[net.misc] Wyoming, North Dakota, and God

silver (01/21/83)

You're getting dangerously close to home.  I live in Northern Colorado
and every time I've driven north for 1/2 hour, Wyoming was there, as
far as I could tell.  In fact, it's so BIG and empty that it's hard to
miss when you are in it.  No question about it; Wyoming isn't very
interesting but it IS there.

Now, if you don't have my perspective, you would have no reason to
accept that. You could claim that I was mislead by a limited viewpoint
or self-delusion or something.  Well... the same could be said for any
argument for or against God.  If He (It?) were really completely beyond
our comprehension (by definition -- if you take the world seriously,
you simply CANNOT have God-consciousness), then, it would be possible
that God is a superset of our Cosmos, in which time, space, causality,
logic, etc. follow different rules or none at all!!

Not afraid to try to inject humor into my closing line even though it
may offend some readers, who can all go to Wyoming,

Alan Silverstein