[net.misc] net.religion, anybody?

reid (01/27/83)

I wonder just how long, or how fruitful, conversations/discussions about
religion could be?  I am taking an interest in this whole discussion.  It is
especially interesting to hear offhand, lowkey viewpoints that I otherwise 
get little opportunity to hear about, like Judaism, for example.  What I don't
like to see is the "faithers" and the "heathen" arguing it out....

Glenn Rid

(Glenn Reid, that was supposed to be...)

ken (01/27/83)

Talk about religion should be held in net.flame, because of the fiery tone
many such discussions tend to have.

ark (01/27/83)

Should net.religion include discussions of things like
C indentation conventions, use of COBOL, vi versus emacs,
and structured programming?