    '%', temp->name);
		    temp = temp->next;
	    temp = token_list;
		    fprintf(fp,"\t\t%s_tmp = temp->mark_%s;\n", temp->name, temp->name);
		    fprintf(fp,"\t\twhile(%s_tmp){\n", temp->name);
	    	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tfprintf(fp,\"%s%s\\n\");\n", prefix, temp->name);
	    	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tfprintf(fp,\"%cd\\n\",%s_tmp->MARK);\n", '%', temp->name);
		    temp2 = temp->data_types;
		      if((temp2->type >= 0) && (temp2->type <= 2)){
	    	        fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tfprintf(fp,\"%c", '%');
			    case 0: fprintf(fp,"d");
			    case 1: fprintf(fp,"f");
			    case 2: fprintf(fp,"s");
			fprintf(fp,"\\n\",%s_tmp->%s);\n", temp->name, temp2->name);
		      temp2 = temp2->next;
		    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%s_tmp = %s_tmp->next;\n", temp->name, temp->name);
		temp = temp->next;
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\ttemp = temp->next;\n\t}\n");
	    fprintf(fp,"\n%sload_backtrack(fp)\nFILE *fp;\n{\n", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\tchar *s;\n");
	    fprintf(fp,"\tstruct %sback_track_stack *temp;\n",prefix);
	    temp = token_list;
	    	    fprintf(fp,"\tstruct %s%s_struct *%s_tmp;\n",prefix, temp->name, temp->name);
		temp = temp->next;
	    fprintf(fp,"\n\t%seof_flag = 1;\n\ttemp = NULL;\n", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\twhile(%seof_flag){\n", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\ts = %sscan(fp);\n", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\tif(strcmp(s,\"%sbacktrack\") == 0){\n", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tif(temp == NULL)\n\t\t\t\t%sbacktrack = temp = ", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"(struct %sback_track_stack *) %smyalloc ", prefix, prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"(sizeof(struct %sback_track_stack));\n",prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\telse{\n\t\t\t\ttemp->next = ", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"(struct %sback_track_stack *) %smyalloc ", prefix, prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"(sizeof(struct %sback_track_stack));\n",prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\ttemp = temp->next;\n\t\t\t}\n");
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\ts = %sscan(fp);\n", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\ttemp->next_rule = atoi(s);\n");
	    temp = token_list;
	        fprintf(fp,"\t\t\ts = %sscan(fp);\n", prefix);
	        fprintf(fp,"\t\t\ttemp->Add_%s = atoi(s);\n", temp->name);
	            fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%s_tmp = temp->mark_%s = NULL;\n", temp->name, temp->name);
	            fprintf(fp,"\t\t\ts = %sscan(fp);\n", prefix);
	            fprintf(fp,"\t\t\ttemp->mark_%s = atoi(s);\n", temp->name);
		temp = temp->next;
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\ttemp->next = NULL;\n");
	    temp = token_list;
	    	fprintf(fp,"\t\telse if(strcmp(s,\"%s%s\") == 0){\n", prefix,temp->name);
	    	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tif(%s_tmp == NULL)\n\t\t\t\ttemp->mark_%s = %s_tmp = ", temp->name, temp->name, temp->name);
	    	    fprintf(fp,"(struct %s%s_struct *) %smyalloc ", prefix, temp->name, prefix);
	    	    fprintf(fp,"(sizeof(struct %s%s_struct));\n",prefix, temp->name);
	    	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\telse{\n\t\t\t\t%s_tmp->next = ", temp->name);
	    	    fprintf(fp,"(struct %s%s_struct *) %smyalloc ", prefix, temp->name, prefix);
	    	    fprintf(fp,"(sizeof(struct %s%s_struct));\n",prefix, temp->name);
	    	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\t%s_tmp = %s_tmp->next;\n\t\t\t}\n", temp->name, temp->name);
		    temp2 = temp->data_types;
	            fprintf(fp,"\t\t\ts = %sscan(fp);\n", prefix);
		    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%s_tmp->MARK = atoi(s);\n",temp->name);
		      if((temp2->type >= 0) && (temp2->type <= 2)){
			fprintf(fp,"\t\t\ts = %sscan(fp);\n", prefix);
	    	        fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%s_tmp->%s = ",temp->name, temp2->name);
			    case 0: fprintf(fp,"atoi(s);\n");
			    case 1: fprintf(fp,"atof(s);\n");
			    case 2: fprintf(fp,"s;\n");
		      temp2 = temp2->next;
		temp = temp->next;
	    fprintf(fp,"\n%ssave_profile(fp)\nFILE *fp;\n{\n", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\tint i;\n\n");
	    fprintf(fp,"\tfor(i = 0; i < %d; i++)\n",fire);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\tfprintf(fp,\"%cd\\n\",%sfire_profile[i]);\n", '%', prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\tfor(i = 0; i < %d; i++)\n",test);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\tfprintf(fp,\"%cd\\n\",%stest_profile[i]);\n", '%', prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\n%sload_profile(fp)\nFILE *fp;\n{\n", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\tchar *s;\n\tint i;\n\n");
	    fprintf(fp,"\tfor(i = 0; i < %d; i++){\n",fire);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t%sfire_profile[i] = atoi(s = %sscan(fp));\n", prefix, prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\tfor(i = 0; i < %d; i++){\n",test);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t%stest_profile[i] = atoi(s = %sscan(fp));\n", prefix, prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\n%ssave_trace(fp)\nFILE *fp;\n{\n", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\tstruct %strace *temp;\n\n", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\ttemp = %strace_front;\n", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\tfprintf(fp,\"%cd\\n\", temp->rule);\n",'%');
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\ttemp = temp->next;\n\t}\n}\n");
	    fprintf(fp,"\n%sload_trace(fp)\nFILE *fp;\n{\n\tchar *s;\n\n", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t%seof_flag = 1;\n\ts = %sscan(fp);\n",prefix ,prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\twhile(%seof_flag){\n", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\tif(%strace_back){\n", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%strace_back->next = (struct %strace *) ",prefix, prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"%smyalloc (sizeof(struct %strace));\n", prefix, prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%strace_back = %strace_back->next;\n", prefix, prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%strace_front = %strace_back = (struct %strace *) ",prefix, prefix, prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"%smyalloc (sizeof(struct %strace));\n", prefix, prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t%strace_back->rule = atoi(s);\n", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\tfree(s);\n\t\ts = %sscan(fp);\n", prefix);

/* generate procedures to print the contents of stm on the standard output */
	struct def_list *temp;
	struct data_type *temp2;
	FILE *fp;

	fp = dump;
	fprintf(fp,"\n\n%sdump_stm()\n{\n", prefix);
	temp = token_list;
	    fprintf(fp,"\t%sdump_%s_struct();\n", prefix,temp->name);
	    temp = temp->next;
	temp = token_list;
		fprintf(fp,"\n%sdump_%s_struct()\n{\n", prefix,temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\tint\ti;\n\tstruct %s%s_struct *temp;\n\n", prefix,temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\ti = 1;\n");
		fprintf(fp,"\tprintf(\"\\nDumping %s list (%cd)\\n\",%stoken[%s%s]);\n", temp->name, '%', prefix, prefix, temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\ttemp = %s%s_list[0];\n\twhile(temp){\n", prefix,temp->name);
		temp2 = temp->data_types;
			    case 0: fprintf(fp,"%cd\\t", '%');
			    case 1: fprintf(fp,"%cf\\t", '%');
			    case 2: fprintf(fp,"%cs\\t", '%');
			    default: break;
			temp2 = temp2->next;
		fprintf(fp,"\\n\", i");
		temp2 = temp->data_types;
			if((temp2->type >= 0) && (temp2->type <= 2))
			    fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\t, temp->%s",temp2->name);
			temp2 = temp2->next;
		fprintf(fp,");\n\t\ttemp = temp->next;\n\t\ti++;\n\t}\n");
	    temp = temp->next;

/* generate procedure to initialize stm */
/* if mode is zero, then generate only code to add to stm */
int mode;
	int i;
	struct init *temp;
	struct fields *temp2;
	struct def_list *t;
	struct data_type *t2;
	FILE *fp;

	    fp = add;
	    fp = loop;
	temp = init_list->next;			/* the first one is a place holder */
	    fprintf(fp,"\n\n%sinit()\n{\n\tint i;\n", prefix);
		fprintf(fp,"\n\t%sbacktrack = (struct %sback_track_stack *)", prefix, prefix);
		fprintf(fp," %smyalloc (sizeof(struct %sback_track_stack));\n", prefix, prefix);

	        if(mode == 0) fprintf(fp,"\t\t");
		fprintf(fp,"\tfor(i = 0; i < %d; i++)\n\t",temp->count);
	    if(mode == 0) fprintf(fp,"\t\t");
	    fprintf(fp,"\t%sadd_%s_struct(" , prefix, temp->object);
	    t = token_list;
	    while(strcmp(t->name, temp->object) != 0)
		t = t->next;
	    i = 0;
	    t2 = t->data_types;
		temp2 = temp->items;
		while((temp2) && (strcmp(temp2->element, t2->name) != 0))
			temp2 = temp2->next;
		if((temp2) && (temp2->type != 3)){
		    if(i) fprintf(fp,", "); i = 1;
		    if(temp2->type >= 0){
		        if(temp2->type == 2) fprintf(fp,"\"");
		        if(temp2->type == 2) fprintf(fp,"\"");
			   fprintf(fp,"%s%s_empty[%d].%s", prefix,temp2->object,
				temp2->index, temp2->value);
			   fprintf(fp,"%s%s_list[%d]->%s", prefix,temp2->object,
				temp2->index, temp2->value);
		else if(t2->type != 3){
		    if(i) fprintf(fp,", "); i = 1;
		    if(t2->type == 2)
		    if(t2->type == 1)
		    if(t2->type == 0)
		t2 = t2->next;
	    temp = temp->next;
	        fprintf(fp,"\tfree(%sbacktrack);\n", prefix);
	        fprintf(fp,"\t%sbacktrack = NULL;\n", prefix);

generate structure definitions from token list
	int i;
	struct def_list *temp;
	struct data_type *temp2;
	FILE *fp;

	i = 0;
	fp = header;
	temp = token_list;
	    fprintf(fp,"\nstruct %s%s_struct {\n", prefix,temp->name);
		temp2 = temp->data_types;
		    if(temp2->type != 3)
		        fprintf(fp,"\t\tstruct %s%s_struct *%s;\n", prefix,temp->name, temp2->name);
		    temp2 = temp2->next;
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\tint MARK;\n");
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\tstruct %s%s_struct *prev;\n", prefix,temp->name);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\tstruct %s%s_struct *next;\n", prefix,temp->name);
	    fprintf(fp,"} *%s%s_list[%s%s_max],", prefix,temp->name, prefix, temp->name);
	        fprintf(fp," %s%s_empty[%d],", prefix,temp->name, max_empty[i]);
	    fprintf(fp," *%s%s_temp[%s%s_max];\n", prefix,temp->name, prefix, temp->name);
	  temp = temp->next;
	    fprintf(fp,"\nstruct %sback_track_stack {\n", prefix);
	    temp = token_list;
		    fprintf(fp,"\tint Add_%s;\n",temp->name);
		        fprintf(fp,"\tstruct %s%s_struct *mark_%s;\n", prefix,temp->name, temp->name);
		        fprintf(fp,"\tint mark_%s;\n", temp->name);
		    temp = temp->next;
	    fprintf(fp,"\tint next_rule;\n");
	    fprintf(fp,"\tstruct %sback_track_stack *next;\n} *%sbacktrack;\n", prefix, prefix);

/* generate procedures required for backtracking */
	struct def_list *temp;
	FILE *fp;

	fp = backtrack;
	temp = token_list;
	fprintf(fp,"\n%sinsert_backtrack(rule)\nint rule;\n{\n", prefix);
	fprintf(fp,"\tstruct %sback_track_stack *temp;\n\n", prefix);
	fprintf(fp,"\ttemp = (struct %sback_track_stack *) %smyalloc", prefix, prefix);
	fprintf(fp,"(sizeof(struct %sback_track_stack));\n", prefix);
	fprintf(fp,"\ttemp->next_rule = rule;\n");
	    fprintf(fp,"\ttemp->Add_%s = 0;\n", temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\ttemp->mark_%s = NULL;\n", temp->name);
	        fprintf(fp,"\ttemp->mark_%s = 0;\n", temp->name);
	    temp = temp->next;
	fprintf(fp,"\ttemp->next = %sbacktrack;\n", prefix);
	fprintf(fp,"\t%sbacktrack = temp;\n}\n", prefix);

	fprintf(fp,"\n%sbackup()\n{\n\tint i;\n", prefix);
	fprintf(fp,"\tstruct %sback_track_stack *temp;\n", prefix);
	temp = token_list;
		fprintf(fp,"\tstruct %s%s_struct *%s_temp, *%s_temp2;\n",
			prefix, temp->name, temp->name, temp->name);
	    temp = temp->next;
	fprintf(fp,"\n\tif(%sbacktrack == NULL)\n\t\treturn;\n", prefix);
	temp = token_list;
		fprintf(fp,"\twhile(%sbacktrack->mark_%s){\n", prefix, temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t%s_temp2 = %sbacktrack->mark_%s;\n",
			temp->name, prefix, temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t%sbacktrack->mark_%s = %sbacktrack->mark_%s->next;\n", prefix,
			temp->name, prefix, temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t%s_temp2->prev = NULL;\n", temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t%s_temp2->next = NULL;\n", temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t%s_temp = %s%s_list[0];\n", temp->name, prefix, temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\tif(%s_temp){\n", temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tfor(i = 0; i < %s_temp2->MARK; i++)\n", temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\tif(%s_temp->next)\n", temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\t\t%s_temp = %s_temp->next;\n",

			temp->name, temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\t\ti = %s_temp2->MARK + 1;\n", temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t}\n\t\telse i = -1;\n");
		fprintf(fp,"\t\tif(i == %s_temp2->MARK){\n", temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%s_temp2->next = %s_temp;\n", temp->name, temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%s_temp2->prev = %s_temp->prev;\n",
			temp->name, temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tif(%s_temp->prev)\n", temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\t%s_temp->prev->next = %s_temp2;\n",
			temp->name, temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\t%s%s_list[0] = %s_temp2;\n", prefix, temp->name, temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%s_temp->prev = %s_temp2;\n", temp->name, temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tif(%s_temp){\n", temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\t%s_temp->next = %s_temp2;\n", temp->name, temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\t%s_temp2->prev = %s_temp;\n", temp->name, temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\t%s_temp2->next = NULL;\n", temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse %s%s_list[0] = %s_temp2;\n", prefix, temp->name, temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t%s_temp2->MARK = 0;\n", temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t%stoken[%s%s]++;\n", prefix, prefix, temp->name);
	        fprintf(fp,"\tfor(i = 0; i < %sbacktrack->Add_%s; i++){\n", prefix, temp->name);
	        fprintf(fp,"\t\t%s%s_list[1] = %s%s_list[0];\n", prefix,temp->name, prefix, temp->name);
	        fprintf(fp,"\t\tfree_%s%s_struct(1);\n\t}\n", prefix, temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t%stoken[%s%s] += %sbacktrack->mark_%s;\n", prefix, prefix,
			temp->name, prefix, temp->name);
		fprintf(fp,"\t%stoken[%s%s] -= %sbacktrack->Add_%s;\n",
		prefix, prefix, temp->name, prefix, temp->name);
	    temp = temp->next;
	fprintf(fp,"\ttemp = %sbacktrack;\n", prefix);
	fprintf(fp,"\t%sbacktrack = %sbacktrack->next;\n", prefix, prefix);

/* generate code to support building a trace list */
	int i;
	struct rule *temp;
	FILE *fp;

	fp = header;
	fprintf(fp,"\nstruct %strace{\n\tint rule;\n", prefix);
	fprintf(fp,"\tstruct %strace *next;\n} ", prefix);
	fprintf(fp,"*%strace_front, *%strace_back;\n\n", prefix, prefix);
	temp = rule_list;
	i = 1;
	    temp = temp->next;
	fp = loop;
	fprintf(fp,"char *%srule_names[%d] = {\n", prefix,i+2);
	fprintf(fp,"\t\"%sStart\",\n", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\"%s%s\",\n", prefix,temp->label);
	    temp = temp->prev;
	fprintf(fp,"\t\"%sEnd\"\n};\n\n", prefix);
	fp = misc;
	fprintf(fp,"\n%sappend_trace(i)\nint i;\n{\n", prefix);
	fprintf(fp,"\tstruct %strace *temp;\n\n\t", prefix);
	fprintf(fp,"temp = (struct %strace *) %smyalloc (sizeof(struct %strace));\n", prefix, prefix, prefix);
	fprintf(fp,"\ttemp->rule = i;\n\ttemp->next = NULL;\n");
	fprintf(fp,"\tif(%strace_front){\n\t\t%strace_back->next = temp;\n", prefix, prefix);
	fprintf(fp,"\t\t%strace_back = %strace_back->next;\n\t}\n", prefix, prefix);
	fprintf(fp,"\telse %strace_front = %strace_back = temp;\n}\n\n", prefix, prefix);

int n,d;
/* generate procedures and structures to generate profile */
	struct list *temp;
	struct rule *r_temp;
	FILE *fp;

	fp = profile;
	temp = label_list;
	fprintf(fp,"\nint %stest_profile[%d];\n\n", prefix, n);
	fprintf(fp,"\nint %sfire_profile[%d];\n\n", prefix, d);
	fprintf(fp,"char *%slabel_names[%d] = {\n", prefix, n);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\"%s%s\"", prefix, temp->name);
	    temp = temp->next;
	r_temp = rule_list;
	    r_temp = r_temp->next;
	fprintf(fp,"};\n\nchar *%srules[%d] = {\n\t\"\",\n", prefix, d);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\"%s%s\"", prefix, r_temp->label);
	    r_temp = r_temp->prev;
	fprintf(fp,"};\n\n%sprint_profile()\n{\n", prefix);
	fprintf(fp,"\tint i, t;\n\n\tt = 0;\n\tprintf(\"\\nRules Tested\\n\");\n", n);
	fprintf(fp,"\tfor(i = 0; i < %d; i++){\n", n);
	fprintf(fp,"\\t%cs\\n\",%stest_profile[i],", '%', prefix);
	fprintf(fp," %slabel_names[i]);\n", prefix);
	fprintf(fp,"\t\tt += %stest_profile[i];\n\t}\n", prefix);
	fprintf(fp,"\tprintf(\"%cd\\n\", t);\n\tt = 0;\n", '%');
	fprintf(fp,"\tprintf(\"\\nRules Fired\\n\");\n", n);
	fprintf(fp,"\n\tfor(i = 1; i < %d; i++){\n", d);
	fprintf(fp,"\\t%cs\\n\",%sfire_profile[i],", '%', prefix);
	fprintf(fp," %srules[i]);\n", prefix);
	fprintf(fp,"\t\tt += %sfire_profile[i];\n\t}\n", prefix);
	fprintf(fp,"\tprintf(\"%cd\\n\", t);\n}\n", '%');

int test, fire;
generate a procedure that will free or zero all data
structures generated by trc
	int i;
	FILE *fp;
	struct def_list *d_temp;
	struct data_type *dt_temp;

	fp = zero;
	    fprintf(fp,"extern int %stest_profile[], %sfire_profile[];\n",prefix, prefix);
	fprintf(fp,"\n\n%szero()\n{\n\tint i;\n",prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\tstruct %sback_track_stack *b_temp;\n", prefix);
	/* pointer definitions */
	d_temp = token_list;
	        fprintf(fp,"\tstruct %s%s_struct *%s_tmp;\n", prefix,d_temp->name,d_temp->name);
	    d_temp = d_temp->next;
	/* free struct lists */
	d_temp = token_list;
	        fprintf(fp,"\twhile(%s%s_list[0]){\n", prefix,d_temp->name);
	        fprintf(fp,"\t\t%s%s_list[1] = %s%s_list[0];\n", prefix,d_temp->name, prefix,d_temp->name);
	        fprintf(fp,"\t\tfree_%s%s_struct(1);\n\t}\n", prefix,d_temp->name);
	    d_temp = d_temp->next;
	/* free backtracking data */
	    fprintf(fp,"\twhile(%sbacktrack){\n", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\tb_temp = %sbacktrack;\n", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t%sbacktrack = %sbacktrack->next;\n", prefix, prefix);
	    d_temp = token_list;
	            fprintf(fp,"\t\t%s_tmp = b_temp->mark_%s;\n",d_temp->name,d_temp->name);
	            fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tb_temp->mark_%s = b_temp->mark_%s->next;\n",d_temp->name,d_temp->name);
		    dt_temp = d_temp->data_types;
			if(dt_temp->type == 2)
			dt_temp = dt_temp->next;
	            fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%s_tmp = b_temp->mark_%s;\n\t\t}\n",d_temp->name,d_temp->name);
	        d_temp = d_temp->next;
	/* zero structure pointers */
	d_temp = token_list;
	        fprintf(fp,"\tfor(i = 0; i < %s%s_max; i++)\n", prefix,d_temp->name);
	        fprintf(fp,"\t\t%s%s_list[i] = %s%s_temp[i] = NULL;\n", prefix,d_temp->name, prefix,d_temp->name);
	    d_temp = d_temp->next;
	/* zero integer arrays */
	fprintf(fp,"\tfor(i = 0; i < %d; i++)\n",total_tokens);
	fprintf(fp,"\t\t%stoken[i] = 0;\n", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\tfor(i = 0; i < %d; i++)\n",fire);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t%sfire_profile[i] = 0;\n", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\tfor(i = 0; i < %d; i++)\n",test);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t%stest_profile[i] = 0;\n", prefix);
	/* zero trace list */
	    fprintf(fp,"\twhile(%strace_front){\n", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t%strace_back = %strace_front;\n", prefix, prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t%strace_front = %strace_front->next;\n", prefix, prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\tfree(%strace_back);\n", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t}\n\t%strace_back = NULL;\n", prefix);

trans_code(rule, list, fp, label)
/* translate references to objects in embedded C code */
struct rule *rule;
struct list *list;
FILE *fp;
char *label;
	struct match *m_temp;
	struct list *l_temp;
	int i, j;
	char c[512];

	l_temp = list;
		    i = 0;
			if(l_temp->name[i] == '$'){
			    i++; j = 0;
			    while(l_temp->name[i] != '.'){
				c[j] = l_temp->name[i];
				if(c[j] == '\0'){
				    fprintf(stderr,"cannot translate %s in rule %s\n",c, rule->label);
				    fprintf(stderr,"%s\n", l_temp->name);
				i++; j++;
			    c[j] = '\0';
			    m_temp = rule->complex;
			    if((strcmp(c, "FAIL")) == 0){
				if(rule->recurs == 0)
				    fprintf(fp,"%srestore();\n", prefix);
				fprintf(fp,"goto %s;}\n", label);
			      while(m_temp && j){
				if((strcmp(c, m_temp->free_name)) == 0){
				    fprintf(fp,"%s%s_", prefix , m_temp->object);
				        fprintf(fp,"empty[%d].", m_temp->index);
				        fprintf(fp,"list[%d]->", m_temp->index);
				    j = 0;
				m_temp = m_temp->next;
				fprintf(stderr,"cannot translate %s in rule %s\n",c, rule->label);
				fprintf(stderr,"%s\n", l_temp->name);
		l_temp = l_temp->next;

Produce the output code
	int i, j, k, l, count, prev_index, label_count;
	char s[512];
	struct list *l_temp;
	struct def_list *d_temp, *d_temp2;
	struct data_type *dt_temp;
	struct rule *r_temp, *r_temp2, *r_const;
	struct match *m_temp, *m_temp2, *m_temp3, *m_temp4;
	struct test *t_temp;
	struct list *label_temp;
	FILE *fp;

	fp = header;
	l_temp = header_code;
		l_temp = l_temp->next;
	d_temp = token_list;
	for(i = 0; i < total_tokens; i++)
	    fprintf(fp,"#define %s%s %d\n", prefix,d_temp->name, i);
	    j = max_free[i];
	    if(j <= 2) j = 2;
	    fprintf(fp,"#define %s%s_max %d\n", prefix,d_temp->name, j);
	    d_temp = d_temp->next;
	fp = loop;
	fprintf(fp,"int %stotal_tokens = %d;\n", prefix,total_tokens);
	fprintf(fp,"int %stoken[%d];\n", prefix,total_tokens);
	    fprintf(fp,"extern int %stest_profile[];\n", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"extern int %sfire_profile[];\n", prefix);
	d_temp = token_list;
	fprintf(fp,"char *%stoken_name[%d] = {\n", prefix,total_tokens);
	for(i = 0; i < total_tokens; i++)

	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\042%s%s\042", prefix,d_temp->name);
	    d_temp = d_temp->next;
	fp = header;
	init_list = init_list2;
	fp = loop;
	fprintf(fp,"\n%sloop()\n{\n\tint i;\n", prefix);
	fprintf(fp,"\twhile(1){\n%sStart:\n", prefix);
	    label_list = (struct list *) malloc(sizeof(struct list));
	    label_list->name = (char *) malloc(strlen(prefix) + 6);
	    label_temp = label_list;
	    label_count = 1;
	    strcpy(label_list->name, prefix );
	    strcat(label_list->name, "Start");
	    fprintf(fp,"\t%stest_profile[0]++;\n", prefix);
	r_temp = rule_list;
	while(r_temp->next != NULL)
		r_temp = r_temp->next;
	r_const = r_temp;

	    /* label of this rule */
	    fprintf(fp,"%s%s:\n", prefix,r_temp->label);

	        label_temp->next = (struct list *) malloc(sizeof(struct list));
		label_temp = label_temp->next;
	        label_temp->name = (char *) malloc(strlen(prefix) + strlen(r_temp->label) + 1);
	        strcpy(label_temp->name, prefix);
	        strcat(label_temp->name, r_temp->label);
	        fprintf(fp,"\t%stest_profile[%d]++;\n", prefix, label_count);

	    /* test for code that must precede all tests */
	    m_temp3 = NULL;
	    m_temp = r_temp->complex;
	    /* skip over empty definitions */
	    while((m_temp) && (m_temp->empty)){
		m_temp3 = m_temp;
		m_temp = m_temp->next;
	    /* if the first non empty entry is c_code it must precede all tests */
		    sprintf(s,"%s%s\0",prefix, r_temp->prev->label);
		trans_code(r_temp, m_temp->c_code, fp, s);
		/* unlink the code so it isn't inserted twice */
		    m_temp3->next = m_temp->next;
		    r_temp->complex = r_temp->complex->next;

	    /* test for object counts */
	    d_temp = token_list;
	    for(i = 0; i < total_tokens; i++){
		if(r_temp->search[i] > 0)
		    fprintf(fp,"(%stoken[%s%s] >= %d) &&\n\t\t\t", prefix, prefix,d_temp->name,r_temp->search[i]);
		if(r_temp->search[i] < 0)
		    fprintf(fp,"(%stoken[%s%s] <= 0) &&\n\t\t\t", prefix, prefix,d_temp->name);
		d_temp = d_temp->next;
	    d_temp = token_list;

	    /* generate complex matching code */

	    /* first initialize the current free variable matrix */
	    for(i = 0; i < total_tokens; i++)
		current_free[i] = 1;

	        m_temp = m_temp3 = r_temp->complex;
		prev_index = 0;
		    if((prev_index == 0) || (r_temp->recurs == 0)){
		            sprintf(s,"%s%s\0", prefix,r_temp->prev->label);
		            sprintf(s,"%sEnd\0", prefix);
			sprintf(s,"%s%s_%s_%d\0", prefix,
		    	r_temp->label, m_temp3->object, prev_index);
		    trans_code(r_temp, m_temp->c_code, fp, s);
		 else if(m_temp->empty){
		     /* declaration only - don't generate any code */
		     i = 0;
		 i = 0;
		 d_temp = token_list;
		 while(strcmp(m_temp->object, d_temp->name) != 0){
		     d_temp = d_temp->next;
		  for(count = 0; count < m_temp->count; count++){

		    /* initialize temp */
		    fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\t%s%s_temp[%d] = %s%s_list[0];\n"
		    , prefix, m_temp->object, current_free[i], prefix, m_temp->object);

		    /* print a label */
		    if((r_temp->recurs) || (profiling)){
			fprintf(fp,"%s%s_%s_%d:\n", prefix, r_temp->label, m_temp->object, current_free[i]);
	        	    label_temp->next = (struct list *) malloc(sizeof(struct list));
			    label_temp = label_temp->next;
	        	    label_temp->name = (char *) malloc(strlen(r_temp->label) + strlen(m_temp->object) + strlen(prefix) + 10);
			    sprintf(label_temp->name,"%s%s_%s_%d", prefix, 
				    r_temp->label, m_temp->object, current_free[i]);
	        	    fprintf(fp,"\t%stest_profile[%d]++;\n", prefix, label_count);

		    /* free the previously found item */
			fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tif(%s%s_list[%d])\n", prefix, m_temp->object, current_free[i]);
			fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\t%s%s_list[%d]->MARK = 0;\n", prefix, m_temp->object, current_free[i]);

		    /* do the search */
		    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tif((%s%s_list[%d] = search_%s%s_struct(%d"
		   , prefix , m_temp->object, current_free[i], prefix, m_temp->object, current_free[i]);
		    dt_temp = d_temp->data_types;
		        if(dt_temp->type <= 2){
			    t_temp = m_temp->tests;
			    j = 1;
			    while(j && t_temp){
			        if(strcmp(t_temp->element, dt_temp->name) == 0){
				    j = 0;
				    if((t_temp->type == 0) || (t_temp->type == 1))
				        fprintf(fp,", %s",t_temp->value);
				    if(t_temp->type == 2)
				        fprintf(fp,", \"%s\"",t_temp->value);
				    if(t_temp->type == -1){
					    fprintf(fp,", 0");
				            l = 0;
				            m_temp2 = r_temp->complex;
					        if(strcmp(m_temp2->free_name, t_temp->free_name) == 0){
					            l = m_temp2->index;
						    m_temp4 = m_temp2;
					            m_temp2 = NULL;
					            m_temp2 = m_temp2->next;
				                fprintf(fp,", %s%s_empty[%d].%s", prefix,m_temp4->object,l,t_temp->value);
				                fprintf(fp,", %s%s_list[%d]->%s", prefix,m_temp4->object,l,t_temp->value);
				    fprintf(fp,", %d", t_temp->relop);
					fprintf(fp,", %d",t_temp->id);
				    t_temp = t_temp->next;
			        case 0: fprintf(fp,", 0, 7");
			        case 1: fprintf(fp,", 0.0, 7");
			        case 2: fprintf(fp,", \"\", 7");
			        default: break;
				    fprintf(fp,", 0");
		        dt_temp = dt_temp->next;
		    fprintf(fp,")) == NULL){\n");
		    /* search failed on first of rule */

		    if((prev_index == 0) || (r_temp->recurs == 0)){
		        fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\t%srestore();\n", prefix);
		            fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\tgoto %s%s;\n\t\t\t}", prefix,r_temp->prev->label);
		            fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\tgoto %sEnd;\n\t\t\t}", prefix);

		    /* search failed - not first of rule */
			fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\tgoto %s%s_%s_%d;\n\t\t\t}", prefix,
		    	r_temp->label, m_temp3->object, prev_index);

		    /* move index one beyond the one currently found */
		    if(r_temp->recurs) fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\t%s%s_temp[%d] = %s%s_list[%d]->next;", prefix,
				m_temp->object, current_free[i], prefix,
				m_temp->object, current_free[i]);

		    m_temp3 = m_temp;
		    prev_index = current_free[i];
		 m_temp = m_temp->next;

	    /* get rule number for next 3 statements */

		i = 1;
		r_temp2 = r_const;
		while(r_temp != r_temp2){
		    r_temp2 = r_temp2->prev;

	    /* generate profile code if profiling */

	        fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\t%sfire_profile[%d]++;", prefix, i);

	    /* generate append code if tracing */

	        fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\t%sappend_trace(%d);", prefix, i);

	    /* generate insert code if backtracking */

	        fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\t%sinsert_backtrack(%d);", prefix, i);

	    /* generate ADD code */

	    init_list = r_temp->add;

	    generate MARK code
	    /* first MARK objects deleted by name */
	    m_temp = r_temp->complex;
		        fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\t\t%srelink_%s_struct(%d);", prefix,m_temp->object, m_temp->index);
			d_temp = token_list;
			while(strcmp(m_temp->object, d_temp->name))
			    d_temp = d_temp->next;
		            fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\t\tfree_%s%s_struct(%d);", prefix,m_temp->object, m_temp->index);
		            fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\t\t%stoken%s[%s]--;", prefix, prefix,d_temp->name);
		m_temp = m_temp->next;

	    /* now MARK the rest of the objects */
	    d_temp = token_list;
	    for(i = 0; i < total_tokens; i++){
		    fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\tfor(i = 0; i < %d; i++)",r_temp->mark[i]);
		        fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\t\t%srelink_%s_struct(1);", prefix,d_temp->name);
		            fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\t\tfree_%s%s_struct(1);", prefix,d_temp->name);
		            fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\t\t%stoken[%s%s]--;", prefix, prefix,d_temp->name);
		d_temp = d_temp->next;
	    d_temp = token_list;

	    fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\t%srestore();", prefix);

	    l_temp = r_temp->c_code;
	    trans_code(r_temp, l_temp, fp);
	    	fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tgoto %s%s;\n\t\t}\n", prefix, r_temp->opt);
	    	fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tgoto %sStart;\n\t\t}\n", prefix);
	    r_temp = r_temp->prev;
	fprintf(fp,"\n%sEnd:\n", prefix);

	        label_temp->next = (struct list *) malloc(sizeof(struct list));
		label_temp = label_temp->next;
	        label_temp->name = (char *) malloc(strlen(prefix) + 4);
	        strcpy(label_temp->name, prefix);
	        strcat(label_temp->name, "End");
	        fprintf(fp,"\t%stest_profile[%d]++;\n", prefix, label_count);

		i = 1;
		r_temp2 = r_const;
		    r_temp2 = r_temp2->prev;
		fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%sappend_trace(%d);\n", prefix,i);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tif(%sbacktrack){\n", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\ti = %sbacktrack->next_rule;\n", prefix);
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\t%sbackup();\n", prefix);
	    i = 1;
	    r_temp2 = r_const;
	        fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\t\tcase %d: goto ", i);
	    	    fprintf(fp,"%s%s;\n", prefix, r_temp2->prev->label);
	    	    fprintf(fp,"%sEnd;\n", prefix);
	        r_temp2 = r_temp2->prev;
	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\t\tdefault: goto %sEnd;", prefix);
	l_temp = trailer_code;
		l_temp = l_temp->next;

		i = 0;
		r_temp2 = r_const;
		    r_temp2 = r_temp2->prev;
	    gen_profile(label_count, i+1);
	    gen_zero(label_count, i+1);
	    gen_save(label_count, i+1);

sources-request@panda.UUCP (02/09/86)

Mod.sources:  Volume 3, Issue 116
Submitted by: ihnp4!dicomed!ndsuvax!nckary (Daniel D. Kary)

: This is a shar archive.  Extract with sh, not csh.
: The rest of this file will extract:
: p_out.c parser scanner.c
echo extracting - p_out.c
sed 's/^X//' > p_out.c << '!EOR!'
X/*      P_OUT.C -- Translate production rules to pascal.   Version 1.1    */
X/*      co-authored by Dean Hystad and Dan Kary.                          */
X#include	<stdio.h>
X#include 	"main.h"
XFILE *fp,*lp;
Xchar *p_type_names[4] = {
X			"integer",
X			"real",
X			"strings",
X			"record"
X/* generate procedures to test each data type and return a relop code */
X	int i;
X	for(i = 0; i < 3; i++){
X            fprintf(fp,"\n\nfunction %stest_%s(", prefix, p_type_names[i]) ;
X            fprintf(fp,"\n\t\ta, b: %s ):", p_type_names[i]) ;
X	    fprintf(fp,"\n\t\tinteger ;") ;
X            fprintf(fp,"\n\nvar\n\treturn: integer ;") ;
X	    fprintf(fp,"\n\nbegin\n") ;
X	    fprintf(fp,"\tif(a < b) then return := 4\n");
X	    fprintf(fp,"\telse if(a = b) then return := 2\n");
X	    fprintf(fp,"\telse return := 1 ;\n");
X	    fprintf(fp,"\t%stest_%s := return\n", prefix, p_type_names[i]) ;
X	    fprintf(fp,"end ;\n") ;
X	}
X/* generate procedures to search each structure for a compound match */
X	int    i;
X	struct def_list *temp;
X	struct data_type *temp2;
X	struct case_list *c_temp;
X	temp = token_list;
X	while(temp){
X	    if(temp->data_types){
X		temp2 = temp->data_types;
X		fprintf(fp,"\n\nfunction search_%s%s_record(\n\t\tndx : integer",prefix,temp->name);
X		while(temp2){
X		    if(temp2->type <= 2){
X		        fprintf(fp," ;\n\t\t%s : %s",temp2->name,p_type_names[temp2->type]);
X		        fprintf(fp," ;\n\t\t%s_relop : integer",temp2->name);
X			if(temp2->elts)
X			    fprintf(fp," ;\n\t\t%s_case : %s",temp2->name,p_type_names[temp2->type]);
X		    }
X		    temp2 = temp2->next;
X		}
X		fprintf(fp," ):\n\t\t%s%s_record_ptr ;\n\n",prefix,temp->name);
X		fprintf(fp,"var\n");
X		fprintf(fp,"\tflag : integer ;\n");
X		fprintf(fp,"\ttemp : %s%s_record_ptr ;\n", prefix,temp->name);
X		fprintf(fp,"\treturn : %s%s_record_ptr ;\n\n",prefix,temp->name);
X		fprintf(fp,"begin\n");
X		fprintf(fp,"\treturn := nil ;\n");
X		fprintf(fp,"\tflag := 0 ;\n");
X		fprintf(fp,"\ttemp := %s%s_temp[ndx];\n\twhile (flag=0) and (temp <> nil) do begin", prefix,temp->name);
X		temp2 = temp->data_types;
X		fprintf(fp,"\n\t\tif temp^.MARK = 0 then begin");
X		fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\tflag := 7 ;");
X		while(temp2){
X		    if(temp2->type <= 2){
X			if(temp2->elts){
X			    fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\tcase( %s_case )of",temp2->name);
X			    fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\t0:");
X			}
X			fprintf(fp,"\n");
X			if(temp2->elts) fprintf(fp,"\t");
X		        fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tif( (flag and %stest_", prefix);
X			fprintf(fp,"%s",p_type_names[temp2->type]);
X		        fprintf(fp,"(temp^.%s, %s) and %s_relop)=0 )then",
X			    temp2->name, temp2->name, temp2->name);
X			fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\t\tflag := 0 ;");
X			if(temp2->elts){
X			    c_temp = temp2->elts;
X			    while(c_temp){
X				fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\t%d:", c_temp->id);
X		        	fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\t\tif( (flag and test_");
X				fprintf(fp,"%s",p_type_names[temp2->type]);
X		        	fprintf(fp,"(temp^.%s, temp^.%s)and %s_relop)=0 ) then",
X			    		temp2->name, c_temp->name, temp2->name);
X				fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\t\tflag := 0 ;");
X				c_temp = c_temp->next;
X			    }
X			    fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\telse: flag := 0 ;\n\t\t\tend ;\n\t\t\tend ;");
X			}
X		      }
X		      temp2 = temp2->next;
X		    }
X		    fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\tif( flag<>0 )then begin\n\t\t\t\ttemp^.MARK := 1;\n");
X		    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\treturn := temp ;\n\t\t\tend ;\n\t\tend ;\n\t\ttemp := temp^.next ;\n");
X		    fprintf(fp,"\tend ;\n\tsearch_%s%s_record := return ;\nend ;\n",prefix, temp->name);
X	    }
X	    temp = temp->next;
X	}
X/* generate procedures to free a structure */
X	int 	i;
X	struct def_list *temp;
X	struct data_type *temp2;
X	temp = token_list;
X	while(temp){
X	  if(temp->data_types){
X	     fprintf(fp,"\n\nprocedure free_%s%s_record(\n",prefix,temp->name);
X	     fprintf(fp,"\t\tstart : integer ) ;\n\n");
X	     fprintf(fp,"var\n\ti : integer ;\n\nbegin\n");
X	     fprintf(fp,"\ti := start ;\n");
X	     fprintf(fp,"\twhile( i < %s%s_max )do begin\n",prefix, temp->name);
X	     fprintf(fp,"\t\tif( %s%s_list[i] <> nil )then begin\n",prefix, temp->name);
X	     fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tif( %s%s_list[i]^.prev = nil )then\n",prefix, temp->name);
X	     fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\t%s%s_list[0] := %s%s_list[i]^.next\n",prefix,temp->name,prefix,temp->name);
X	     fprintf(fp,"\t\t\telse\n");
X	     fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\t%s%s_list[i]^.prev^.next := %s%s_list[i]^.next ;\n",prefix,temp->name,prefix,temp->name);
X	     fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tif( %s%s_list[i]^.next <> nil )then\n",prefix,temp->name);
X	     fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\t%s%s_list[i]^.next^.prev := %s%s_list[i]^.prev ;\n",prefix,temp->name,prefix,temp->name);
X 	     temp2 = temp->data_types;
X	     fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tdispose( %s%s_list[i] ) ;\n",prefix,temp->name);
X	     fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%s%s_list[i] := nil ;\n",prefix,temp->name);
X	     fprintf(fp,"\t\t\ti := %s%s_max ;\n",prefix,temp->name);
X	     fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%stoken[%s%s]:= %stoken[%s%s]-1 ;\n",prefix,prefix,temp->name,prefix,temp->name);
X	     fprintf(fp,"\t\tend ;\n\t\ti := i+1 ;\n\tend ;\nend ;\n");
X	  }
X	  temp = temp->next;
X	}
X/* generate procedure to restore structures */
X	int 	i;
X	struct def_list *temp;
X	temp = token_list;
X	fprintf(fp,"\n\nprocedure %srestore ;\n\n", prefix);
X	fprintf(fp,"var\n\ti : integer ;\n\nbegin\n");
X	while(temp){
X	  if(temp->data_types){
X	    fprintf(fp,"\tfor i := 1 to %s%s_max-1 do\n", prefix,temp->name);
X	    fprintf(fp,"\t\tif(%s%s_list[i] <> nil)then begin\n", prefix,temp->name);
X	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%s%s_list[i]^.MARK := 0 ;\n", prefix, temp->name);
X	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%s%s_list[i] := nil ;\n", prefix,temp->name);
X	    fprintf(fp,"\t\tend ;\n");
X	  }
X	  temp = temp->next;
X	}
X	fprintf(fp,"end ;\n");
X/* generate procedures to add each structure to a list */
X	int 	i;
X	struct def_list *temp;
X	struct data_type *temp2;
X	temp = token_list;
X	while(temp){
X	    fprintf(fp,"\nprocedure %sadd_%s_record", prefix,temp->name);
X	    if(temp->data_types){
X		fprintf(fp,"(\n");
X		temp2 = temp->data_types;
X		i = 0;
X		while(temp2){
X	            if(i) fprintf(fp," ;\n");	
X		    if((temp2->type >= 0) && (temp2->type <= 2))
X		        fprintf(fp,"\t\t%s: %s",temp2->name,p_type_names[temp2->type]);
X		    i=1;
X		    temp2 = temp2->next;
X		}
X		fprintf(fp," )");
X	    }
X	    fprintf(fp," ;\n\n");
X	    if(temp->data_types){
X		fprintf(fp,"var\n");
X		fprintf(fp,"\ttemp : %s%s_record_ptr ;\n", prefix, temp->name);
X	    }
X	    fprintf(fp,"\nbegin\n");
X	    if(temp->data_types){
X		fprintf(fp,"\tnew(temp) ;\n"); 
X	        temp2 = temp->data_types;
X	        while(temp2){
X		    if(temp2->type <= 2) 
X			fprintf(fp,"\ttemp^.%s := %s ;\n",temp2->name,temp2->name);
X	  	    temp2 = temp2->next;
X	        }
X	        fprintf(fp,"\ttemp^.MARK := 0 ;\n");
X	        fprintf(fp,"\ttemp^.next := %s%s_list[0] ;\n",prefix,temp->name);
X	        fprintf(fp,"\ttemp^.prev := nil ;\n");
X	        fprintf(fp,"\tif(%s%s_list[0] <> nil)then\n",prefix,temp->name);
X	        fprintf(fp,"\t\t%s%s_list[0]^.prev := temp ;\n",prefix,temp->name);
X	        fprintf(fp,"\t%s%s_list[0] := temp ;\n",prefix,temp->name);
X	    }
X	    fprintf(fp,"\t%stoken[%s%s] := %stoken[%s%s]+1 ;\n",prefix,prefix,temp->name,prefix,prefix,temp->name);
X	    fprintf(fp,"end ;\n\n");
X            temp = temp->next;
X	}
X/* generate procedure to initialize stm */
X/* if mode is zero, then generate only code to add to stm */
Xint mode;
X	int i;
X	struct init *temp;
X	struct fields *temp2;
X	struct def_list *t, *d_temp;
X	struct data_type *t2;
X	temp = init_list->next;			/* the first one is a place holder */
X	if(mode){
X	    fprintf(fp,"\n\nprocedure %sinit ;\n\nvar\n\ti : integer ;\n\n", prefix);
X	    fprintf(fp,"begin\n");
X	    fprintf(fp,"\tfor i := 0 to %d do\n",total_tokens-1);
X	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t%stoken[i] := 0 ;\n",prefix);
X	    d_temp = token_list;
X	    for(i = 0; i < total_tokens; i++){
X	        fprintf(fp,"\t%stoken_name[%d] := '%s%s' ;\n",prefix,i,prefix,d_temp->name);
X	        d_temp = d_temp->next ;
X	    }
X	    d_temp = token_list;
X	    while(d_temp){
X	        if(d_temp->data_types){
X		    fprintf(fp,"\tfor i := 0 to %s%s_max do begin\n",prefix,d_temp->name);
X		    fprintf(fp,"\t\t%s%s_list[i] := nil ;\n",prefix,d_temp->name);
X		    fprintf(fp,"\t\t%s%s_temp[i] := nil ;\n",prefix,d_temp->name);
X		    fprintf(fp,"\tend ;\n");
X	        }
X	        d_temp = d_temp->next;
X	    }
X	}
X	while(temp){
X	    if(temp->count){
X	        if(mode == 0) fprintf(fp,"\t\t");
X		fprintf(fp,"\tfor i := 0 to %d do\n\t",temp->count-1);
X	    }
X	    if(mode == 0) fprintf(fp,"\t\t");
X	    fprintf(fp,"\t%sadd_%s_record" , prefix, temp->object);
X	    t = token_list;
X	    while(strcmp(t->name, temp->object) != 0)
X		t = t->next;
X	    i = 0;
X	    t2 = t->data_types;
X            if(t->data_types) fprintf(fp,"( ");
X	    while(t2){
X		temp2 = temp->items;
X		while((temp2) && (strcmp(temp2->element, t2->name) != 0))
X			temp2 = temp2->next;
X		if((temp2) && (temp2->type != 3)){
X		    if(i) fprintf(fp,", "); i = 1;
X		    if(temp2->type >= 0){
X		        if(temp2->type == 2) fprintf(fp,"'");
X		        fprintf(fp,"%s",temp2->value);
X		        if(temp2->type == 2) fprintf(fp,"'");
X		    }
X		    else{
X			if(temp2->empty)
X			   fprintf(fp,"%s%s_empty[%d].%s", prefix,temp2->object,
X				temp2->index, temp2->value);
X			else
X			   fprintf(fp,"%s%s_list[%d]^.%s", prefix,temp2->object,
X				temp2->index, temp2->value);
X		    }
X		}
X		else if(t2->type != 3){
X		    if(i) fprintf(fp,", "); i = 1;
X		    if(t2->type == 2)
X			fprintf(fp,"''");
X		    if(t2->type == 1)
X			fprintf(fp,"0.0");
X		    if(t2->type == 0)
X			fprintf(fp,"0");
X		}
X		t2 = t2->next;
X	    }
X	    if(t->data_types) fprintf(fp," )");
X	    fprintf(fp," ;\n");
X	    temp = temp->next;
X	}
X	if(mode){
X	    fprintf(fp,"end ;\n\n\n");
X	}
X/* generate structure definitions from token list */
X	int i;
X	struct def_list *temp;
X	struct data_type *temp2;
X	i = 0;
X	temp = token_list;
X	while(temp){
X	  if(temp->data_types){
X	    fprintf(fp,"\n\t%s%s_record_ptr = ^%s%s_record ;\n", prefix,temp->name,prefix,temp->name);
X	    fprintf(fp,"\n\t%s%s_record = record\n",prefix,temp->name);
X	    if(temp->data_types){
X		temp2 = temp->data_types;
X		while(temp2){
X		    if(temp2->type != 3)
X		        fprintf(fp,"\t\t%s : %s ;\n",temp2->name,p_type_names[temp2->type]);
X		    else
X		        fprintf(fp,"\t\t%s : %s%s_record_ptr ;\n", temp2->name,prefix,temp->name);
X		    temp2 = temp2->next;
X		}
X	    }
X	    fprintf(fp,"\t\tMARK : integer ;\n");
X	    fprintf(fp,"\t\tprev : %s%s_record_ptr ;\n", prefix,temp->name);
X	    fprintf(fp,"\t\tnext : %s%s_record_ptr ;\n", prefix,temp->name);
X	    fprintf(fp,"\tend ;\n\n");
X	  }
X	  i++;
X	  temp = temp->next;
X	}
Xgenerate a procedure that will free or zero all data
Xstructures generated by trc
X	int i;
X	struct def_list *d_temp;
X	struct data_type *dt_temp;
X	fprintf(fp,"\n\nprocedure %szero ;\n\nvar\n\ti : integer ;\n",prefix);
X	/* pointer definitions */
X	d_temp = token_list;
X	while(d_temp){
X	    if(d_temp->data_types)
X	        fprintf(fp,"\t%s_tmp : %s%s_record_ptr ;\n", d_temp->name, prefix, d_temp->name);
X	    d_temp = d_temp->next;
X	}
X	fprintf(fp,"\nbegin\n");
X	/* free struct lists */
X	d_temp = token_list;
X	while(d_temp){
X	    if(d_temp->data_types){
X	        fprintf(fp,"\twhile( %s%s_list[0] <> nil )do begin\n", prefix,d_temp->name);
X	        fprintf(fp,"\t\t%s%s_list[1] := %s%s_list[0] ;\n", prefix,d_temp->name, prefix,d_temp->name);
X	        fprintf(fp,"\t\tfree_%s%s_record(1);\n\tend ;\n", prefix,d_temp->name);
X	    }
X	    d_temp = d_temp->next;
X	}
X	/* zero structure pointers */
X	d_temp = token_list;
X	while(d_temp){
X	    if(d_temp->data_types){
X	        fprintf(fp,"\tfor i := 0 to %s%s_max-1 do begin\n", prefix,d_temp->name);
X	        fprintf(fp,"\t\t%s%s_list[i] := nil ;\n", prefix,d_temp->name);
X		fprintf(fp,"\t\t%s%s_temp[i] := nil ;\n", prefix,d_temp->name);
X                fprintf(fp,"\tend ;\n");
X	    }
X	    d_temp = d_temp->next;
X	}
X	/* zero integer arrays */
X	fprintf(fp,"\tfor i := 0 to %d do\n",total_tokens-1);
X	fprintf(fp,"\t\t%stoken[i] := 0 ;\n", prefix);
X	fprintf(fp,"end ;\n");
Xp_trans_code(rule, list, fp, label)
Xstruct rule *rule;
Xstruct list *list;
XFILE *fp;
Xchar *label;
X	struct match *m_temp;
X	struct list *l_temp;
X	int i, j;
X	char c[512];
X	l_temp = list;
X	while(l_temp){
X		    i = 0;
X		    while(l_temp->name[i]){
X			if(l_temp->name[i] == '$'){
X			    i++; j = 0;
X			    while(l_temp->name[i] != '.'){
X				c[j] = l_temp->name[i];
X				if(c[j] == '\0'){
X				    fprintf(stderr,"cannot translate %s in rule %s\n",c, rule->label);
X				    fprintf(stderr,"%s\n", l_temp->name);
X				    return;
X				}
X				i++; j++;
X			    }
X			    i++;
X			    c[j] = '\0';
X			    m_temp = rule->complex;
X			    if((strcmp(c, "FAIL")) == 0){
X				fprintf(fp,"begin");
X				if(rule->recurs == 0)
X				    fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\t\t%srestore ;\n",prefix);
X				fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\t{1}goto %s\n\t\t\tend\n",label);
X			    }
X			    else{
X			      while(m_temp && j){
X				if((strcmp(c, m_temp->free_name)) == 0){
X				    fprintf(fp,"%s%s_", prefix , m_temp->object);
X				    if(m_temp->empty)
X				        fprintf(fp,"empty[%d].", m_temp->index);
X				    else
X				        fprintf(fp,"list[%d]^.", m_temp->index);
X				    j = 0;
X				}
X				m_temp = m_temp->next;
X			      }
X			      if(j){
X				fprintf(stderr,"cannot translate %s in rule %s\n",c, rule->label);
X				fprintf(stderr,"%s\n", l_temp->name);
X				return;
X			      }
X			    }
X			}
X			else{
X			    fprintf(fp,"%c",l_temp->name[i]);
X			    i++;
X			}
X		    }
X		fprintf(fp,"\n");
X		l_temp = l_temp->next;
X	}
X	struct list *l_temp;
X	struct def_list *d_temp;
X	int i,j;
X	l_temp = header_code ;
X	while(l_temp){
X		fprintf(fp,"%s\n",l_temp->name);
X		l_temp = l_temp->next;
X	}
X	d_temp = token_list;
X	fprintf(fp,"const\n");
X	for(i = 0; i < total_tokens; i++){
X		fprintf(fp,"\t%s%s = %d ;\n",prefix,d_temp->name,i);
X		j = max_free[i];
X		if(j < 2) j = 2;
X		fprintf(fp,"\t%s%s_max = %d ;\n",prefix, d_temp->name, j);
X		d_temp = d_temp->next;
X	}
X	fprintf(fp,"\ntype\n\tstrings = string[20] ;");
X	p_gen_structs();
X	fprintf(fp,"\nvar\n");
X	fprintf(fp,"\t%stotal_tokens : integer ;\n",prefix);
X	fprintf(fp,"\t%stoken : array[0..%d]of integer ;\n",prefix,total_tokens-1);
X	fprintf(fp,"\t%stoken_name : array[0..%d]of strings ;\n",prefix,total_tokens-1);
X	i = 0;
X	d_temp = token_list;
X	while(d_temp){
X	    if(d_temp->data_types){
X		fprintf(fp,"\t%s%s_list : array[0..%s%s_max]of %s%s_record_ptr ;\n",prefix,d_temp->name,prefix,d_temp->name,prefix,d_temp->name);
X		fprintf(fp,"\t%s%s_temp : array[0..%s%s_max]of %s%s_record_ptr ;\n",prefix,d_temp->name,prefix,d_temp->name,prefix,d_temp->name);
X		if(max_empty[i])
X			fprintf(fp,"\t%s%s_empty : array[0..%d]of %s%s_record ;\n",prefix,d_temp->name,max_empty[i]-1,prefix,d_temp->name);
X	    }
X	    d_temp = d_temp->next;
X	    i++;
X	}
X/* Produce the output code */
X	int i, j, k, l, count, prev_index, label_count;
X	char s[512];
X	struct list *l_temp;
X	struct def_list *d_temp, *d_temp2;
X	struct data_type *dt_temp;
X	struct rule *r_temp, *r_temp2, *r_const;
X	struct match *m_temp, *m_temp2, *m_temp3, *m_temp4;
X	struct test *t_temp;
X	struct list *label_temp;
X	if((fp = fopen("loop.p", "w")) == NULL){
X	    fprintf(stderr,"Unable to open loop.p\n");
X	    exit();
X	}
X        if((lp = fopen("loop.l", "w")) == NULL){
X	    fprintf(stderr,"Unable to open loop.l\n");
X	    exit();
X	}
X	p_gen_header();
X	p_gen_free();
X	p_gen_restore();
X	p_gen_test();
X	p_gen_search();
X	p_gen_add();
X	init_list = init_list2;
X	p_gen_init(1);
X	fprintf(fp,"\nprocedure %sloop ;\n\nvar\n\ti : integer ;\n", prefix);
X	fprintf(fp,"\nlabel\n\tStart,\n****labels*****\n\tStop ;\n\nbegin\n"); 
X	fprintf(fp,"\twhile True do begin\n%sStart:\n", prefix);
X	r_temp = rule_list;
X	while(r_temp->next != NULL)
X		r_temp = r_temp->next;
X	r_const = r_temp;
X	while(r_temp){
X	    /* label of this rule */
X	    fprintf(fp,"%s%s:\n", prefix,r_temp->label);
X	    fprintf(lp,"\t%s%s,\n", prefix, r_temp->label);
X	    /* test for code that must precede all tests */
X	    m_temp3 = m_temp = r_temp->complex;
X	    /* skip over empty definitions */
X	    while((m_temp) && (m_temp->empty)){
X		m_temp3 = m_temp;
X		m_temp = m_temp->next;
X	    }
X	    /* if the first non empty entry is c_code it must precede all tests */
X  	    if(m_temp)
X	       if(m_temp->c_code){
X		if(r_temp->prev)
X		    sprintf(s,"%s%s\0",prefix, r_temp->prev->label);
X		else
X		    sprintf(s,"%sEnd\0",prefix);
X		p_trans_code(r_temp, m_temp->c_code, fp, s);
X		/* unlink the code so it isn't inserted twice */
X		m_temp3->next = m_temp->next;
X	    }
X	    /* test for object counts */
X	    fprintf(fp,"\t\tif(");
X	    d_temp = token_list;
X	    for(i = 0; i < total_tokens; i++){
X		if(r_temp->search[i] > 0)
X		    fprintf(fp,"(%stoken[%s%s] >= %d) and\n\t\t\t", prefix, prefix,d_temp->name,r_temp->search[i]);
X		if(r_temp->search[i] < 0)
X		    fprintf(fp,"(%stoken[%s%s] <= 0) and\n\t\t\t", prefix, prefix,d_temp->name);
X		d_temp = d_temp->next;
X	    }
X	    d_temp = token_list;
X	    fprintf(fp,"True)then begin");
X	    /* generate complex matching code */
X	    /* first initialize the current free variable matrix */
X	    for(i = 0; i < total_tokens; i++)
X		current_free[i] = 1;
X	    m_temp = m_temp3 = r_temp->complex;
X	    prev_index = 0;
X	    while(m_temp){
X		if(m_temp->c_code){
X		    if((prev_index == 0) || (r_temp->recurs == 0)){
X		        if(r_temp->prev)
X		            sprintf(s,"%s%s\0", prefix,r_temp->prev->label);
X		        else
X		            sprintf(s,"%s\0End", prefix);
X		    }
X		    else
X			sprintf(s,"%s%s_%s_%d\0", prefix,
X		    	r_temp->label, m_temp3->object, prev_index);
X		    p_trans_code(r_temp, m_temp->c_code, fp, s);
X		 }
X		 else if(m_temp->empty){
X		     /* declaration only - don't generate any code */
X		     i = 0;
X		 }
X		 else{
X		 i = 0;
X		 d_temp = token_list;
X		 while(strcmp(m_temp->object, d_temp->name) != 0){
X		     i++;
X		     d_temp = d_temp->next;
X		 }
X		 if(d_temp->data_types){
X		     for(count = 0; count < m_temp->count; count++){
X		     /* initialize temp */
X		     fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\t%s%s_temp[%d] := %s%s_list[0];\n"
X		     , prefix, m_temp->object, current_free[i], prefix, m_temp->object);
X		     /* print a label */
X		     if(r_temp->recurs){
X			fprintf(fp,"%s%s_%s_%d:\n",prefix,r_temp->label,m_temp->object,current_free[i]);
X			fprintf(lp,"\t%s%s_%s_%d,\n",prefix,r_temp->label,m_temp->object,current_free[i]);
X		     }
X		     /* free the previously found item */
X		     if(r_temp->recurs){
X		 	 fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tif(%s%s_list[%d]<>nil)\n", prefix, m_temp->object, current_free[i]);
X			 fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\t%s%s_list[%d]^.MARK := 0;\n", prefix, m_temp->object, current_free[i]);
X		     }
X		     /* do the search */
X		     fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t%s%s_list[%d] := search_%s%s_record(%d"
X		     , prefix , m_temp->object, current_free[i], prefix, m_temp->object, current_free[i]);
X		     dt_temp = d_temp->data_types;
X		     while(dt_temp){
X		         if(dt_temp->type <= 2){
X		 	     t_temp = m_temp->tests;
X			     j = 1;
X			     while(j && t_temp){
X			         if(strcmp(t_temp->element, dt_temp->name) == 0){
X			 	     j = 0;
X				     if((t_temp->type == 0) || (t_temp->type == 1))
X				         fprintf(fp,", %s",t_temp->value);
X				     if(t_temp->type == 2)
X				         fprintf(fp,", '%s'",t_temp->value);
X				     if(t_temp->type == -1){
X				 	 if(t_temp->id)
X					     fprintf(fp,", 0");
X					 else{
X				             l = 0;
X				             m_temp2 = r_temp->complex;
X				             while(m_temp2){
X					         if(strcmp(m_temp2->free_name, t_temp->free_name) == 0){
X					             l = m_temp2->index;
X					 	     m_temp4 = m_temp2;
X					             m_temp2 = NULL;
X					         }
X					         else
X					             m_temp2 = m_temp2->next;
X				             }
X					     if(m_temp4->empty)
X				                 fprintf(fp,", %s%s_empty[%d].%s", prefix,m_temp4->object,l,t_temp->value);
X					     else
X				                 fprintf(fp,", %s%s_list[%d]^.%s", prefix,m_temp4->object,l,t_temp->value);
X				         }
X				     }
X				     fprintf(fp,", %d", t_temp->relop);
X			    	     if(dt_temp->elts)
X				 	 fprintf(fp,", %d",t_temp->id);
X			         }
X			         else
X				     t_temp = t_temp->next;
X			     }
X			     if(j){
X			         switch(dt_temp->type){
X			         case 0: fprintf(fp,", 0, 7");
X				        break;
X			         case 1: fprintf(fp,", 0.0, 7");
X				        break;
X			         case 2: fprintf(fp,", '', 7");
X			         default: break;
X			         }
X			         if(dt_temp->elts)
X			 	     fprintf(fp,", 0");
X			     }
X		         }
X		         dt_temp = dt_temp->next;
X		     }
X		     fprintf(fp,") ;\n");
X		     fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tif( %s%s_list[%d] = nil )then begin\n",prefix,				 m_temp->object,current_free[i]);
X		     /* search failed on first of rule */
X		     if((prev_index == 0) || (r_temp->recurs == 0)){
X		         fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\t%srestore ;\n", prefix);
X		         if(r_temp->prev)
X		             fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\t{2}goto %s%s;\n\t\t\tend ;", prefix,r_temp->prev->label);
X		         else
X		             fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\t{3}goto %sStop ;\n\t\t\tend ;", prefix);
X		     }
X		     /* search failed - not first of rule */
X		     else{
X			 fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t\t{4}goto %s%s_%s_%d ;\n\t\t\tend ;", prefix,
X		    	 r_temp->label, m_temp3->object, prev_index);
X		     }
X		     /* move index one beyond the one currently found */
X		     if(r_temp->recurs) fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\t%s%s_temp[%d] := %s%s_list[%d]^.next;", prefix,
X				m_temp->object, current_free[i], prefix,
X				m_temp->object, current_free[i]);
X		     m_temp3 = m_temp;
X		     prev_index = current_free[i];
X		     current_free[i]++;
X		}
X	    }
X	}
X	m_temp = m_temp->next;
X    }
X    /* get rule number for next 3 statements */
X    i = 1;
X    r_temp2 = r_const;
X    while(r_temp != r_temp2){
X        r_temp2 = r_temp2->prev;
X        i++;
X    }
X    /* generate ADD code */
X    fprintf(fp,"\n");
X    init_list = r_temp->add;
X    p_gen_init(0);
X    /* generate MARK code */
X    /* first MARK objects deleted by name */
X    m_temp = r_temp->complex;
X    while(m_temp){
X	if(m_temp->mark){
X	    d_temp = token_list;
X	    while(strcmp(m_temp->object, d_temp->name))
X	        d_temp = d_temp->next;
X		if(d_temp->data_types)
X	            fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\t\tfree_%s%s_record(%d) ;", prefix,m_temp->object, m_temp->index);
X		else
X	            fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\t\t%stoken%s[%s] := %stoken%s[%s]-1 ;",			        prefix, prefix,d_temp->name,prefix,prefix,d_temp->name);
X	    }
X	    m_temp = m_temp->next;
X	}
X	/* now MARK the rest of the objects */
X	d_temp = token_list;
X	for(i = 0; i < total_tokens; i++){
X	    if(r_temp->mark[i]){
X	        fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\tfor i := 0 to %d do",r_temp->mark[i]-1);
X		if(d_temp->data_types)
X	            fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\t\tfree_%s%s_record(1) ;", prefix,d_temp->name);
X		else
X	            fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\t\t%stoken%s[%s] := %stoken%s[%s]-1 ;",				prefix,prefix,d_temp->name,prefix,prefix,d_temp->name);
X	    }
X	    d_temp = d_temp->next;
X	}
X	d_temp = token_list;
X	fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\t%srestore ;\n", prefix);
X	l_temp = r_temp->c_code;
X	p_trans_code(r_temp, l_temp, fp);
X	if(find_name(r_temp->opt))
X	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t{5}goto %s%s;\n\t\tend ;\n", prefix, r_temp->opt);
X	else
X	    fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tgoto %sStart;\n\t\tend ;\n", prefix);
X	r_temp = r_temp->prev;
X    }
X    fprintf(fp,"\t\tgoto Stop ;\n\tend ;\n%sStop:\n", prefix);
X    fprintf(fp,"\nend ;\n");
X    if(zeroing)
X	p_gen_zero;
X    l_temp = trailer_code;
X    while(l_temp){
X	fprintf(fp,"%s\n",l_temp->name);
X	l_temp = l_temp->next;
X    }
echo extracting - parser
sed 's/^X//' > parser << '!EOR!'
X#include	"main.h"
Xint ii, jj, st, last_free;
X%start file
Xfile		:  header defs stm ltm DELIM trailer
X		|  error
X		    {
X			fprintf(stderr,"%d: syntax error\n", lineno);
X			errors++;
X		    }
X		;
Xheader		: error DELIM
X		    {
X			fprintf(stderr,"%d: syntax error in header\n",lineno);
X			errors++;
X		    }
X		    {
X			st = 1;
X			last_free = 0;
X		    }
X		    {
X			st = 1;
X			do_header();
X		    }
X		;
Xdefs		: definitions DELIM
X			{
X			    insert_rule();
X			    stm = (int *) calloc(total_tokens, sizeof(int));
X			    current_free = (int *) calloc(total_tokens, sizeof(int));
X			    current_empty = (int *) calloc(total_tokens, sizeof(int));
X			    max_free = (int *) calloc(total_tokens, sizeof(int));
X			    max_empty = (int *) calloc(total_tokens, sizeof(int));
X			    for(ii = 0; ii < total_tokens; ii++){
X				max_free[ii] = current_free[ii] = 1;
X				max_empty[ii] = current_empty[ii] = 0;
X			    }
X			}
X		;
Xdefinitions	: /* empty */
X		| error
X		    {
X			fprintf(stderr,"%d: syntax error in definition\n",lineno);
X			errors++;
X		    }
X		| definitions definition
X		;
Xdefinition	: TOKEN
X			{
X			    insert_token($1);
X			}
X		| TOKEN '(' item_list ')'
X			{
X			    insert_token($1);
X			}
X		;
Xitem_list	: /* empty */
X		| item_list item
X		;
Xitem		: TOKEN ':' type
X			{
X			    if(add_struct($1, $3) == -1){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: duplicate name in definition -> %s\n", lineno, $1);
X				errors++;
X			    }
X			}
X		;
Xtype		: INT
X			{
X			    $$ = 0;
X			}
X			{
X			    $$ = 1;
X			}
X			{
X			    $$ = 2;
X			}
X			{
X			    $$ = 3;
X			}
X		;
Xstm		: error DELIM
X		    {
X			fprintf(stderr,"%d: syntax error in short term memory\n",lineno);
X			errors++;
X		    }
X		| st DELIM
X			{
X			    st = 0;	/* no longer parsing stm */
X			    init_list2 = init_list; /* save init_list */
X			    init_list = NULL;
X			    insert_init();		/* make a new init_list */
X			    build_case_list();		/* prepare cross reference for ltm */
X			}
X		;
Xst		: /* empty */
X		| st entry
X		;
Xentry		: count TOKEN
X			{
X			    if((ii = find_token($2)) < 0){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: undefined object -> %s\n",lineno,$2);
X				errors++;
X			    }
X			    else{
X				if(st) stm[ii]++;	/* if stm is being parsed */
X			        do_init_list($2);
X				insert_count($1);
X			        insert_init();
X			    }
X			}
X		| count TOKEN '(' init_list ')'
X			{
X			    if((ii = find_token($2)) < 0){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: undefined object -> %s\n",lineno,$2);
X				errors++;
X			    }
X			    else{
X				if(st) stm[ii]++;	/* if stm is being parsed */
X			        do_init_list($2);
X				insert_count($1);
X			        insert_init();
X			    }
X			}
X		;
Xcount		: /* empty */
X			{
X				$$ = 1;
X			}
X			{
X				jj = atoi($1);
X				if(jj < 0){
X				    $$ = 1;
X				    fprintf(stderr,"%d: negative count is undefined\n", lineno);
X				    errors++;
X				}
X				else if(jj == 0){
X				    $$ = 1;
X				    fprintf(stderr,"%d: zero count is undefined\n", lineno);
X				    errors++;
X				}
X				else
X				    $$ = jj;
X			}
X		;
Xinit_list	: /* empty */
X		| init_list init_item
X		;
X			{
X				insert_fields($1, $3, 0, 0, 0);
X			}
X			{
X				insert_fields($1, $3, 0, 1, 0);
X			}
X			{
X				insert_fields($1, $3, 0, 2, 0);
X			}
X			{
X				if(st) {
X				    fprintf(stderr,
X				    "%d: free variables are not permitted in stm\n",
X				    lineno);
X				    errors++;
X				}
X				else if((jj = find_free($3)) == -1){
X				    fprintf(stderr,"%d: undefined free variable -> %s\n",lineno, $3);
X				    errors++;
X				}
X				else
X				    insert_fields($1, $5, $3, -1, jj);
X			}
X		;
Xltm		: opts lt
X		;
Xopts		: /* empty */
X		| opts opt
X		;
X			{
X			    backtracking = 1;
X			}
X			{
X			    tracing = 1;
X			}
X			{
X			    profiling = 1;
X			}
X			{
X			    dumping = 1;
X			}
X			{
X			    recursing = 1;
X			    rule_list->recurs = 1;
X			}
X			{
X			    recursing = 0;
X			    rule_list->recurs = 0;
X			}
X			{
X			    prefix = (char *) $2;
X			}
X			{
X			    saving = 1;
X			}
X			{
X			    zeroing = 1;
X			}
X			{
X			    pascal = 1;
X			}
X		;
Xlt		: /* empty */
X		| lt production
X		;
Xproduction	: error SEMI
X		    {
X			fprintf(stderr,"%d: syntax error in previous rule\n",lineno);
X			errors++;
X		    }
X		| label lhs ARROW rhs SEMI
X			{
X			    pnum++;
X			    rule_list->add = init_list;
X			    init_list = NULL;
X			    insert_init();
X			    insert_rule();
X			    if(recursing)
X				rule_list->recurs = 1;
X			    for(ii = 0; ii < total_tokens; ii++){
X				if(max_free[ii] < current_free[ii])
X				    max_free[ii] = current_free[ii];
X				if(max_empty[ii] < current_empty[ii])
X				    max_empty[ii] = current_empty[ii];
X				current_free[ii] = 1;
X				current_empty[ii] = 0;
X			    }
X			}
X		;
Xlabel		:  TOKEN ':'
X			{
X			    if(find_name($1)){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: redefined label -> %s\n",lineno,$1);
X				errors++;
X			    }
X			    else if((find_token($1)) >= 0){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: label repeats object declaration -> %s\n",lineno, $1);
X				errors++;
X			    }
X			    else{
X				insert_label($1);
X			    }
X			}
X		| ':'
X			{
X				insert_label(gen_next_label());
X			}
X		;
Xlhs		: /* empty */
X		| lhs match
X		;
Xmatch		:  count TOKEN 
X			{
X			    if((ii = find_token($2)) == -1){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: undefined object -> %s\n",lineno,$2);
X				errors++;
X			    }
X			    else if(rule_list->search[ii] < 0){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: can't have %s and NOT %s in the same rule\n", lineno, $2, $2);
X				errors++;
X			    }
X			    else{
X				add_test($2, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0,current_free[ii], 0);
X				add_count($1);
X				if($1 > 1){
X				    rule_list->search[ii]+= $1;
X				    current_free[ii]+= $1;
X				}
X				else{
X				    rule_list->search[ii]++;
X				    current_free[ii]++;
X				}
X			    }
X			    current_match = NULL;
X			    current_test = NULL;
X			}
X			{
X			    if((ii = find_token($2)) == -1){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: undefined object -> %s\n",lineno,$2);
X				errors++;
X			    }
X			    else if(rule_list->search[ii]){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: can't have %s and NOT %s in the same rule\n", lineno, $2, $2);
X				errors++;
X			    }
X			    else rule_list->search[ii]--;
X			    current_match = NULL;
X			    current_test = NULL;
X			}
X		| count '(' free_variable match_list ')'
X			{
X			    last_free = 0;
X			    if(($1 > 1) && $3){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: count on free variables undefined\n", lineno);
X				errors++;
X			    }
X			    add_count($1);
X			    current_match = NULL;
X			    current_test = NULL;
X			    if($1 > 1){
X			        current_free[ii]+= $1;
X			        rule_list->search[ii]+= $1;
X			    }
X			    else{
X			        current_free[ii]++;
X			        rule_list->search[ii]++;
X			    }
X			}
X			{
X			    if((ii = find_token($2)) == -1){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: undefined object -> %s\n",lineno,$2);
X				errors++;
X			    }
X			    else if(find_free($3) != -1){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: free variable already defined -> %s\n",lineno, $3);
X				errors++;
X			    }
X			    else{
X				add_test($2,0,-1,0,0,$3, current_empty[ii], -1);
X				current_empty[ii]++;
X				current_match = NULL;
X				current_test  = NULL;
X			    }
X			}
X			{
X			    add_test_code();
X			}
X			{
X			    rule_list->recurs = 1;
X			}
X			{
X			    rule_list->recurs = 0;
X			}
X		;
Xfree_variable   : /* empty */
X			{
X				$$ = 0;
X			}
X			{
X			    if((ii = find_token($2)) == -1){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: undefined object -> %s\n",lineno,$2);
X				errors++;
X			    }
X			    else if(find_free($3) != -1){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: free variable already defined -> %s\n",lineno, $3);
X				errors++;
X			    }
X			    else if(rule_list->search[ii] < 0){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: can't have %s and NOT %s in the same rule\n", lineno, $2, $2);
X				errors++;
X			    }
X			    else{
X				add_test($2,0,7,0,0,$3, current_free[ii], 0);
X				last_free = $3;
X			    }
X			    $$ = 1;
X			}
X		;
Xmatch_list	: /* empty */
X			{
X			}
X		| match_list match_element
X			{
X			}
X		;
Xmatch_element   : TOKEN '.' TOKEN relop INTEGER
X			{
X			    if((ii = find_token($1)) == -1){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: undefined object -> %s\n",lineno,$1);
X				errors++;
X			    }
X			    else if(rule_list->search[ii] < 0){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: can't have %s and NOT %s in the same rule\n", lineno, $1, $1);
X				errors++;
X			    }
X			    else if((jj = search_structs($1,$3)) < 0){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: undefined object field -> %s.%s\n",lineno,$1,$3);
X				errors++;
X			    }
X			    else if(jj != 0){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: object field must be integer\n", lineno);
X			    }
X			    else{
X				add_test($1,$3,$4,$5,0, 0, current_free[ii], 0);
X			    }
X			}
X			{
X			    if((ii = find_token($1)) == -1){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: undefined object -> %s\n",lineno,$1);
X				errors++;
X			    }
X			    else if(rule_list->search[ii] < 0){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: can't have %s and NOT %s in the same rule\n", lineno, $1, $1);
X				errors++;
X			    }
X			    else if((jj = search_structs($1,$3)) < 0){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: undefined object field -> %s.%s\n",lineno,$1,$3);
X				errors++;
X			    }
X			    else if(jj != 1){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: object field must be double\n",lineno);
X			    }
X			    else{
X				add_test($1,$3,$4,$5,1, 0, current_free[ii], 0);
X			    }
X			}
X		| TOKEN '.' TOKEN relop STR
X			{
X			    if((ii = find_token($1)) == -1){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: undefined object -> %s\n",lineno,$1);
X				errors++;
X			    }
X			    else if(rule_list->search[ii] < 0){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: can't have %s and NOT %s in the same rule\n", lineno, $1, $1);
X				errors++;
X			    }
X			    else if((jj = search_structs($1,$3)) < 0){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: undefined object field -> %s.%s\n",lineno,$1,$3);
X				errors++;
X			    }
X			    else if(jj != 2){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: object field must be a string\n",lineno);
X			    }
X			    else{
X				add_test($1,$3,$4,$5,2,0,current_free[ii], 0);
X			    }
X			}
X		| TOKEN '.' TOKEN relop TOKEN '.' TOKEN
X			{
X			    if((ii = find_token($1)) == -1){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: undefined object -> %s\n",lineno,$1);
X				errors++;
X			    }
X			    else if(rule_list->search[ii] < 0){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: can't have %s and NOT %s in the same rule\n", lineno, $1, $1);
X				errors++;
X			    }
X			    else if(search_structs($1,$3) < 0){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: undefined element -> %s.%s\n",lineno,$1,$3);
X				errors++;
X			    }
X			    else if((find_free($5) == -1)  /* not a free var */
X				|| ((jj = strcmp($5, last_free)) == 0)){
X				if(jj == 0)
X				     $5 = $1;
X				if(strcmp($1, $5) != 0){
X				    fprintf(stderr,"%d: semantic error: use a free variable\n",lineno);
X				    errors++;
X				}
X				else if(strcmp($3, $7) == 0){
X				    fprintf(stderr,"%d: degenerate case, please rewrite\n",lineno);
X				    errors++;
X				}
X			        else if(search_structs($5,$7) < 0){
X				    fprintf(stderr,"%d: undefined element -> %s.%s\n",lineno,$5,$7);
X				    errors++;
X			        }
X				else if(cmp_type($1, $3, $7) == -1){
X				    fprintf(stderr,"%d: types of %s.%s and %s.%s do not match\n", lineno, $1, $3, $5, $7);
X				    errors++;
X				}
X				else{
X				    add_test($1,$3,$4,$7,-1, $5, current_free[ii], 0);
X				}
X			    }
X			    else if((jj = match_type($1, $3, $5, $7)) == 0){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: types of %s.%s and %s.%s do not match\n", lineno, $1, $3, $5, $7);
X				errors++;
X			    }
X			    else{
X				if((jj == 1) || (jj == 2))
X				    add_test($1,$3,$4,$7,-1, $5, current_free[ii], 0);
X			    }
X			}
X		;
Xrhs		: optional_part pass_part
X		;
Xoptional_part	: /* empty */
X		| optional_part option
X		;
Xoption		: MARK mark_list
X		| ADD add_list
X			{
X			    opt($2);
X			}
X		| MARK error
X			{
X			    fprintf(stderr,"%d: syntax error in MARK statement\n", lineno);
X			    errors++;
X			}
X		| ADD error
X			{
X			    fprintf(stderr,"%d: syntax error in ADD statement\n", lineno);
X			    errors++;
X			}
X		| OPTIMIZE error
X			{
X			    fprintf(stderr,"%d: syntax error in OPTIMIZE statement\n", lineno);
X			    errors++;
X			}
X		;
Xmark_list	: /* empty */
X		| mark_list mark_item
X		;
Xmark_item	: count TOKEN
X			{
X			    jj = 1;
X			    if($1 >0) jj = $1;
X			    if((ii = find_token($2)) == -1){
X			        if(mark_free($2)){
X				    if(jj > 1){
X				        fprintf(stderr,"%d: can't MARK more than 1 %s\n",lineno,$2);
X				        errors++;
X				    }
X			        }
X				else{
X				    fprintf(stderr,"%d: undefined object -> %s\n",lineno,$2);
X				    errors++;
X				}
X			    }
X			    else if(rule_list->search[ii] < (rule_list->mark[ii]  + jj)){
X				fprintf(stderr,"%d: can't mark more %s's than are found\n", lineno, $2);
X				errors++;
X			    }
X			    else{
X				if($1)
X				    rule_list->mark[ii]+= $1;
X				else
X				    rule_list->mark[ii]++;
X			    }
X			}
X		;
Xadd_list	: entry
X		| add_list entry
X		;
Xpass_part	:  /* empty */
X		|  C_CODE 
X		    {
X			do_code();
X		    }
X		;
Xtrailer		: /* empty */
X		| error
X		    {
X			fprintf(stderr,"%d: syntax error in trailer\n",lineno);
X			errors++;
X		    }
X		    {
X			do_trailer();
X		    }
X		;
Xrelop		:  LE		/* <= */
X		    {
X			$$ = 6;
X		    }
X		|  GE		/* >= */
X		    {
X			$$ = 3;
X		    }
X		|  LT		/* <  */
X		    {
X			$$ = 4;
X		    }
X		|  GT		/* >  */
X		    {
X			$$ = 1;
X		    }
X		|  EQ		/* == */
X		    {
X			$$ = 2;
X		    }
X		|  NE		/* != */
X		    {
X			$$ = 5;
X		    }
X		;
X#include "scanner.c"
echo extracting - scanner.c
sed 's/^X//' > scanner.c << '!EOR!'
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <ctype.h>
X#define	 NUM 19
X/* number of reserved words */
Xchar *words[NUM] = {    /* the strings to compare against */
X	    "MARK",
X	    "ADD",
X	    "NOT",
X	    "INT",
X	    "FLOAT",
X	    "STRING",
X	    "POINTER",
X	    "RECURS",
X	    "TRACE",
X	    "PROFILE",
X	    "DUMP",
X	    "PREFIX",
X	    "EMPTY",
X	    "SAVE",
X	    "PASCAL",
X	    "ZERO"
X	};
Xint ret[NUM] = {	/* the value to return to yyparse */
X	    MARK,
X	    ADD,
X	    NOT,
X	    INT,
X	    FLOAT,
X	    TRACE,
X	    DUMP,
X	    EMPTY,
X	    SAVE,
X	    ZERO
X	};
X    char c, s[512], *t;
X    int i, nb, dot, current_line;
X    current_line = lineno;
X    i = nb = dot = 1;
X    while((c = getc(stdin)) != EOF){
X	if(c == ' ');		/* ignore white space */
X	else if(c == '\t');
X	else if(c == '%'){
X	    c = getc(stdin);
X	    if(c == '%')
X		return(DELIM);
X	    ungetc(c, stdin);
X	    fprintf(stderr,"%d: unexpected '%c'\n", '%', lineno);
X	    errors++;
X	}
X	else if(c == '.'){
X	    return('.');
X	}
X	else if(c == ':'){
X	    return(':');
X	}
X	else if(c == '('){
X	    return('(');
X	}
X	else if(c == ')'){
X	    return(')');
X	}
X	else if(c == '^'){
X	    return(HAT);
X	}
X	else if(c == '\n'){
X		lineno++;
X	}
X	else if(c == '>'){
X	    c = getc(stdin);
X	    if(c == '=')
X		return(GE);
X	    ungetc(c, stdin);
X	    return(GT);
X	}
X	else if(c == '<'){
X	    c = getc(stdin);
X	    if(c == '=')
X		return(LE);
X	    ungetc(c, stdin);
X	    return(LT);
X	}
X	else if(c == '!'){
X	    c = getc(stdin);
X	    if(c == '=')
X		return(NE);
X	    ungetc(c, stdin);
X	    fprintf(stderr,"%d: unexpected '!'\n", lineno);
X	    errors++;
X	}
X	else if(c == '='){
X	    c = getc(stdin);
X	    if(c == '>')
X		return(ARROW);
X	    if(c == '=')
X		return(EQ);
X	    ungetc(c, stdin);
X	    fprintf(stderr,"%d: unexpected '='\n", lineno);
X	    errors++;
X 	}
X	else if(c == ';'){
X	    return(SEMI);
X	}
X	else if(c == '{'){
X	    i = 0;
X	    while(nb){
X		c = getc(stdin);
X		if(c == EOF){
X		    fprintf(stderr,"%d: unterminated C code\n", current_line);
X		    errors++;
X		    return(EOF);
X		}
X		if(c == '}') {
X		    nb--;
X		    if(nb) 
X			s[i++] = c;
X		    else{
X			s[i] = '\0';
X			t = (char *) malloc (i + 1);
X			strcpy(t,s); 
X			append_code(t);
X			return(C_CODE);
X		    }
X		}
X		else{
X		    if(c == '{') nb++;
X		    if((c == '\n') || (i == 510)){
X			lineno++;
X			s[i] = '\0';
X			t = (char *) malloc(i + 1);
X			strcpy(t,s);
X			append_code(t);
X			i = 0;
X		    }
X		    else
X			s[i++] = c;
X		}
X	    }
X	    return(C_CODE);
X	}
X	else if(c == '\042'){
X	    i = 0;
X	    while(dot){
X		c = getc(stdin);
X		if(c == '\042'){
X		    s[i] = '\0';
X		    dot = 0;
X		}
X		else if(c == '\n'){
X		    fprintf(stderr,"%d: newline embedded in string\n",lineno);
X		    s[i] = '\0'; lineno++;
X		    errors++; dot = 0;
X		}
X		else{
X		    s[i++] = c;
X		    if(c == '\\')
X			s[i++] = getc(stdin);
X		}
X	    }
X	    yylval = malloc(strlen(s) + 1);
X	    strcpy(yylval, s);
X	    return(STR);
X	}
X	else if((isdigit(c)) || (c == '-')){
X	    s[0] = c;
X	    i = 1;
X	    while(i){
X		c = getc(stdin);
X		if((isdigit(c)) || ((c == '.') && (dot))){
X		    s[i++] = c;
X		    if(c == '.') dot = 0;
X		}
X		else{
X		    ungetc(c, stdin);
X		    s[i] = '\0';
X		    i = 0;
X		}
X	    }
X	    yylval = malloc(strlen(s) + 1);
X	    strcpy(yylval, s);
X	    if(dot) return(INTEGER);
X	    return(DOUBLE);
X	}
X	else if(isalpha(c)){
X	    s[0] = c;
X	    i = 1;
X	    while(i){
X		c = getc(stdin);
X		if((c == '_') || (isalpha(c)) || (isdigit(c))){
X		    s[i++] = c;
X		}
X		else{
X		    ungetc(c, stdin);
X		    s[i] = '\0';
X		    i = 0;
X		}
X	    }
X	    for(i = 0; i < NUM; i++)	/* search the reserved word list */
X		if(strcmp(words[i],s) == 0)
X		    return(ret[i]);
X	    yylval = malloc(strlen(s) + 1);
X	    strcpy(yylval, s);
X	    return(TOKEN);
X	}
X	else if(c == '/'){			/* check for comments */
X	    if((c = getc(stdin)) != '*'){
X		ungetc(c, stdin);
X		printf("%d: unexpected '/'\n", lineno);
X		errors++;
X	    }
X	    else{			/* check for comment terminator */
X		i = 1;
X		while(i){
X		    c = getc(stdin);
X		    if(c == EOF){
X			fprintf(stderr,"%d: unterminated comment\n", current_line);
X			errors++;
X			return(EOF);
X		    }
X		    else if(c == '\n')
X			lineno++;
X		    else if(c == '*'){
X			c = getc(stdin);
X			if(c == '/')
X			    i = 0;
X		    }
X		}
X	    }
X	}
X	else{
X	     fprintf(stderr,"%d: unexpected or undefined character: \\0%o\n", lineno, c);
X	     errors++;
X	}
X    }
X    return(c);