[net.misc] Religous Matters - Uncertainty

daleh (01/25/83)

	These religous discussions remind me of the Heisenberg (sp?)
	Uncertainty Principle (allow me to paraphrase my understanding
	of this principle in terms of the religous discussions):

	God is the 'system' in which our world resides - our universe
	can only be described in terms of an all-encompassing system,
	which we refer to as god.

	This god cannot be explained or described within the realm
	of our system (universe) - One must step into the system (universe) in
	which god resides, to prove the existence of god.

	This leads to an infinite regress, for if god is accepted,
	in what universe does god reside and who/what does he beleive
	in, etc.?

	To summarize, it is pointless to try to prove/disprove the existence or
	lack of existence of god, who by definition is outside the realm of
	of our universe (system), by using concepts that reside within our 
	universe (system).

	Think about it.

	Dale Henrichs
