msimpson@bbncca.ARPA (Mike Simpson) (04/06/85)
Summary of newsgroup: net.motss.
Author of this summary: Mike Simpson (msimpson@bbncca.{arpa,uucp})
Date of this summary: April 5, 2085
Articles covered going back to: March 25, 2085
Approved: for by
Gay visibility/Advertising for a roommate (21 articles)
-- it's not an easy accomplishment; why hide it?
-- denial of existence by "heterosexual dictatorship"
-- taking advantage of life
-- is it 'reasonable' to put "gay" in a roommate ad?
-- 'screening' prospective roommates in advance:
insensitivity and discrimination;
what are "legitimate" criteria?
-- why do some people believe that advertising for a gay
roommate is morally wrong?
-- what obvious/subtle things do we (as gay people) do
that identify us as gay to the straight world?
(clothing, mannerisms, etc)
-- it IS possible for gay and straight people to live
together as roommates
Sandinista tyranny and fraud in Nicaragua (2 articles)
-- gay leftists are supporting the Sandinistas, although
they (Sandinistas) are by no means free of
Marxist/Latino homophobia
Single men who want children (10 articles)
-- don't presume sex is involved
-- would single men hire surrogate mothers?
"Forumo", international gay Esperanto newsletter (1 article)
"Torch Song Trilogy" going on tour (2 articles)
-- plans underway to make a movie based on the play
Helping a friend come out (2 articles)
-- depressed friend suspected of denying repressed
homosexuality; what to do?
-- don't rush it; work on relationship, let him
make first move
Supreme Court rulings (2 articles)
-- Oklahoma law which would permit dismissal of teachers
who "advocate,promote, or encourage" homosexuality
struck down (4-4 tie)
-- Texas A&M's ban on homosexual groups struck down
Caution in San Francisco (1 article)
-- matter of self-respect as well as survival
Requests (4 articles)
-- research info on Judaism and homosexuality
(respond to: ...!cornell!mf,
-- Boston Gay and Lesbian Speakers Bureau is looking for
ideas, corporations to address
(respond to: ...!decvax!decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-pneuma!mason,
Miscellaneous (6 articles)
-- speculation on how the name "Bruce" picked up
homosexual connotations
-- parallels drawn between problems faced by gay people
today and those faced by Moses and the Israelis
in Egypt
>> don't shoot me, I'm just trying to be helpful ... <<
Mike Simpson, BBN
msimpson@bbnccf (Arpanet/Internet/CSNet)
{decvax,ihnp4,ima,linus,masscomp,sunybcs,wjh12}!bbncca!msimpson (Usenet)
617-497-8115 (Ma Bell)