[net.misc] The Bible as 'proof'

cbd (01/31/83)

I wish people would not use quotations from the Bible as 'proof' for their
arguments or jusication for their opinions.  One's willingness to do so
depends on one's acceptance of the contention that the Bible is the revealed
word of God.  The Bible is a fine story, but the only useful parts of it are
Commandments 4-10 and the rule about doing to others as you would have them
do to you, which together make a sound basis for a code to live by.
Bestowing special attributes to the balance of the Bible is an act of faith,
which means believing.  As anyone over the age of ten can tell you, believing
something does not necessarily make it so.

Please don't post flames about this to the net but mail them to me.

					Not afraid to throw stones into
					the hornet's nest,

					Carl Deitrick