[mod.sources] tvx: 2 of 10

sources-request@panda.UUCP (03/09/86)

Mod.sources:  Volume 4, Issue 16
Submitted by: talcott!seismo!gatech!unmvax!wampler (Bruce Wampler)

#  TVX: part 2 of 10
#                                                       #
# This is a shell archive file.  To extract files:      #
#                                                       #
#    1)	Make a directory (like tvx) for the files.      #
#    2) Write a file, such as "filen.shar", containing  #
#       this archive file into the directory.           #
#    3) Type "sh file.shar".  Do not use csh.           #
#                                                       #
echo Extracting README:
sed 's/^X//' >README <<\SHAR_EOF
X	TVX - A full screen editor in C
X**************************** RELEASE NOTES ********************************
XVersion 3/6/86
X	* This is the second major release of TVX, distributed
X	  on mod.sources.  All files needed to build TVX for other
X	  systems are included on this distribution, also.
X	* The last section of the manual contains instructions for
X	  porting TVX to other environments.
X	Developed by:
X		Dr. Bruce E. Wampler
X		University of New Mexico
X		Department of Computer Science
X		Farris Engineering Center
X		Albuquerque, NM 87131
X	..{ucbvax | seismo!gatech | ihnp4!lanl}!unmvax!wampler
X   This version of TVX Copyright (c) 1986 by Bruce E. Wampler
X   Permission is hereby granted for free, unrestricted nonprofit
X   use of this software.  Please feel free to modify, distribute,
X   and share this software as long as you aren't making any money
X   from it.  If you want to use this code in a profit making environment,
X   please contact the author for permission.
X********* Description of files included in distribution: *********
X	README 	- this file
X	tvx_ref1.doc - documentation, ready for 80 col, 10 cpi, 66 line printer
X	tvx_ref2.doc - 2nd part, use cat to combine 1 and 2
X	tvx_tut.doc - short beginner's tutorial
X	tvx.ref - text quick reference charts for TVX
X	vix.ref - quick reference chart for vi emulator
X	emax.ref - quick reference chart for emacs emulator
X	Makefile.BSD - Makefile for BSD unix build
X	Makefile.SYSV - Makefile for System V unix build
X	tvx_1.c	   - main part of code (part 1), mostly os/terminal independent
X	tvx_2.c	   - main part of code (part 2), mostly os/terminal independent
X	tvx_lex.c  - defaults, some os dependent stuff in here.  Major
X		     changes in defaults can be fixed by recompiling this file.
X	tvx_io.c   - almost all I/O, including screen, confined to this file.
X	tvx_lib.c  - misc library routines needed by TVX.
X	tvx_unix.c  - contains unix specific code, including termcap driver
X	tvx_defs.ic - #define's for version, os, terminal, defaults
X        tvx_glbl.ic - global data structures
X	tvx_term.ic - definitions for various terminals and systems
X	tvx_cfg.c   - used to build CONFIG.TVX file for -c switch
X	tvx_ptch.c  - used to apply CONFIG to TVX.EXE permanently
X----- Misc. files for other systems ------
X	tvx_make.bat - batch file to compile IBM-PC tvx with cii c-86
X	tvx_ibm.c  - IBM-PC screen driver
X	atari.info - misc files needed to build TVX on an Atari ST
echo Extracting tvx.ref:
sed 's/^X//' >tvx.ref <<\SHAR_EOF
X		*** TVX Quick Reference Summary ***
X  Usage: tvx filename [-b -i -l -o=f -r -s -t -w -# {-z -c=f}]
X    -[no]b : backup file           -[no]i : autoindent
X    -[no]l : make command log file -t : tty mode
X    -o=outputfile                  -r : read only
X    -s : big save buff             -[no]w : word processing mode
X    -# : set virtual window lines to #
X  On MS-DOS versions:
X    -[no]z : use control-z for end of file
X    -c=configfile                  -c : use /bin/config.tvx
X               TVX Commands (n => count allowed)
X    nA Append lines to save buffer (previous contents retained)
X     B Buffer beginning - move cursor to top of current buffer
X    ^B File beginning - move cursor to beginning of file
X    nC Change chars - delete n characters, enter insert mode
X    nD Down line - move cursor to beginning of next nth line
X   n^D Down column - move to same column in nth line down.
X     E Buffer end - move cursor to end of current buffer
X   n^E Insert repeat buffer n into current text for Editing
X    nF Find pattern - terminated with Escape - wild cards possible
X    ^F Find across buffs - searches across file buffers
X     G Get save buffer - insert contents of save buffer into text
X    ^G Unkill last line - get back the last single line killed
X    nH Half page - move cursor down (+n) or up (-n) half screen
X    nI Insert (till $) - If n supplied, then single char inserted
X     J Jump back to line cursor was on before previous command
X    nK Kill character - deletes starting at char cursor is over
X   n^K Kill line - deletes n lines
X    nL Left - move cursor n characters left
X     M Memory status - show basic status
X    nN Note current location, up to 9 different places remembered
X   n^N Reset location - return cursor to location n
X    nO Open blank line - new line in front of cursor
X    ^O Operating system - allows operating system commands
X    nP Page - move cursor up (-n) or down (+n) screenfuls
X    ^P Print screen - only on PCs
X    nR Right - move cursor right n characters
X    ^R Restore edited buffer - Used with ^E command
X    nS Save n consecutive lines in save buffer - deletes old contents
X    nT Tidy (fill text) - uses margin set by :w
X    ^T Abort session - edits are lost!
X    nU Up - move cursor up n lines to line beginning
X   n^U Up column - retains column
X     V Verify - repaints the screen
X   n^W Write buff, get next part of large file, -n writes to cursor
X    ^X Exit, end session - save edits
X   n^Y Yank to(-n)/from(+n) file - prompt for filename will follow
X   nBS Delete character before the cursor
X    n; Find again - re-uses last find pattern
X     / Delete "last thing" - following g, s, a, f, ^f commands
X     = Change "last thing" - like /, but enters insert mode
X     ' Delete to line beginning - deletes before cursor
X     " Delete to line end - cursor onward to end of line
X     , Line beginning - move cursor to beginning of line
X     . Line end - move to end of current line
X  nTAB Word right - move to begining of word to right
X    n{ Word left - left a word. n=0 move to beg of current word.
X n<>$$ Repeat loop - execute commands between <>'s n times
X    n& Repeat again - execute current repeat buffer again
X   n#k Execute repeat buffer k n times
X     ? Help - gives a help screen
X     @ Invoke cmd file - execute file of TVX commands
X     * Insert pattern found last - leaves in command mode
X    n~ Toggle case - upper to lower, lower to upper
X     $ Escape - end insert, find, repeat
X   n:p Set parameter p -  Possible parameters:
X        A - Autoindent (1=y,0=n)     D - display line
X        E - Expand tabs to n spaces  F - find case (0=exact,1=any)
X        M - Match wild cards         O - set output file name
X        S - scroll window            R - repeat buffer to use
X        T - tty mode                 U - define user wild card set
X        V - virtual window           W - autowrap width
X        C - cut mode
X  Wild card matching - when wild card matching (:M) is enabled (default),
X  the following wild cards (control characters) are supported
X  ^A - alphanumeric character (a-z,0-9)   ^D - a digit (0-9)
X  ^L - any letter (a-z) ^O - Other - not ^A  ^P - Punctuation
X  ^X - any single character  ^U - a character from user set (:U to set)
X  Any of the above preceded by ^W matches a "word" of the wild card.
X  A ^N will match a "word" of characters NOT in the wild card set.
echo Extracting vix.ref:
sed 's/^X//' >vix.ref <<\SHAR_EOF
X               VIX - A vi-like editor based on TVX
X	Vix is an extension to tvx that provides a close emulation
Xof the Unix editor vi.  While the majority of the common commands
Xare identical, there are some inherent differences in the way tvx
Xand vi treat text.  Most of the commands were implemented directly
Xusing the TVX equivalent, although some commands were required new
Xcode.  If the vi command could not be implemented, its command letter
Xwas left unused, and will produce an error message.
X	Vix does not have the underlying ex editor, so none of the
Xescape to ex commands work.  Vix does have the TVX repeat loop,
Xhowever, and this compensates to a great extent for the need for ex
Xfeatures. Please consult the TVX manual for examples of using the
Xrepeat loop.  Note that when using the repeat loop with vix, the commands
Xwill be vix commands and not tvx commands.
X	Another significant difference is that tvx (and thus vix)
Xtreats the end of line character as just another character.  Thus
Xcursor movement commands move over the end of line in a fashion one
Xwould expect.  However, when one moves to the end of the line, the
Xcursor is placed 'over' the newline (displayed after the last real
Xcharacter in the line).  This makes the '$' command work somewhat
Xdifferently. This also means that you can include a <return> in a
Xsearch pattern. Vix and tvx use ESCAPE to end the search pattern
Xinstead of <return>.
X	Vi uses the ':' command to read and write the file (among
Xother things).  Vix uses the ':' to set operating parameters such
Xas autoindent, screen size, etc.  The 'ZZ' (or 'ZA' to abort without
Xchanges) command is used by vix to exit.
X	Unlike vi and ex, tvx and vix try to load the entire file
Xbeing edited into memory (called the buffer by tvx/vix, as opposed
Xto the yank or save buffer).  If the entire file doesn't fit, the
Xuser must manually 'page' the file in and out of memory manually. 
XMost of the 'q' ("tvx" prefix) commands are supplied to handle buffer
Xmanipulation.  For more details, consult the TVX manual.  TVX/vix
Xalso uses the concept of the "last thing" as a major editing tool.
XWhenever you find a pattern, skip over a word with b or w, save text
Xinto the save buffer with the 'y' or 'Y' commands, or put text from
Xthe save buffer, that text is considered the "last thing". The 'c/'
Xand 'd/' commands will delete the last thing.  Entering a new command
Xwill forget what the last thing was until you again enter a "last
Xthing" command.
X	The available vix commands are summarized below.  The first
Xcolumn of each entry has a character noting similarities and 
Xdifferences with the real vi commands in the following fashion:
X- means present in vi, not implemented in vix.
X= means commands work identically {with possible minor variations}
X+ means new or significantly different command
X* means "equivalent" command, somewhat different than vi
X<space> means command unused in both vi and vix.
X  n in front of command means command takes count argument
X  [synonyms indicated in brackets]
X   ^@: Unused
X   ^A: Unused
X= n^B: Backward window. {2 lines of continuity not preserved}
X   ^C: Unused
X= n^D: Down half window.
X-  ^E: Not implemented
X= n^F: Forward window.
X*  ^G: memory status, short info line
X= n^H: backspace Command mode: left; Insert mode: del last char
X=  ^I: inserts tab in insert mode, not a command.
X= n^J: down arrow in column [j,^N]
X+ n^K: up in column [k,^P]
X=  ^L: verify screen [^R,z]
X= n^M: down to beginning of line [+]
X= n^N: [j, ^J]
X   ^O: Unused
X= n^P: [k, ^K]
X=  ^Q: Unused (flow control)
X=  ^R: Redraw screen [^L,z]
X=  ^S: Unused (flow control)
X+  ^T: TVX prefix command - see q [q,Q,T]
X* n^U: Up half window.  ** in insert mode, does NOT erase line **
X*  ^V: Not a command.  NOT literal quote in insert mode.
X*  ^W: Not a command.  NOT used for delete word in insert.
X   ^X: Unused
X-  ^Y: Not implemented
X-  ^Z: Not implemented
X=  Escape: forces command mode, safe follow char for d,c,q.
X   ^\: Unused
X-  ^]: Not implemented
X-  ^^: Not implemented
X   ^_: Unused
X=  <space>:  [r]
X+  n!: Tidy.  Fills n lines up to wrap margin. [see autowrap]
X-   ": Not implemented
X+ n#p: execute repeat loop number 'p' 'n' times
X=   $: goto end of current line {end is newline, not last char}
X-   %: Not implemented
X-   &: Not implemented
X-   ': Not implemented
X-   (: Not implemented
X-   ): Not implemented
X+   *: insert last matched pattern into text buffer
X=  n+: [CR, ^M]
X-   ,: Not implemented
X*   -: Used in vix for negative counts, use K for up line.
X-   .: Not implemented, repeat loops are a substitute
X=   /: search {Escape used to end pattern, multi-line patterns ok}
X*   0: 0 is used for counts (especially for : parameters)
X= 0-9: count value for numeric arguments {may be negative!}
X-   :: Not implemented - use ZZ and ZA to exit
X-   ;: Not implemented
X+  n<: Begin repeat loop. Loop terminated with >$$. ($ = Esc)
X+   =: Help screens
X+   >: Used to terminate repeat loops.
X=   ?: Reverse search {search begins on previous line}
X+  n@: execute current repeat loop n times (shorthand for n#p)
X=   A: append to end of line
X*  nB: back a word {vix's concept of words is different than vi}
X=   C: changes rest of line
X=   D: delete rest of the line
X-   E: Not implemented
X-   F: Not implemented
X=  nG: goes to line number n, or end of buffer if no n supplied
X*   H: Beginning of buffer (first line in buffer)
X=   I: inserts at beginning of line
X=   J: join lines {not needed since vix treats newlines as chars}
X+  nK: Up a line to beginning of line
X*   L: bottom line of file
X+  nM: return to marked location n (n from 1 to 9, see m)
X=   N: like n, but in reverse direction
X=  nO: open a line above current line. n opens n blank lines.
X=   P: put save buffer above current line {save buffers not named}
X+   T: tvx commands (see q) [^T,q,Q]
X*   U: very limited undo!! It only restores the LAST line killed!
X    V: Unused
X*  nW: Moves forward n words [w] {vix's concept of words not same}
X=  nX: delete n characters before cursor
X+  nY: append n lines to save buffer (see y), does not change buffer
X=+ Zx: exit from vix (ZZ: normal, writes file, ZA: abort, no changes)
X-  [[: Not implemented
X    \: Unused
X-  ]]: Not implemented
X=   ^: beginning of line {1st char of line, NOT 1st non-white char}
X+   _: invoke indirect command file
X=   a: append text starting after cursor
X*   b: back up a word [see B]
X=   c: change c, <sp>, ^, $, or / (delete, enter insert mode)
X    =   c - change line
X    =   <sp> - change one character
X    =   ^ - to beginning of line
X    =   $ - to end of line
X    -   w, b, and any others not mentioned not implemented
X    +   / - the last thing found, yanked or put
X=  nd: delete d, <sp>, ^, $, or /
X    =   d - delete line
X    =   <sp> - delete character
X    =   ^ - to beginning of line
X    =   $ - to end of line
X    -   w, b, and any others not mentioned not implemented
X    +   / - the last thing found, yanked or put
X-   e: Not implemented
X-   f: Not implemented
X    g: Unused
X=  nh: Move left n characters [BS,^H] {will move over lines, too}
X=  ni: insert (if value n supplied, then that ascii code inserted)
X=  nj: down lines, in column [^J,^N]
X=  nk: Up lines, in column [^K,^P]
X=  nl: right n characters [<space>] {moves over lines, too}
X*  nm: mark cur. line as location n.  Use M to return to location.
X=   n: find next (in same direction as last ? or /)
X=  no: open n following lines
X=   p: put save buffer after cur line
X+   q: Prefix character for "tvx" extended commands
X        !: call operating system
X        b: goto real beginning of the file
X        e: edit repeat buffer
X        j: jump back to last location
X        p: put external file from save buffer
X        r: restore repeat buffer
X        s: print screen
X        w: read in next page of file
X        y: yank external file to save buffer
X        /: cross buffer search
X      n:p: set parameter 'p' to value 'n', parameters are:
X         a: autoindent (1 means on, 0 off for all "switch" pars)
X         c: "cut" mode (means 'dd' saves line in yank buffer, too)
X         e: expand tabs to n spaces (8 default)
X         d: home display line (where cursor homes after verify)
X         f: find case mode (0 is case insensitive, 1 exact match)
X         m: match wildcards (1 use ^A, ^L, etc., 0 no wild cards)
X         o: requests new name for output file
X         s: scroll window, cursor moves s lines before scrolling
X         t: tty mode - 1: tty mode, 0: visual mode
X         u: requests entry of user wild card set
X         v: virtual window size
X         w: autowrap limit.
X=   r: replace next char with next character entered
X=  ns: substitute: delete n characters, enter insert mode
X-   t: Not implemented
X-   u: Not implemented (see U)
X    v: Unused
X*  nw: advance word (see W)
X=  nx: delete n characters
X*  ny: yank text to save buffer - will save n lines into save buffer
X       (Only one save buffer, 1st y clears buffer, rest add until
X	non y command entered. dd works in a similar fashion, but
X	kills as it saves (if cut_mode enabled)).
X=   z: refresh screen (^L,^R)
X-   {: Not implemented
X-   |: Not implemented
X=  n~: Change case of next n characters
X* nDEL: Same as X, delete previous character
echo Extracting emax.ref:
sed 's/^X//' >emax.ref <<\SHAR_EOF
X	            EMAX - TVX emulating emacs
X     Important differences:  No windows, no marked region, no Q registers,
Xno word delete/case change, ^K interacts differently with save buffer
Xmultiple keyboard macros (called repeat loops), much different file
Xand buffer manipulation.
X     Partial line ^K's (no argument or 0 argument) will save the deleted
Xtext in the unkill buffer (^CU), but NOT the save/cut buffer.  If an
Xargument is supplied, then the killed lines are save in the save buffer.
X     TVX'x kill last thing concept is implemented as ^C^K.
X     Values can be supplied in two ways.  Any of the <esc> commands
Xmay supply a count after the <esc>.  Thus, '<esc>10B' will back over
X10 words.  <esc> may also be used to specify the count for ctrl
Xcommands:  '<esc>10^N' goes down 10 lines.  The usual emacs '^U'
Xalso works to supply arguments.  It works in the emacs multiples
Xof 4, but the Arg: count echoes differently.  When you press ^U,
Xthen the message 'Arg: 4' will appear on the bottom.  If you press
X^U again, it will change to 'Arg: 16'.  However, if you enter
Xany other numeric value, the 'Arg' message disappears, and you
Xget no additional prompting of values.
X <ctrl-A>    Move to start of line.
Xn<ctrl-B>    (Back) Move backward by characters.
Xn<ctrl-C>    (Command) TVX Command: execute extended commands provided
X             by TVX base.  (Warning: these ^C commands have NO relation
X             to ^C commands provided by large emacs implemetations!)
X         ^A    Append line to save buffer
X         ^B    Move to absolute beginning of file
X         ^E    Edit repeat buffer
X         ^F    Fill n lines to autowrap margin
X         ^G    No op - exit ^C
X         ^H    Half screen down
X         ^J    Jump back to previous location
X         ^K    Delete last thing
X	 ^N    Move to beginning of next line
X	 ^M    Mark location n
X         ^P    Move to beginning of previous line
X         ^R    Restore edited repeat buffer
X         ^W    Write buffer, read next portion of file
X          ;    Search forward again
X          ~    Change case of next n characters
X	  G    Goto line number n
X          H    Half page up
X	  I    Insert ascii char n if n supplied,
X                 otherwise enter insert mode
X          L    Print screen on printer (micros only)
X          M    Return to marked location
X          P    Put line into save buffer
X          S    Search forward across file buffers
X          U    Unkill last single line killed
X          Vp   Set variable p (like TVX's : command)
X          W    Write save buffer to external file
X          Y    Yank external file into save buffer
Xn<ctrl-D>    (Delete) Delete next character.
X <ctrl-E>    (End) Move to end of line.
Xn<ctrl-F>    (Forward) Move forward by characters.
Xn<ctrl-H>    Backspace - delete n previous characters
Xn<ctrl-K>    (Kill) With no argument, kill from current position
X             to end of line; if at the end, kill the newline.
X             With argument 0, kill from beginning of line to current
X             position. Otherwise, kill argument lines forward
X             (if positive) or backward (if negative).
X <ctrl-L>    Redraw the screen.
Xn<ctrl-N>    (Next) Move to next line.
Xn<ctrl-O>    (Open) Open line abover cursor.
Xn<ctrl-P>    (Previous) Move to previous line.
X <ctrl-R>    (Reverse) search backward.
X <ctrl-S>    (Search) search forward. { <Esc>S is a synomymn }
X <ctrl-T>    (Transpose) Transpose characters.
X <ctrl-U>    Specify an argument, as described above.
Xn<ctrl-V>    Move forward by n pages.
X <ctrl-X><ctrl-C>  Prompt, and exit unconditionally if 'Y' given.
X <ctrl-X><ctrl-B>  Short buffer status line
Xn<ctrl-X>E   (Execute) Execute current repeat loop n times.
X <ctrl-Y>    (Yank) Yank save buffer to current location.
X <ctrl-Z>    Save current buffer to associated file and exit.
Xn<Del>       Delete the previous n characters. (^H is synonymn)
X <esc>%      Invoke command file (TVX @ file)
X <esc>!      Call operating system
Xn<esc>#p     Execute repeat loop 'p' 'n' times.
Xn<esc>(      Begin a repeat definition.  ')<esc><esc>' ends loop.
X <esc>-,0-9  Auto arugument for other <esc> and CTRL commands.
X <esc><      Move to beginning of buffer.
X <esc>>      Move to end of buffer.
X <esc>?      Help and status screens
Xn<esc>B      (Back) Move backward by words.
Xn<esc>F      (Forward) Move forward by words.
Xn<esc>V      Move backward by pages.
echo Extracting tvx_tut.doc:
sed 's/^X//' >tvx_tut.doc <<\SHAR_EOF
X        ****************************************************************
X        *                                                              *
X        *                 TVX Interactive Introductions                *
X        *                                                              *
X        ****************************************************************
X                                  **** 1 ****
X     This is a demonstration of the capabilities of TVX.  Commands to TVX
Xconsist of single key mnemonic commands.  TVX is what is known as a two mode
Xeditor - command mode and insert mode.  TVX is normally in command mode, and
Xkeystrokes are interpreted as commands like 'up', 'down', 'find', etc.  When
Xyou enter an 'i' for insert, TVX enters insert mode which allows you to enter
Xtext into the file.  For this lesson, you will be requested to enter commands.
XEach command key you are to enter will be enclosed in 'single quotes'.  Thus, a
Xrequest to enter 'd' means that you should simply hit the 'd' key on the
Xkeyboard.  Each time you hit the 'd' key, the blinking cursor will move down
Xone line.  NOW, hit the 'd' key repeatedly until '**** 2 ****' and part 2 of
Xthis demo shows on the screen.  (You will have to hit the 'd' key around 20
Xtimes.) Do that NOW. 
X                                  **** 2 ****
X     Welcome to part two of the lesson.  Continue to hit the 'd' key until the
X'**** 2 ****' is at the very top of the screen. 
X     TVX was written by Dr. Bruce Wampler, and has been released to the public
Xdomain.  It has versions running on CP/M-80, the IBM-PC, generic MS-DOS, the
XAtari 520ST, and several versions of Unix.  If you read the instructions and
Xenter the commands when requested, you should get a good demonstration of the
Xpower of TVX.  This lesson is organized into several sections.  Each section
Xwill start with a line in the form '**** 1 ****'. 
X     Most of the commands to TVX have been chosen to be mnemonic - thus it is
X'd' for down, 'u' for up, 'l' for left, and 'r' for right.  Pressing any of
Xthose four keys now will allow you to move the cursor around the screen.  The
X'd' and 'u' commands will move the cursor to the beginning of the next or
Xprevious lines. 
XNOW, hit the four cursor movement keys needed and position the blinking cursor
Xat the beginning of this line.  Whenever we get to a new section, use the 'd'
Xcommand to get the '**** n ****' at the top of the screen. 
X     TVX is easy to use.  Already, you can move around the file and see what is
Xgoing on.  This demo file is actually a text file, just like one you might edit
Xusing TVX.  There are other commands to move the cursor around.  The 'p' (page)
Xcommand moves down 25 lines at a time, which is a new screenful.  Right now,
Xthe cursor should still the line indicated above.  If you NOW hit 'p', part 3
Xwill show up. 
X....  end of part 2 .... 
X                                  **** 3 ****
X     Welcome to section 3. As before, repeatedly hit the 'p' key to position
Xthe **** 3 **** at the top of the screen. 
X     We will now be entering some other TVX commands.  When you are requested
Xto enter a command, the entire sequence will be enclosed in double quotes:
X"cmds".  Remember that commands are mnemonic - one key will enter one command
Xto the editor.  Sometimes entering a command will cause the screen to be
Xupdated, or a message to be printed at the bottom.  Usually, that is normal.  A
Xmajor benefit of a screen editor is "what you see is what you get". 
X     Most of the commands to TVX take optional count arguments.  To enter a
Xcount to a command, you enter the count using the digit keys on the top row of
Xthe keyboard, followed by the command key.  Thus, entering the sequence "10d"
Xwould cause the cursor to go down 10 lines.  Counts may be negative, too.  If
Xyou entered "-1p" (or, equivalently, "-p"), the cursor would move UP one
Xscreenful of text.  This convention for entering counts holds true for all TVX
Xcommands that take count arguments.  You may want to try using 'p' or "10d" or
Xother count instead of repeatedly hitting the 'd' key alone to move around this
X     As you use more and more TVX commands, it will be useful to have the quick
Xreference chart on hand.  Don't enter any other commands before requested.
XThis lesson is not foolproof, either.  If you try to get out of sequence of the
Xlesson, then you will likely get lost. 
X(*** Important note for users with limited RAM.  This entire lesson may not fit
Xinto memory at once!  When you get to the point that no more text will scroll
Xup from the bottom, you must hit '^W'.  Pressing both the 'Ctrl' and the 'w'
Xkeys at the same time will cause the next part of the lesson to be read in.)
XNOW, hit 'd' (or a 'p') until **** 4 **** is at the screen top. 
X....  end of part 3 .... 
X                                  **** 4 ****
X     We will now actually edit some text.  NOTE: This IS a scratch file, so
Xdon't worry about changing it.  The 'k' (for kill a character) command can be
Xused to delete a single character at a time.  By hitting the 'k' key once, the
Xcharacter the cursor is positioned on will be deleted.  A "5k" would delete the
Xnext 5 characters.  NOW, use the four cursor motion commands to position the
Xcursor on the following sharp: #. We will delete this text.  After the cursor
Xis on the #, repeatedly hit the 'k' key and delete only the sentence
Ximmediately following the #.
X     We will continue with simple editing of text.  If at any time, the text is
Xoff the bottom of the screen, use the 'd' down key to move down and scroll the
Xnew text onto the screen as needed. 
X     The backspace key may be used to delete one character at a time before the
Xcursor.  NOW, position the cursor over the '0' in the following string:
X1234567890abcd.  NOW, use the backspace key to delete the digits before the
X'0'.  If you had used 'k' instead, the characters AFTER the '0' would have been
Xdeleted.  That's all there is to deleting text. 
X     Suppose you want to delete an entire line.  The '^k' key (pressing the
X'Ctrl' key and the 'k' key at the same time, from now on, '^x' means Control-X)
Xwill delete the entire line that the cursor is currently positioned on.  NOW,
Xposition the cursor anywhere on the next line. 
X---- We will delete this entire line ----
XNOW, with the cursor on the previous line, when you hit '^k', it will be
Xdeleted.  Of course, you can use a count argument and delete several lines,
Xforwards or backwards.  Remember that counts are entered using the by entering
Xa count before the command key.  NOW, position the cursor on the next line. 
XWe will now delete 5 lines.  NOW, enter the command sequence "5^k". 
XThis is line 2 to be killed. 
XLine 3
XLine 4
XLine 5
X     Those 5 lines should now be gone. 
X     What if you accidentally kill a line?  You can get it back! 
XNOW, position the cursor on this line and hit '^k'. 
XIt's gone.  NOW, before you enter any other commands, press '^g' (for get
Xback).  That line is back!  This works only for the last killed line, however.
XIf you had entered "5^k", then only the last line would have been recovered.
XThe last line killed will be saved until another line is killed. 
X     Two other useful commands are available for deleting text.  You may want
Xto delete the rest of a given line, or you may want to delete the first part of
Xthe line.  NOW, position the cursor over the c on the next line:
XIf you now hit '"' key (double quote), the part of the line from the 'c'
Xonwards will be deleted.  Now move the cursor back to the '0'on that line.  To
Xdelete the first part of the line, use ''' (single quote).  You should now have
X'0ab' on that line, since the ''' does not include the character the cursor is
Xon.  The '^G' unkill command works for ''' and '"', just like '^k'. 
X     NOW, move the cursor down and get part 5 (**** 5 ****) to the top of the
Xscreen.  You can use 'p' or 'd'. 
X....  end of part 4 .... 
X                                  **** 5 ****
X     We will now insert some text.  To insert text, you first position the
Xcursor to the place you want to insert the text.  Then enter the 'i' (for
Xinsert) to enter insert mode, then enter the text you want to insert using the
Xregular keyboard keys.  Notice that the message '### Insert Mode ###' appears
Xon the bottom of the screen.  On some versions, the shape of the cursor will
Xchange, too.  As you type, the text you enter will appear on the screen in
Xfront of the cursor: "what you see is what you get".  As you continue, all
Xcharacters that you type will continue to be inserted.  When you are done
Xinserting text, press the 'Esc' key.  You will now be back in command mode. 
X     NOW, let's try to insert something.  How about your name.  Position the
Xcursor over the period (.) on the next line:
XMy name is: .
XNOW, press 'i' to enter insert mode, then type your name, and finally press
X'Esc' to return to command mode.  That is all there is to inserting text.  TVX
Xis a line oriented editor, which is most useful for entering programs.  You
Xpress the 'Return' key to end a line and begin a new one. 
X     Sometimes you may want to insert a block of text in the middle of a line,
Xor before some existing text.  You can simply enter the text, but the constant
Xshifting of text to the right can be visually unpleasant.  The 'o' (open)
Xcommand will open a new line for inserting text.  Try it. 
X     The next section covers the find pattern command will show you how to
Xsearch for text and find the section or line of the file you want to edit. 
X....  end of part 5 .... 
X                                  **** 6 ****
X     It is often useful to be able to find a particular word or pattern in the
Xtext file.  The TVX find command may be used for this.  To start the find
Xcommand, you first press the 'f' (find) key.  This will cause the message
X"Find?" to be printed on the bottom of the screen.  You then enter the pattern
Xyou want to find.  The pattern is terminated with an [Esc].  If the pattern is
Xfound, the screen will be updated, and the cursor placed after the pattern.  If
Xthe pattern is not found, the cursor is not changed and "Not found" will be
Xprinted on the bottom.  When entering the pattern, you may use the backspace
Xkey to edit your input.  Each time you hit the backspace key, one character is
X     NOW, let's search for the pattern "replace".  To do this, first hit the
X'f' command, followed by "replace[Esc]".  The cursor will now be placed after
Xthe next occurrence of "replace".  If you had supplied a count of -1 (or -)
Xbefore the 'f', then the search would have been for the first previous
Xoccurrence of "replace". 
X     If you now hit the ';' (find again) key, the next occurrence of the last
Xpattern you found, here "replace", will be found.  TVX always remembers the
Xlast pattern you found, and the ';' command will search again. 
X     Speaking of replace, TVX makes it easy to find a pattern and then either
Xdelete that string or replace it with a new string.  If you hit the '/' (delete
Xlast) key immediately after finding a pattern, that pattern will be deleted.
XTry another ';' to find 'replace' again, and then hit '/'.  If you want to then
Xreplace the text, you can use the '=' command.  It is just like entering "/i". 
X     Normally, the find pattern command ignores upper and lower case.  You can
Xsearch for the exact case, however.  You may also search for arbitrary
Xpatterns.  See the user's manual for details. 
X....  end of part 6 .... 
X                                  **** 7 ****
X     This section covers more cursor movement commands.  So far, we have only
Xused the four cursor motion keys and the 'p' commands.  Two commands let you
Xskip over a word at a time.  These are the 'TAB' and '{' (or '[') commands.
XThus, the 'TAB' key will skip over the next word to the right.  The '{' skips
Xover words backwards.  Try using those two commands to see how they work. 
X     The '.' (period, usually the same key as '>') command will move the cursor
Xto the end of the current line.  The ',' (comma, on the same key as '<')
Xcommand moves the cursor to the beginning of the line.  Experiment with those
Xtwo commands. 
X     You may have noticed that the 'u' and 'd' commands always move the cursor
Xto the beginning of the line.  Two commands will move the cursor vertically,
Xbut keep it in the same column.  The '^d' key moves down in the same column,
Xand the '^u' command moves up in the same column.  Try using 'u', 'd', '^u',
Xand '^d' to see the difference in their operation. 
X     The 'p' command moves up and down (with a - count) a screenful.  The 'h'
Xcommand keys will move the cursor a half screenful at a time. 
X     You also can get to the very beginning or the very end of the file.  These
Xcommands are 'b' (begin) and 'e' (end).  Whenever you enter a command that
Xmoves the cursor a long ways, TVX remembers where you came from.  Immediately
Xafter entering a command that changes the cursor location, you can use the 'j'
X(jump back) command to return the cursor to the previous location.  For
Xexample, if you enter 'b' followed by a 'j', you will move to the beginning,
Xthen jump back to here.  The 'j' is most useful after the begin and end
Xcommands, as well as after a 'f' find command. 
X....  end of part 7 .... 
X                                  **** 8 ****
X     We will now cover some of the more advanced features of TVX, such as
Xmoving blocks of text and entering editing macros.  TVX can be used to easily
Xmove text around a file.  First, lets move a copy of the following three lines
Xdown a ways.  Use 'd' to place the cursor at the beginning of the following
Xthree lines. 
XSaved line 1 Saved line 2 Saved line 3
XNOW, hit the 's' (for save) command three times (or "3s").  Note that the
Xcursor moved down three lines and is now positioned over the NOW.  We will make
Xa copy of those lines below here.  Place the cursor over the # on the next
X# The saved text will get copied above this line
XIf you now hit the 'g' (get) command, a copy of the three saved lines will get
Xinserted right before the # line.  These commands are called 'Save line' and
X'Get back saved text'. 
X     Remember the '/' delete pattern command used on 'f' find?  That command
Xreally is "delete last thing", where the last "thing" can be a find pattern as
Xbefore, or the text just saved in the save buffer, or the text just gotten from
Xthe save buffer.  Now we can easily move several lines of text.  Save the
Xfollowing two lines by positioning the cursor at the beginning of the first and
Xthen hitting 's' twice. 
XMove this line 1 Move this line 2
XNow the cursor will be at the beginning of this line.  If you now hit the '/'
Xkey, those two lines will be deleted.  Move them to the following line by
Xpositioning the cursor and hitting the 'g' to get them back. 
XMove them to in front of this line. 
X     Each time you hit the 's' key, another line is saved in the save buffer.
XIf you don't enter any other commands between consecutive 's' commands (or 's'
Xwith counts) continue to add text to the save buffer.  The first 's' command
Xentered following any other command will first clear whatever text might
Xalready be in the save buffer. 
X     If you want to save a few lines from one part of the file, then a few more
Xfrom a different place, you can use the 'a' append command.  Append is very
Xmuch like the save command except that it always adds on to the end of the save
Xbuffer and will not clear it if there are other commands between. 
X     A few more words about the '/' delete last thing command.  So far you have
Xseen how '/' works with the 'find' and 'save' commands.  It also works right
Xafter a 'g' get command, so if you get text to the wrong place, you simply need
Xto hit '/' to delete it again.  '/' also works right after the 'TAB' and '{'
Xcommands, which makes it easy to delete words.  If you entered "5[TAB]"
Xfollowed by a '/', the cursor would skip over 5 words and then those 5 words
Xwould be deleted.  You may try that here if you wish to see it work. 
X....  end of part 8 .... 
X                                  **** 9 ****
X     This section demonstrates the use of the repeat buffer.  The repeat buffer
Xallows you to enter one or several commands and cause them to be repeatedly
Xexecuted.  For example, suppose you wanted to change the next 3 occurrences of
X'abc' to 'wxyz'.  Using the 'f' find and '/' delete last (or even '=' delete
Xlast and insert) commands to do this manually can be time consuming.  It would
Xbe difficult to do this if there were 100 changes to make.  The repeat loop
Xsolves this problem.  To do the example one time, you might enter the
Xfollowing: "fabc[Esc]=wxyz[Esc]".  (Note that [Esc] means the Escape key, and
Xwill be echoed on the bottom of the screen as a '$'.) We will now do this three
Xtimes.  FIRST, position at the beginning of the next line. 
XThe cursor should be at the beginning of this line.  Now, enter a '3' followed
Xby the '<' (begin loop) key.  That will cause the message "repeat: 3<" to be
Xprinted on the bottom line.  Now, enter the above command:
X"fabc[Esc]=wxyz[Esc]".  That is the body of the repeat loop.  To change the
Xnext 3 abc's (abc), now terminate the loop by entering ">[Esc][Esc]".  The '>'
X(upper case comma key) closes the loop, and the double [Esc] is necessary to
Xterminate the loop.  Note that the [Esc] echoes as '$'.  Now, the next three
Xoccurrences of abc will have been changed to 'wxyz'.  If there had been less
Xthan three occurrences of 'abc', then the loop would have terminated early with
Xan error message.  You may use the backspace key to edit your input to the
Xrepeat command, just as with find. 
X     Now suppose you want to change the next 'abc' into 'wxyz'.  TVX remembers
Xthe loop you just entered.  (Actually, there are 3 to 9 different repeat loops
Xwhich can be displayed by entering the '?' help command.) Now, to change one
Xmore 'abc', press the '&' key.  The 'Rpt agn' command will cause the loop to be
Xre-executed count times. 
X     These repeats can get quite complex.  This can be a danger, but is a
Xpowerful tool.  Any of the 3 to 9 repeat loop buffers can be selected and used
Xto hold TVX command macros.  The Reference Manual explains how to use the
Xmultiple repeat buffers.  By doing nothing, however, you still get the one
Xdefault repeat loop with no extra worry or action on your part. 
X....  end of part 9 .... 
X                                 **** 10 ****
X     There is one command that you may find useful occasionally (at least on
Xsingle user systems such as an IBM-PC): screen print.  The '^p' command will
Xcause the current screen to be sent to the printer (if there is one!).  By
Xconsecutively hitting '^p', 'p', ..., you can print as much of your file as you
Xwish.  You can try that now if you have a printer and it is ready. 
X....  end of part 10 .... 
X                                 **** 11 ****
X     TVX has one other major feature that may occasionally be useful to you.
XYou can read in an external file into the save buffer.  The 'g' get command can
Xthen be used to insert that text into the file you are editing.  To use this
Xcommand, press '^y' (for yank).  You will be asked for the name of a file.
XThat file will be read in.  If you now position the cursor and press 'g', the
Xcontents of that file will be placed in the current buffer. 
X     The opposite of '^y' is "-^y".  You can save a portion of the current file
Xin another one.  Save the section you want to write in the save buffer using
Xthe 's' command, then enter "-^y".  You will be asked for the name of the file
Xto write to.  The current contents of the save buffer will then be saved in
Xthat file. 
X                                 **** 12 ****
X     TVX has several features that improve its interaction with nroff type text
Xformatters.  (These formatters typically have formatting commands that begin
Xwith a period in column one of the line.) One is the auto-wrap feature.  With
Xthe feature, TVX will automatically wrap around when you pass a specified
Xcolumn when entering text.  To turn on auto-wrap, enter the command "70:w".
XThe 70 means wrapping will occur when you enter the first space after column
X79.  The ':' is a general 'set' command used to set various parameters to TVX. 
XWhen you use auto-wrap, you will get source text with a generally even
Xappearance.  However, as you edit text, you will find the
Xlines getting uneven, just like this text. The "tidy" command can be
Xused to even out these lines.  Move the cursor
Xto the beginning of this text, and enter "8t". Each
X't' will tidy one line.  Tidy works very much like a formatter's filling,
Xand knows about dot commands.  It also won't tidy lines beginning
Xwith a blank or tab.
X                                **** last ****
X     TVX has several other features and commands.  These are described in
Xdetail in the TVX reference manual.  This lesson has tried to give examples of
Xsome of the more commonly used features of TVX. 
X     Feel free to experiment on this lesson file with all the commands provided
Xby TVX.  The best way to learn about the operation of TVX is by using it.  You
Xare on your own now.  When you are done, you can exit TVX with the '^X' exit
Xcommand.  You should have a good idea of the philosophy of TVX now, and can
Xread the user's manual with new insight. 
XRemember - '^x' to exit, 'b' for beginning, 'e' for end
echo ALL DONE!
exit 0