[net.misc] N.D.

faustus (01/16/83)

It's obvious that there are no netnews sites in N. D., otherwise
we would have heard from them long ago. The question of whether
North Dakota exists is, it seems, a rhetorical question, then:
we are never going to hear from anyone there, and I think if it
does exist nobody would go there anyway. So I think it's time
that we bring this debate to a close, otherwise we'll never hear
the end of it...

        Wayne Christopher

dfz (01/17/83)

Bravo for Wayne Christopher's suggestion that the great ND debate be closed.
Furthermore, I propose that we prevent a potential infinity of discussions
along the same lines by defining the realm of reality as "those places
capable of defending their existence to the net by virtue of having
a netnews site".

death (01/18/83)

if a tree falls in north dakota, and there are no netnews sites
in north dakota, and there's no one arond to hear it fall,
is there a state for it to land on?

	-- from "I ching, you ching, we all ching for ice ching", the
		zen programmer's guide 

				-=- death -=-