sources-request@mirror.UUCP (06/30/86)
Submitted by: Dave Taylor <pyramid!hplabs!hpldat!taylor> Mod.sources: Volume 6, Issue 31 Archive-name: elm/Part06 # Continuation of Shell Archive, created by hpldat!taylor # This is part 6 # To unpack the enclosed files, please use this file as input to the # Bourne (sh) shell. This can be most easily done by the command; # sh < thisfilename if [ ! -d src ] then echo creating directory src mkdir src fi # ---------- file src/read_rc.c ---------- filename="src/read_rc.c" if [ -f $filename ] then echo File \"$filename\" already exists\! Skipping... filename=/dev/null # throw it away else echo extracting file src/read_rc.c... fi cat << 'END-OF-FILE' > $filename /** read_rc.c **/ /** (C) Copyright 1985, Dave Taylor **/ /** This file contains programs to allow the user to have a .elmrc file in their home directory containing any of the following: fullname= <username string> maildir = <directory> mailbox = <file> editor = <editor> savemail= <savefile> calendar= <calendar file name> shell = <shell> print = <print command> weedout = <list of headers to weed out> prefix = <copied message prefix string> pager = <command to use for displaying messages> bounceback= <hop count threshold, or zero to disable> timeout = <seconds for main menu timeout or zero to disable> sortby = <sent, received, from, size, subject> alternatives = <list of addresses that forward to us> and/or the logical arguments: autocopy [on|off] copy [on|off] resolve [on|off] weed [on|off] noheader [on|off] titles [on|off] editout [on|off] savebyname [on|off] movepage [on|off] pointnew [on|off] hpkeypad [on|off] hpsoftkeys [on|off] signature [on|off] alwaysleave [on|off] alwaysdel [on|off] arrow [on|off] Lines starting with '#' are considered comments and are not checked any further! Modified 10/85 to know about "Environment" variables.. Modified 12/85 for the 'prefix' option Modified 2/86 for the new 3.3 flags **/ #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #ifdef BSD #undef tolower #endif #include "headers.h" char *shift_lower(), *strtok(), *getenv(), *malloc(); #define NOTWEEDOUT 0 #define WEEDOUT 1 #define ALTERNATIVES 2 read_rc_file() { /** this routine does all the actual work of reading in the .rc file... **/ FILE *file; char buffer[SLEN], filename[SLEN]; char word1[SLEN], word2[SLEN]; int errors = 0, last = NOTWEEDOUT; sprintf(filename,"%s/%s", home, elmrcfile); default_weedlist(); alternative_addresses = NULL; /* none yet! */ if ((file = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) { dprint0(2,"Warning: User has no \".elmrc\" file (read_rc_file)\n"); return; /* we're done! */ } while (fgets(buffer, SLEN, file) != NULL) { no_ret(buffer); /* remove return */ if (buffer[0] == '#') { /* comment */ last = NOTWEEDOUT; continue; } if (strlen(buffer) < 2) { /* empty line */ last = NOTWEEDOUT; continue; } breakup(buffer, word1, word2); strcpy(word1, shift_lower(word1)); /* to lower case */ if (word2[0] == 0 && (last != WEEDOUT || last != ALTERNATIVES)) { dprint1(2,"Error: Bad .elmrc entry in users file;\n-> \"%s\"\n", buffer); fprintf(stderr, "Badly formed line in \".elmrc\": %s\n", buffer); errors++; continue; } if (equal(word1,"maildir") || equal(word1,"folders")) { expand_env(folders, word2); last = NOTWEEDOUT; } else if (equal(word1, "fullname") || equal(word1,"username") || equal(word1, "name")) { strcpy(full_username, word2); last = NOTWEEDOUT; } else if (equal(word1, "prefix")) { strcpy(prefixchars, word2); last = NOTWEEDOUT; } else if (equal(word1, "shell")) { expand_env(shell, word2); last = NOTWEEDOUT; } else if (equal(word1, "sort") || equal(word1, "sortby")) { strcpy(word2, shift_lower(word2)); if (equal(word2, "sent")) sortby = SENT_DATE; else if (equal(word2, "received") || equal(word2,"recieved")) sortby = RECEIVED_DATE; else if (equal(word2, "from") || equal(word2, "sender")) sortby = SENDER; else if (equal(word2, "size") || equal(word2, "lines")) sortby = SIZE; else if (equal(word2, "subject")) sortby = SUBJECT; else if (equal(word2, "reverse-sent") || equal(word2,"rev-sent")) sortby = - SENT_DATE; else if (strncmp(word2, "reverse-rec",11) == 0 || strncmp(word2,"rev-rec",7) == 0) sortby = - RECEIVED_DATE; else if (equal(word2, "reverse-from") || equal(word2, "rev-from") || equal(word2,"reverse-sender")|| equal(word2,"rev-sender")) sortby = - SENDER; else if (equal(word2, "reverse-size") || equal(word2, "rev-size") || equal(word2, "reverse-lines")|| equal(word2,"rev-lines")) sortby = - SIZE; else if (equal(word2, "reverse-subject") || equal(word2, "rev-subject")) sortby = - SUBJECT; else { if (! errors) printf("Error reading '.elmrc' file;\n"); printf("Don't know what sort key '%s' specifies!\n", word2); errors++; continue; } } else if (equal(word1, "mailbox")) { expand_env(mailbox, word2); last = NOTWEEDOUT; } else if (equal(word1, "editor") || equal(word1,"mailedit")) { expand_env(editor, word2); last = NOTWEEDOUT; } else if (equal(word1, "savemail") || equal(word1, "saveto")) { expand_env(savefile, word2); last = NOTWEEDOUT; } else if (equal(word1, "calendar")) { expand_env(calendar_file, word2); last = NOTWEEDOUT; } else if (equal(word1, "print") || equal(word1, "printmail")) { expand_env(printout, word2); last = NOTWEEDOUT; } else if (equal(word1, "pager") || equal(word1, "page")) { expand_env(pager, word2); last = NOTWEEDOUT; } else if (equal(word1, "autocopy")) { auto_copy = equal(shift_lower(word2), "on"); last = NOTWEEDOUT; } else if (equal(word1, "copy") || equal(word1, "auto_cc")) { auto_cc = equal(shift_lower(word2), "on"); last = NOTWEEDOUT; } else if (equal(word1, "resolve")) { resolve_mode = equal(shift_lower(word2), "on"); last = NOTWEEDOUT; } else if (equal(word1, "weed")) { filter = equal(shift_lower(word2), "on"); last = NOTWEEDOUT; } else if (equal(word1, "noheader")) { noheader = equal(shift_lower(word2), "on"); last = NOTWEEDOUT; } else if (equal(word1, "titles")) { title_messages = equal(shift_lower(word2), "on"); last = NOTWEEDOUT; } else if (equal(word1, "editout")) { edit_outbound = equal(shift_lower(word2), "on"); last = NOTWEEDOUT; } else if (equal(word1, "savebyname") || equal(word1, "savename")) { save_by_name = equal(shift_lower(word2), "on"); last = NOTWEEDOUT; } else if (equal(word1, "movepage") || equal(word1, "page") || equal(word1, "movewhenpaged")) { move_when_paged = equal(shift_lower(word2), "on"); last = NOTWEEDOUT; } else if (equal(word1, "pointnew") || equal(word1, "pointtonew")) { point_to_new = equal(shift_lower(word2), "on"); last = NOTWEEDOUT; } else if (equal(word1, "keypad") || equal(word1, "hpkeypad")) { hp_terminal = equal(shift_lower(word2), "on"); last = NOTWEEDOUT; } else if (equal(word1, "softkeys") || equal(word1, "hpsoftkeys")) { hp_softkeys = hp_terminal = equal(shift_lower(word2), "on"); last = NOTWEEDOUT; } else if (equal(word1, "signature")) { signature = equal(shift_lower(word2), "on"); last = NOTWEEDOUT; } else if (equal(word1, "arrow")) { arrow_cursor = equal(shift_lower(word2), "on"); last = NOTWEEDOUT; } else if (equal(word1, "alwaysleave") || equal(word1, "leave")) { always_leave = equal(shift_lower(word2), "on"); last = NOTWEEDOUT; } else if (equal(word1, "alwaysdelete") || equal(word1, "delete")) { always_del = equal(shift_lower(word2), "on"); last = NOTWEEDOUT; } else if (equal(word1, "bounce") || equal(word1, "bounceback")) { bounceback = atoi(word2); if (bounceback > MAX_HOPS) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: bounceback is set to greater than %d (max-hops) - Ignored.\n", MAX_HOPS); bounceback = 0; } last = NOTWEEDOUT; } else if (equal(word1, "timeout")) { timeout = atoi(word2); if (timeout < 10) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: timeout is set to less than 10 seconds - Ignored.\n"); timeout = 0; } last = NOTWEEDOUT; } else if (equal(word1, "weedout")) { weedout(word2); last = WEEDOUT; } else if (equal(word1, "alternatives")) { alternatives(word2); last = ALTERNATIVES; } else if (last == WEEDOUT) /* could be multiple line weedout */ weedout(buffer); else if (last == ALTERNATIVES) /* multi-line addresses */ alternatives(buffer); else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown line from .rc file: %s\n", buffer); errors++; } } if (errors) exit(errors); } weedout(string) char *string; { /** This routine is called with a list of headers to weed out. **/ char *strptr, *header, *cp, *wp; strptr = string; while ((header = strtok(strptr, "\t ,\"'")) != NULL) { if (strlen(header) > 0) { if ((weedlist[weedcount] = malloc(strlen(header) + 1)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Too many weed headers - out of memory! Leaving...\n"); exit(1); } for (cp = header, wp = weedlist[weedcount]; *cp != '\0'; cp++) *wp++ = (*cp == '_') ? ' ' : *cp; weedcount++; } strptr = NULL; } } alternatives(string) char *string; { /** This routine is called with a list of alternative addresses that you may receive mail from (forwarded) **/ char *strptr, *address; struct addr_rec *current_record, *previous_record; previous_record = NULL; strptr = (char *) string; while ((address = strtok(strptr, "\t ,\"'")) != NULL) { if (previous_record == NULL) { previous_record = (struct addr_rec *) malloc(sizeof *alternative_addresses); strcpy(previous_record->address, address); previous_record->next = NULL; alternative_addresses = previous_record; } else { current_record = (struct addr_rec *) malloc(sizeof *alternative_addresses); strcpy(current_record->address, address); current_record->next = NULL; previous_record->next = current_record; previous_record = current_record; } strptr = (char *) NULL; } } default_weedlist() { /** Install the default headers to weed out! Many gracious thanks to John Lebovitz for this dynamic method of allocation! **/ static char *default_list[] = { ">From", "In-Reply-To:", "References:", "Newsgroups:", "Received:", "Apparently-To:", "Message-Id:", NULL }; for (weedcount = 0; default_list[weedcount] != NULL; weedcount++) { if ((weedlist[weedcount] = malloc(strlen(default_list[weedcount]) + 1)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "\n\rNot enough memory for default weedlist. Leaving.\n\r"); leave(1); } strcpy(weedlist[weedcount], default_list[weedcount]); } } int matches_weedlist(buffer) char *buffer; { /** returns true iff the first 'n' characters of 'buffer' match an entry of the weedlist **/ register int i; for (i=0;i < weedcount; i++) if (strncmp(buffer, weedlist[i], strlen(weedlist[i])) == 0) return(1); return(0); } breakup(buffer, word1, word2) char *buffer, *word1, *word2; { /** This routine breaks buffer down into word1, word2 where word1 is alpha characters only, and there is an equal sign delimiting the two... alpha = beta For lines with more than one 'rhs', word2 is set to the entire string... **/ register int i; for (i=0;i<strlen(buffer) && isalpha(buffer[i]); i++) word1[i] = buffer[i]; word1[i++] = '\0'; /* that's the first word! */ /** spaces before equal sign? **/ while (buffer[i] == ' ' || buffer[i] == '\t') i++; if (buffer[i] == '=') i++; /** spaces after equal sign? **/ while (buffer[i] == ' ' || buffer[i] == '\t') i++; if (i < strlen(buffer)) strcpy(word2, (char *) (buffer + i)); else word2[0] = '\0'; } expand_env(dest, buffer) char *dest, *buffer; { /** expand possible metacharacters in buffer and then copy to dest... This routine knows about "~" being the home directory, and "$xxx" being an environment variable. **/ char *word, *string, next_word[SLEN]; if (buffer[0] == '/') { dest[0] = '/'; dest[1] = '\0'; } else dest[0] = '\0'; string = (char *) buffer; while ((word = strtok(string, "/")) != NULL) { if (word[0] == '$') { #ifdef SUN next_word[0] = '\0'; if (getenv((char *) (word + 1)) != NULL) #endif strcpy(next_word, getenv((char *) (word + 1))); if (strlen(next_word) == 0) leave(fprintf(stderr, "\n\rCan't expand environment variable '%s'\n\r", word)); } else if (word[0] == '~' && word[1] == '\0') strcpy(next_word, home); else strcpy(next_word, word); sprintf(dest, "%s%s%s", dest, (strlen(dest) > 0? "/":""), next_word); string = (char *) NULL; } } END-OF-FILE if [ "$filename" != "/dev/null" ] then size=`wc -c < $filename` if [ $size != 12722 ] then echo $filename changed - should be 12722 bytes, not $size bytes fi chmod 644 $filename fi # ---------- file src/hdrconfg.c ---------- filename="src/hdrconfg.c" if [ -f $filename ] then echo File \"$filename\" already exists\! Skipping... filename=/dev/null # throw it away else echo extracting file src/hdrconfg.c... fi cat << 'END-OF-FILE' > $filename /** hdrconfg.c **/ /** This file contains the routines necessary to be able to modify the mail headers of messages on the way off the machine. The headers currently supported for modification are: Subject: To: Cc: Reply-To: Expiration-Date: Priority: In-Reply-To: Action: Security: (C) Copyright 1985, Dave Taylor **/ #include <stdio.h> #include "headers.h" #include <ctype.h> #ifdef BSD #undef toupper #endif /* these are all defined in the mailout file! */ extern char subject[SLEN], action[SLEN], in_reply_to[SLEN], expires[SLEN], priority[SLEN], reply_to[SLEN]; extern char to[VERY_LONG_STRING], cc[VERY_LONG_STRING]; edit_headers() { /** Edit headers. **/ int unexpanded_to = TRUE, unexpanded_cc = TRUE; char c, expanded_to[VERY_LONG_STRING], expanded_cc[VERY_LONG_STRING]; if (mail_only) goto outta_here; /* how did we get HERE??? */ #ifdef INTERNET_ADDRESS_FORMAT # ifdef DOMAINS sprintf(reply_to, "%s <%s@%s%s>", full_username, username, hostname, DOMAIN); # else sprintf(reply_to, "%s <%s@%s>", full_username, username, hostname); # endif #else sprintf(reply_to, "%s <%s!%s>", full_username, hostname, username); #endif display_headers(); do { PutLine0(LINES-1,0,"Choice: "); CleartoEOLN(); c = toupper(getchar()); clear_error(); switch (c) { case ctrl('M'): case 'Q' : goto outta_here; case ctrl('L') : display_headers(); break; case 'T' : if (optionally_enter(to, 2, 9, TRUE) == -1) goto outta_here; build_address(strip_commas(to), expanded_to); unexpanded_to = FALSE; break; case 'S' : if (optionally_enter(subject, 4, 9, FALSE) == -1) goto outta_here; break; case 'C' : if (optionally_enter(cc, 5, 9, TRUE) == -1) goto outta_here; build_address(strip_commas(cc), expanded_cc); unexpanded_cc = FALSE; break; case 'R' : if (optionally_enter(reply_to, 7, 11, FALSE) == -1) goto outta_here; break; case 'A' : if (optionally_enter(action, 8, 9, FALSE) == -1) goto outta_here; break; case 'E' : enter_date(9, 17, expires); break; case 'P' : if (optionally_enter(priority, 10,10, FALSE) == -1) goto outta_here; break; case 'I' : if (strlen(in_reply_to > 0)) { if (optionally_enter(in_reply_to, 11,13, FALSE) == -1) goto outta_here; break; } /** else fall through as an error **/ default : error("Unknown header being specified!"); } } while (TRUE); outta_here: /* this section re-expands aliases before we leave... */ if (unexpanded_to) build_address(strip_commas(to), expanded_to); if (unexpanded_cc) build_address(strip_commas(cc), expanded_cc); strcpy(to, expanded_to); strcpy(cc, expanded_cc); } display_headers() { ClearScreen(); Centerline(0,"Message Header Edit Screen"); PutLine1(2,0,"To : %s", to); PutLine1(4,0,"Subject: %s", subject); PutLine1(5,0,"Cc : %s", cc); PutLine1(7,0,"Reply-To: %s", reply_to); PutLine1(8,0,"Action : %s", action); PutLine1(9,0,"Expiration-Date: %s", expires); PutLine1(10,0,"Priority: %s", priority); if (strlen(in_reply_to) > 0) PutLine1(11,0,"In-Reply-To: %s", in_reply_to); Centerline(LINES-5, "Choose First Letter of Header or <return> from Editing Headers"); } enter_date(x, y, buffer) int x, y; char *buffer; { /** Enter the number of days this message is valid for, then display at (x,y) the actual date of expiration. This routine relies heavily on the routine 'days_ahead()' in the file date.c **/ int days; PutLine0(LINES-1,0, "How many days in the future should it expire? "); CleartoEOLN(); Raw(OFF); gets(buffer, SLEN); Raw(ON); sscanf(buffer, "%d", &days); if (days < 1) error("That doesn't make sense!"); else if (days > 14) error("Expiration date must be within two weeks of today"); else { days_ahead(days, buffer); PutLine0(x, y, buffer); } } END-OF-FILE if [ "$filename" != "/dev/null" ] then size=`wc -c < $filename` if [ $size != 4054 ] then echo $filename changed - should be 4054 bytes, not $size bytes fi chmod 644 $filename fi # ---------- file src/help.c ---------- filename="src/help.c" if [ -f $filename ] then echo File \"$filename\" already exists\! Skipping... filename=/dev/null # throw it away else echo extracting file src/help.c... fi cat << 'END-OF-FILE' > $filename /** help.c **/ /*** help routine for ELM program (C) Copyright 1985, Dave Taylor ***/ #include <ctype.h> #include "headers.h" help() { /** Process the top-level request for help from the user **/ char ch; /* character buffer for input */ char *s; /* string pointer... */ MoveCursor(LINES-7,0); CleartoEOS(); Centerline(LINES-7, "ELM Help System"); Centerline(LINES-5, "Press keys you want help for, '?' for a list, or '.' to end"); PutLine0(LINES-3, 0, "Help on key: "); do { MoveCursor(LINES-3, strlen("Help on key: ")); ch = tolower(ReadCh()); if (ch == '.') return(0); /* zero means footer rewrite only */ s = "Unknown command. Use '?' for a list of commands..."; switch (ch) { case '?': display_helpfile(); return(1); case '!': s = "! = Escape to the Unix shell of your choice, or just to enter commands"; break; case '@': s = "@ = Debug - display a summary of the notes on the header page"; break; case '|': s = "| = Pipe the current message or tagged messages to the command specified"; break; case '#': s = "# = Debug - display all information known about current message"; break; case '%': s = "% = Debug - display the computed return address of the current message"; break; case '*': s = "* = Go to the last message in the current mailbox"; break; case '-': s = "- = Go to the previous page of messages in the current mailbox"; break; case '=': s = "'=' = Go to the first message in the current mailbox"; break; case ' ': case '+': s = "+ = Go to the next page of messages in the current mailbox"; break; case '/': s = "/ = Search for specified pattern in mailbox"; break; case '<': s = "< = Scan current message for calendar entries (if enabled)"; break; case '>': s = "> = Save current message or tagged messages to specified file"; break; case '^': s = "^ = Toggle the Delete/Undelete status of the current message"; break; case 'a': s = "a = Enter the alias sub-menu section. Create and display aliases"; break; case 'b': s = "b = Bounce (remail) a message to someone as if you have never seen it"; break; case 'c': s = "c = Change mailboxes, leaving the current mailbox as if 'quitting'"; break; case 'd': s = "d = Mark the current message for future deletion"; break; case 'e': s = "e = Invoke the editor on the entire mailbox, resync'ing when done"; break; case 'f': s = "f = Forward the current message to someone, return address is yours"; break; case 'g': s = "g = Group reply not only to the sender, but to everyone who received msg"; break; case 'h': s = "h = Display message with all Headers (ignore weedout list)"; break; case 'j': s = "j = Go to the next message. This is the same as the DOWN arrow"; break; case 'k': s = "k = Go to the previous message. This is the same as the UP arrow"; break; case 'm': s = "m = Create and send mail to the specified person or persons"; break; case 'n': s = "n = Read the current message, then move current to next messge"; break; case 'o': s = "o = Go to the options submenu"; break; case 'p': s = "p = Print the current message or the tagged messages"; break; case 'q': s = "q = Quit the mailer, asking about deletion, saving, etc"; break; case 'r': s = "r = Reply to the message. This only sends to the originator of the message"; break; case 's': s = "s = Save current message or tagged messages to specified file"; break; case 't': s = "t = Tag a message for further operations (or untag if tagged)"; break; case 'u': s = "u = Undelete - remove the deletion mark on the message"; break; case 'x': s = "x = Exit the mail system quickly"; break; case '\n': case '\r': s = "<return> = Read the current message"; break; case ctrl('L'): s = "^L = Rewrite the screen"; break; case ctrl('?'): /* DEL */ case ctrl('Q'): s = "Exit the mail system quickly"; break; default : if (isdigit(ch)) s = "<number> = Make specified number the current message"; } ClearLine(LINES-1); Centerline(LINES-1, s); } while (ch != '.'); /** we'll never actually get here, but that's okay... **/ return(0); } display_helpfile() { /*** Help me! Read file 'helpfile' and echo to screen ***/ FILE *hfile; char buffer[SLEN]; int lines=0; sprintf(buffer, "%s/%s", helphome, helpfile); if ((hfile = fopen(buffer,"r")) == NULL) { dprint1(1,"Error: Couldn't open helpfile %s (help)\n", buffer); error1("couldn't open helpfile %s",buffer); return(FALSE); } ClearScreen(); while (fgets(buffer, SLEN, hfile) != NULL) { if (lines > LINES-3) { PutLine0(LINES,0,"Press any key to continue: "); (void) ReadCh(); lines = 0; ClearScreen(); Write_to_screen("%s\r", 1, buffer); } else Write_to_screen("%s\r", 1, buffer); lines++; } PutLine0(LINES,0,"Press any key to return: "); (void) ReadCh(); clear_error(); return(TRUE); } END-OF-FILE if [ "$filename" != "/dev/null" ] then size=`wc -c < $filename` if [ $size != 5576 ] then echo $filename changed - should be 5576 bytes, not $size bytes fi chmod 644 $filename fi # ---------- file src/initialize.c ---------- filename="src/initialize.c" if [ -f $filename ] then echo File \"$filename\" already exists\! Skipping... filename=/dev/null # throw it away else echo extracting file src/initialize.c... fi cat << 'END-OF-FILE' > $filename /** initialize.c **/ /***** Initialize - read in all the defaults etc etc (C) Copyright 1985 Dave Taylor *****/ #include "headers.h" #ifdef BSD # include <sgtty.h> #else # include <termio.h> #endif #include <pwd.h> #ifdef BSD # include <sys/time.h> #else # include <time.h> #endif #include <signal.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <errno.h> #ifdef BSD #undef tolower #endif extern int errno; /* system error number on failure */ char *error_name(), *error_description(); char *expand_logname(), *getenv(), *getlogin(); initialize(initscreen_too) int initscreen_too; { /** initialize the whole ball of wax. If "initscreen_too" then call init_screen where appropriate.. **/ struct passwd *pass, *getpwnam(); register int i; int quit_signal(), term_signal(), ill_signal(), fpe_signal(), bus_signal(), segv_signal(), alarm_signal(), pipe_signal(); char buffer[SLEN], *cp; userid = getuid(); groupid = getgid(); strcpy(home,((cp = getenv("HOME")) == NULL)? "" : cp); strcpy(shell,((cp = getenv("SHELL")) == NULL)? "" : cp); strcpy(pager,((cp = getenv("PAGER")) == NULL)? default_pager : cp); if (debug) { /* setup for dprintf statements! */ char filename[SLEN]; sprintf(filename, "%s/%s", home, DEBUG); if ((debugfile = fopen(filename, "w")) == NULL) { debug = 0; /* otherwise 'leave' will try to log! */ leave(fprintf(stderr,"Could not open file %s for debug output!\n", filename)); } chown(filename, userid, groupid); /* file owned by user */ fprintf(debugfile, "Debug output of the ELM program. Version %s\n\n", VERSION); } if (initscreen_too) /* don't set up unless we need to! */ InitScreen(); signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGQUIT, quit_signal); /* Quit signal */ signal(SIGTERM, term_signal); /* Terminate signal */ signal(SIGILL, ill_signal); /* Illegal instruction */ signal(SIGFPE, fpe_signal); /* Floating point exception */ signal(SIGBUS, bus_signal); /* Bus error */ signal(SIGSEGV, segv_signal); /* Segmentation Violation */ signal(SIGALRM, alarm_signal); /* Process Timer Alarm */ signal(SIGPIPE, pipe_signal); /* Illegal Pipe Operation */ get_connections(); /* who do we talk to directly?? */ open_domain_file(); /* if we got it, we want it! */ get_term_chars(); gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)); if ((cp = getlogin()) == NULL) cuserid(username); else strcpy(username, cp); /* now let's get the full username.. */ if ((pass = getpwnam(username)) == NULL) { error("Couldn't read password entry??"); strcpy(full_username, username); } else { for (i=0; pass->pw_gecos[i] != '\0' && pass->pw_gecos[i] != ','; i++) if (pass->pw_gecos[i] == '&') { full_username[i] = '\0'; strcat(full_username, expand_logname()); i = strlen(full_username) - 2; } else full_username[i] = pass->pw_gecos[i]; full_username[i] = '\0'; } if ((cp = getenv("EDITOR")) == NULL) strcpy(editor,default_editor); else strcpy(editor, cp); if (! mail_only) { mailbox[0] = '\0'; strcpy(prefixchars, "> "); /* default message prefix */ } /* get the default calendar file name loaded... */ sprintf(calendar_file, "%s/%s", home, dflt_calendar_file); read_rc_file(); /* reading the .elmrc next... */ /** now try to expand the specified filename... **/ if (strlen(infile) > 0) { (void) expand_filename(infile); if ((errno = can_access(infile, READ_ACCESS))) { dprint2(1,"Error: given file %s as mailbox - unreadable (%s)!\n", infile, error_name(errno)); fprintf(stderr,"Can't open mailbox '%s' for reading!\n", infile); exit(1); } } /** check to see if the user has defined a LINES or COLUMNS value different to that in the termcap entry (for windowing systems, of course!) **/ if ((cp = getenv("LINES")) != NULL && isdigit(*cp)) { sscanf(cp, "%d", &LINES); LINES -= 1; /* kludge for HP Window system? ... */ } if ((cp = getenv("COLUMNS")) != NULL && isdigit(*cp)) sscanf(cp, "%d", &COLUMNS); /** fix the shell if needed **/ if (shell[0] != '/') { sprintf(buffer, "/bin/%s", shell); strcpy(shell, buffer); } if (! mail_only) { mailbox_defined = (mailbox[0] != '\0'); /* get the cursor control keys... */ if ((cp = return_value_of("ku")) == NULL || strlen(cp) != 2) cursor_control = FALSE; else { strcpy(up, cp); if ((cp = return_value_of("kd")) == NULL || strlen(cp) != 2) cursor_control = FALSE; else { strcpy(down, cp); cursor_control = TRUE; transmit_functions(ON); } } strcpy(start_highlight, "->"); end_highlight[0] = '\0'; if (!arrow_cursor) { /* try to use inverse bar instead */ if ((cp = return_value_of("so")) != NULL) { strcpy(start_highlight, cp); if ((cp = return_value_of("se")) == NULL) strcpy(start_highlight, "->"); else { strcpy(end_highlight, cp); has_highlighting = TRUE; } } } } if (read_aliases) read_alias_files(); if (! mail_only) { if (mini_menu) headers_per_page = LINES - 13; else headers_per_page = LINES - 8; /* 5 more headers! */ newmbox(1,FALSE, TRUE); /* read in the mailbox! */ } init_findnode(); /* set up the path alias stuff */ dprint0(2,"\n-- end of initialization phase --\n"); dprint3(2,"\thostname = %s\n\tusername = %s\n\tfull_username = \"%s\"\n", hostname, username, full_username); dprint3(2,"\thome = %s\n\teditor = %s\n\tmailbox = %s\n", home, editor, mailbox); dprint3(2,"\tinfile = %s\n\tfolder-dir = %s\n\tprintout = \"%s\"\n", infile, folders, printout); dprint3(2,"\tsavefile = %s\n\tprefix = \"%s\"\n\tshell = %s\n", savefile, prefixchars, shell); dprint0(1,"-- beginning execution phase --\n\n"); } get_term_chars() { /** This routine sucks out the special terminal characters ERASE and KILL for use in the input routine. The meaning of the characters are (dare I say it?) fairly obvious... **/ #ifdef BSD struct sgttyb term_buffer; # define TCGETA TIOCGETP #else struct termio term_buffer; #endif if (ioctl(STANDARD_INPUT, TCGETA, &term_buffer) == -1) { dprint1(1,"Error: %s encountered on ioctl call (get_term_chars)\n", error_name(errno)); /* set to defaults for terminal driver */ backspace = BACKSPACE; kill_line = ctrl('U'); } else { #ifdef BSD backspace = term_buffer.sg_erase; kill_line = term_buffer.sg_kill; #else backspace = term_buffer.c_cc[VERASE]; kill_line = term_buffer.c_cc[VKILL]; #endif } } char *expand_logname() { /** Return logname in a nice format (for expanding "&" in the /etc/passwd file) **/ static char buffer[SLEN]; register int i; if (strlen(username) == 0) buffer[0] = '\0'; else { buffer[0] = toupper(username[0]); for (i=1; username[i] != '\0'; i++) buffer[i] = tolower(username[i]); buffer[i] = '\0'; } return( (char *) buffer); } END-OF-FILE if [ "$filename" != "/dev/null" ] then size=`wc -c < $filename` if [ $size != 7108 ] then echo $filename changed - should be 7108 bytes, not $size bytes fi chmod 644 $filename fi # ---------- file src/args.c ---------- filename="src/args.c" if [ -f $filename ] then echo File \"$filename\" already exists\! Skipping... filename=/dev/null # throw it away else echo extracting file src/args.c... fi cat << 'END-OF-FILE' > $filename /** args.c **/ /** starting argument parsing routines for ELM system... (C) Copyright 1986 Dave Taylor **/ #include "headers.h" #define DONE 0 #define ERROR -1 extern char *optional_arg; /* optional argument as we go */ extern int opt_index; /* argnum + 1 when we leave */ parse_arguments(argc, argv, to_whom) int argc; char *argv[], *to_whom; { /** set flags according to what was given to program. If we are fed a name or series of names, put them into the 'to_whom' buffer and set "mail_only" to TRUE **/ register int c = 0, check_size = 0; infile[0] = '\0'; to_whom[0] = '\0'; batch_subject[0] = '\0'; while ((c = get_options(argc, argv, "?acd:f:hkKms:z")) > 0) { switch (c) { case 'a' : arrow_cursor++; break; case 'c' : check_only++; break; case 'd' : debug = atoi(optional_arg); break; case 'f' : strcpy(infile, optional_arg); mbox_specified = 2; break; case '?' : case 'h' : args_help(); case 'k' : hp_terminal++; break; case 'K' : hp_terminal++; hp_softkeys++; break; case 'm' : mini_menu = 0; break; case 's' : strcpy(batch_subject, optional_arg); break; case 'z' : check_size++; break; } } if (c == ERROR) { printf( "Usage: %s [achkKmz] [-d level] [-f file] [-s subject] <names>\n\n", argv[0]); args_help(); } if (opt_index < argc) { while (opt_index < argc) { sprintf(to_whom, "%s%s%s", to_whom, to_whom[0] != '\0'? " " : "", argv[opt_index]); mail_only++; opt_index++; } check_size = 0; /* NEVER do this if we're mailing!! */ } if (strlen(batch_subject) > 0 && ! mail_only) exit(printf( "\n\rDon't understand specifying a subject and no-one to send to!\n\r")); if (!isatty(fileno(stdin)) && strlen(batch_subject) == 0 && !check_only) strcpy(batch_subject, DEFAULT_BATCH_SUBJECT); if (check_size) check_mailfile_size(); } args_help() { /** print out possible starting arguments... **/ printf("\nPossible Starting Arguments for ELM program:\n\n"); printf("\targ\t\t\tMeaning\n"); printf("\t -a \t\tArrow - use the arrow pointer regardless\n"); printf("\t -c \t\tCheckalias - check the given aliases only\n"); printf("\t -dn\t\tDebug - set debug level to 'n'\n"); printf("\t -fx\t\tFile - read file 'x' rather than mailbox\n"); printf("\t -h \t\tHelp - give this list of options\n"); printf("\t -k \t\tKeypad - enable HP 2622 terminal keyboard\n"); printf("\t -K \t\tKeypad&softkeys - enable use of softkeys + \"-k\"\n"); printf("\t -m \t\tMenu - Turn off menu, using more of the screen\n"); printf("\t -sx\t\tSubject 'x' - for batchmailing\n"); printf("\t -z \t\tZero - don't enter Elm if no mail is pending\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); exit(1); } END-OF-FILE if [ "$filename" != "/dev/null" ] then size=`wc -c < $filename` if [ $size != 2813 ] then echo $filename changed - should be 2813 bytes, not $size bytes fi chmod 644 $filename fi # ---------- file src/INDEX ---------- filename="src/INDEX" if [ -f $filename ] then echo File \"$filename\" already exists\! Skipping... filename=/dev/null # throw it away else echo extracting file src/INDEX... fi cat << 'END-OF-FILE' > $filename Centerline() strings.c:411 ClearScreen() curses.c:208 CleartoEOLN() curses.c:716 CleartoEOS() curses.c:751 CursorDown() curses.c:317 CursorLeft() curses.c:344 CursorRight() curses.c:371 CursorUp() curses.c:291 EndBold() curses.c:411 EndHalfbright() curses.c:462 EndInverse() curses.c:487 EndMemlock() curses.c:538 EndUnderline() curses.c:437 HasMemlock() curses.c:500 InitScreen() curses.c:85 MoveCursor() curses.c:232 PutLine0() curses.c:614 PutLine1() curses.c:668 PutLine2() curses.c:684 PutLine3() curses.c:700 Raw() curses.c:782 ReadCh() curses.c:821 ScreenSize() curses.c:197 StartBold() curses.c:398 StartHalfbright() curses.c:450 StartInverse() curses.c:474 StartMemlock() curses.c:512 StartUnderline() curses.c:424 Write_to_screen() curses.c:588 Writechar() curses.c:556 add_alias() alias.c:69 add_current_alias() alias.c:115 add_site() addr_utils.c:62 add_to_alias_text() alias.c:163 alarm_signal() signals.c:52 alias() alias.c:203 args_help() args.c:74 argv_zero() strings.c:429 binary_search() aliasdb.c:141 bounce_off_remote() bounceback.c:37 build_address() addr_utils.c:172 build_header_line() screen.c:197 bus_signal() signals.c:38 bytes() file_utils.c:24 calendar_line() calendar.c:133 can_access() file_utils.c:51 change_sort() options.c:178 chloc() strings.c:334 clean_up() strings.c:391 clear_bottom_of_screen() showmsg_cmd.c:116 clear_central_message() output_utils.c:107 clear_error() output_utils.c:22 clear_key() softkeys.c:113 compare_dates() date.c:291 compare_headers() sort.c:41 copy_message() fileio.c:14 copy_message_across() mailmsg2.c:452 copy_the_msg() mailmsg1.c:212 copy_to_self() utils.c:133 cuserid() opt_utils.c:67 days_ahead() date.c:180 define_key() softkeys.c:78 define_softkeys() softkeys.c:7 delete() delete.c:10 display() showmsg.c:100 display_central_message() output_utils.c:96 display_headers() hdrconfg.c:115 display_options() options.c:106 display_title() showmsg.c:351 display_to() mailmsg1.c:236 edit_headers() hdrconfg.c:36 edit_mailbox() edit.c:15 edit_the_message() mailmsg2.c:261 emergency_exit() utils.c:18 encode() encode.c:81 enter_date() hdrconfg.c:135 error() output_utils.c:35 error1() output_utils.c:47 error2() output_utils.c:57 error_description() errno.c:69 error_name() errno.c:54 expand_domain() domains.c:53 expand_filename() file.c:144 expand_group() aliaslib.c:66 expand_site() aliasdb.c:52 expand_system() aliaslib.c:51 explode() domains.c:76 extract_info() calendar.c:77 find() aliaslib.c:107 find_old_current() sort.c:130 find_path_to() aliasdb.c:217 findnode() aliasdb.c:15 fix_date() date.c:257 fix_header_page() screen.c:259 fix_time() date.c:270 format_long() strings.c:134 format_long() strings.c:22 forward() reply.c:94 forwarded() addr_utils.c:295 fpe_signal() signals.c:31 from_matches() pattern.c:124 full_month() date.c:153 generate_reply_to() mkhdrs.c:14 get_address_from() addr_utils.c:87 get_alias_address() aliaslib.c:12 get_and_expand_everyone() reply.c:124 get_arpa_date() date.c:110 get_connections() connect_to.c:13 get_copies() mailmsg1.c:167 get_date() date.c:50 get_entry() aliasdb.c:173 get_existing_address() return_addr.c:271 get_key_no_prompt() encode.c:66 get_line() aliaslib.c:148 get_mailtime() mailtime.c:63 get_options() args.c:98 get_page() utils.c:108 get_return() return_addr.c:195 get_return_name() reply.c:289 get_subject() mailmsg1.c:118 get_to() mailmsg1.c:89 get_word() strings.c:309 gethostname() opt_utils.c:21 getkey() encode.c:25 hash_it() aliaslib.c:133 help() help.c:11 if() addr_utils.c:548 if() strings.c:488 ill_signal() signals.c:24 in_string() strings.c:74 init_findnode() aliasdb.c:191 initialize() initialize.c:37 install_aliases() alias.c:294 isa3270() opt_utils.c:40 leave() utils.c:44 leave_locked() utils.c:78 leave_mbox() leavembox.c:26 lock() leavembox.c:306 mail() mailmsg2.c:24 main() elm.c:12 makekey() encode.c:123 match_and_expand_domain() domains.c:123 match_in_message() pattern.c:147 meta_match() pattern.c:18 month_number() date.c:342 move_left() strings.c:223 new_msg() mailtime.c:120 newmbox() newmbox.c:27 notes_machine() notesfile.c:117 num_enter() options.c:161 okay_address() reply.c:188 on_or_off() options.c:137 on_page() screen.c:280 one_liner() options.c:225 open_domain_file() domains.c:37 optimize_and_add() reply.c:222 optimize_arpa() return_addr.c:112 optimize_cmplx_arpa() return_addr.c:48 optimize_return() return_addr.c:28 optimize_usenet() return_addr.c:148 optionally_enter() input_utils.c:65 options() options.c:30 outchar() curses.c:837 parse_arguments() args.c:15 parse_arpa_date() addr_utils.c:388 parse_arpa_from() addr_utils.c:331 pattern_enter() input_utils.c:185 pattern_match() pattern.c:82 printable_chars() strings.c:54 process_showmsg_command() showmsg_cmd.c:32 prompt() output_utils.c:67 prompt1() output_utils.c:76 quit() quit.c:13 quit_signal() signals.c:12 read_alias_files() alias.c:15 read_headers() newmbox.c:138 read_notesfile() notesfile.c:18 read_number() input_utils.c:40 read_rc_file() read_rc.c:68 read_uuname() connect_to.c:79 real_from() addr_utils.c:244 real_notes_header() notesfile.c:78 recall_last_msg() mailmsg2.c:224 remail() remail.c:16 remove_domains() addr_utils.c:47 remove_first_word() strings.c:239 remove_through_ch() calendar.c:167 reply() reply.c:26 reply_to_everyone() reply.c:58 resolve_received() mailtime.c:18 resync() quit.c:23 return_value_of() curses.c:158 reverse() strings.c:292 save() file.c:20 save_copy() savecopy.c:24 save_message() file.c:106 scan_calendar() calendar.c:44 segv_signal() signals.c:45 send() mailmsg1.c:16 set_central_message() output_utils.c:87 set_error() output_utils.c:29 setup() encode.c:144 shift_lower() strings.c:345 show_alias_menu() alias.c:191 show_current() screen.c:140 show_headers() screen.c:74 show_last_error() output_utils.c:15 show_line() showmsg.c:260 show_menu() screen.c:59 show_message() showmsg.c:62 show_msg() showmsg.c:24 show_msg_status() delete.c:36 show_msg_tag() delete.c:59 show_new_status() delete.c:70 show_status() screen.c:292 showscreen() screen.c:11 softkeys_off() softkeys.c:103 softkeys_on() softkeys.c:92 sort_mailbox() sort.c:14 sort_name() sort.c:78 sort_one_liner() options.c:233 strchr() opt_utils.c:194 strcspn() opt_utils.c:106 strip_commas() strings.c:185 strip_parens() strings.c:200 strpbrk() opt_utils.c:173 strspn() opt_utils.c:84 strtok() opt_utils.c:129 subject_matches() pattern.c:136 subshell() syscall.c:15 suffix() date.c:85 system_call() syscall.c:49 tag_message() delete.c:47 tail_of() strings.c:91 tail_of_string() strings.c:255 talk_to() addr_utils.c:20 term_signal() signals.c:18 tgetstr() curses.c:82 tolower() strings.c:28 toupper() strings.c:43 translate_return() addr_utils.c:118 transmit_functions() curses.c:177 undelete() delete.c:27 unlock() leavembox.c:414 update_mailtime() mailtime.c:94 update_title() screen.c:39 uucp_hops() bounceback.c:17 valid_date() date.c:230 valid_name() validname.c:17 verify_bounceback() mailmsg2.c:484 verify_transmission() mailmsg2.c:297 want_to() input_utils.c:13 weedout() read_rc.c:293 words_in_string() strings.c:366 write_header_info() mailmsg2.c:363 END-OF-FILE if [ "$filename" != "/dev/null" ] then size=`wc -c < $filename` if [ $size != 13953 ] then echo $filename changed - should be 13953 bytes, not $size bytes fi chmod 644 $filename fi # ---------- file src/showmsg.c ---------- filename="src/showmsg.c" if [ -f $filename ] then echo File \"$filename\" already exists\! Skipping... filename=/dev/null # throw it away else echo extracting file src/showmsg.c... fi cat << 'END-OF-FILE' > $filename /** showmsg.c **/ /** This file contains all the routines needed to display the specified message. These routines (C) Copyright 1986 Dave Taylor Modified 6/86 to use pager variable!!! Hurrah!!!! **/ #include "headers.h" #include <ctype.h> #include <errno.h> #ifdef BSD #undef tolower #endif extern int errno; char *error_name(); int memory_lock = FALSE; /* is it available?? */ int pipe_abort = FALSE; /* did we receive a SIGNAL(SIGPIPE)? */ int show_msg(number) int number; { /*** display number'th message. Get starting and ending lines of message from headers data structure, then fly through the file, displaying only those lines that are between the two! Returns non-zero iff screen was changed ***/ dprint0(8, "show_msg called\n"); if (number > message_count) { error1("Only %d messages!", message_count); return(0); } else if (number < 1) { error("you can't read THAT message!"); return(0); } clearit(header_table[number-1].status, NEW); /* it's been read now! */ memory_lock = FALSE; /* some explaination for that last one - We COULD use memory locking to speed up the paging, but the action of "ClearScreen" on a screen with memory lock turned on seems to vary considerably (amazingly so) so it's safer to only allow memory lock to be a viable bit of trickery when dumping text to the screen in scroll mode. Philosophical arguments should be forwarded to Bruce at the University of Walamazoo, Australia, via ACSNet *wry chuckle* */ return(show_message(header_table[number-1].lines, header_table[number-1].offset,number)); } int show_message(lines, file_loc, msgnumber) int lines, msgnumber; long file_loc; { /*** Show the indicated range of lines from mailfile for message 'msgnumber' by using 'display' Returns non-zero iff screen was altered. ***/ dprint3(9,"show_message(%d,%ld,%d)\n", lines, file_loc, msgnumber); if (fseek(mailfile, file_loc, 0) != 0) { dprint2(1,"Error: seek %d bytes into file, errno %s (show_message)\n", file_loc, error_name(errno)); error1("ELM failed seeking %d bytes into file (%s)", file_loc, error_name(errno)); return(0); } /* next read will get 'this' line so must be at end of previous */ Raw(OFF); display(lines, msgnumber); Raw(ON); if (memory_lock) EndMemlock(); /* turn it off!! */ return(1); /* we did it boss! */ } /** This next one is the 'pipe' file descriptor for writing to the pager process... **/ FILE *output_pipe; int display(lines, msgnum) int lines, msgnum; { /** Display specified number of lines from file mailfile. Note: This routine MUST be placed at the first line of the input file! Returns the same as the routine above (namely zero or one) **/ char buffer[VERY_LONG_STRING], *full_month(); int lines_displayed = 0; int lines_on_screen = 0; /* display */ int crypted = 0, gotten_key = 0; /* encryption */ int weed_header, weeding_out = 0; /* weeding */ int mail_sent; /* misc use */ dprint3(4,"displaying %d lines from message %d using %s\n", lines, msgnum, pager); pipe_abort = FALSE; if ((output_pipe = popen(pager,"w")) == NULL) { error2("Can't create pipe to %s [%s]", pager, error_name(errno)); dprint2(1,"\n*** Can't create pipe to %s - error %s ***\n\n", pager, error_name(errno)); return(0); } dprint1(4,"Opened a write-only pipe to routine %s \n", pager); if (title_messages) { mail_sent = (strncmp(header_table[msgnum-1].from, "To:", 3) == 0); tail_of(header_table[msgnum-1].from, buffer, FALSE); fprintf(output_pipe, "%s #%d %s %s\t%s", notesfile? "Note" : "Message", msgnum, mail_sent? "to" : "from", buffer, strlen(buffer) > 16? "" : "\t"); fprintf(output_pipe," %s %s %s, %d at %s\n\r%s", notesfile? "Posted" : "Mailed", full_month(header_table[msgnum-1].month), header_table[msgnum-1].day, atoi(header_table[msgnum-1].year) + 1900, header_table[msgnum-1].time, filter? "": "\n\n"); if (! mail_sent && matches_weedlist("To:") && filter && strcmp(header_table[current-1].to,username) != 0 && strlen(header_table[current-1].to) > 0) fprintf(output_pipe, "\n(message addressed to %s)\n\n", header_table[current-1].to); /** The test above is: if we didn't originally send the mail (e.g. we're not reading "mail.sent") AND the user is currently weeding out the "To:" line (otherwise they'll get it twice!) AND the user is actually weeding out headers AND the message wasn't addressed to the user AND the 'to' address is non-zero (consider what happens when the message doesn't HAVE a "To:" line...the value is NULL but it doesn't match the username either. We don't want to display something ugly like "(message addressed to )" which will just clutter up the display!). And you thought programming was EASY!!!! **/ } weed_header = filter; /* allow us to change it after header */ ClearScreen(); if (cursor_control) transmit_functions(OFF); while (lines > 0 && pipe_abort == FALSE) { if (fgets(buffer, VERY_LONG_STRING, mailfile) == NULL) { if (lines_displayed == 0) { /* AUGH! Why do we get this occasionally??? */ dprint0(1, "\n\n** Out of Sync!! EOF with nothing read (display) **\n"); dprint0(1,"\nLeaving with all temp files intact!\n"); error("Internal error: out of sync!"); pclose(output_pipe); /* close pipe NOW! */ emergency_exit(); } pclose(output_pipe); if (lines == 0 && pipe_abort == FALSE) { /* displayed it all */ PutLine0(LINES,0,"Press <return> to return to Elm: "); Raw(ON); (void) ReadCh(); Raw(OFF); } return(TRUE); } if (strlen(buffer) > 0) no_ret(buffer); if (strlen(buffer) == 0) { weed_header = 0; /* past header! */ weeding_out = 0; } lines--; lines_displayed++; if (notesfile) { /* treat notes differently! */ if (filter && (first_word(buffer, NOTES_HEADER) || first_word(buffer, NOTES_FOOTER)) ) /*** weed this line out of the display! ***/; else show_line(buffer); } else { /* "normal" message */ if (weed_header && matches_weedlist(buffer)) weeding_out = 1; /* aha! We don't want to see this! */ else if (buffer[0] == '[') { if (strcmp(buffer, START_ENCODE)==0) crypted++; else if (strcmp(buffer, END_ENCODE)==0) crypted--; else if (crypted) { encode(buffer); show_line(buffer); } else show_line(buffer); } else if (crypted) { if (! gotten_key++) getkey(OFF); encode(buffer); show_line(buffer); } else if (weeding_out) { weeding_out = (whitespace(buffer[0])); /* 'n' line weed */ if (! weeding_out) /* just turned on! */ show_line(buffer); } else show_line(buffer); } } if (cursor_control) transmit_functions(ON); pclose(output_pipe); if (lines == 0 && pipe_abort == FALSE) { /* displayed it all! */ PutLine0(LINES,0,"Press <return> to return to Elm: "); Raw(ON); (void) ReadCh(); Raw(OFF); } return(TRUE); } show_line(buffer) char *buffer; { /** Hands the given line to the output pipe **/ errno = 0; fprintf(output_pipe, "%s\n", buffer); if (errno != 0) dprint1(1,"\terror %s hit!\n", error_name(errno)); } END-OF-FILE if [ "$filename" != "/dev/null" ] then size=`wc -c < $filename` if [ $size != 7704 ] then echo $filename changed - should be 7704 bytes, not $size bytes fi chmod 666 $filename fi # ---------- file src/mkhdrs.c ---------- filename="src/mkhdrs.c" if [ -f $filename ] then echo File \"$filename\" already exists\! Skipping... filename=/dev/null # throw it away else echo extracting file src/mkhdrs.c... fi cat << 'END-OF-FILE' > $filename /** mkhdrs.c **/ /** This contains all the header generating routines for the ELM program. (C) Copyright 1985 Dave Taylor **/ #include <stdio.h> #include "headers.h" extern char in_reply_to[SLEN]; generate_reply_to(msg) int msg; { /** Generate an 'in-reply-to' message... **/ char buffer[SLEN]; if (msg == -1) /* not a reply! */ in_reply_to[0] = '\0'; else { if (chloc(header_table[msg].from, '!') != -1) tail_of(header_table[msg].from, buffer, FALSE); else strcpy(buffer, header_table[msg].from); sprintf(in_reply_to, "Message from \"%s\" of %s %s, %s at %s", buffer, header_table[msg].month, header_table[msg].day, header_table[msg].year, header_table[msg].time); } } END-OF-FILE if [ "$filename" != "/dev/null" ] then size=`wc -c < $filename` if [ $size != 737 ] then echo $filename changed - should be 737 bytes, not $size bytes fi chmod 644 $filename fi echo end of this archive file.... exit 0