[net.misc] Agnostic definition survey results

rcj (01/20/83)

I have been getting a steady strickle (halfway between a trickle and
a stream) of definitions of agnostic through the mail.  So steady,
in fact, that it has yet to appreciably slow down or speed up at all
since I posted the request to the net.  Thanks to all the folks who
have written in to me via mail, and also thanks to those carrying on a
somewhat similar discussion on the net.  I am going to ask anyone who
has not yet written me their view of "agnostic" to do so by Jan. 28,
at which time I will stop taking definitions and post the results to

Thanks again,

The MAD Programmer
alias:  Curtis Jackson	...!floyd!burl!rcj

P.S.  As usual, your mail to me will be kept in total confidence.