[mod.sources] v08i063: Syntax-checker for *roff

sources-request@mirror.UUCP (02/14/87)

Submitted by: Kamal Al-Yahya <kamal@hanauma.STANFORD.EDU>
Mod.sources: Volume 8, Issue 63
Archive-name: trmatch

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line,
# then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".
# If all goes well, you will see the message "End of shell archive."
# Contents:  Makefile trmatch.1 trmatch.c
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb; export PATH
echo shar: extracting "'Makefile'" '(84 characters)'
if test -f 'Makefile' ; then 
  echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'Makefile'"
sed 's/^X//' >Makefile <<'@//E*O*F Makefile//'
X# Makefile for trmatch.
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o trmatch trmatch.c
@//E*O*F Makefile//
if test 84 -ne "`wc -c <'Makefile'`"; then
    echo shar: error transmitting "'Makefile'" '(should have been 84 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'trmatch.1'" '(841 characters)'
if test -f 'trmatch.1' ; then 
  echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'trmatch.1'"
sed 's/^X//' >trmatch.1 <<'@//E*O*F trmatch.1//'
X.TH trmatch L 7/10/86
X.UC 4
Xtrmatch \- checks matching in troff documents.
X.B trmatch
X.I filename
X.I Trmatch
Xgives error messages if it detects unmatched
Xbraces, brackets, parentheses, equations, and
Xdollar signs in troff documents.
XError messages are sent to the standard error.
XEscaped braces, brackets, parentheses, and dollar signs are not counted.
XText and equations are checked separately.
XIt takes equations to be delimited by .EQ and .EN.
XIf a ``define'' occurs in the equation, the line containing
Xthe ``define'' is not checked (since it is bound to have unmatches).
XDisplayed equations that are started and ended by user-defined
Xcommands are regarded as text and matching is not checked
XKamal Al-Yahya, Stanford University
@//E*O*F trmatch.1//
if test 841 -ne "`wc -c <'trmatch.1'`"; then
    echo shar: error transmitting "'trmatch.1'" '(should have been 841 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'trmatch.c'" '(8152 characters)'
if test -f 'trmatch.c' ; then 
  echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'trmatch.c'"
sed 's/^X//' >trmatch.c <<'@//E*O*F trmatch.c//'
X * trmatch: checks matching parantheses, braces, brackets, and dollar signs.
X *		for troff documents
X *
X * to compile:  cc trmatch.c -lsep -o trmatch
X */
Xchar *documentation[] = {
X"        trmatch",
X"        trmatch [parameters] [inputfiles]",
X"        parameters:",
X"              in=filename       filename is the input file",
X"                                (Default: in=stdin)",
X/* Author:	Kamal Al-Yahya		7/20/1986 */
Xint	doclength = { sizeof documentation/sizeof documentation[0] };
X#include        <stdio.h>
X#include        <sys/ioctl.h>
X#include        <sgtty.h>
Xchar string[80],filename[80];
Xstruct sgttyb ttystat;
Xstatic char *name="trmatch";
Xextern char *strcpy(), *mktemp();
X/* for getpar */
Xint xargc;
Xchar **xargv;
Xint argc; 
Xchar *argv[];
X	FILE *temp;
X	register char *cptr;
X	int piped_in;
X	int i;
X	/* If no arguments, and not in a pipeline, self document */
X	piped_in = ioctl ((fileno (stdin)), TIOCGETP, &ttystat);
X	if (argc == 1 && !piped_in)
X		{
X		for( i=0; i<doclength; i++)
X			printf("%s\n",documentation[i]);
X		exit (0);
X		}
X	/* process getpar parameters */
X	xargc = argc;
X	xargv = argv;
X	 /* first process pipe input */
X	if(piped_in)
X		{
X		troff_match(stdin);
X		fprintf(stderr,"\n");
X		}
X#ifdef GETPAR
X	/* next process in=inputfiles */
X	if(getpar_("in","s",string))
X		{
X		sscanf(string,"%s",filename);
X		if((temp=fopen(filename,"r")) != NULL)
X			{
X			fprintf(stderr,"%s:\n",filename);
X			troff_match(temp);
X			fprintf(stderr,"\n");
X			fclose(temp);
X			}
X		else
X			fprintf(stderr,"%s: Cannot open %s\n",name,filename);
X		}
X#endif	/* GETPAR */
X	/*
X	 * finally process input line for non-getpar arguments and assume
X	 * they are also input files
X	 */
X	for (xargc--,xargv++; xargc; xargc--,xargv++)
X		{
X		cptr = *xargv; 
X		if( *cptr=='-' ) continue; /* this is a flag */
X		while (*cptr)
X			{
X#ifdef	GETPAR
X			if (*cptr == '=')  break; /* this is for getpar */
X#endif	/* GETPAR */
X			cptr++;
X			}       
X		if (*cptr)  continue;
X		cptr = *xargv;
X		if((temp=fopen(cptr,"r")) != NULL)
X			{
X			fprintf(stderr,"%s:\n",cptr);
X			troff_match(temp);
X			fprintf(stderr,"\n");
X			fclose(temp);
X			}
X		else
X			fprintf(stderr,"%s: Cannot open %s\n",name,cptr);
X		}
Xtroff_match(fp)			/* check matching */
XFILE *fp;
Xint l=1;			/* line counter */
Xint ld=0;			/* single left dollar signs */
Xint rd=0;			/* single right dollar signs */
Xint eq=0;			/* eq=1 : equation (delimeted by .EQ and .EN) */
Xint lp=0;			/* left parantheses */
Xint rp=0;			/* right parantheses */
Xint lb=0;			/* left brackets */
Xint rb=0;			/* right brackets */
Xint lbr=0;			/* left braces */
Xint rbr=0;			/* right braces */
Xint c=' ';			/* current character */
Xint c1=' ';			/* previous character */
Xint lbrl=0;			/* line number of left braces */
Xint lbl=0;			/* line number of left bracket */
Xint lpl=0;			/* line number of left parentheses */
Xint ldl=1;			/* line number of left single dollar sign */
Xint eql=1;			/* line number at which equation is started */
Xint war=0;			/* warning status */
Xint esc=0;			/* escape status */
Xwhile ((c =getc(fp)) != EOF)
X	{
X	switch(c)
X		{
X		case '\n':
X			l++;		/* increment line counter */
X/* check to see if a single dollar sign is not closed at the same line */
X			if (ld == 1 && war == 0 && c1 != '\\')
X				{
X				fprintf(stderr,"line %d: WARNING: single dollar sign is not closed on the same line\n",l-1);
X				war=1;		/* warning has been given */
X				}
X			esc = 0;		/* escape status */
X			break;
X		case '{':
X			if (esc == 0)
X				{
X				lbr++;
X				if (lbrl == 0) lbrl=l;
X				}
X			esc = 0;		/* escape status */
X			break;
X		case '}':
X			if (esc == 0)	rbr++;
X			if (rbr > lbr)
X				{
X				fprintf(stderr,"line %d: unmatched braces\n",l);
X				rbr--;		/* reset the count */
X				}
X			if (lbr == rbr)	lbrl=0;
X			esc = 0;		/* escape status */
X			break;
X		case '[':
X			if (esc == 0)
X				{
X				lb++;
X				if (lbl == 0) lbl=l;
X				}
X			esc = 0;		/* escape status */
X			break;
X		case ']':
X			if (esc == 0)	rb++;
X			else		esc = 0;	/* escape status */
X			if (rb > lb)
X				{
X			     fprintf(stderr,"line %d: unmatched brackets\n",l);
X				rb--;		/* reset the count */
X				}
X			if (lb == rb)	lbl=0;
X			esc = 0;		/* escape status */
X			break;
X		case '(':
X			if (esc == 0)
X				{
X				lp++;
X				if (lpl == 0) lpl=l;
X				}
X			esc = 0;		/* escape status */
X			break;
X		case ')':
X			if (esc == 0)	rp++;
X			if (rp > lp)
X			    {
X			   fprintf(stderr,"line %d: unmatched parentheses\n",l);
X			    rp--;		/* reset the count */
X			    }
X			if (lp == rp)	lpl=0;
X			esc = 0;		/* escape status */
X			break;
X		case '$':
X			if (esc == 1)		/* escaped dollar sign */
X				{
X				c=' ';		/* reset the dollar sign */
X				esc = 0;	/* escape status */
X				break;
X				}
X			if (ld == 1)	rd=1;	/* right dollar sign */
X			else
X				{
X				ld=1; 	/* left dollar sign */
X				ldl=l;	/* line number */
X				war=0;	/* no warning hs been given */
X				}
X			esc = 0;		/* escape status */
X			break;
X		case '.':
X			if (c1 == '\n' || l == 1)	/* troff command */
X				{
X				/* see if it is .EQ */
X				c1=getc(fp);
X				if (c1 == '\n')
X					{
X					esc=0;
X					l++;
X					break;
X					}
X				c=getc(fp);
X				if (c == '\n')
X					{
X					esc=0;
X					l++;
X					break;
X					}
X				if (c1 == 'E' && c == 'Q')
X					{
X					if (eq == 1)
X	fprintf(stderr,"line %d: equation started while equation at line %d is still open\n",l,eql);
X					eq=1;	/* beginning of equation */
X					eql=l;	/* line number */
X/* Give warning about unclosed openings */
X					if ((lbr-rbr) > 0)
X	fprintf(stderr,"line %d: %d unclosed braces before equation, first brace opened at line %d\n",eql,lbr-rbr,lbrl);
X					if ((lb-rb) > 0)
X	fprintf(stderr,"line %d: %d unclosed brackets before equation, first bracket opened at line %d\n",eql,lb-rb,lbl);
X					if ((lp-rp) > 0)
X	fprintf(stderr,"line %d: %d unclosed parentheses before equation, first parenthesis opened at line %d\n",eql,lp-rp,lpl);
X/* clear registers */
X					lp=0; lb=0; lbr=0;
X					rp=0; rb=0; rbr=0;
X					lpl=0; lbrl=0; lbl=0;
X					}
X				else if (c1 == 'E' && c == 'N')
X					{
X					if (eq == 0)
X	fprintf(stderr,"line %d: equation ends but no equation beginning\n",l);
X/* Give warning about unclosed openings */
X					if ((lbr-rbr) > 0)
X	fprintf(stderr,"line %d: %d unclosed braces in equation\n",eql,lbr-rbr);
X					if ((lb-rb) > 0)
X	fprintf(stderr,"line %d: %d unclosed brackets in equation\n",eql,lb-rb);
X					if ((lp-rp) > 0)
X	fprintf(stderr,"line %d: %d unclosed parentheses in equation\n",eql,lp-rp);
X/* clear registers */
X					lp=0; lb=0; lbr=0;
X					rp=0; rb=0; rbr=0;
X					lpl=0; lbrl=0; lbl=0;
X					eq=0;	/* end of equation */
X					}
X				else
X					while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF)
X						if (c == '\n')
X							{
X							l++;
X							break;
X							}
X				}
X			esc = 0;		/* escape status */
X			break;
X		case 'd':
X/* check for possible define; ignore define lines */
X			esc = 0;
X			if (eq == 1 && c1 == '\n')
X				{
X				if ((c = getc(fp)) == 'e')
X				if ((c = getc(fp)) == 'f')
X				if ((c = getc(fp)) == 'i')
X				if ((c = getc(fp)) == 'n')
X				if ((c = getc(fp)) == 'e')
X					while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF)
X						if (c == '\n')	break;
X				if (c == '\n')	l++;
X				}
X/* if we grapped a character not in the word "define", go to switch
X   to parse the rest of the line */
X			if (!(c=='d'||c=='e'||c=='f'||c=='i'||c=='n'||c=='\n'))
X						goto top;
X			c1 = ' ';
X			esc = 0;		/* escape status */
X			break;
X		case '\\':
X/* check escape status */
X			if (c1 == '\\' && esc == 1)	esc = 0;
X			else		esc = 1;
X			break;
X		default:
X			esc = 0;		/* escape status */
X			break;
X		}
X	c1=c;					/* update previous character */
X	if (ld == 1 && rd == 1)
X		{ld=0.;		rd=0.;}		/* matched dollar signs */
X	}
Xif ((lbr-rbr) > 0)
X	fprintf(stderr,"file ends: %d unclosed left braces, first opened at line %d \n",lbr-rbr,lbrl);
Xif ((lb-rb) > 0)
X	fprintf(stderr,"file ends: %d unclosed left brackets, first opened at line %d \n",lb-rb,lbl);
Xif ((lp-rp) > 0)
X	fprintf(stderr,"file ends: %d unclosed left parentheses, first opened at line %d \n",lp-rp,lpl);
Xif (ld == 1)
X	fprintf(stderr,"file ends: single dollar sign opened at line %d unclosed\n",ldl);
Xif (eq == 1)
X	fprintf(stderr,"file ends: equation started at line %d not closed\n",eql);
@//E*O*F trmatch.c//
if test 8152 -ne "`wc -c <'trmatch.c'`"; then
    echo shar: error transmitting "'trmatch.c'" '(should have been 8152 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: "End of shell archive."
exit 0