[net.sources.bugs] A tiny extension to RCS

aeb@mcvax.UUCP (Andries Brouwer) (05/10/85)

Recently I started using RCS - it works just fine but I am not
satisfied with its interface to make. One of the problems is that
ci touches the source files, and thus checking in all sources
(even with ci -l or ci -u) leads to a lot of unnecessary recompilations.
Therefore I added the flags -L and -U to ci; they do precisely the same
as -l and -u but leave the input files alone (i.e., do not do keyword
expansion on them).
The diff follows (starting from version
 "$Header: /usr/wft/RCS/SRC/RCS/ci.c,v 3.9 83/02/15 15:25:44 wft Exp $ Purdue CS"; ).
*** /usr/src/new/rcs/src/rcs/ci.c	Thu Jan 17 14:58:51 1985
--- ci.c	Fri May 10 01:28:34 1985
*** 105,111
  char * rev, * state, *msg;
  int initflag, rcsinitflag;
! int lockflag, keepworkingfile,keepflag;
  int forceciflag;                      /* forces check in                    */
  int symrebindflag; char * symbol;
  int textflag; char * textfile;

--- 105,111 -----
  char * rev, * state, *msg;
  int initflag, rcsinitflag;
! int lockflag, keepworkingfile, nokeywordexpansion, keepflag;
  int forceciflag;                      /* forces check in                    */
  int symrebindflag; char * symbol;
  int textflag; char * textfile;
*** 139,144
          rev = state = msg = symbol = textfile = caller = nil;
          initflag= rcsinitflag= symrebindflag= textflag= quietflag= false;
          forceciflag= lockflag= keepworkingfile= keepflag= false;
          while (--argc,++argv, argc>=1 && ((*argv)[0] == '-')) {

--- 139,145 -----
          rev = state = msg = symbol = textfile = caller = nil;
          initflag= rcsinitflag= symrebindflag= textflag= quietflag= false;
          forceciflag= lockflag= keepworkingfile= keepflag= false;
+         nokeywordexpansion= false;
          while (--argc,++argv, argc>=1 && ((*argv)[0] == '-')) {
*** 152,157
                  case 'l':
                          goto revno;

--- 153,160 -----
+                 case 'L':
+                         nokeywordexpansion=true;
                  case 'l':
                          goto revno;
*** 156,161
                          goto revno;
                  case 'u':
                          keepworkingfile=true; lockflag=false;
                          goto revno;

--- 159,166 -----
                          goto revno;
+                 case 'U':
+                         nokeywordexpansion=true;
                  case 'u':
                          keepworkingfile=true; lockflag=false;
                          goto revno;
*** 477,483
          if (!keepworkingfile) {
                  unlink(workfilename); /* get rid of old file */
!         } else {
                  /* expand keywords in file */
                  xpandfile(workfilename,workfilename /*for directory*/,&newdelta);

--- 482,488 -----
          if (!keepworkingfile) {
                  unlink(workfilename); /* get rid of old file */
!         } else if (!nokeywordexpansion) {
                  /* expand keywords in file */
                  xpandfile(workfilename,workfilename /*for directory*/,&newdelta);