jonab@sdcrdcf.UUCP (Jonathan Biggar) (11/17/84)
System: rn version 4.1 Bug #: 10 Priority: LOW Subject: %d vs %ld Index: ng.c Prereq: 4.1 From: scw@cepu.UUCP (Stephen C. Woods) Description: On sizeof(long)!=sizeof(int) machines the article number gets printed as 0 (when you do a '=' command). Fix: From rn, say "| patch -d DIR", where DIR is your rn source directory. Outside of rn, say "cd DIR; patch <thisarticle". If you don't have the patch program, apply the following by hand, or get patch. *** /tmp/,RCSt1015492 Fri Oct 12 15:35:25 1984 --- /tmp/,RCSt2015492 Fri Oct 12 15:35:33 1984 *************** *** 1,4 ! /* $Header: ng.c,v 4.1 84/09/24 12:01:53 lwall Exp $ * * $Log: ng.c,v $ * Revision 4.1 84/09/24 12:01:53 lwall --- 1,4 ----- ! /* $Header: ng.c,v 84/10/12 15:33:15 lwall Exp $ * * $Log: ng.c,v $ * Revision 84/10/12 15:33:15 lwall *************** *** 1,6 /* $Header: ng.c,v 4.1 84/09/24 12:01:53 lwall Exp $ * * $Log: ng.c,v $ * Revision 4.1 84/09/24 12:01:53 lwall * Real baseline. * --- 1,12 ----- /* $Header: ng.c,v 84/10/12 15:33:15 lwall Exp $ * * $Log: ng.c,v $ + * Revision 84/10/12 15:33:15 lwall + * Oops, didn't get all the %d's to %ld's. + * + * Revision 84/09/25 13:24:24 lwall + * Branch for sdcrdcf changes. + * * Revision 4.1 84/09/24 12:01:53 lwall * Real baseline. * *************** *** 743,749 s = fetchsubj(i,FALSE,FALSE) #endif ) ) { ! sprintf(tmpbuf,"%5d ", i); safecpy(tmpbuf + 6, #ifdef CACHESUBJ subj_list[OFFSET(i)], --- 749,755 ----- s = fetchsubj(i,FALSE,FALSE) #endif ) ) { ! sprintf(tmpbuf,"%5ld ", i); safecpy(tmpbuf + 6, #ifdef CACHESUBJ subj_list[OFFSET(i)], *************** *** 773,779 for (i=1; i<=lastart && !int_count; i++) { if (subj_list[OFFSET(i)]) /*NOSTRICT*/ ! printf("%5d %c %s\n", i, (was_read(i)?'y':'n'), subj_list[OFFSET(i)]); } } --- 779,785 ----- for (i=1; i<=lastart && !int_count; i++) { if (subj_list[OFFSET(i)]) /*NOSTRICT*/ ! printf("%5ld %c %s\n", i, (was_read(i)?'y':'n'), subj_list[OFFSET(i)]); } }