[net.sources.bugs] more less mods, fixes

dan@rna.UUCP (Dan Ts'o) (08/27/85)


	Here are a few more fixes to the LESS pager posted several weeks ago.

	- A bug in the -s option, reported by unm-la!jay, is fixed.
	- Shell escapes get the terminal as standard input.
	- Hitting EOF twice on short files didn't exit, it now does.
	- ^L, ^R, synonyms for r, repaint screen.

					Dan Ts'o
					Dept. Neurobiology
					Rockefeller Univ.
					1230 York Ave.
					NY, NY 10021

*** prim.c.old	Tue Aug 27 14:20:44 1985
--- prim.c	Tue Aug 27 14:21:21 1985
*** 37,44
  			 * End of file: stop here unless the top line 
  			 * is still empty, or "force" is true.
- 			if (!force && position(TOP) != NULL_POSITION)
- 			{
  #ifdef	EOFQUIT

--- 37,42 -----
  			 * End of file: stop here unless the top line 
  			 * is still empty, or "force" is true.
  #ifdef	EOFQUIT
*** 40,46
  			if (!force && position(TOP) != NULL_POSITION)
  #ifdef	EOFQUIT
! 				eofquit++;
  				if (quiet == NOT_QUIET)

--- 38,44 -----
  			 * is still empty, or "force" is true.
  #ifdef	EOFQUIT
! 			eofquit++;
  			if (!force && position(TOP) != NULL_POSITION)
*** 42,47
  #ifdef	EOFQUIT
  				if (quiet == NOT_QUIET)

--- 40,47 -----
  #ifdef	EOFQUIT
+ 			if (!force && position(TOP) != NULL_POSITION)
+ 			{
  				if (quiet == NOT_QUIET)
*** help.c.org	Mon Jul 22 14:19:20 1985
--- help.c	Tue Aug 27 14:23:55 1985
*** 11,19
  	puts("b              Backward one screen.\n");
  	puts("e, j, CR    *  Forward N lines, default 1.\n");
  	puts("y, k        *  Backward N lines, default 1.\n");
 	puts("d, ^D       *  Forward N lines, default 10 or last N to d or u command.\n");
 	puts("u, ^U       *  Backward N lines, default 10 or last N to d or u command.\n");
! 	puts("r              Repaint screen.\n");
  	puts("g           *  Go to line N, default 1.\n");
  	puts("G           *  Like g, but default is last line in file.\n");
  	puts("=              Print current file name\n");

--- 15,23 -----
  	puts("e, j, CR    *  Forward N lines, default 1.\n");
  	puts("y, k        *  Backward N lines, default 1.\n");
 	puts("d, ^D       *  Forward N lines, default 10 or last N to d or u command.\n");
 	puts("u, ^U       *  Backward N lines, default 10 or last N to d or u command.\n");
! 	puts("r, ^L, ^R      Repaint screen.\n");
  	puts("g           *  Go to line N, default 1.\n");
  	puts("G           *  Like g, but default is last line in file.\n");
  	puts("=              Print current file name\n");
*** ch.c.old	Fri Aug 23 01:30:50 1985
--- ch.c	Fri Aug 23 01:26:37 1985
*** 84,90
  	bp = buf_tail;
  	bp->block = ch_block;
! 	if (pipe)
  		 * The block requested should be one more than

--- 84,90 -----
  	bp = buf_tail;
  	bp->block = ch_block;
! 	if (pipe || sflag)
  		 * The block requested should be one more than
*** 221,227
  	public POSITION
! 	if (pipe)
  		return (NULL_POSITION);
  	return ((POSITION)(lseek(file, (off_t)0, 2)));

--- 221,227 -----
  	public POSITION
! 	if (pipe || sflag)
  		return (NULL_POSITION);
  	return ((POSITION)(lseek(file, (off_t)0, 2)));
*** command.c.old	Sun Aug 25 21:56:52 1985
--- command.c	Sun Aug 25 22:21:01 1985
*** 3,8
  #include "less.h"
  extern int erase_char, kill_char;
  extern int pr_type;

--- 3,9 -----
  #include "less.h"
+ #include <signal.h>
  extern int erase_char, kill_char;
  extern int pr_type;
*** 270,276
! 					system(cmdbuf);
  					first_cmd = "r";	/* Repaint */

--- 271,277 -----
! 					shell(cmdbuf);
  					first_cmd = "r";	/* Repaint */
*** 601,604

--- 602,641 -----
+ }
+ shell(s)
+ char *s;
+ {
+ 	int status, pid, w;
+ 	register int (*istat)(), (*qstat)();
+ 	register char *sh;
+ 	extern int tty;
+ #ifdef	VFORK
+ 	if ((pid = vfork()) == 0) {
+ #else
+ 	if ((pid = fork()) == 0) {
+ #endif
+ 		signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
+ 		signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_DFL);
+ /* special less code */
+ 		close(0);
+ 		dup(tty);
+ 		for (pid = 3; pid < 30; close(pid++));
+ 		sh = getenv("SHELL");
+ 		if (sh && *sh)
+ 			execl(sh, "sh", "-c", s, 0);
+ 		execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", s, 0);
+ 		_exit(127);
+ 	}
+ 	istat = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
+ 	qstat = signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
+ 	while ((w = wait(&status)) != pid && w != -1)
+ 		;
+ 	if (w == -1)
+ 		status = -1;
+ 	signal(SIGINT, istat);
+ 	signal(SIGQUIT, qstat);
+ 	return(status);
*** command.c.old	Tue Aug 27 14:55:13 1985
--- command.c	Tue Aug 27 14:55:16 1985
*** 308,314
  		} else {
  #ifdef	EOFQUIT
  			intrquit = 0;
! 			if (strchr(" fdj\006\026", c) == 0)
  				eofquit = 0;
  			else if (eofquit) {
  				eofquit = 0;

--- 308,314 -----
  		} else {
  #ifdef	EOFQUIT
  			intrquit = 0;
! 			if (strchr(" fdj\006\026\n\r\004", c) == 0)
  				eofquit = 0;
  			else if (eofquit) {
  				eofquit = 0;
*** less.l.old	Mon Aug 26 18:05:07 1985
--- less.l	Tue Aug 27 14:30:32 1985
*** 79,84
  .IP r
  Repaint the screen.
  .IP R
  Repaint the screen, discarding any buffered input.
  Useful if the file is changing while it is being viewed.

--- 79,87 -----
  .IP r
  Repaint the screen.
+ .IP "^L, ^R"
+ Same as r.
+ .PP
  .IP R
  Repaint the screen, discarding any buffered input.
  Useful if the file is changing while it is being viewed.